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Different Treatment Options for Porn Addiction
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Trafalgar » Porn Addiction Recovery
Porn addiction can be a debilitating condition.
The effects of pornography addiction can wreak havoc on your life,
especially if it goes untreated for a long time. It can have a range
of severe psychological and emotional effects. It can damage the
addicted person’s relationships, their personal life and their
professional standing. However, with the right support, lasting recovery from porn addiction is an achievable goal.
Although research on porn addiction statistics suggests that it could
affect up to 5-8% of the adult population, very few people understand
what it is, the effects of excessive porn use, and how to seek
treatment for it.
If you are concerned that you or a loved one may be struggling with
porn abuse, understanding this process can be a crucial step towards
achieving recovery.
Here’s everything you need to know about this disorder from a porn
addiction definition to its effects.
We will focus on the requirements of recovery and the different phases
of the process. We will also discuss the effect of porn addiction on
the brain and how it can be reversed over time through treatment.
While sex addiction and porn
addiction are often linked, they can also exist independent of one
another. These blog posts focus exclusively on porn addiction.
First of all, an addiction is when someone abuses substances such as
alcohol or drugs to the point where their body becomes overly
dependent on the substance to function.
Overtime this dependence could turn into cravings for the substance
and eventually the body will become unstable without it.
It is undeniable that the abuse of addictive substances will only harm
the body in the long-run.
Nevertheless, non-substance related addictions can be as harmful to a
person’s mind and body.
Many people do not consider porn addiction as a ‘real’ addiction and that the minds of those who view
pornographic material obsessively do not behave the same way as the
mind of drug users.
However, there are many studies that argue that it can be considered a
very real addiction.
There are people who become consumed with sexual thoughts and
behaviours that their impulse to watch pornography can be comparable
to that of a nicotine addict needing a cigarette.
Although porn addiction may not be a physical disorder, it is labelled as a behavioural disorder that can impact a person’s relationship with the people around them
and the way they act in their daily life.
Porn addiction is when the brain becomes dependent on pornography to
experience dopamine surges, therefore, it will cause a lack of control
over their sexual behaviour.
The obsessive consumption of pornography is the brain demanding
stimulus provided by watching pornographic material.
The constant craving for these dopamine surges can reduce the brain’s
response to ordinary stimuli. What this means is that it could very
well impact a person’s psychological and emotional needs.
While plenty of people understand the addiction to alcohol or drugs,
not everyone realizes why sexual imagery or videos can be addictive –
especially since it’s not a physical substance that you’re putting in
your body.
But sex can still activate regions in the brain that are associated
with motivation and reward – such as the dopamine system.
During the act and after, you may feel heightened pleasure, which is
the result of a dopamine rush.
Like sex, pornography can also activate the dopamine system, and lead
to that same dopamine rush.
However, over time, your body stops providing as much dopamine when
you engage with porn – which means you may have to watch it more often
or view more extreme pornographic scenes to receive the same pleasure.
There is some controversy surrounding porn addiction but in one study , researchers found that people who sought treatment for problematic
porn use had changes in their brain chemistry that were consistent
with other kinds of addiction.
Their brains also reacted differently to sexual content than the
brains of people who weren’t seeking treatment.
A new alternative to residential treatment. And yes, it works.
After watching X-rated movies for some time, many people ask
themselves if they are addicted to porn? So, when does watching porn
become a problem?
It’s important to define what porn addiction is, and how it differs
from regular or moderate pornography consumption.
Just because someone regularly views adult materials does not mean
that they’re addicted, or that they need to seek treatment.
To understand the addiction to erotic movies or magazines, one should
understand its resemblance to other addiction types.
For example, common signs of addiction to any substance would include:
And there are some common signs across the board that indicate you
have an addiction to pornography or you’re developing an unhealthy
relationship with it:
You frequently ignore other responsibilities in order to watch porn.
You feel ashamed or frustrated after viewing sexual content but
still continue to watch it.
Many people who suffer from porn addiction may feel embarrassed by
their obsessive use and often lie to their friends or loved ones about
watching it. They also tend to lie about what they are doing in order
to continue watching it.
You have to keep finding more and more extreme porn in order to get
the same release.
You can start watching some erotic movies or so-called soft porn.
Then, you may stumble upon some hard-core examples. The pleasure you
get from the hard-core porn may exceed the one you get from soft porn
and you may start to seek excessive examples of exploitation of adult
You’re spending large amounts of money on pornography consumption, and
neglecting other expenses in your life.
The Internet may seem to offer free sexual imagery whenever you search
for it. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. To satisfy
yourself and your eyes, you will start to seek different types of
movies or genres.
And this is the point where you will start spending money. Like other
companies, adult entertainment firms also utilize different marketing
tactics to make a paying customer.
You may think many movies and pictures are free, but they actually are
the marketing materials to sell more. Many websites will let you view
their contents for free. But they will cut some scenes and offer you
exclusive parts for a small price.
The more you browse, the more you will want to see. In an era of
subscription-based services, paying 10 dollars a month may seem
insignificant at first, but the individualized products and videos of
adult actresses may cost you more along the way.
You’re taking risks in order to watch porn in inconvenient places.
When you become a cyber-porn addict, every trigger will make you reach out to your phone.
The name or the face of your favourite pornstar may convince you to go
after a quick pleasure in public.
This triggering can happen when you are in your office or at
You may think you could manage to watch it unnoticed but the
excitement of the situation can put you in a very difficult situation.
Getting fired would be the least of your problems when you face severe
legal consequences.
Your normal sex life with a partner begins to feel less satisfying.
In addition, people who are addicted to watching porn struggle to be
intimate with people as they excessively masturbate to pornographic
material to the point where intercourse is low.
You can request or expect the things you see in the movies or
Seeing different genres of porn may shift the normality in your
relationship. You may start to think about the possibility of these
fantasies and forget that they are just fiction or a scenario.
You can objectify your partner or strangers. However, your partner may
not be on the same page with you and these demands can ruin the mutual
trust and ultimately the dynamics of your relationship.
Your porn consumption is causing relationship issues, but you’re still
unable to stop watching it.
You want to stop watching porn or watch it less frequently, but you
find yourself unable to do so.
You feel as if you’re watching pornography to cope with mental health
issues, sadness, anxiety, or depression.
As a summary, common signs of Porn Addiction would include:
Keep in mind that you don’t need to have all of these signs to have
an addiction to porn – or you may have symptoms that aren’t listed
Like other types of addiction, sexual content addiction can look
different for everyone who has it.
Since millions of people view erotic movies regularly, what’s the
biggest difference between a healthy relationship with pornography and
one that can be labelled as an addiction?
For most people, it usually comes down to how pornography affects
the rest of your life.
In a healthy relationship, you may view porn regularly and arouse to
any depiction of erotic behaviour. But it shouldn’t negatively impact
other areas of your life, and you should be able to stop if you need
With an addiction, pornography can seep out into other parts of your
life, and begin to negatively affect them.
For instance, if extreme consumption of sexual materials is beginning
to cause issues with a partner, you’re neglecting other
responsibilities, or you’re spending money that you can’t afford to on
porn, those could all be indicators of an unhealthy relationship.
More importantly, once you notice how pornography use is impacting
you, you still aren’t able to stop watching it.
Porn addiction can affect almost every part of your life, but it can
especially cause damage in romantic relationships.
It’s not unusual for a cyber-porn addict to lie about how much
pornography they’re watching, especially if their partner has asked
them to stop viewing or suspects there might be a problem.
Other issues can arise with intimacy.
When someone is excessively masturbating to porn, they may have very
little desire to have sex with their partner.
And, when they do have sex, their sexual satisfaction is usually much
lower since they’re used to different stimuli and extreme depictions
of sex scenes.
Even if relationship issues haven’t occurred yet, a lot of
relationships deal with low self-esteem and low sexual satisfaction
when one partner has excessive porn consumption.
Excessive use of pornography will have a range of effects over time.
As discussed previously, it can have serious consequences for
relationships and for your life at home and at work.
However, it also has a range of effects on the brain.
Over time, porn addiction alters neurotransmitters. This means that
the brain will come to depend on the chemical surges elicited by
viewing sexually explicit material.
You will therefore require more and more to achieve the same effect.
It also means that the brain’s response to other stimuli will be
reduced. This makes it extremely difficult to end your use. The brain
will demand the response provided by porn.
The signs of porn addiction can give you a good indicator of whether
you’ve got a healthy relationship with porn.
But if you do notice a problem, you may be wondering, how do I stop
being addicted to porn?
The quick answer: You can quit porn. It is possible.
First of all, know that you are not alone. There are thousands of
people around the world that struggle with the same situation.
Since it is a process addiction, you don’t see it as much as you see
other types of substance addictions, such as alcohol or weed.
Also, it is still taboo and people don’t feel comfortable
talking about it.
It is not common that people chat with their friends about how they
consume pornography. So, you certainly do not hear other people
admitting that they are addicted to it.
There are a few approaches or techniques to prevent or mitigate your
obsessive consumption of the depiction of sexual intercourse.
But before choosing an approach, learn about the withdrawal process.
As discussed above, pornography addiction creates an intense
psychological, physical and emotional dependence.
This means that, as with most addictions, an addicted person in the
early stages will experience withdrawal symptoms.
Many people who are addicted to porn and try to stop, experience the
same symptoms that alcoholics and drug users face.
But luckily, unlike withdrawal from alcohol or opiates, withdrawal in
porn addiction does not pose a direct, physical danger to the addicted
However, if you experience this process, you may experience a range of
emotional and psychological side effects.
You may feel physical cravings, intense agitation, anxiety or
depression. You may also experience insomnia.
These symptoms may last a number of weeks but will
usually diminish as you progress in your recovery.
Withdrawal can be an intensely difficult experience. However, once you
have made it through the process, you have made a very significant
step towards lasting recovery.
While you may still experience psychological and physical cravings,
you will be in a much better position to resist them.
This is particularly true if you are in evidence-based addiction
treatment, which will help you to develop methods for coping with
cravings and relapse triggers.
Like any other addiction, there’s an emotional, physiological, and
even physical dependence, and people can experience withdrawal
symptoms from quitting pornography.
Sudden irritability, mood swings, or depression: Since a lot of extreme porn abusers may use sexual content to cope
with other negative emotions in life, the early days of sobriety can
bring up these suppressed feelings. It’s not unusual for an addict to
feel irritable, depressed or even anxious after they’ve gone without
Insomnia: The longer you’re away from pornography,
the more you may think about it. Initially, addicts may have trouble
sleeping at night or feeling to need to masturbate.
Intense feelings of loneliness: Sometimes, porn usage
can mask underlying issues that addicts may have, especially related
to emotional or physical intimacy.
Without the release that explicit sexual imagery provides, feelings of
loneliness and longing for a physical connection can begin to bubble
A desire to use another addiction to replace pornography: With a porn addict’s coping mechanism gone, they may begin searching
for a new one, especially when they’re new to recovery.
As a result, this can create a cross-addiction, where they turn to
another substance – like alcohol, drugs, or food – to cope with the
uncomfortable emotions they’re experiencing.
A loss of libido: After living in a fantasy world for
so long, addicts may find it initially challenging to relate to a
partner or have physical intimacy.
After witnessing bizarre and intense sexual intercourse scenes, having
a soft, romantic experience may not seem enough or attractive.
However, this period eventually ends, and the recovering person starts
to enjoy their sex life again.
Keep in mind that these withdrawal symptoms don’t always occur when
someone stops looking at a porn material.
Even if you don’t deal with withdrawal symptoms like the ones listed
above, that doesn’t mean you don’t have an addiction or that you don’t
need to seek treatment.
It just means that you can quit porn easier than those who experience
the withdrawal process.
If you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms, it’s important to remember that they won’t last forever.
Some symptoms could last for weeks, but over time, they should slowly
diminish until they’re completely gone. And, once you’ve made it
through withdrawal symptoms, you can rest easy knowing you’ve overcome
a crucial hurdle in your recovery.
Now, let’s examine the common approaches to quitting excessive abuse
of sexual content.
Simply abstaining from watching or viewing it would start your
recovery process.
There might be many triggers along the way and the withdrawal symptoms
would make it hard for you to quit.
Some days will be depressing and you may lose your concentration at
work or school.
If quitting cold turkey is too daunting – and for many, it is – you
can try to reduce your use of pornography over time and with certain
If, for example, your addiction has led you to watch content that is
causing you distress (ie. It is against your values, or scares you
afterwards), you can cut out certain genres to reduce the emotional
impact while engaging with less distressing content.
This is similar to a harm reduction method . It is also
usually helpful to track your usage, so you can see where changes
might be possible.
For example, if you are aware that you are using pornography during
the workday to relieve stress, as well as night before bed, you can
look for alternative methods of stress management during the day and
reduce your consumption to just the evenings to start, or vice versa.
Then, you can work on reducing how frequently in the evening you use
pornography by replacing it with healthy sleep hygiene routines or
other ways to meet the need the pornography has been being used for.
This type of plan is best to create with the input of a therapist so
that you can reduce the chance of setting yourself up for failure by
cutting out too much too fast, or too little.
It is important to remember when working towards recovery that your
addiction is routed in complex emotional and psychological causes.
Treatment must identify and address these causes. It is also essential
that you maintain a focus on these causes as you continue your
recovery. So it may not be always easy for you to quit porn cold
turkey or gradually on your own.
You may need to alter your life in other ways to help you in your
recovery. There may be certain relationships or habits in your life
that jeopardize recovery.
It may also be necessary to consider how you process and express
emotions and how you communicate with those around you. A professional
treatment centre will help you to do this.
Good treatment centres will also offer porn addiction aftercare
services which will help you to maintain your focus on recovery.
Generally, it’s a good time to seek professional porn addiction help
Since it’s an addiction, quitting porn on your own can feel
impossible, especially since a long-term addiction can affect brain
However, a good addiction treatment center will take an individualized
approach and provide aftercare services that help you heal and recover
from pornography.
How Does Porn Addiction Treatment Work?
While pornography addiction is a complex and debilitating condition,
it can be overcome with effective treatment.
Since there’s less research on this addiction therapy than alcoholism
or drug abuse, the approach to treating it can vary. And the
psychological and emotional aspects of porn addiction can be very
deeply embedded.
The addiction is often linked to other substance and process abuses
and concurrent mental health d
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