Nicholas Ballbusting

Nicholas Ballbusting


Nicholas Ballbusting
Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

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Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

he turned to two teachers waiting nearby. “Turn him horizontal and lower him to floor level.”
The teachers did so as Darren looked around anxiously. “No, no, what are you doing?”
“My boy… I guess I won’t be able to call you that much longer. This has been fun. But all good things must come to an end.”
The teachers lowered him to ground level and secured him in place. He was now laying in an X spread eagled. She had planned to move straight to castration but the site was so tempting. Maybe she could have just a little more fun.
Patricia stood between his legs, swung her leg far back, and let fly. Rather than hitting direct with the pointy toe of her stiletto, which likely would have skewered his nut or ripped it right off, she angled her foot so the top flat part of her shoe crashed into his waiting nuts and crushed them into his body. There was a satisfying sound - THWAP - and feeling. She wound her leg back and did it again. And then again.
As she kicked again and again, Darren was screaming at the top of his lungs.
She could just keep going, maybe 10 more kicks and she would pop them? Or a kick with the toe? She stopped. No. Looking at his swollen gonads, she already knew how she wanted to do it.
She motioned to the teachers and they moved to fix a small wooden board around his balls. It was only about 2 feet squared with a hole in the middle. They closed the two parts of it around the base of his balls. There was a screw to tighten or loosen. They tightened until the hole became smaller. His swollen balls were now splayed out on top of the wood. And they had no way of escaping through the hole.
“Darren Smith. The sentence has already been pronounced. Now it is time to carry it out.”
Patricia put her right foot into the platform and placed it beside his right nut. She played with his nut for a minute with the toe of her stiletto, pushing and prodding into it. He screamed in agony. It felt like an over ripe plumb now. Just ready to explode.
She positioned the heel of the stiletto on the center of his right ball. She started to press down, slowly shifting her weight.
“Please, please, please…” the boy was pleading. She put more weight onto his nut. It was bulging out on all sides like a balloon when pressed in the middle. Huh, she had never thought to compare a ball with a balloon, but this is exactly what it felt like. She was pleased at having found a new analogy.
The pain intensified, and he lost all ability to speak. He was now just mattering guttural, incoherent sounds.
Patricia shifted all of her weight onto her heel. She was surprised that his balloon didn’t burst immediately. She was happy, though actually. This was perhaps the happiest place and moment on earth for her. In this moment, she wasn’t holding back. She was doing it - she was putting all of her effort into destroying a testicle. But she still had the adrenaline rush of anticipation. It hadn’t happened yet. When would it happen? She was in a state of bliss as her stiletto heel sunk ever closer to the floor, the nutmeat that was underneath it being displaced to all sides, putting immense pressure on the testicular wall.
The boy’s nut was distorted almost beyond recognition. Even if she were to remove her foot at this moment, she was certain that enough internal damage had been caused to the testicle that it would never produce sperm. It was most likely sterilized. But that wasn’t enough. It had to be destroyed.
She felt her stiletto heel touch the smooth, even surface of the wood below. Her heart began pounding like a jackhammer. She couldn’t breathe. All her experience and instinct told her, “Here it comes…”
She watched as the ball, which had been expanding, expanding, reached its limits. The testicular wall could not hold. And just like a balloon…
The most wonderful, satisfying sound she had ever heard or would ever hear. Just as a balloon deflated as the air comes rushing out, so too did she watch as the gigantic swollen ball on which she had been standing completely deflate as the insides of his testicle poured through the destroyed wall and out into his sac. The right side of his sac now became a shapeless mass of liquified nutmeat.
There was a defeaning roar from the room. Patricia looked at the happy faces all staring back at her. She felt so proud in her girls and so proud to be a woman.
They began chanting “Finish it, finish it… »
Patricia looked down at his bulging left nut. She looked to Darren’s face. He had the look of a deer in headlights. His brain didn’t know how to comprehend what was happening. 
The pain was so overwhelming that his brain did not know how to process it.
“Finish it, finish it…” the girls chanted.
Patricia silenced the room. “Girls, we ARE GOING TO FINISH IT.” They all cheered. “And I can’t think of what better person to do it, if she’s willing…”
Patricia looked over to Lizzy. Lizzy’s eyes brightened with the light of a star. “Yes, yes, yeeessss!!!” She squeeled with schoolgirl glee.
Lizzy walked over to her brother. “Do you know how you would like to do it?” Asked Patricia. Lizzy didn’t hesitate. “Oh yeah. For years, when this twerp has really ticked me off, do you know how badly I just wanted to stomp his little ballsies into smitherines? Well, now is my chance!”
Lizzy looked down at her foot. She removed her shoe. Now just her white stockings covered her legs and feet. “I want to be able to FEEL his nut be destroyed under my foot!”
Lizzy stood over her brother. Little sister towering over big brother. She loved it. “Lizzy, no, no, please…” he said as she raised her foot above his last remaining nut. “I’m your broth…” The wind was knocked out of him as Lizzy stomped down hard on her brother’s left ball. She lifted her foot back up and stomped again. Then again. Every time she struck, she could feel his ball flatten. It was the most amazing feeling ever.
Four, five, six times. Lizzy stopped and watched as her brother’s muscles writhed in agony. He so wanted to curl up into a ball. To cup last remaining gonad, but he couldn’t.
Patricia walked over to Lizzy and gave some advice. “If you want to destroy his testicle with one hard stomp, then you should use your heel…” Patricia bent down, grabbed Lizzies foot and calf, moved it over top of Darren’s testicle and slowly down towards it, with her heel directly over top of it. She slowly moved it onto his nut and flattened it slightly. “If you hit it at this angle with that spot of your heel, and with as much force as you can muster, your brother’s ball doesn’t stand a chance.” She repeated the movement once more. Lizzy nodded and did a few slow motion practice stomps in order to ensure she had an accurate aim.
“Hear that bro?” Lizzy taunted. “Your little ballsie doesn’t stand a chance. What do you think of the fact that your little sis is going to make you into a eunuch.”
“Wait, once I castrate you, you won’t be my brother anymore. Will you be my sister then? I’ve always wanted a sister!” The entire room laughed.
As his sister raised her heel high into position, his mind raced in desperatation. “Wait!” He yelled. “Wait.”
She kept her foot suspended in mid-air and looked at him impatiently. “What?”
“If you castrate me, then no more pain button. No more fun getting to kick me in the balls - or uh - ball, all the time.”
Lizzy lowered her foot to the ground. Darren had a gleam or hope in his eye. He wouldn’t be castrates after all.
Lizzy looked at him and smiled. “You’re just forgetting one thing silly brother.” He looked at her. “We have three more brothers. That’s six more balls I get to destroy, someday.”
“In the meantime, here goes number 1!!”
Before Darren could speak or react, Lizzy lifted her white stocking clad leg high and it descended to the ground in what looked to Darren like a flash. White lightning streamed across Darren’s field of vision as an explosion ripped through his body. It was the shockwave of pain from his little sister’s devastating heel stomp that, in that very instant, obliterated his left and last testicle into nothingness.
For a split second, Lizzy had felt a soft air cushion under her heel. But only for an instant. Then there was a loud POP and then all she could feel was her heel making contact with the hard wood. She kept her foot in place. As the seconds passed, she felt a warmth cover the bottom of her foot. It was the insides of her brother’s testicle spilling out across his sac. Lizzy stood there for what felt like an eternity, relishing the feeling .
“I can’t believe I just castrated my big brother!” She thought to herself.
Darren began convulsing on the table. His head rocking back and forth. No one in that room could understand the agony he was going through.
After a few minutes of watching her brother’s torment, Patricia told Lizzy that the sentence was to completely obliterate his testicles. That meant no solid pieces could be remaining.
Lizzy bent down and felt her brother’s sac through the Speedo. The Speedo was no longer bulging but hanging looser now. The bulging orbs were nowhere to be seen. In their place just a formless mass of destroyed nuts.
With absolute glee, Lizzy poked and prodded her brother’s sac. It was like gelatin. Oh, wait, she would feel something, a little lump here and there. She would bring her fingers around it and then squeeze, crushing bit by bit any solid remnants of his testicles. Darren screamed in agony the whole time.
When it was all done, Patricia looked to the auditorium. “Ladies, the sentence has been carried out.”

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