Night Penetration

Night Penetration


Night Penetration
Many situations call for cameras that can penetrate through fog and haze. These cameras can image day or night, eliminating the costly need for multiple cameras covering the same scene. This is especially important in virtual control towers, airborne reconnaissance, railways, borders, and port and harbor security scenarios where fog and haze are a regular occurrence. Short wave infrared and multi-spectral cameras help with the detection and identification of suspicious targets, landmarks and other objects of interest, potential floating objects, or approaching ships on the water.  This rapidly advancing technology serves a variety of applications.
The Sii FG Fog Vision System provides fused multi-spectral (MWIR & SWIR), high-resolution, day and thermal vision capabilities, for conditions of severely reduced visibility.

GitHub - Animal42069/BetterPenetration
Day and Night Fog Penetration Camera - Opgal
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