Naughty Mommy Juicy Secrets

Naughty Mommy Juicy Secrets


Naughty Mommy Juicy Secrets
Juicy Secrets
Forbidden Tales of Lesbian Love
You are currently browsing the archives for 25 June 2021.
I have some questions for all of you:
Here’s the thing. A few issues have come to my attention and that need addressing.
Issue 1. This may be happening because of issue 4, which would be totally understandable if it is. And it’s not a big deal to delete someone from the list, just annoying when you’ve taken the time to create a record and add the data only to delete it a short time later.
Issue 2. Sorry, nothing I can do about that.
Issue 3. There are far too many emails for me to vet on a regular basis to ensure validity. As stated at the top of the “Staying in Touch” page, you! need to report any invalid email addresses to us. Do that and I will gladly delete them.
Issue 4. This really sucks! And sadly, there is nothing I can do about it.
I, personally, would like to delete it. But, the “Staying in Touch” page is for you, our readers therefore, I (Juicy Secrets) would like your input on what we do with it. Do we keep the page as is, do we get rid of it altogether, or are there any changes you would like to see that would make it better?
Let us know what you think in the comments below. We are looking forward to hearing your opinions.

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I have a little secret – mommies can be naughty too. Not much of a secret to you but you'd be surprised how many people are shocked to hear it. Although we spend much of our time shuttling our kids back and forth and making super responsible decisions there is still a woman inside of every mom. Our husbands (hopefully) are privy to our naughty side and we might confide in our best friend but what brings out the naughty is as unique as the woman. After all, we haven't been mothers forever and we used to be highly charged sexual singles, the thought of a long-term relationship, dirty diapers, and carpooling never even registering. But now as we live the life of a parent our naughtiness has to go a bit underground.
So, I'm going out on a limb and assuming I am not alone here. I have a confession, a secret crush (well, not so secret now). Just to clarify, I am NOT looking to find a new man. This is not about acting on your crush but about crushing on someone totally, unrealistically out of your reach. My secret? I lurve Henry Cavill who plays Charles Brandon, The Duke of Suffolk, on The Tudors . Can you blame me?
My husband and I have been addicted to our nightly viewing of this soft porn series. We've seen season 1 and are now part way through season 2 on DVD. Although we all know how it ends and most of what happens in between who knew that the 1500's in King Henry VIII's court could be so hot!
Well I decided to check out the real Charles Brandon to see if he was as easy on the eyes as the handsome Henry Cavill. Needless to say I think I'll be sticking with my modern day crush. Standards in the 1500s were, well, a bit, um, different. Decide for yourself:

The real Charles Brandon.                                      Henry Cavill as Charles Brandon.
So, who's your secret crush? Do tell in the comments below.
I must say this article was very interesting. I found you with a google search and was rather impressed by your rank for this article.
In each woman’s dress and clothing, every detail has to agree with others. Or, you can finally seem strange. They say it’s OK if you do not buy new clothes. Since you can use High end replica handbags with your team and do everything differently. Simply, when we buy things, the debate is its durability, its use and of course the cost.
Cute post… I haven’t yet caught the Tudors, I didn’t realize they had more gorgeous men other than Jeremy Northam and of course Jonathan Rhys-Myers.
My not-so-secret celebrity crush right now is Jon Hamm from Mad Men. Yum.
Ahhh! he is definitely crush-worthy – what a beautiful man. My current celebrity crushes (not so secret mind you!) are Colin Firth (he’s a constant over teh years since Mr. Darcy), and Ian McShane (Al Swerengen from Deadwood – sick, i know, but can’t help it!)
I’m addicted to Friday Night Lights, myself. The third season just started this month and I had almost forgotten how much I enjoyed the eye candy on this show. I’m really not sure who I enjoy more…Coach Taylor (the delectable Kyle Chandler) or Tim Riggins (Canadian hottie Taylor Kitsch), but I know at this point that I’m not watching the show for the plot or dialogue.
I must confess I’m addicted to this show too! Feeling naughty is a part of life. And I learned at a young age that Grandma’s can be naughty too! When I was in college my widowed grandmother got a “boyfriend”. She stayed out all night one night and her sister who she was staying with at the time LOCKED HER OUT!. She was evidently jealous! LOL They were always quite the pair of squabbling sisters.
My Mom and Dad always dropped hints at their rather frisky side. Now that my Mom is gone I know my Dad and his friend Lucy are probably enjoying more than just a skinny dip off Dad’s boat on a hot summer day.
It does not bother me. It delights me. I’m hoping I have good genes! LOL
I agree with Ali – love the Tudors and Henry Cavill both. Thanks for the pics! My last “secret” crush on a star was Ciaran Hinds as Caesar in Rome. It has since waned (alas, they only made 2 seasons and I’ve seen them both at least a hundred times by now) but it sure was fun while it lasted. Now that I think of it, someone borrowed my season 1 discs (and season 2’s no fun because Caesar is already dead) and hasn’t returned them. Naughty, naughty!
love the tudors. love henry cavill.

i’m pretty sure my celebrity crushes are not secrets. haha!

Juicy Secrets
Forbidden Tales of Lesbian Love
You are currently browsing the archives for 25 October 2019.
First, thanks to you for being part of the Juicy Secrets universe. This little kingdom of ours is a true labor of love (generously flavored with lust), and it gives us more pleasure that you can imagine to bring a touch of erotic spice to your lives.
So. Today I come bearing news of the site, both good and bad.
The good news first: Juicy Secrets has been blessed of late with a big batch of great new stories that we plan to roll out in the months to come. Beloved authors No One and Purple Les have each submitted lengthy, multi-chapter gems that you have yet to see, Misty Meadow’s latest has several more chapters to run, and “Ripples,” the saga from Sapphmore and yours truly, shows no sign of ending anytime soon. Also, Sunnybunny has emerged from a two-year hiatus to pick up the thread of her story “A Young Desert Rose,” and our own site operator Amanda Lynn is working on the next installment of “Unaccompanied Minor.”
It’s a landslide of sizzling hot lesbian fiction, come to fill our happy website… and that , dear friends, is where the less fortunate news comes in.
To put it bluntly, we are experiencing an acute shortage of, er, personpower at the moment. These days, the entirety of Juicy Secrets is being run and maintained by a staff of exactly two: Amanda Lynn, who valiantly posts and formats the stories, and keeps the site in fighting trim… and me, JetBoy, who edits incoming stories and seeks out archival material, then hands it to Amanda to post.
My fellow site founders Cheryl Taggert and Naughty Mommy have moved on to other things, though Naughty Mommy is still a member of the Juicy Secrets community, leaving the occasional comment now and then. She hopes to write for us again someday, but has no plans beyond that. Please join me in fervently thanking these two incredible women for their massive contributions to this site, and let’s wish them and their loved ones every happiness imaginable.
As for my fellow editor and story seeker PoppaBear, he has fallen out of sight; the last communication we received from him was weeks ago, and he has yet to respond to our increasingly concerned emails. Let us all fervently wish and hope that he is okay.
What does this mean for Juicy Secrets? Essentially, this: I want to devote our time and energy to the new stories that we have in our possession. So as of now, we’ll be putting the site archive on hold, including the Author Unknown stories from my collection. Oh, I may stumble upon a vintage story every now and again to post, but for the most part, we will focus our attention on new material exclusively. (The one exception is FaeLissa’s “Help Me, Sister,” an archive story that still has a couple of chapters to go.)
This means that you will no longer be seeing posts every other day, a schedule that we’ve been working our tails off to maintain. Apologies, but the effort of simultaneously working on new material and trawling about for older stories is doing my head in.
The new schedule is simple enough: when we have something ready, we’ll post it.
That said, there is still plenty of Great Stuff here to peruse. I seriously doubt that there are many of you who have read every single story at this site, right? If you drop by and there’s no new post, don’t make a face and go elsewhere… explore! There are hundreds of stories here, some of them long enough to provide you with solitary pleasure for weeks. If you only check out the new stuff, you’re missing out in a big way.
Anyhow, Amanda and I want to make it clear that we have no intention of shutting this site down… we just have to slow the pace a bit before our tickers give out. Once we get caught up with all these awesome new stories, I hope to resume our old posting schedule.
Okay, that’s the latest from us. Thanks in advance for your patience while we weather this out, and for reading this. We love you all.
P.S. Thanks ever so much to all you lovely folks who volunteered to assist us! I had no idea how many of you were willing to offer your time and energy to Juicy Secrets. We’ve got enough offers for now, so there’s no need to apply unless you’re downright desperate to work for us.
To those of you who have already applied, please be patient while I work through your emails. My decision will be announced, I hope, by 11/10 or thereabouts.

Juicy Secrets
Forbidden Tales of Lesbian Love
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Dear readers, I bring tidings of our humble but always striving website… and this time around, those tidings are glad indeed, more so than the last time we did this.
First off, we have a couple of new team members. Allow me to introduce the latest recruits to Team Juicy Secrets.
We took applications for a new editor, and got a very enthusiastic, very impressive response from some of you — more than I expected! In the end, though, one petitioner for the position stood out, and the nametag goes to him. He’s got a fine way with words, and some excellent ideas for the site. Please welcome Corrigan as our new Site Editor.
(A fervent “thanks a million” to those who applied for this post. Your willingness to help will long abide with us.)
In the process of seeking editing help, we filled a position I wasn’t even looking to fill, though in retrospect, it makes perfect sense. A tip of the hat to my current writing partner Sapphmore , who will be joining us as a Site Archivist. He may be the only person in the universe who has more lesbian stories in his personal possession than I do, a collection that he vows to plumb to its depths for our reading delight.
We have two other news items, both concerning the Juicy Secrets site itself, both positive.
First, Amanda and I put together two master lists, one for every story and one for every author who appears at JS. These lists can be found at the tab at the top of the page that reads “every story from a to z.” This is where to go if there’s nothing new and you’re looking for something, anything to get off to. Before, all of our content was divided up between six separate pages, with some authors appearing on more than one. This new page makes it easier to find what you’re looking for… or discover some savory treat you didn’t know was there. Do check it out.
Secondly, our Site Friend and beloved author No One set up something for us that we’re totally jazzed about: a rating system for all our stories. At the end of each story or chapter, you will see a line of five hearts, accompanied by the words Did you like this? If you care to provide an answer to that particular question, you now have the means to do so, simply by clicking on the appropriate heart. (Hint: when using our ratings system, we especially love getting clicks on the right-hand side.) Yes, you no longer have to leave a comment to make your opinion known, though we do still encourage and welcome reading your thoughts in greater detail.
And that’s the news from our funky little corner of the internet. Thanks for reading, thanks for caring, thanks for being part of our world. Would that, for a moment at least, my arms were long enough to hug you all.
Your comrade in things erotic, JetBoy
All brilliant news Jetboy. Thanks to you all for continuing the hard work to keep this great site at the top of our daily reading.
Thanks to all the team at JS, you are really appreciated. A perfect place to escape too in this crazy world. xoxox
Thank you JetBoy for your kind words and the opportunity to serve as Site Editor. I’m proud and humbled to have this chance to build on the excellence that is the JuicySecrets legacy.
This site has been like my own personal candy store for years … and where the treats are free! It’s time to give back. So, as I assume this role, I promise to bring my best efforts each day to honor the high standards and commitment shown by the founders and staff every day. I hope to meet you all in the days ahead! Reach out to me anytime with suggestions, feedback, and comments at
Love to all,
A huge thanks to JetBoy, Corrigan, Sapphmore, Amanda Lynn, & No One, and all the others. We had no idea how
to use the ratings thing so thanks for the instruction.
Ever grateful to you all for this hot site. Kim and Sue
Thank you for all your hard work to keep this great site up and running.
Glad to hear about the new additions. Does this mean a quicker turnaround of stories/chapters is on the horizon?
I think the ratings system is a great idea, as it lets authors know if their story is worth continuing and takes like a second, so even lazy people (and I do include myself in this sometimes) can let an author know.
Look forward to the future of this site. Welcome aboard Corrigan and Sapphmore.
We do hope to see more regular posting in the days to come. Give us a couple of weeks to get our new crew members up to speed, and we’ll see.
Sounds good, hope I didnt sound like I expected it to happen overnight, know it takes time for people to gel into roles and how things work.
I like the rating system, but found out I voted twice on one story. Is that the way it is for the absent minded among us?
I still very much prefer the comments themselves. Especially from E,T&A. But all in all I still love J.S..
I love that the site will be more productive in the months ahead and we understand why it takes a little time to catch up. Good job all you site people.
Kim& Sue
Thanks all, I’m excited to be part of the family. Going from avid reader, to virgin author then sapphic story seeker isn’t something I envisaged a few months ago, but I shall endeavour to do the role justice.
Good news, all around! Thanks to everyone who makes this great place even exist, much less thrive! It’s sooooooo very much appreciated!
Great news all around from my favorite team!
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