Cervical Penetration

Cervical Penetration


Cervical Penetration

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A penis or dildo can slide into your vaginal canal, and with deep penetration it may brush up against your cervix. It can't go through your cervix, though. Beyond this border is the cervical canal....
Cervix penetration is a term that describes making contact with the cervix during sex. Either the penis touches the cervix, or a finger, dildo, or other sex toy is used to stimulate the cervix. The...
This form of stimulation is known as cervical penetration , although this term is misleading, as the cervix is not actually penetrated. The cervix is a small canal that sits at the top of the...
Cervical penetration isn't possible, but everything that you feel around that area is pressure. The sex toy or penis rubbing against the cervix is the strength of pushing up. Cervical penetration will actually be hurtful and will also lead to a lot of bleeding. Therefore, it is better not to indulge in any such activity. [6]
Deep penetration is sometimes also called cervical penetration . This is because deep penetration into a vagina can sometimes feel like the cervix is being penetrated. However, cervical penetration ...
Cervical penetration during sex is amazing for both parties. It is the excreta of the womb that is responsible for the electric shock on the tip of the penis that can cause pre-ejaculate. Most men do not even notice while they are jack-hammering. I have yet to find a scientific explanation for this effect.
While these cervical cysts can be normal, if they're bonked or broken, it can be painful or cause an infection. Timing also matters, too. When someone with a vagina is aroused, typically the cervix...
The long and short of it is that the penis cannot penetrate the cervix during sex. The cervix has a small opening called the os that enlarges during childbirth (check out pictures of the uterus and cervix from Mayo Clinic ), but otherwise remains a tiny opening. The os is usually plugged with mucus and is too small to let a penis inside.
Nov 2, 2015 The cervix, as defined by WebMD, is a "cylinder-shaped neck of tissue that connects the vagina and uterus." The word has roots in the word cervidae, a class of mammals characterized by the presence...
Some women find cervical stimulation painful or uncomfortable, while others love it. Overstreet says that cervical orgasms are rather uncommon and for some women, this type of penetration can...
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If you enjoyed cervical penetration but your cervix is removed, you may find pleasure in clitoral stimulation. Likewise, vaginal sensation may be reduced because of nerves that were severed during ...
"Pornography addiction" isn't an official diagnosis. But experiencing an uncontrollable compulsion to view porn can be as problematic as other behavioral addictions. Here's how to recognize ...
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Medically Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD on November 16, 2020
For some, penetration during sex is even more enjoyable when it’s very deep. Not only can it feel good physically, but it may also be emotionally satisfying as it brings bodies very close together.
Deep penetration can be either vaginal or anal and usually involves penetration with a penis or dildo. Following a few safety precautions can help minimize discomfort. 
Deep penetration is sometimes also called cervical penetration. This is because deep penetration into a vagina can sometimes feel like the cervix is being penetrated. However, cervical penetration is not possible. Outside of childbirth, the cervix remains very small .
Some people believe that deep penetration is dangerous. With enough lubrication and patience most people can enjoy deep penetration without pain or injury . 
If deep penetration sounds appealing to you, there are a few ways to explore it safely. If you would like to be penetrated, you may consider exploring your body on your own before trying this with a partner. It’s possible to try deep penetration on your own with a dildo or sex toy and a water-based lubricant . 
While trying deep penetration on yourself, take as much time as you need. Your body may need time to adjust or stretch to accommodate the toy. Taking things too quickly can cause pain or even injury. Deep penetration should not hurt; if it does, slow down, use more lube, or try a smaller toy. 
When trying deep penetration with a partner, communication will help both of you have a good experience. You may need to slow things down, or try several positions to find one that is comfortable for both people and allows for deep penetration.
Penetration shouldn’t be painful. If it is, you may need to use more lubrication, spend more time stretching, choose a different position, or simply stop. Deep penetration can lead to bruising and even internal tears if you ignore pain. 
Only use a dildo or sex toy that’s designed for penetration. Don’t use other objects as they may get stuck or cause pain or injury.
Pay close attention to your partner’s signals. Always listen and be prepared to stop if you notice pain or discomfort.
In some cases, particularly deep penetration of the vagina can lead to mild spotting or bleeding . This is generally the result of hitting the cervix, and occurs for the same reason that spotting may occur after a pap smear . It typically resolves itself in a few hours, and is nothing to worry about. You may also have bleeding after anal penetration due to the sensitivity of the tissues in the area. However, if discomfort or bleeding continues for more than a day or two after anal or vaginal deep penetration, call your doctor.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: “When Sex Is Painful.”
The Arousal Project: “How to Have a Cervical Orgasm.”
Dictionary.com: “Sexual intercourse.”
Go Ask Alice (Columbia): “Possible to penetrate the cervix during sex?”
Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust: “Bleeding after a smear test: is it normal and why does it happen?”
Mayo Clinic: “Painful intercourse (dyspareunia).”
Scarleteen: “Let's Get Metaphysical: The Etiquette of Entry.”
Bespoke Surgical: “Bleeding After Anal Sex is Not Normal.”
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Communities > Sexual Health > penetration of the cervix

My girlfriend likes me to penetrate her cervix with my finger or anything with the same girth she has intense orgasms like this but I worry is this safe? The deepest I've penetrated was about 3 inches.

So, about my usual masturbation habits. I usually masturbate about once a day, and I mainly just rut with a fantasy involved. Usually lay...

Hey everybody, I'm on a long distance relationship and haven't had sex with my gf for about 8 months. Is it possible that my penis won't ...

My wife and I have a pretty good sexual relationship. I make sure to give her orgasm first .I try to give clitoral orgasm. But she sudden...

My spouse has lost all desire to have sex. It's like she is asexual now. I don't know if she had cheated a few years ago, but her loss of...

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insert a dildo slowly until it comes to a stop.
you cant feel anything at first.
your first instinct is to let the dildo stimulate too much of the vagina.
just relax. everything starts relaxing. you will start feeling the sensation and awareness and push on your cervix a little more so you can feel the pressure.
don't move the dildo in and out, just rock on it. still trying not to turn yourself on too much. you will start feeling incredibly relaxed
then start moving the dildo over the cervix and keep relaxed.
move faster and harder around your cervix and you will start getting tense.
it will start feeling at though all your nerves of your body are moving towards your cervix. everything feels concentrated there.
then im not quite sure what happens. your body takes over and your stomach muscles are contracting. the contracts last longer than the vaginal orgasm and don't move too fast afterwards because you will have a couple more contractions when you think it has already finished.
everything is happening inside so you aren't even moving much until you orgasm.
and if your lips still feel open after that. do it again. there is more where that comes from.

i totally agree with you. when i read that i thought to myself..is that even possible. i would think there would be a whole lot of pain with that lol

So how do you do this? Can a woman do it to herself, I got turn on just reading. Especially osorgasmman

I totally agree.  If it is possible to open that tiny entrance and stretch it, it could also cause her to never be able to hold a pregnancy. Very dangerous.

Aug 10, 2016

If the cervix can bounce back after a pregnancy and allow for multiple births it can surly recover from the girth of a penis

LOL yes cervix dialates 10 cm when giving birth what normal man has a penis that size lol

I have a question, with my girl ive been seeing, we recentl both discovered cervical penetration quite on accident, and im concerned. She has an abnormally high pain tolerance when having intercourse, and because she was alone at the time, (having always been concerned for safety, i wouldnt have let her had i been there) discovered she could penetrate quite deep with a vibrator, up to where, 4 inches deep and 1/2 an inch wide was incredibly pleasurable (most powerful orgasm of her life - her words), and not painful. Its the following day and she said it was a little sore, like a minor menstrual cramp but its going away already. (About 10 to 14 hours) i feel like this shouldnt be encouraged, but considering she wants more, how should i go about it? This is not a troll, im legitimately looking for help, so any advice is greatly appreciated.

Aug 20, 2014

It is entirely possible.  

Google "prostaglandins cervical ripening semen", as every pregnant mother should know. .  Then understand that pre-*** dilates the cervix.  What follows is womb penetration.  

Infection is not a concern if the vagina and it's capable lubricant is allowed to cleans the penis first.  The mucos plug is not an impenetrable barrier, after all semen passes.

Cervical penetration during sex is amazing for both parties.  It is the excreta of the womb that is responsible for the electric shock on the tip of the penis that can cause pre-ejaculate.  Most men do not even notice while they are jack-hammering.  I have yet to find a scientific explanation for this effect.

There is a red herring in the pouch of douglas.  Penetrating behind the cervix is a good lesson, and has it's own sensational rewards, but nothing compared to the womb.

I would wager that some women are not pre-disposed to this, but I'll guarantee that more are capable than than they expect, especially post-pregnant mothers.  If you take it *very* slow with your partner this should be possible without pain.  

My girlfriend loves cervical stimulation.  My ex-wife did as well.  NOT all women do.  There are some risks, I ensure that my hands are clean, skin soft, and fingernails very, very smooth.
Always, always make sure that "she" is very well stimulated and lubricated prior to working on her cervix.  Take your time for her sake!! Our favorite position is doggy, with me by her side, arm around her waist and three fingers in her vagina.  By changing hand position, I vary G-spot stimulation with two of the three finger, rubbing upwards in the vagina against her anus, or my middle or index finger massaging the stem, and then begin with lightly rubbing the os.  Cervical position DOES vary dependent upon her cycle.  
She tells me what she likes and what she wants and then I gently increase pressure but (so far) my finger has not gone more than 1/2-3/4 of an inch in.  She loves this and can have an intense orgasm.  I massage and kiss her back and bum, ask her if she can push back on my finger (which doesn't increase depth but does increase pressure), and she will push back as hard as she can while her feet flutter and she moans.  We then typically have sex (again), either vaginally or anally, the latter being another area where she has found intense pleasure.

I agree that when you are synchronized with your loving partner, emotionally and physically, you can experience this caressing cervix on the tip of your penis. It is an amazing experience.

I am so glad that you posted because you are 100% correct. I am a 27 year old mother of one who is lucky enough to have a partner who was has been "blessed" and is in fact able to not so much penetrate my cervix, it's more that my cervix encases his tip when we are having our most passionate of moments. This happens only when I am EXTREMELY aroused though, fully backing up what you had said about sphincters in the body. Human skin is an incredible organ ;)

OK ... the people on this forum are DUMB.
Saying the cervix won't accommodate a a finger obviously have never heard of fisting ... or double fisting for that matter.
All sphincters in the body can stretch beyond there original "parameters."
There is a LOT of porn with girls fingering their cervix.  If it can open during child birth, it can open during sex.
Also, a BIG clue that this is safe is that women claim that it's pleasurable.  That's not the "ultimate clue" but pleasure does tend to suggest "healthy."
Also, look up Urethral Sounding.  Men can actually stick 2 fingers into their urethra!
So not only is there porn on the net to prove that sphincters stretch, penises can be penetrated and so can cervixes ... but also a common sense understanding of the body would realize that the cervix can stretch.

So, Fred ... it's SAFE and feel free to top her off!

May 17, 2009

look up tricks with her cervix or go to xhamster and search xervic

As a women with three children, I am—at 50—experiencing this, too. I don't know how deeply the penetration has gone, but now that I am aware of the real possibility (via my OWN finger), I have stopped having intercourse until my OB-GYN can advise me. I think infection is a very real possibility.

May 14, 2008

you're off the chain  lol..........

He's lying for sure.  Penetrating the cervix causes cramping.  The whole reason women experience pain during their menstrual cycles and labor is because of the cervix opening up to allow passage.  The doctor checking the position of the baby in the womb is very uncomfortable because they have their fingers in the cervix.  He's lying.

Aug 10, 2016

No this isn't a lie me and my girlfriend experienced this as well. There is a lot of other pages online talking about it as well. She got use to me pressing against the cervix all the time and started liking it more then while grinding she started to orgasm and it worked its way in. She said she had a very powerful orgasm from it and didn't mention any pain or cramping

Okay, based on other things you have posted, I think you are playing all of us.  I wouldn't not think it even possible to "penetrate" a woman's cervix since the opening is so tiny (at least until childbirth).  But if you are doing what you say you are doing, you need to stop before you damage this person or cause an infection.

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So, about my usual masturbation habits. I usually masturbate about once a day, and I mainly just rut with a fantasy involved. Usually lay...

Hey everybody, I'm on a long distance relationship and haven't had sex with my gf for about 8 months. Is it possible that my penis won't ...

My wife and I have a pretty good sexual relationship. I make sure to give her orgasm first .I try to give clitoral orgasm. But she sudden...

My spouse has lost all desire to have sex. It's like she is asexual now. I don't know if she had cheated a few years ago, but her loss of...

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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.

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