Pisces Sexually

Pisces Sexually


Pisces Sexually
Home » The Pisces Sexuality - Traits and Characteristics
The twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac calendar, Pisces is synonymous with creativity, imagination and versatility. People with this sign are born between 20 th February and 20 th March and make some of the most romantic lovers of the zodiac. A Pisces in love A Pisces mate is just what the doctor ordered if you dream of be courted and wooed the old-fashioned way. And if you are in a relationship with a Pisces woman, get ready to be swept off your feet by her innate grace, charm and an almost uncanny way of making you feel special. Pisceans are blessed with a vivid imagination and lovers of this zodiac sign can be trusted to bring all their wealth of creativity into their love lives. They will write you the most touching love letters, take you out on the most amazing dates and while making love with you reach for the highest planes of ecstasy which you can rarely hope to achieve with anyone else.
TIP: Click here to download the book 'How to Meet, Date and Keep the Man of your Dreams' Apart from making your love life exciting, the Piscean powers of imagination also enable them to reach out emotionally to their partners. You will find your Piscean partner inherently capable of putting him/herself in your shoes and view a situation with your perspective. This makes a Piscean lover naturally caring and sensitive to his/her partner’s needs and wishes, whether emotional or physical. The empathetic imagination with which a Piscean is blessed is as rare as it is gratifying and very few other signs in the Zodiac can lay claim to such a deeply sensitive nature. More than any sign in the zodiac, a Piscean is known for his/her intuitive abilities. This is not only because Pisceans are in touch with their deeper selves but have the ability to tune into other’s emotions as well. So if you have just had an unpleasant taste of a Leo’s ego or a Scorpio’s possessiveness, the love of a Piscean will come as a cool and soothing balm. He/she is more likely than others to perceive when you are anxious or upset and then able to draw out the reasons from you. At the same time, when you are happy about a promotion or a new hairdo, you can expect your Pisces lover not only to notice it but make your day with some nice compliments. This ability to be emotionally responsive is crucial for any meaningful relationship and when you find it in a partner, it should be cherished whole-heartedly. How to seduce a Pisces The best way to attract a Pisces is to engage him/her in discussions about the mystical, the occult, the spiritual or anything beyond the superficial world. You will immediately get their attention and if you can carry along the conversation on interesting lines, you are sure to make a mark with them. Despite their perceptive sense into another’s feelings, Pisceans , unlike say Scorpios, are not very good at recognizing pretence and falsehoods. A Piscean is more likely than anyone else in the zodiac to be taken in by false friends and sob stories. So you may find it easier to get a Pisces’ sympathies by playing the loser but if you are interested in a really satisfying relationship with a Pisces lover, don’t try dissembling. You might win your Pisces partner’s sympathies and even use this to worm your way into their beds, but when a Pisces tries to take on too much of another’s problems and worries, he/she inevitably loses a sense of the self and becomes uninteresting at best and depressive at worst. For a true taste of the wonders that your Piscean lover is capable of lavishing on you, try to connect with them on a mystical or at least on an emotional level. Talk about the wonders outside the pale of the sensory world and even explore risqué subjects; Pisces are an unconventional lot and you might in fact find your partner pitching in excitedly on such topics. Don’t forget to make them laugh since Pisceans have a tendency to melancholia. So once they find you gentle, funny and comfortable to be with, you will have no problem in getting your way around them. Before inviting your Pisces lover to your love pad, make sure that it exudes an air of romance. Keep a bottle of champagne close by as well as oysters or nutmeg-flavored appetizers to nibble on. Also have a jar of red roses at your bedside and deck it up the bed with satin sheets to highlight the romance quotient. Remember the biggest turn-on for a Pisces lover is the imagination, so read out a love poem or hum a love song for your dearest. Since this is a water sign, invoke images of softly lapping waves or a gurgling stream in order to arouse your lover. As you proceed to making love, focus your foreplay on his/her feet since they are believed to be the most sensitive spot for Pisces. Massaging the feet and sucking on toes are usually Piscean favorites and will get them steamed up and ready for action. Also the Piscean gift of the imagination makes them willing participants for erotic role play. Think up some sexual roles which are not violent or aggressive but rather romantic with a touch of the risqué perhaps, like a Catholic nun or a French maid. For the same reason, Pisceans usually also love erotic games and you can start off your special night with a bout of Strip Poker or a jar of chocolate body paint. Pisceans are one of the few lovers in the zodiac who are quite willing to explore unusual scenarios and offbeat activities while lovemaking which in fact makes them fun and highly satisfying sexual partners. How to make it work The Pisces is an emotionally complex sign. Beneath a placid surface, your partner very likely experiences emotional tumult as it is common for a Pisces to be pulled between powerful internal emotions and external demands. With little understanding of self, Pisces relies on the outside world to reflect back what is going on inside. As a partner, you can assist this process by gently sharing your perceptions and helping your Pisces mate respond thoughtfully rather than automatically. Also the deeply emotional nature of a Pisces sometimes makes it difficult for them to break off fully from the past. So you may find your Pisces lover seldom properly separated from previous partners or being swept away by a romantic moment to commit an indiscretion. Perhaps this why Pisceans are not really the most faithful of lovers but their innately generous and soft natures surely make them one of the most forgiving. Finally the Pisces is an incurable romantic. Viewing the world and everything in it with rose-colored spectacles, this lover has a tendency to lose him or herself in another person. Once committed, a Pisces wishes to merge with you as a soul mate and in an effort to express this, may seem to want to engulf you. At such times you need to understand that this comes out of a deep insecurity; accepting this will not only help you give your partner the love and assurance that he/she needs but at the same time allow you to retain a firm sense of your own self.
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Pisces is a mystical and intuitive sign, and you Fish are always ready to lose yourselves in the act of intercourse. You like to woo your partner with dreams of fairytale romance and enchantment, which can be very seductive, but beware of getting too lost in your own fantasies -- you don't want your partner to feel disillusioned in the end.
Aries could give you the sensation of being run over by a steamroller, but don’t let that chase you off. Aries’ ardent desire and all-consuming love could be worth the little bit of roughing up you might get in the process! As you might already guess, you won’t need to do much coaxing when it comes to getting Aries to have sex with you. But, before you get things started, you might want to ask your over-anxious partner to stop long enough to look at you. It isn’t that this child-like creature is rude or insensitive! Aries just likes to get to the point, and has an innocent way at looking at love. Aries may not even be aware of the world of wonder that lies behind your eyes. But, once you show how much love there is in your heart, Aries is sure to respond. You will be courted and adored by this restless hunter, and Aries won’t be happy until you’ve said that your heart has been won.
Sticking it out with this hyperactive type might be a little hard on your delicate nature, though. Aries will want to take you off to new adventures way before you’re ready! You’ll have to develop a mutual understanding of what you need and want from one another if this is going to last. Your karmic lesson from Aries will be that sometimes you have to make decisions long before you have all the information you need. Going with the flow doesn’t always help when there are those times when you have to go with your gut.
Calm and gentle Taurus will be very attractive to you! Here is someone you just know you can count on. Taurus does, indeed, seem to have everything about life taken care of. From the right job to the perfect money manager, Taurus organizes all things material in an almost-effortless style. You -- the one who does tend to have trouble dealing with such things -- will think you have found the answer to all your problems -- and that’s before you even get into bed! Taurus will impress you with a wide repertoire of techniques and touches that will make you feel safe, secure, and taken care of. You, in turn, will offer Taurus the kind of embrace this Earth-centered person rarely encounters. While you feel comfortable in the world of emotion and the unseen, Taurus will find this strange -- but very attractive.
Ruled by lovable Venus, Taurus’ emotions are never far below the surface. By bringing them out, you’ll be doing your partner an enormous favor! However, once you get out of bed and into the real world, things could change somewhat. It might seem like you have to struggle to get approval from Taurus, who will see your lack of obsession for money and possessions to be careless. You, in turn will find yourself reminding Taurus more than once that money isn’t everything. This can work out, if you develop mutual respect and come to understand that you each are better for what the other has to offer. Your karmic lesson from Taurus is that although it can be the root of all evil, money can also be a source of comfort and security.
This talkative individual might seem to be worlds apart from you, but that’s not entirely the case. Gemini lives in the world of the mind, and likes to put out feelers to discover what others are doing in the busy world out there. Although you might prefer to spend more time focused on your inner world, you’ll enjoy hearing Gemini’s stories and be enchanted by the way this charming suitor lures you into bed. The fun will go on once you get there, too. You’ll find Gemini to be playful and coy -- almost as though you’re being tricked into having sex! It’ll be fun playing along. You don’t have to let on to Gemini that you’re much smarter than you seem, but you won’t be able to hide that for more than a few hours.
Gemini could actually get kind of frightened by the depth of your emotion and your ability to transcend normal reality. Try to expose this gun-shy person very slowly to your range of feelings, because Gemini is very skittish about making commitments. This could be a problem between you, unless you fully communicate and are open about what you want from your relationship. Gemini won’t ask you to be anything but who you are, but you’ll have to jointly decide whether you’re right for one another. Your karmic lesson from Gemini is that it pays to have fun while you move toward a certain level of intimacy, so a relationship can grow one joyful step at a time.
Emotionally expressive Cancer will be your instant best friend, and you’ll fall into one another’s arms almost without thinking about it. To be sure, you’ll feel safe with someone who seems to intuitively understand how you work and what makes you tick; and Cancer will appreciate your ability to share on such a deep and profound level. In bed, the two of you will scramble to find ways to please one another -- in fact, there may even be an awkward moment or two where you feel as though you don’t know what to do at all. If that should happen, your best bet is to go with the flow. The two of you operate so well on an instinctual level, you’ll figure out exactly how to get things going again!
There are a lot of good things the two of you can do in a long-term relationship, but remember that you’re going to have to work at it. Cancer will be extremely devoted, and will also expect you to be the same way. You will often have to guess at why Cancer isn’t so happy, and try different things in order to turn those nasty moods around. This can be very upsetting to you, because in some ways it’s hard for you to know exactly when you’re doing all the right things. Communication, of course, will help this along. Your karmic lesson from Cancer is that it’s good to work on a feeling level, but if you don’t understand what’s going on between you, it’s better to have a clear and direct conversation.
The flashy, dashing Leo lover might sweep you off your feet, but once you’re up in the air it could be hard to figure out where you’re supposed to land. From the get-go, it will pay to go slowly with this domineering person. Although the two of you will probably have a grand time together in bed, you might get lost in the wave of Leo’s many needs and demands. You can get along with almost anyone, of course, but make sure in this case that you don’t give up on the things you want just for the sake of keeping Leo around. Although Leo won’t move in on you that fast, there will be some insistence that things have to happen in a certain order or a particular pace.
You may enjoy going along with this, but before long you’re going to have to stand up and speak up for what you want out of the relationship. As long as you can do this, you might well enjoy living under Leo’s protection. Leo will push you to work harder and show off more of your talents, expecting you to perform at the top of your game. As long as you can keep the conversation going, you can probably sustain a mutually satisfying long-term relationship. Your karmic lesson from Leo will be to avoid getting caught up in the wake of your emotion, and to ask for the things you want rather than pretending to be satisfied with what someone else thinks you need.
Well-grounded and perfectly groomed Virgo is your perfect match! Although it might not seem like it at first, you two are the perfect complementary pair. You’re capable of seeing far beyond the horizon of the material world, while Virgo’s suspension of disbelief will only go so far. Meanwhile, Virgo is more than capable of taking care of the business involved in day-to-day life. In the bedroom, this might not seem to matter much, as for the most part the two of you will be trying to find many new ways to please one another. The way that you both give in the relationship will be the glue that keeps you together.
While Virgo takes care of the little things in your life that need to be organized, you expose this sometimes overly-perfect person to a world where disorder and chaos can lead to the joys of imagination and creativity. Together, the two of you can build a very strong relationship that’s based on mutual trust and respect. Work hard for that, though -- it could be far too easy for Virgo to believe you’re somehow "inferior" because you don’t see things in the orderly way your lover has the world organized. Your long-term possibilities are made even brighter when you learn to value yourself! In fact, your karmic lesson from Virgo is that even when you live in a world that sometimes makes it seem like you don’t have anything going for you, the truth is people will totally appreciate the wonderful things you have to offer.
You and the gracious Libra lover will get along from the beginning, because you both are so driven by the idea of love and romance. While others are looking for new ways to get off, the two of you are trying to find ways to show your love, whether it’s through poetry, art, or the simple act of wooing. To both of you, the bedroom scene won’t be very appealing unless you set it up with some background music, maybe the right lighting, and certainly an understanding that you will share everything if you can only be tender with one another.
The only thing that stands between the two of you getting together might be a reluctance to get things started. Although Libra has a much more self-motivated way of being than you do, you will probably have to be the one to get things started. When Libra knows you’re doing the pursuing, this will make the idea of getting together seem even hotter. In bed, Libra, like you, will need to have some intellectual and emotional attachment in order to fully enjoy the physical sensations. While you may not need to speak, you can convey your deeper connection by retaining eye contact or singing softly while you make sweet love. While you and Libra can live happily in a romantic setting, working together on the outside requires some effort. You may need to get some outside motivation in order to plan things you both enjoy. However, you share an appreciation for the arts that few other couples can boast. Your karmic lesson from Libra is that it’s perfectly fine to live in the fantasies you create, as long as you don’t forget to take care of your everyday life.
Although people will warn you about Scorpio’s manipulative and possessive tendencies, the two of you will have a lot in common. Not only are you both very intuitive, you share an emotional view of relationships that will help you build respect for one another even before you get to bed. Before you get involved with Scorpio, you will probably figure out just how much you have to let your lover be in charge. Scorpio does know best about some things, such as how to look out for your own interests and how to avoid being overrun by someone who wants to take advantage of you. Meanwhile, you will push Scorpio’s envelope of trust by trying to prove that everyone you meet isn’t all bad!
Scorpio will be a very giving lover, but will also insist that you deliver the goods when it comes to showing attention and affection. Although you might feel as though it would pay to read some book or practice different sexual exercises before you meet up with Scorpio, in truth all you need to do is act from your heart. If you’re expressing your true feelings of love and admirat
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