Pisces Male Sexuality Traits

Pisces Male Sexuality Traits


Pisces Male Sexuality Traits

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Pisces Man In Bed – 9 Things To Know About His Sexual Side

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A Pisces man is generally recognized as having the characteristics of the placid laid-back guy, who goes with the flow, as depicted by his zodiac sign of fishes swimming in different directions.
However, when it comes to the sexual side of a Pisces man in bed, it is a whole different ball game.
The saying goes, “Still waters run deep”, but can turn into a torrent when a woman understands how to press the buttons that will release the pent-up passions of desire for her. Find out in this short video here .
The romantic Pisces male is driven by emotion when connecting intimately. Because of this, his partner needs to know how to awaken the passion that is created by true love.
Are you dating a Pisces man who seems reserved when it comes to sex?
Or are you wanting to re-light the passions in a faltering relationship?
Whatever the reason, this article will explain the things you must know to create an emotional connection with a Pisces man that will last.
That vital emotional sexual bond will generate his undying love and devotion.
When it comes to water signs, emotions are an important part of intimacy.
In astrology, water represents emotions, and the zodiac sign of Pisces is depicted as two fish that swim in opposite directions. This aspect is key to understanding Pisces’ man’s sexuality.
The Pisces man needs to sense an emotional draw to his lover, which will give the experience meaning rather than just providing carnal satisfaction.
For him, he mostly expresses this through his sexuality.
While he is known to wear his heart on his sleeve, if he is really into you then he will go the extra mile to make sure you are satisfied sexually.
Besides wanting to feel an intimate bond with you in bed, he also wants a woman who can stimulate his mind and ignite his erotic passions.
His brain is always ticking, so for a Pisces man, the words you use during love-making can have a huge impact on the bond you make with him.
By combining a flirty playfulness with some subtle sensual innuendo by using the words, like the ones in this video , then you will easily be able to sexually stimulate his mind and make him super-hot for you.
When you take control and direct his intimate thoughts in this way, you will not only become more desirable in his eyes but also make the intimacy a more passionate and fulfilling experience for both of you.
A program that has helped me, and I know a lot of other women in our situation, is by a professional sex therapist and relationship expert, Felicity Keith.
Felicity’s method is so effective that, when used as she directs, words that are psychologically proven to turn men on, can make a guy perceive you as his dream partner in life.
This is because it enables you to connect directly to the primal, desire-driven, subconscious part of his mind that will spark love and attraction.
When I first heard of Felicity’s program I was skeptical, to say the least, but a friend persuaded me to at least watch her brief video.
Thank goodness I did , because this one video spiced up my relationship, and stopped the man I adore drifting into the arms of another woman.
But don’t just take my word for it , you can decide for yourself and check out Felicity’s method here .
I think you may be surprised how easily you can focus your man’s attention totally on you.
If one zodiac sign can be defined as a romantic lover, it would be a Pisces man.
Provided you can create a strong emotional tie with him, he will prove to be considerate, affectionate, and in touch, almost in a spiritual sense. This combination makes him a sensual lover in bed.
Unlike his water sign cousin, Cancer, a Pisces man won’t stick with a partner if he is not fulfilled at the level of his emotions as well as his loins.
He will continue to search for a partner who can be his match and offer him what he is looking for. The one thing he must have in a long-term relationship. This video by a marriage expert explains .
So, when a Pisces man is initially playing the field, he would think nothing of sleeping with a complete stranger, in his quest to find the one!
Nevertheless, he would naturally perceive some kind of bond with them after the encounter, but a woman who understands his deeper side will stop him in his tracks.
Things don’t always need to be romantic, though. It all depends on how he sees his partner; as the love of his life, or as a person to help fulfill his wildest fantasies.
Since he is a sensitive fella, he responds well to praise. Conversely, any negative comments can also be taken to heart.
Giving him compliments will make him feel close to you, and he will then want to go to greater lengths to please you, both in bed and in other areas of your relationship.
Since he is such a sensitive lover, criticism will live long in his mind. Always remember to downplay any upsets until a time when they can be discussed maturely between the two of you.
Just tell him what you do like, and want him to do, and praise him for the things he does well. Do not be too laid back, learn more here about oral stimulation and send his passion for you to new heights.
Learning how to seduce him with your words will not only empower you with the confidence to raise the pulse, but it will also help to deepen your intimacy and bring the two of you closer on a mental and emotional level.
Whispering in his ear during lovemaking will reassure him that you are fully on board with his style.
Body language can be used as an indicator but there is no substitute for using words hot and steamy words at the right time.
 This is something all women should know
If you are starting to feel your guy is losing interest in you
Or maybe, you have drifted apart due to a breakup?
The reason could lay in not understanding a fundamental desire a man needs in a long-term relationship.
The next few sentences could hold the key to your future relationship happiness.
There is one thing a man craves above all else, even more than sex.
Yet 90% of women don't even know it even exists.
It is the reason why relationships never get started or why couples just drift apart.
If you want to learn the secret to becoming the center of his world and being the only woman he truly desires , this video explains the simple steps that can turn your dreams into reality.
(Please use your new knowledge ethically)
The Pisces man is a sensitive and emotional creature. Men with this zodiac sign are often dreamers who live in their heads more than reality, but they find solace in the one thing that can take them away from it all: sex.
These men love to be romanced and enticed into bed with you (not literally). Once there, they will create an emotional sexual bond with you that is more about feelings than physical pleasure.
If he’s not looking for anything serious or committed, then this blog post is NOT for you! But if he has started telling you “I love you” on a regular basis and wants to make your relationship exclusive, read on!
A Pisces man loves to experiment and try new things, as long as he is given the green light by his partner.
He likes sex to be exciting, so introducing new things to him in the bedroom will often go down very well. Pardon the pun..!
If you have some hidden fantasies or even a fetish or two, then a Pisces man can be a great love for you.
He will never judge you when you share your intimate thoughts with him. Conversely, it will, in most cases, turn him on to hear all about them.
He wants to make love to you and satisfy your sexual desires so he will often be willing to act them out with you.
Being open with him and knowing how to communicate your erotic longings, and sexual needs will be highly arousing for him.
Pisces is regarded as a feminine sign, which is one reason why he is so much in touch with his emotions. Because of this, sex with a Pisces man can be deep and intimate.
He craves sensitivity, affection, and a deep, emotional connection with his partner when he is in bed making love.
However, he also wants to have emotional stability in every aspect of the relationship with his partner. You can find out more about this hidden desire in this video here .
Beyond the mere physical allure, he wants to experience a deep bond with a lover on a mental, and sometimes even spiritual level. When you combine spirituality with sexuality you reach the deeper nature of Pisces. After all, Pisces is known as the most spiritual sign of the zodiac.
For some Pisceans, their dual nature can sometimes make them feel lost or even torn, not knowing what he truly wants in a relationship.
If a Pisces man ever cheats on his lover, then often he will be led to it by these conflicted feelings.
However, if he experiences a true bond with his partner, then it will be almost impossible for him to stray.
When making love, he wants to experience his energy mingling with yours and experience a connection that only the two of you share.
Pisces man loves to both give and receive oral sex. He makes it his mission to give his partners pleasure and deeply satisfy them.
In return, he also wants to experience the same levels of ecstasy with you, too.
He will take great delight in getting to know your intimate areas and what kind of touch you enjoy the most in bed.
When he goes down on you, it is also an arousing experience for him as well.
In turn, when you go down on him, your technique and the way in which you give him pleasure will make a big difference in how fulfilling he finds intimacy with you.
If he sees that you’re also enjoying giving him oral pleasure then you’re off to a good start.
Unfortunately, when it comes to oral sex, a lot of women think they are doing it right, but a lot of men attest that often the blow jobs they receive are mediocre at best.
Of course, some women with a lot of experience know how to do it well.
However, if you’re reading this and you have that sinking feeling in your stomach and are wondering if you’re doing it right for your Pisces man, then I recommend you listen to this advice on oral sex from a guy’s perspective .
One of the most obvious sex traits of a Pisces man is that he has a lot of self-confidence when it comes to sex. This emotive water sign is in touch with his feelings and knows exactly what he wants.
The self-confidence of the Pisces man can be a bit intimidating for some women who may wonder if they are doing the right things in bed to please him.
However, he is a considerate lover and wants you to be at ease so you can also fully enjoy the experience with him, too.
Do you find that you are sometimes a little intimidated by guys who seem to be highly sexually confident?
Then, relationship expert, Felicity Keith will show you how to step in with your own sexual power and blossom into the confident, empowered goddess that you are meant to be.
If this resonates with you then you can find out about her Language of Desire program here .
Even if he is naturally submissive by nature, he loves to experiment, mix things up, and even switch roles from time to time.
Roleplay is always a good idea to suggest if you’re in a relationship with a Pisces man. He wants to make love to you and have a rich and varied sex life.
He likes to bring new ideas into the bedroom, but if you suggest something new then he will find it very exciting and arousing.
Remember, as I said above, he will be open to hearing all about your sexual fantasies, and often willing to indulge.
He would like to experiment with all kinds of roles with you, and he will also be willing to let his lady take the leading role from time to time.
it’s worth bearing in mind that the erogenous zone of a Pisces man is his feet, so he may be harboring a hidden foot fetish if he hasn’t already told you about it.
Here in the video below are a few extra bonus tips for you to consider when it comes to sex with a Pisces man.
Relationship coach Amira Celon, shares some interesting tips to keep a Pisces man happy in bed.

A Pisces man will appreciate your openness and feel, all the more connected to you.
It should go without saying that communication and consideration of one another’s emotions are some of the most important aspects of a relationship.
Openly discussing topics of interest over a glass of wine is one thing, but being able to talk with your partner in an intimate way that arouses him is the key to an incredible connection with fulfilling and lasting intimacy.
If you have any fears of embarrassment or not knowing what to say to a Pisces man in bed I highly recommend you listen to this advice from sexual relationship expert, Felicity Keith.
If you want to know more about a Pisces man and how to improve your relationship with him both in bed and in the outer areas of your relationship, then you can find lots more helpful articles about this interesting water sign on our homepage here astrology-india.com .
Isabella was introduced to astrology by her mother at an early age and has had a fascination with it ever since. Having been brought up in India while her father was serving with the army, Isabella quickly understood the connection between the zodiac signs and the universe.
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Home / Astrology / Pisces Man In Bed – 9 Things To Know About His Sexual Side

Pisces Man In Bed – 9 Things To Know About His Sexual Side

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We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Ok No Privacy policy
A Pisces man is generally recognized as having the characteristics of the placid laid-back guy, who goes with the flow, as depicted by his zodiac sign of fishes swimming in different directions.
However, when it comes to the sexual side of a Pisces man in bed, it is a whole different ball game.
The saying goes, “Still waters run deep”, but can turn into a torrent when a woman understands how to press the buttons that will release the pent-up passions of desire for her. Find out in this short video here .
The romantic Pisces male is driven by emotion when connecting intimately. Because of this, his partner needs to know how to awaken the passion that is created by true love.
Are you dating a Pisces man who seems reserved when it comes to sex?
Or are you wanting to re-light the passions in a faltering relationship?
Whatever the reason, this article will explain the things you must know to create an emotional connection with a Pisces man that will last.
That vital emotional sexual bond will generate his undying love and devotion.
When it comes to water signs, emotions are an important part of intimacy.
In astrology, water represents emotions, and the zodiac sign of Pisces is depicted as two fish that swim in opposite directions. This aspect is key to understanding Pisces’ man’s sexuality.
The Pisces man needs to sense an emotional draw to his lover, which will give the experience meaning rather than just providing carnal satisfaction.
For him, he mostly expresses this through his sexuality.
While he is known to wear his heart on his sleeve, if he is really into you then he will go the extra mile to make sure you are satisfied sexually.
Besides wanting to feel an intimate bond with you in bed, he also wants a woman who can stimulate his mind and ignite his erotic passions.
His brain is always ticking, so for a Pisces man, the words you use during love-making can have a huge impact on the bond you make with him.
By combining a flirty playfulness with some subtle sensual innuendo by using the words, like the ones in this video , then you will easily be able to sexually stimulate his mind and make him super-hot for you.
When you take control and direct his intimate thoughts in this way, you will not only become more desirable in his eyes but also make the intimacy a more passionate and fulfilling experience for both of you.
A program that has helped me, and I know a lot of other women in our situation, is by a professional sex therapist and relationship expert, Felicity Keith.
Felicity’s method is so effective that, when used as she directs, words that are psychologically proven to turn men on, can make a guy perceive you as his dream partner in life.
This is because it enables you to connect directly to the primal, desire-driven, subconscious part of his mind that will spark love and attraction.
When I first heard of Felicity’s program I was skeptical, to say the least, but a friend persuaded me to at least watch her brief video.
Thank goodness I did , because this one video spiced up my relationship, and stopped the man I adore drifting into the arms of another woman.
But don’t just take my word for it , you can decide for yourself and check out Felicity’s method here .
I think you may be surprised how easily you can focus your man’s attention totally on you.
If one zodiac sign can be defined as a romantic lover, it would be a Pisces man.
Provided you can create a strong emotional tie with him, he will prove to be considerate, affectionate, and in touch, almost in a spiritual sense. This combination makes him a sensual lover in bed.
Unlike his water sign cousin, Cancer, a Pisces man won’t stick with a partner if he is not fulfilled at the level of his emotions as well as his loins.
He will continue to search for a partner who can be his match and offer him what he is looking for. The one thing he must have in a long-term relationship. This video by a marriage expert explains .
So, when a Pisces man is initially playing the field, he would think nothing of sleeping with a complete stranger, in his quest to find the one!
Nevertheless, he would naturally perceive some kind of bond with them after the encounter, but a woman who understands his deeper side will stop him in his tracks.
Things don’t always need to be romantic, though. It all depends on how he sees his partner; as the love of his life, or as a person to help fulfill his wildest fantasies.
Since he is a sensitive fella, he responds well to praise. Conversely, any negative comments can also be taken to heart.
Giving him compliments will make him feel close to you, and he will then want to go to greater lengths to please you, both in bed and in other areas of your relationship.
Since he is such a sensitive lover, criticism will live long in his mind. Always remember to downplay any upsets until a time when they can be discussed maturely between the two of you.
Just tell him what you do like, and want him to do, and praise him for the things he does well. Do not be too laid back, learn more here about oral stimulation and send his passion for you to new heights.
Learning how to seduce him with your words will not only empower you with th
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