Plex,Emby,Jellyfin with Gdrive (VPS Setup)

Plex,Emby,Jellyfin with Gdrive (VPS Setup)

Roshanconnor Yo yo

Hey there,

So now that data Hoarding is almost dead due to google new drive api limits..its time to enjoy what you stored

Most of you must have heard about these Terms quite often...PLEX , EMBY , JELLYFIN

These are Media servers

They can display your Media with all the Thumbnails and Posters and Info etc etc, in Short - Your own Personal Netflix or Amazon Prime or whatever

It is completely your choice to choose one, each one of them has its own Pros and Cons..I am not gonna comment on it

Read this if you wish to know about it more - Plex vs Emby vs Jellyfin

Disclaimer : This is just a basic guide for adding contents from your Gdrive as a library in these services..I am not an expert with any of these Media servers..I was interested in these, so I tested them and learnt the basics..I am gonna write about what I found useful

PS: I personally use Jellyfin as of now (Because its open source and everything is free)


Requirements : (You need to satisfy these conditions strictly - or else its not gonna work for you)

  1. You need a server (Get one according to your need - Sudo access needed)
  2. You need to Open Up certain ports in your Server

I am not gonna Explain how to open up a port in a VPS (Google varies based on who your VPS provider is)

3. A TeamDrive/Drive Full of Contents Mounted via Rclone ((Linux)


Setting Up the Media Servers

📦 Plex

  • Run the command below
git clone && sh mediaserver/
  • Choose Option Number 1 Now
  • When it ask u to create a new remote..Follow this Guide to create a new remote
  • Once everything is done..Open Browser in your Computer (The Computer in which you are using your SSH client)
  • Go to http://server.local.ip.address:32400/web - For example..if IP address of my VPS is i will open in my browser
  • Follow these Screenshots from now onwards - Follow the Instructions Here

🐍 To access the Plex server in your android phone or other device..install plex Media App for the device..then sign in using the same email and password you used in plex server..

📦 Emby

  • Run the command below
git clone && sh mediaserver/
  • Choose Option Number 2 Now
  • When it ask u to create a new remote..Follow this Guide to create a new remote
  • Once its all done, Open Browser in your Computer (The Computer in which you are using your SSH client)
  • Got to http://server.local.ip.address:8096 - For example..if IP address of my VPS is i will go to in my browser
  • Follow these Screenshots from now onwards - Follow the Instructions Here

🐍 To access the Emby server in your android phone or other device..install Emby Media App for the device

Then In Host - Paste your servers IP Address..and connect

📦 Jellyfin

  • Run the command below
git clone && sh mediaserver/
  • Choose Option Number 3 Now
  • When it ask u to create a new remote..Follow this Guide to create a new remote
  • Once its all done, Open Browser in your Computer (The Computer in which you are using your SSH client)
  • Got to http://server.local.ip.address:8096 - For example..if IP address of my VPS is i will go to in my browser
  • Follow these Screenshots from now onwards - Follow the Instructions Here

🐍To access the Jellyfin server in your android phone or other device..install Jellyfin Media App for the device

Then In Host - Paste your servers IP Address..and connect


What If you want to Install Emby And Jellyfin in a same server?

This is the million dollar question here..because both of the servers are assigned with Port 8096

Basically, Jellyfin use the same port that Emby does. If you try to run both at the same time, the first one service that got installed will claim that port, and nothing else can use it.

⛑ For example,If i installed Jellyfin First, then it will claim the 8096 Emby cant access it

In case, If You installed Jellyfin before emby -

  •  Open Jellyfin via Web ( I already told you how to )
  • Go to the dashboard
  • Go down to Networking
  • Change “Local HTTP Port Number” to any number higher than 8096 (try 8097 maybe)
  • Scroll down and click “Save”
  • Go to Dashboard and Restart Jellyfin

 Once this is done, Jellyfin can be accessed at port 8097, and Emby can be safely started, to be accessed at port 8096

 Now Dont forget to Open up port 8097 for Jellyfin in your server


Also..Like I said in the introduction of this Guide..This is just the basic setup..if you need more stuff such as Reverse Proxy etc, You need to search in the respective forums

  • I found out all this info after hours and days of google search..reading..asking some experts etc..So credits to all those



Credits : @xd003 - For help with bash script as well as figuring out other errors

@Bilibox - For help with bash script

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