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The 8 Best Linux Distributions for Penetration Testing






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Switch to these top-rated Linux distros to enhance your privacy and security online.
The proliferation of cyberattacks and increasing security breaches is a matter of great concern in the open-source community. However, there is still hope to overcome these breaches, considering the ongoing stress on privacy-focused Linux distros.
These open-source Linux OSes combine best-in-class tools, encryption, and virtualization tactics to counter threats. If privacy ranks high on your agenda, and you need to switch to a high-end security-oriented Linux OS, then you should check out the nine Linux distros listed below.
Kodachi is a customized Debian-based Linux distro with an XFCE environment that runs seamlessly from a DVD, portable USB stick, and even an SD card. It comes bundled with pre-installed VPN services and Tor-enabled browsing solutions to improve online privacy and provide a safe browsing experience to the end-users.
The distro packs DNSCrypt for masking the TCP/IP protocol configurations so that all online activities are filtered through privacy filters. Besides, users can encrypt their file directories, emails, and IMs with high-grade cryptographic tools available within the distro.
Kodachi's live sessions are impossible to detect as the OS cleans its traces from the host system. Your desktop activities remain private, and the distro's accessibility to your system data is never without authorization.
Qubes OS is a Fedora-based Linux distro, which runs a Xen-based virtualized environment so that you can run your apps and connected devices as isolated components.
Its compartmentalization features are helpful for server-side network stack and firewall management, along with security-oriented desktop computing. Additionally, Whonix integration with Qubes permits system-wide Tor availability for users.
Qubes OS facilitates the use of Split GPGs to enhance safety, allowing users to save their private keys safely. As an added step, the distro strengthens its encryption capabilities by use of device isolation and U2F proxy setup, making it an instant hit with privacy-conscious users.
Tails is another highly sought-after live Linux distribution executable from various storage mediums, including HDD, USB, and SD cards.
As a Linux distro, Tails relies heavily on its ability to maintain and expand its users' privacy aspects. Imagine having an OS that deletes all your stored data and files, every time you shut down your system. To avoid losing your personal data, you need to save your files in an encrypted folder.
Tails is a privacy-centric Linux distro that has adapted to Tor's nuances well. Subsequently, it offers the added advantage of wiping your data to enable fail-proof, privacy-oriented computing after every instance.
Tails can be operated as an immutable OS with added encryption layers to safeguard your data. Its highly active community support and extensive user documentation make it a well-recognized privacy-influenced Linux OS.
Kali Linux is one of the most popular distros for advanced security engineering. This Debian-based distro comes with an extensive suite of penetration testing tools and applications.
Kali's out-of-the-box operability makes it an easy-to-use distro for newcomers. The OS enjoys a fair amount of development and community support which paves the way for extensive documentation. This also covers any guidance you may require for customizations (including ISO customizations) and meta-packages.
Kali attracts users with its undercover mode and the Kali NetHunter suite for mobile security testing.
BlackArch is a crafty challenger to Kali’s dedicated Linux-based testing capabilities. Based on Arch Linux, it boasts a testing suite comprising nearly 3000 tools.
Its modular packaging abilities allow you to package test solutions for portable execution on any target system.
BlackArch offers extensive documentation, and its XFCE desktop environment further renders easy navigation for novices. What’s noteworthy is that the desktop environment only uses pre-configured window managers, making it an absolute delight to work with.
BlackArch is available in Full and Slim versions, depending on how you want to use the distro. It also has a supportive community that makes troubleshooting convenient.
Parrot OS is an inevitable inclusion in any security-oriented Linux distro list. Parrot OS, based on Debian, caters to various cybersecurity computing applications, just like some of its counterparts.
Parrot OS’s system-bundled software framework helps its users with reverse engineering and digital forensic tasking. This distro takes security more seriously than its contemporaries with its encryption-centric app repository. It limits all your Linux activity via its virtual, sandboxed environment.
These features make Parrot OS one of the most trusted open-source platforms for any discrete data host’s defense management. Parrot uses a combination of Anonsurf, I2P, and Tor, among other utilities to provide the best security-enabled environment to the end-users.
Septor derives its roots from Debian and imbibes the KDE desktop environment. This distro comes equipped with an accomplished software ecosystem, thereby offering a secure and discrete open-source desktop solution.
Users will find bundled applications catering to Tor-based, encrypted web services. Some typical Tor applications include the Tor Browser, OnionShare, QuiteRSS, HexChat, and Thunderbird, amongst many others.
Septor, as a privacy-based distro, is quite similar to Tails, but it has its differentiating factors in terms of the desktop interface and installation mediums.
Whonix is a Debian-based distro that uses Kicksecure Security to allow your system to run inside multiple virtual machines so that you always work inside a secure perimeter.
Whonix’s attributes enforce its "Torified" computing environment that helps users hide their identity and credentials from cyberattackers.
The distro’s live booting setup is easy for beginners and advanced users alike, especially in terms of installation and operation. Whonix’s nifty boot clock randomization and keystroke anonymization protect users who are unfamiliar with cyber safety practices.
Alpine Linux is a general-purpose live distro devised for anonymous web surfing and high-grade protection from advanced malware.
Alpine Linux is based on the musc libc library and BusyBox; it is a resource-efficient, open-source OS with a stunningly small footprint.
On the contrary, don't let such attributes fool you into overlooking its excellent package manager, APK, and shell scripting capabilities.
Users can use either GNOME or XFCE as the preferred desktop environment. Alpine further tackles secure OS virtualization by working in synergy with Docker.
In today's world, there are a lot of security breaches and cyber attacks doing the rounds of the market. As more and more individuals and businesses fall prey to these attacks, it is becoming all the more essential to stay alert and use secure distributions to do your bidding.
The aforementioned list is just the tip of the iceberg; there are a lot of other secure distros available for penetration testers, each of which promises to be better than the rest. Which one would you choose for yourself?
Gaurav Siyal has two years of writing experience, writing for a series of digital marketing firms and software lifecycle documents.
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10 Most Secure Linux Distros For Complete Privacy & Anonymity | 2017 Edition

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Short Bytes: One of the most compelling reasons to use Linux is its ability to deliver a secure computing experience. There are some specialized secure Linux distros for security that add extra layers and make sure that you complete your work anonymously and privately. Some of the popular secure Linux distros for 2017 are Tails, Whoix, Kodachi, etc.
W hy should I use a privacy-focused Linux distribution?
While Linux and macOS are considered more secure as compared to Windows operating system, there are some specialized Linux distros that cater to the needs of security enthusiasts. By using technologies like TOR, sandboxing, firewalls, etc., anonymous Linux distros deliver extra layers of security.
However, due to tons of choices available in the open source world of Linux, often, inexperienced users get confused and choose the wrong operating system. To fulfill that needs, we keep publishing different lists of best Linux distros from time to time. Before going ahead and taking a look at the most secure Linux distros, don’t forget to check out our other popular articles:
For many of us, Tails is the default choice while looking for a Linux for security solution. Tails, or The Amnesic Incognito Live System, is a Debian-based Linux distribution that’s one of the most secure operating systems you’ll ever get. Tails, an open source distribution, was first released about 8 years ago. With the help of redirecting all the web traffic through Tor, Tails achieves privacy through anonymity.
As Tails stores everything in RAM and avoids the usage of the hard disk, it erases everything once it’s shut down. Moreover, Tails is also suitable for general usage, thanks to the default GNOME desktop environment.
Just like Tails, Whonix secure Linux distro is also based on Debian GNU/Linux. This private operating system consists of two virtual machines. While one VM is a “Tor Gateway” running Debian, other one is a “Workstation.” Please note that Whonix is installed on a user-provided host OS that could be Linux, Windows, macOS, or Qubes OS. By utilizing Tor’s open and distributed relay network, Whonix defeats the network surveillance possibilities.
This Linux for security purposes does its best to hide the real IP address of the user. Also, many pre-installed applications are stream-isolated in Whonix and they use a dedicated Tor SocksPort for extra security.
Qubes OS, which is also called the world’s most secure operating system, is a security-oriented system which performs virtualization by Xen hypervisor. For those who don’t know, a hypervisor mimics the hardware and allows running multiple virtual machines. The user environment for Qubes OS could be Fedora, Debian, Whoix, and Windows. Just like Tails Linux for security, Qubes OS too has been approved by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden .
In Qubes, the isolation is performed by turning hardware controllers into functional domains. It also separates your digital life in different levels of trust, for e.g., work domain, shopping domain, random domain, etc. All these domains are run in different virtual machines. With this technique, one exploit doesn’t allow the attacker to take over the entire computer.
Subgraph OS is a Debian-based secure Linux distro that promises to provide anonymous digital experience and hardening features. Also approved by Edward Snowden, Subgraph OS has been designed to avert different malware attacks. Subgraph OS is still in Alpha stage but it’s capable of being a secure communication platform along with providing a familiar user interface.
As expected, Subgraph OS runs in a sandboxed environment that runs applications like web browser, email client with in-built encryption, LibreOffice, PDF viewer, video player, Hexchat, etc. It includes a hardened kernel with grsecurity/PaX patch for strong security protection to all processes. This anonymous Linux distro’s most custom code is written in Go, which is a memory safe language. It also includes an application firewall that makes sure that user is protected from unexpected outbound connections.
Just like many other entries on this list, Discreete Linux is a free software project that can be used by anyone who wishes to lead an anonymous digital life. Some of you might be knowing this secure Linux distro as Ubuntu Privacy Remix. Well, now it’s based on Debian and it has got a new name too. It promises to save the users against the trojan-powered surveillance attacks. It’s currently in beta stage.
Discreete Linux calls itself suitable for people who don’t have deeper knowledge of computing but they regard internet security as their primary concern. With the help of encryption and isolated environment, Discreete Linux prepares a secure work environment. The kernel modules on this anonymous Linux distro can only be installed if they are digitally signed by the developer team. Moreover, it doesn’t even support internal hard drives or network hardware. Instead, it stores all its data inside the RAM or an external thumb drive.
Kodachi Linux is a security-focused operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux. It aims to provide a secure computing experience. To install Kodachi and get it up and running is simple and you don’t need to invest time or effort. Kodachi Linux for security gives you the option to boot from the PC hardware or go with the external USB drive option for extra security.
By running a Kodachi system with active VPN connection, TOR, and DNScrypt service ensures a good level of privacy. All the connections to the internet are forced to pass through the previously mentioned services. The entire operating system runs from your volatile RAM memory, so after shutting down no trace of activity is left. Kodachi Linux also ships with latest privacy tools for emails, encryption, and instant messaging. The Xfce desktop environment makes it even more useful on older machines.
TENS Linux for security stands for Trusted End Node Security. It was previously known as LPS, or Lightweight Portable Security. Before telling you more about TENS Linux, let me mention that it’s distributed and developed by the United States Department of Defense. So, if you can make peace with that, let’s take a look at its great features.
Based on Arch Linux, TENS secure Linux OS can run on any Intel-powered machine. As it only boots in RAM, it serves as a secure end node for the users. It comes loaded with Encryption Wizard, which is a simple and strong encryption software for protection of sensitive information. TENS Linux also supports CAC and PIV access nodes that are used on American government websites. Overall, it has a minimal set of applications to ensure lesser chances of infection and better performance.
Derived from the hardened Gentoo, Tin Hat Linux is a secure operating system that wishes to deliver a fast and secure Linux experience. For complete security, Tin Hat Linux lives entirely in RAM and doesn’t mount any file system directly from boot device, thus, avoiding any chance of leaving any data behind. As expected, you can boot it from a CD or USB flash drive.
Please note that before you start working with Tin Hat Linux for security and anonymity, you should have a knowledge of how Gentoo Linux works. You can run it both on 32-bit and 64-bit hardware architectures. The desktop environment is built around GNOME, which you’ll surely find familiar. Many applications like Firefox, email client, LibreOffice, and video player are shipped pre-installed on Tin Hat Linux.
If you read our article on the best alternatives to Tor browser , you’d find I2P at the top. It’s a an anonymous P2P communication layer that’s created using open source tools. Based on the same, IprediaOS reroutes all its traffic via I2P and makes sure that all your online activity doesn’t come under radar. Wrapped in multiple layers of encryption, I2P network is dynamic and distributed, without any trusted parties. IprediaOS, a secure distro for 2017, is based on Fedora-based Linux OS. You can give it a try if you’re a Fedora loyalist.
Alpine Linux has been primarily designed for the power users who value security, resource efficiency, and simplicity. This secure Linux distro was started as a fork of the LEAF project. Contrary to LEAF, which aimed to fit an OS on a floppy disk, Alpine Linux wishes to include some heavyweight packages, better security features, and newer kernel.
This secure Linux for privacy, uses its own package management system, apk-tools. It can be installed as a run-from-RAM OS. Built around musl libc and busybox, Alpine Linux’s kernel is patched with an unofficial port of grsecurity/Pax. Also, all userland binaries are compiled as Position Independent Executables (PIE).
Apart from the above-mentioned security focused Linux distros for 2017, there are many other options as well, and that’s the beauty of Linux. Some of the notable mentions that I’d love to elaborate in future updates of this article are listed below:
Which secure Linux distribution is your preferred choice? Tell us your views in comments below.

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Brief : This article shows you the list of best privacy-focused Linux distributions . This article is intended for readers who are extremely concerned about their only privacy.
Privacy is a serious and much-debated issue. In this age of cyber espionage and electronic surveillance, privacy becomes a crucial subject.
While most of us Linux users care about our privacy to an extent, some people take it to an ‘extreme level’. Such people are often termed ‘privacy freaks’ (not in a derogatory manner).
The good thing about Linux is
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