Private Investment

Private Investment


Private Investment
Word Definitions, Terminology, and Jargon
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Private investment , from a macroeconomic standpoint, is the purchase of a capital asset that is expected to produce income, appreciate in value, or both generate income and appreciate in value. A capital asset is simply property that is not easily sold and is generally purchased to help an investor to generate a profit. Examples of capital assets include land, buildings, machinery, and equipment.
A private investment fund is an investment company that does not solicit capital from retail investors or the general public. To be classified as a private investment fund, a fund must meet one of the exemptions outlined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 . The 3C1 or 3C7 exemptions within the Act are frequently used to establish a fund as a private investment fund. There
Private investment, from a macroeconomic standpoint, is the purchase of a capital asset that is expected to produce income, appreciate in value, or both generate income and appreciate in value. A capital asset is simply property that is not easily sold and is generally purchased to help an investor to generate a profit. Examples of capital assets include land, buildings, machinery, and equipment.
Investment is not the same as savings in the world of macroeconomics. If you are not purchasing a capital asset that is used to generate income, such as a machine, or with the expectation that it will appreciate in value, like a house, then you are saving, not investing.
You can save more than you invest, such as when a business purchases equipment with part of its profit and puts the rest of the p

Private investment in public equity - Wikipedia
What is Private investment ? - Quora
private investment - это... Что такое private investment ?
Private Investment по Русский - Английский-Русский Словарь
PRIVATE INVESTMENT | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

Все языки Абхазский Адыгейский Африкаанс Айнский язык Акан Алтайский Арагонский Арабский Астурийский Аймара Азербайджанский Башкирский Багобо Белорусский Болгарский Тибетский Бурятский Каталанский Чеченский Шорский Чероки Шайенского Кри Чешский Крымскотатарский Церковнославянский (Старославянский) Чувашский Валлийский Датский Немецкий Долганский Греческий Английский Эсперанто Испанский Эстонский Баскский Эвенкийский Персидский Финский Фарерский Французский Ирландский Гэльский Гуарани Клингонский Эльзасский Иврит Хинди Хорватский Верхнелужицкий Гаитянский Венгерский Армянский Индонезийский Инупиак Ингушский Исландский Итальянский Японский Грузинский Карачаевский Черкесский Казахский Кхмерский Корейский Кумыкский Курдский Коми Киргизский Латинский Люксембургский Сефардский Лингала Литовский Латышский Маньчжурский Микенский Мокшанский Маори Марийский Македонский Коми Монгольский Малайский Майя Эрзянский Нидерландский Норвежский Науатль Орокский Ногайский Осетинский Османский Пенджабский Пали Польский Папьяменто Древнерусский язык Португальский Кечуа Квенья Румынский, Молдавский Арумынский Русский Санскрит Северносаамский Якутский Словацкий Словенский Албанский Сербский Шведский Суахили Шумерский Силезский Тофаларский Таджикский Тайский Туркменский Тагальский Турецкий Татарский Тувинский Тви Удмурдский Уйгурский Украинский Урду Урумский Узбекский Вьетнамский Вепсский Варайский Юпийский Идиш Йоруба Китайский

Все языки Абхазский Адыгейский Африкаанс Айнский язык Алтайский Арабский Аварский Аймара Азербайджанский Башкирский Белорусский Болгарский Каталанский Чеченский Чаморро Шорский Чероки Чешский Крымскотатарский Церковнославянский (Старославянский) Чувашский Датский Немецкий Греческий Английский Эсперанто Испанский Эстонский Баскский Эвенкийский Персидский Финский Фарерский Французский Ирландский Галисийский Клингонский Эльзасский Иврит Хинди Хорватский Гаитянский Венгерский Армянский Индонезийский Ингушский Исландский Итальянский Ижорский Японский Ложбан Грузинский Карачаевский Казахский Кхмерский Корейский Кумыкский Курдский Латинский Лингала Литовский Латышский Мокшанский Маори Марийский Македонский Монгольский Малайский Мальтийский Майя Эрзянский Нидерландский Норвежский Осетинский Пенджабский Пали Польский Папьяменто Древнерусский язык Пушту Португальский Кечуа Квенья Румынский, Молдавский Русский Якутский Словацкий Словенский Албанский Сербский Шведский Суахили Тамильский Таджикский Тайский Туркменский Тагальский Турецкий Татарский Удмурдский Уйгурский Украинский Урду Урумский Узбекский Водский Вьетнамский Вепсский Идиш Йоруба Китайский


Private Equity . Transforming Public Stock to Create Value , Harold Jr . Bierman . Praise for Private Equity « Harold Bierman has blended an excellent mix of important principles with real case study examples for a better understanding on a rather sophisticated finance … Подробнее   Купить за 7804 . 74 руб электронная книга
Private Wealth . Wealth Management In Practice , Stephen Horan M .. An in - depth examination of today ' s most important wealth management issues Managing the assets of high - net - worth individuals has become a core business specialty for investment and financial … Подробнее   Купить за 7414 . 5 руб электронная книга
Private Capital Markets . Valuation , Capitalization , and Transfer of Private Business Interests , Robert Slee T .. Praise for Private Capital Markets Valuation , Capitalization , and Transfer of Private Business Interests « In the years since publication of the first edition of Private Capital Markets , the … Подробнее   Купить за 7414 . 5 руб электронная книга

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private investment — ➔ investment * * * private investment UK US noun [ C or U ] ► FINANCE money invested by companies , financial organizations , or other investors , rather than by a government: » Research should be based on a partnership of public and private investment …   Financial and business terms
private investment — privati investicija statusas Aprobuotas sritis ūkio plėtra ir ilgalaikė strategija apibrėžtis Privataus juridinio ar fizinio asmens investicija . atitikmenys: angl . private investment vok . private Investition rus . частная инвестиция šaltinis … …   Lithuanian dictionary ( lietuvių žodynas )
Private investment capital subscription — A private investment capital subscription , commonly referred to as PICS , is a financial tool that relies on a small pool of investors ’ money for real estate investments . The money managers of private investment capital subscriptions or PICS are … …   Wikipedia
Private investment in public equity — This article is about Private Investments in Public Equity or PIPEs . For investments in private equity through publicly traded vehicles , see Publicly traded private equity . A private investment in public equity , often called a PIPE deal , involves …   Wikipedia
Private Investment Fund — A type of financial investment company which meets either of these criteria: a ) it has less than 100 investors , or b ) its member investors have substantial funds invested elsewhere . These types of funds are generally exempt from federal … …   Investment dictionary
Private investment in public equity — Le Private investment in public equity ( PIPE ) est une augmentation de capital ( actions , obligations ...) réservée à certains fonds de capital investissement au lieu d un Appel public à l épargne . Ces opérations sont particulièrement appréciées des …   Wikipédia en Français
Private Investment in Public Equity - PIPE — A private investment firm s , mutual fund s or other qualified investors purchase of stock in a company at a discount to the current market value per share for the purpose of raising capital . There are two main types of PIPEs traditional and … …   Investment dictionary
Private Investment in Public Equity — ( PIPE ) Occurs when private investors take a sizable investment in publicly traded corporations . This usually occurs when equity valuations have fallen and the company is looking for new sources of capital . Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms
Public - Private Investment Program for Legacy Assets — On March 23 , 2009 , the United States Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ), the Federal Reserve , and the United States Treasury Department announced the Public Private Investment Program for Legacy Assets . The program is designed to … …   Wikipedia
Overseas Private Investment Corporation — The Overseas Private Investment Corporation ( OPIC ) is an independent agency of the United States Government that mobilizes U . S . private sector investment in new and emerging markets overseas in order to support both the sustainable economic … …   Wikipedia
Overseas Private Investment Corporation — ( OPIC ) USA Established as a US governmental agency in 1971 , OPIC: • Helps US businesses invest overseas by , among other things , providing financing , such as taxpayer backed loans and loan guarantees , for qualifying projects and investments . •… …   Law dictionary

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