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| \ ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl

, ˈsek-shəl \


: of, relating to, or associated with sex or the sexes

sexual differentiation sexual conflict


: having or involving sex

sexual reproduction

, ˈsek-​sh(ə-​)lē

He denied that he had a sexual relationship with her.

Recent Examples on the Web

The authors conclude that the male baboons’ behavior amounts to sexual intimidation.

Michael Price, Science | AAAS , 6 July 2017

Real freedom for women, Salt-N-Pepa are saying, lies in sexual autonomy, in taking control of their bodies.

Dinitia Smith, Daily Intelligencer , 30 June 2017

Former president Steve Penny resigned in March under intensifying pressure for the way the organization handled charges of sexual abuse.

Will Graves, , 27 June 2017



| \ ˈsek-shə-wəl



: of or relating to sex or the sexes


: of, relating to, or being the form of reproduction in which germ cells from two parents combine in fertilization to form a new individual


| \ ˈseksh-(ə-)wəl, ˈsek-shəl



: of, relating to, or associated with sex or the sexes

sexual differentiation sexual conflict


: having or involving sex

sexual reproduction

ˈseksh-​(ə-​)wə-​lē, ˈseksh-​(ə-​)lē



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These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'sexual.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback .

1650, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Late Latin sexualis , from Latin sexus sex
From the Editors at Merriam-Webster
“Sexual.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 29 Jun. 2022.
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By Siobhan Brier | Updated June 21, 2022
Medically Reviewed By Lauren Guilbeault, LMHC
Knowing the common surprising signs a man is attracted to you sexually takes the guesswork out of the situation. You won’t have to constantly agonize over whether or not he’s into you and you can decide whether you want to be the first one to make a move with confidence.
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If there’s a certain man you feel you have a sexual connection with, you probably want to be aware if the feeling is mutual. Luckily, it’s not hard to read how he feels about you sexually once you are aware of what to look for.
Even if he’s the mysterious type who has perfected his poker face, subconscious tells will still give him away; he can’t control it!
Signs a man is sexually attracted to you are universal and hardwired into men’s biological code. Knowing the surprising signs a man is attracted to you allows you to gain confidence and insight.
Nature has made us attractive to one another because it’s essential for the continuation of the species. You may like someone as a person but if you don’t experience a mutual level of romantic attraction, there won’t be much hope for the connection. It’s important that both people feel this mutual level of romantic attraction.
This doesn’t mean that you have to instantly feel fireworks go off when you meet a guy, but you should be open to the possibility of getting to know him better.
We’ve all had experiences where someone is attracted to us, but we don’t reciprocate the feeling. This can lead to uncomfortable situations, especially if they continue to pursue us. Mutual attraction is important because it sets the stage for a successful relationship.
On the other hand, most of us have had the disheartening experience of being turned down by someone we were attracted to. You might have even had the experience where you’re making all the moves but the other person isn’t reciprocating or giving you a clear sign.
That’s why it’s good to have a clear idea of what to look for when you’re trying to determine if the guy you’re interested in has the same feelings. It’s important to know whether or not he finds you attractive, because the street goes both ways!
If you feel like it’s difficult to get a handle on how a guy feels about you, it may help you to know that research has shown that men may have a harder time than women differentiating surprising signs of attraction. So, even if you know whether or not he finds you attractive, he might not be as perceptive to the subtle signs that you can’t stop thinking of him.
Brain scans have shown that different parts of women’s brains activate when they are evaluating the behavior of potential mates, which may make them naturally more intuitive.
We’re not talking about anything overtly sexual. He may briefly place his hand on your shoulder or the crook of your elbow. Or he may brush against you, seemingly by accident. While some men are just more physically forward, if these “accidental” touches happen frequently, you can be sure he’s doing it on purpose.
Or, when a man finds little excuses to casually make physical contact , that’s a good sign he’s attracted to you. This is one of the most obvious surprising signs he is attracted to you.
If a man is sexually attracted to you, he’ll probably frequently try to catch your gaze and hold it for an extended period. This type of eye contact radiates confidence and interest in the other person. Sometimes they may just be friendly.
If he’s often making prolonged eye contact, that’s a good sign he’s attracted to you.
His eyes can also express his feelings in different ways. He may raise his eyebrow playfully when you two are chatting. Or you may spot him staring at you from across the room and smile when you catch him.
If he’s talking to a group of people but makes the most eye contact with you, that’s a big sign he’s focused on you and that he finds you attractive.
On the other hand, if the guy you’re interested in happens to be the shy type, you may notice a distinct lack of eye contact. He may break eye contact repeatedly, looking down self-consciously. Or he may glance at you when he thinks you’re not looking, then quickly turn away.
If a man is sexually attracted to you, he’ll want to present his best self so you’ll be more inclined to reciprocate. When a man takes care of his grooming, he’s showing you that he can be reliable and presentable. Depending on the settings in which you interact, you may notice he begins taking more effort to style his hair, wear cologne, and put on his most flattering clothes.
You may also notice him straightening his shirt, running his hand through his hair, or making other adjustments-all surprising signs that he’s trying to look his best around you.
These are common grooming behaviors that are rooted in primal structures of the brain and mirror similar actions in the animal kingdom. If a man finds you attractive, you may catch him exhibiting these grooming behaviors while he’s talking or interacting with you, specifically.
Some people are just naturally flirtatious-it’s a part of their personality. But if a guy is flirtatious toward you specifically, it’s usually a sign that he’s attracted to you.
Flirtatious banter is a good way to foster mutual attraction and build up sexual tension between two people. It’s one of the most enjoyable and surprising signs a guy is attracted to you.
This can be a subtle change but you might pick up on it when you pay attention to how he speaks to his friends and other people around you. If his voice seems to deepen when he’s talking it’s a sign of a subconscious shift in order to appear more dominant and powerful.
Research has suggested that women prefer deeper male voices to higher voices and men will often lower the tone of their voice without realizing it. This is one of those things that men don’t really do consciously, so they can’t hide that they’re attracted to you.
He might go to lengths to be discreet about it, but no matter how sly he is, you’ll probably at some point catch a guy who is attracted to you checking out your body.
If a guy finds you attractive, he’ll often let his eyes wander; you might be catching him daydreaming as he stops thinking and just stares.
Research has suggested that men are more easily turned on by visual stimulus than women, so if he finds you attractive and he can’t stop thinking about physical contact with your body, he’ll let his roving eyes do the talking.
One subconscious, deeply ingrained sign that a man is attracted to you is if he tries to make himself appear bigger and taller by stiffening his shoulders and straightening his spine.
When a man is attracted to a woman, he may also adopt a so-called “power pose,” by putting his hands on his hips and pushing up his chest.
Have you ever gotten that “butterflies” feeling in your stomach when you’re attracted to someone? Maybe you find yourself distracted or struggling to find the right words?
You might find yourself thinking, “I’m talking, but he doesn’t seem to be listening to me.” If a man is very physically attracted to you, it can be intimidating, and he may experience the same internal anxiety.
Even a confident man can find that his nerves get the better of him in this situation, especially if they’re attracted to you secretly. If he finds you very attractive, it can leave him flustered. He may stutter, not seem to know what to do with his hands, or fumble with whatever he’s holding on to.
This is especially true if he senses he’s got competition. If they’re attracted to you, they might even set up a competitive situation that they know that they’ll win, just to impress you. This is one of several surprising signs a coworker is attracted to you.
When you’re having a conversation together, whether you’re standing around or sitting, you may notice him subtly leaning his body toward you, pointing his feet in your direction, or mimicking your gestures.
Whether he’s laughing at all your jokes or just seems to always crack a grin in your presence, it’s an indicator that he truly enjoys your company. If he finds you attractive, a man finds smiling and positivity to be very attractive, as do women, and they are especially attracted to someone who laughs at their jokes.
Whether in person or via messages, if he makes an effort to keep you talking it’s a sign that he wants to get close to you. He might engage you in talking about any subject he can think of, just to keep the connection going. He may ask you lots of questions, not only to determine if you’re already taken, but to prolong the conversation for as long as possible.
Keep in mind that just because a man is attracted to you sexually, it doesn’t mean that he’s interested in dating or pursuing a relationship. If you’re on the same page, then there’s no problem. If not, however, it’s important to be realistic about your expectations and clear about what you’re looking for to prevent heartbreak.
Dating can be stressful and that stress can lead to negative thinking patterns, an aversion to dating, and even lowered self-esteem over time.
If they go unchecked, these issues can become deeply rooted in our relationships and the ways we interact with each other.
Often, when our relationships follow unhealthy patterns, it can be hard to see the source of the problem. An experienced therapist can assist you in identifying the attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors that may be holding you back from experiencing a healthy, happy relationship and replacing them with more effective alternatives. is here for you to help you develop the tools necessary to have better relationships.
What indicates that a man is turned on by you?
There are some obvious surprising signs a man is turned on by you, but there are also some surprising signs that are more subtle. Body language tends to give a lot away when it comes to signals that he likes you or that a man is turned on by you. Some surprising signs are subtle, but they could very well mean that a man is turned on. An obvious indication that a man turned on by you would be that he makes a move on you and either implies or outwardly says that a man is turned on or asks if you want to take things further. He might also get more touchy-feely, or you feel a slight increase in his body heat. While this is a subtle sign, it’s an indication to take note of.
How do you determine if someone is thinking about you sexually?
It’s hard to determine if someone’s thinking about you sexually. Again, you can’t read anyone’s mind; not even a relationship expert will get it right all of the time, which is why communication is so essential. However, there are some real surprising signs you can look for if you want to determine whether or not a man finds you appealing. First, if you feel sexual chemistry, it’s likely that it’s reciprocal.
If he stays really close to you, even when there is not a crowd around, that is an indication that the man is attracted to you sexually. If he sits with his legs closed, he may be trying to conceal his sexual attraction and sexual arousal. If he sits with his legs spread, however, he may be wanting to pull you into him. The two may seem the same and can be confusing. A lot of how the conversation is going will dictate whether he is sexually attracted to you or just intrigued. On the flip side, he may also be feeling true love. When men love a woman, they cannot stop thinking about you and are probably attracted to you sexually , as well. While there are obvious signs of sexual attraction, such as putting his arm around you, whispering in your ear, or suggesting you go back to his place, there are less obvious signs a man wants to make love to you too.
How do you tell if a man is messing with you?
If you have been talking for a long time and have been out on many dates or seem to have developed some sort of relationship and he shows that he’s interested behind closed doors, but refuses to define the relationship regardless
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