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Private Office Ru


Private Office Ru
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Regus — это самая крупная в мире сеть рабочих пространств и коворкингов.
Мы предлагаем рабочие помещения с профессиональной и вдохновляющей атмосферой и сможем подобрать подходящий офис для компаний любого размера и с любым бюджетом .
Рабочие пространства в городах, аэропортах, общественных зданиях, на сервисных станциях и железнодорожных вокзалах — наша сеть постоянно расширяется .
Больше никаких первичных затрат и капитальных инвестиций и никакой мороки с организацией ежедневной работы офиса: с нашей помощью вы избавитесь от бремени управления недвижимостью.
Единый контракт, простая отчетность , персональный менеджер по работе с клиентами и круглосуточная служба поддержки клиентов, работающая семь дней в неделю.
Расширяйте или уменьшайте рабочее пространство на гибких условиях в зависимости от текущих и будущих потребностей вашего бизнеса.
Полностью меблированное, оборудованное всем необходимым рабочее помещение, площадь которого можно увеличить по мере развития бизнеса, — для одного человека или целой команды.
Рабочее место в дружелюбной атмосфере коворкинга, которое можно забронировать заранее или получить в порядке очереди.
Участие в нашей программе позволит вам с большей выгодой пользоваться бизнес-гостиными, коворкинговыми пространствами и персональными офисами в любом центре Regus. Вы сможете выбрать один из нескольких планов в соответствии со своими потребностями.
Компания Regus — самый крупный в мире поставщик решений по гибкой организации рабочего пространства . В число наших клиентов входят успешные предприниматели, частные лица и корпорации с многомиллиардным долларовым оборотом.
Наши частные и корпоративные клиенты получают возможность работать так, как им удобно, в любой точке мира и в любое время .
Компания Regus была основана в Брюсселе в 1989 году. Ее головной офис находится в городе Цуг, Швейцария. Компания зарегистрирована на Лондонской фондовой бирже.
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Travel around the world visa-free when and wherever you wish

Protect what is the most precious for you and your family

Empower your children with the best education

Leave a legacy for the next generations

We will get back to you as soon as possible

Malta – GRP
Malta – MPRP

Over 180 countries visa-free including the USA and Canada
Ability to live, work, and study in any EU country
Get Maltese citizenship by contributing into the economy, purchasing or leasing property, and donating to a non-profit organisation
Over 120 countries visa-free, including the EU, Schengen states, and South Korea
No need to relocate or to know the local language
Around 100 countries visa-free, including the UK, and Singapore
Ability to make the payment in Cryptocurrency
Around 160 countries visa-free, including the UK, Schengen states, and Singapore
The program has been existing since 1984
Get citizenship through donation or approved property purchase option
Around 140 countries visa-free, including the UK, EU, China, and Singapore
Get citizenship through donation or approved property purchase option
Second oldest citizenship by investment program, valid since 1993
Around 120 countries visa-free, including the UK, Schengen states, and China. E-2 visa to the USA
Get citizenship through donation or approved property purchase option
Minimum taxation – no world income tax, inheritance, property, or gift tax
Around 130 countries visa-free, including the UK, Schengen states, and Singapore
Get citizenship through donation, approved property purchase or bonds investment
No interview requirement and no need to know the English language
Around 150 countries visa-free, including the UK, Schengen states and Singapore
Minimal visit requirement – 5 days within 5 years of receipt of citizenship
Over 180 countries visa-free including the USA and Canada
Ability to live, work, and study in any EU country
Get Maltese citizenship by contributing into the economy, purchasing or leasing property, and donating to a non-profit organisation
Over 120 countries visa-free, including the EU, Schengen states, and South Korea
No need to relocate or to know the local language
Around 100 countries visa-free, including the UK, and Singapore
Ability to make the payment in Cryptocurrency
Around 160 countries visa-free, including the UK, Schengen states, and Singapore
The program has been existing since 1984
Get citizenship through donation or approved property purchase option
Around 140 countries visa-free, including the UK, EU, China, and Singapore
Get citizenship through donation or approved property purchase option
Second oldest citizenship by investment program, valid since 1993
Around 120 countries visa-free, including the UK, Schengen states, and China. E-2 visa to the USA
Get citizenship through donation or approved property purchase option
Minimum taxation – no world income tax, inheritance, property, or gift tax
Around 130 countries visa-free, including the UK, Schengen states, and Singapore
Get citizenship through donation, approved property purchase or bonds investment
No interview requirement and no need to know the English language
Around 150 countries visa-free, including the UK, Schengen states and Singapore
Minimal visit requirement – 5 days within 5 years of receipt of citizenship
Over 180 countries visa-free including the USA and Canada
Ability to live, work, and study in any EU country
Get Maltese citizenship by contributing into the economy, purchasing or leasing property, and donating to a non-profit organisation
Over 120 countries visa-free, including the EU, Schengen states, and South Korea
No need to relocate or to know the local language
Around 100 countries visa-free, including the UK, and Singapore
Ability to make the payment in Cryptocurrency
We understand the importance of timing when providing advice to our clients. This is why we are available whenever you need us and it is our policy to always reply within 24 hours. We value your time and we understand your needs.
Our expert team has years of experience working with the citizenship and residence programs worldwide and will source the right program for you depending on your goals and budget.
Our 3,000 + strong global contact base offers tailor-made solutions to all your needs. We carefully source our partners and introduce to you only the highest calibre experts. Tell us what you need and we will find the best and quickest solution for you.
We do not represent or market any specific country, program or real estate projects. We work on the clients’ side to find the best solutions based on your needs. You should expect that our interaction with you will be a partnership with the ultimate aim of achieving your objectives together.
We only work with reputable, legal programs of citizenship and residence by investment which have been approved by their governments providing you with the peace of mind you deserve.
At the initial stage of our work we provide a free of charge due diligence check to ascertain possibility of us working together. We are committed to maintain 100% success rate of citizenship and residence applications of our clients.
We understand the importance of privacy of our private clients and commit to keeping strict confidentiality with regards to all our work with you.
We assist you with any questions you have post-citizenship acquisition. Should you need to renew your passport or apply for passport for your dependent children, we are here to help you.

Costa Rican
New Zealand
South African
Sri Lankan

We will get back to you as soon as possible
4 Old Park Lane, Mayfair, London, W1K 1QW, UK
Copyright © GLS Private Office Ltd 2022. All rights reserved. Privacy Statement Company registration number: 11733096. Registered in England.
4 Old Park Lane, Mayfair, London, W1K 1QW, UK

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We assist you in obtaining legal citizenship and residence by investment in your desired destination, which will facilitate your global mobility, safeguard your future, and provide you with the world of opportunities. We provide you with all the necessary ancillary tools to achieve a truly global lifestyle.
We assist you in obtaining a legal citizenship and residence by investment in your desired destination, which will facilitate your global mobility, safeguard your future, and provide you with the world of opportunities. We provide you with all the necessary ancillary tools to achieve a truly global lifestyle.
We assist you in obtaining a legal citizenship and residence by investment in your desired destination, which will facilitate your global mobility, safeguard your future, and provide you with the world of opportunities. We provide you with all the necessary ancillary tools to achieve a truly global lifestyle.
We assist you in obtaining a legal citizenship and residence by investment in your desired destination, which will facilitate your global mobility, safeguard your future, and provide you with the world of opportunities. We provide you with all the necessary ancillary tools to achieve a truly global lifestyle.
We assist you in obtaining a legal citizenship and residence by investment in your desired destination, which will facilitate your global mobility, safeguard your future, and provide you with the world of opportunities. We provide you with all the necessary ancillary tools to achieve a truly global lifestyle.
We strive to make the world a place where country of origin does not define who we are, where we can go, and what we can become. We help business leaders who have worked hard to provide for themselves and their families to finally reap the rewards and start living truly free, globalised, international lives. GLS Private Office is a boutique private client consultancy firm offering a One-Stop-Access for all the needs of our globally-minded clients, with a centre focus on investor immigration services. We are a single point of contact for wealthy families and successful entrepreneurs with a global mindset.
At the core of our offering is the understanding that clients seek solutions from a trusted adviser sitting on their side of the table, looking out for their interests, and adding real value to their well-being. Our focus is on the quality relationship with you, from which all else flows. We offer you long-term hand-holding assistance during your journey of a global lifestyle. Changing people’s lives for the best has, and will always be, our main priority. We understand your desires, motives, and aspirations. Let us help you find the right solution tailored to your specific situation and requirements. Let us help you make the right investment in your future.
Obtaining a second passport is more than likely one of the most important decisions you and your family will ever make. Entrust your most precious matter to our professional and experienced team . We have extensive experience in the investment immigration industry and will source the right program for you depending on your goals and budget. We provide trustworthy guidance at every step, ensuring complete peace of mind and a streamlined application process that complies with government regulations. We follow the market closely as governments adapt and change their citizenship and residency programs, ensuring that we utilise the latest information on the programs’ developments. Our mission is to act at all times as an ethical citizenship-planning consultant and serve the best interests of the clients and government programs we represent. We conduct due diligence checks on all our potential clients, ensuring that we safeguard integrity and long-term sustainability of all the programs we serve whilst maintaining your privacy and confidentiality. We offer you a world of difference in immigration.
The increased complexity of today’s world dictates the integration of the various services specifically tailored for private clients. This is why we operate a One-Stop-Shop model, where all these services are united to create a complete solution for you. Unlike traditional immigration companies, our journey with you only begins at the point of you receiving your second citizenship. We are able to offer meaningful advice and benefits to business persons beyond those available from traditional sources of immigration providers. We utilise our excellent network of 3,000+ strong international contacts, which allows us to find the right solutions, even for the most sophisticated requests. The breadth of services we offer is limited to the extent of your requirements. Anything that can be priced, qualified, and quantified, we are ready to research, negotiate and manage. We invest time to understand each family’s circumstances, and we offer objective and independent assistance to help you live the life of your dreams. Check the list of some of the ancillary services that we provide. You expect the world. We provide it.
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What is the 7 year rule in inheritance tax?
Inheritance tax (IHT) is a tax levied on assets that have been received via inheritance or as a gift. Although IHT is paid on death, it can also apply to some gifts that are made before the person dies. If you’re making a financial gift, you need to understand whether the gift is tax-free, or whether it will create a tax bill, either immediately or further down the line. That’s why it’s critical to understand the 7 year gift rule in inheritance tax. 
Before we explain the 7 year gift rule in inheritance tax, it’s important to provide a basic overview of what we mean by the term “inheritance tax.” 
Basically, inheritance tax is a tax on the estate (i.e. money, possessions, property) of a person who has died. It's a one-off tax that must be paid within 6 months of the benefactor’s death. IHT is also referred to as a cumulative tax because it takes into account earlier gifts when assessing the amount of tax that is due. Currently, the nil-rate band (i.e. tax threshold) for inheritance tax is £325,000 for individuals, or a combined nil-rate band of £650,00 for married couples or civil partnerships in addition to the main residence nil-rate band (RNRB) currently £175,000 (per individual), whereby no tax is paid on amounts at or below this level. However, any balance over this threshold could be subject to a tax charge which at present, is a standard inheritance tax rate charge rate of a hefty 40%, or 36% where 10% of the net estate is left to charity. Other tax rate charges may apply and are discussed later in this article.
You’re also going to be hearing the term “gift” throughout this article. But what is a gift? Forget about ribbons and wrapping paper. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) defines a gift as something which has a value (i.e. possessions, money, property), or a loss of value that occurs when something is transferred (i.e. if you sell a house for less than it’s worth to your children, the difference in value is defined as a gift). 
For more information about general inheritance tax-related topics, download our exclusive guide . 
So, what is the 7 year rule in inheritance tax? Essentially, there are a range of gifts that are exempt from inheritance tax. Everything else is defined as either a chargeable lifetime transfer (CLT), which is for gifts into a discretionary trust that may be subject to an immediate 20% IHT charge (if paid by the trust, or 25% if paid by the settlor), or a potentially exempt transfer (PET) where the gift will only be completely tax-free if you live for 7 years after gifting it (assuming that the gift has been given to an individual, rather than a business or trust). If you die within 7 years of gifting the asset, then the gift will count towards your nil-rate band, as we mentioned above, meaning that it may still be subject to IHT. After 7 years, the gift doesn’t count towards the overall value of your estate. This is known as the 7 year gift rule in inheritance tax. 
As we stated earlier in the article, the inheritance tax threshold (also referred to as the nil-rate band) is £325,000 plus the £175,000 RNRB (if available). This is the total amount of your estate that you can pass onto your inheritors without paying IHT. However, if the value of your estate exceeds the gift inheritance tax threshold, you’ll have to pay inheritance tax on anything above the threshold. For example, if your estate is valued at £450,000, you will only need to pay inheritance tax on £125,000 (assuming no RNRB is available). 
If you die within 7 years of gifting an asset to an individual, the 7 year gift rule in inheritance tax means that the beneficiary may be required to pay IHT. If you want to protect your wealth for your loved ones, it’s important to remember that some gifts don’t incur any inheritance tax charges if you give them away while you’re still living. Inheritance tax-free gifts include: 
There’s also an annual exemp
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