Pza Boys

Pza Boys


Pza Boys
It had been a whirlwind first week for David at St. Dunstans Academy
for Boys. From the early morning shower, to lessons, meals, games, prep and lights out,
His life was now controlled and ordered by the Masters of the School. The slightest
infringement of School rules met with immediate punishment and Here He was in the
Headmasters Study, on Friday Punishment duty, waiting for the first of the allotted,
six strokes of the cane. As a first timer, He had been allowed the privilege of being
caned over His Trousers.

'Well boy, your first week at St. Dunstans and your name appears twice in the
punishment book, for general untidiness and for late attendance in Class.
This sort of slovenly behaviour will not be tolerated. Bend Over Boy! And touch your

David obeyed. The tips of His fingers touched the end of His black shoes,
and there He waited for the first stroke of the Headmasters cane; the silence broken
only by the sound of the cane, swishing through the air as the Headmaster practiced
His technique; a few gentle taps of the cane on the grey material tightly stretched
over the boys round buttocks; then thwack!!! . A cry of pain as David instinctively
leapt into the air clutching His now stinging backside. The stroke had landed dead
centre, inflicting pain in equal measure on both cheeks.

Back into position Boy! Did I tell you, you could move.'

'No buts Boy, do as you're told or you'll receive the rest on the bare.'

'Yes Sir'. The stinging sensation seemed to grow not abate as David moved gingerly
back into position, tears welling in His eyes. He clenched His buttocks tightly in
readiness for the next stroke of the cane. This time it came without warning. Another
cry of pain, but somehow David managed to remain in position. If it hurt this much
with His trousers on what would it be like on the bare, He thought. As David waited
through gritted teeth for the third stroke, His mind sped back to a time less than
four weeks ago. He was at home, opening the letter containing His A Level results, a
letter that would eventually lead Him to St Dunstans College and His current

It was with some trepidation that David had opened that fateful letter. Despite what
He had said to His parents He knew in His heart of hearts that he had probably failed
to get the necessary grades to get into the university of choice. As he fumbled with
the envelope, how He now regretted all those wasted hours watching TV, playing Computer
games and hanging out with His friends, when He should have been revising.

However, it was worse than even He had expected. David stared in disbelieve as the
reality of the situation slowly sunk in. Not only had He underachieved, as expected.
He had failed all but one of His exams. There was no chance of a university place now.
All His dreams and plans lay in ruins and worst of all He must now tell His parents
who were waiting expectantly for Him in the Kitchen, ready to congratulate their son,
the University undergraduate. They had no reason to believe He had not passed. He had
reassured them when they had questioned His commitment in the run up to the exams. The
exams had gone fine, He said. Now, the truth was unavoidable.

David felt as much ashamed as disappointed. He was to be the first member of the
family to go to university and He knew how much His going meant to His parents as well
as to Himself. They had supported and encouraged him throughout School and he had let
them and Himself down. Unable to say anything He simply handed them the letter. True
to form, they were once again looking on the positive side, being supportive. They
would help Him find a job, it wasn't the end of the world not going to University.
Yet He could see how bitterly disappointed they were. They wanted their son to go to
university almost as much as He did. Indeed David wanted to go to University more
than anything. He decided, in His mind, then and there to go back to School and
retake His Exams.

However, bent over, in the Headmasters Study with two painful cane marks on His
backside and four more to come wasn't quite what David had, had in mind!! The third
and fourth strokes followed in quick succession with barely time to react to the
searing pain running through His body. Once again David felt the gentle tap of the
cane on His trouser clad bottom as if were searching for a spot that had yet to be
hit. Then that now familiar sound of the cane flying through the air and David once
more tensed His body in preparation for the next Strike. 'Ahh…' He cried and despite
His best efforts once more sprang up in pain.

'Well boy, what did I tell you. Now trousers down, and just count yourself lucky I
don't give you all six strokes again.' David was openly crying now but He knew better
than to argue with the Headmaster and simply did, as He was hold, pulling His
trousers and white briefs down as He, once more, assumed the position. David had no
time to gather himself before the final stroke expertly found its target, leading to
more to more cries of pain and tears on the boys face.

'You may get up now and I hope that's a lesson well learnt'

'Yes Sir, thank you sir' cried the whimpering boy.

'Good. Now straight to be bed with you and send the next boy in.'

Slowly and painfully David stood, gingerly pulling up his trousers at the same
time. Without another word He left the Headmasters study. Turning to the boy standing
outside the Headmasters office David simply mumbled ' good luck, Ben.'

Thanks, I think I'll need it' replied His ashen faced friend who had heard, if not
seen David's Punishment. With that David made His way back to the dorm, changed into
His pyjamas and got into bed. As he lay on His stomach, desperately trying to soothe
His aching bottom with His hands David's mind, once more, turned back to home.

Days had gone by since he had opened that letter but not a word had been said
since on the subject of work or School. Then suddenly David's parents called Him into
the Kitchen for a family meeting about His future. He had to make the choice of
returning to School or finding a job. Without a moments hesitation, David chose the
latter. But His Father hadn't finished. If he chose to back to School it couldn't be
the local High School where He had so clearly failed. They had been looking into the
matter and had found a boarding School that had a special department for boys like
David, boys who have failed their A levels. A department that would help Him achieve
His full potential. They felt that as parents they had been too lenient with Him and
if He stayed at home He would be subjected to all the same temptations as before.
That was the choice He had to make, go out to work or Boarding School for a year.
Though taken by surprise by this latest development, there was no choice. David Chose
Boarding School.

With that David's Father produced a brochure for St Dunstans School for boys in
North Yorkshire. Miles away from home, it suddenly seemed all the more exciting,
almost like going to University, and hopefully with all the freedoms that that
entailed. However, as He began to read the brochure it soon became clear that this
was to be no picnic. It spoke of a strict academic regime and of firm discipline, of
rules that must be obeyed at all times and a strict uniform code. Worst of all, at
the bottom of the application form was a disclaimer to be signed by Himself and His
parents permitting the use of Corporal punishment if deemed necessary by the staff.
Well, it never did me any harm, said His Father and if you get your head down and do
as your told it shouldn't be a problem. Reluctantly, David signed.

Now, less than a week into His new school life David knew exactly what he had let
Himself in for. The work load was already massive, but not too difficult. And after
all, that is what He was here for. The strict, rigid daily routine with its high
emphasis on discipline and obedience, although at first a shock now seemed quite
normal and reassuring, allowing David to concentrate on His work. In fact, He
couldn't imagine life without it. The wealds now forming on His still sore backside
would serve a constant reminder for some days to come that He was at School to work
and that all rules were there to be obeyed.

A few moments later the Dormitory door opened and in walked Ben. David watched as
his friend slowly walked across the floor to the bed next to His. Without saying a
word Ben began to undress, carefully folding up His clothes and laying them on the
bedside chair in the manner set out in the School rules. Finally, Ben slowly removed
His trousers and white briefs trying to avoid any painful contact with the six
symmetrical lines that lay across beaten backside. David's cock stirred as he viewed
the sight on His friends, punishment. He wanted to reach out and touch the weald
marks clearly visible in the dim light of the Dormitory. For what seemed like an age
David stared at His friends caned orbs, a visual reminder of His own aching backside.
Then Ben, now fully naked turned round, revealing His own erect manhood in all its
glory. Without a word, David grabbed the throbbing member with His right hand and
guided it gently into His hungry mouth. His tongue greedily lapped the throbbing
dong resulting in groans of pleasure from the standing boy. Slowly, Ben pushed David
back onto the bed, His cock still firmly placed in His friends' mouth. As the two
boys lay side by side, Ben sought out David's own hot rod. For what seemed like an
age, there the boys lay, united in the ecstasy of hot boy cock being worked by a
willing mouth and the ever present burning sensation of a heavily caned arse.
Suddenly, Ben sprang up and pushed His partner onto His front, just in time for a
cry of sheer pleasure as His man juice poured onto the marked orbs of His friend.
Lovingly He then rubbed the sticky white fluid into David's warm flesh as if it were
a soothing balm. As soon as He was finished, Ben lay on His front allowing David to
reciprocate the act, which He did with sheer relish and pleasure. It was now just
before 9.30 pm and Ben quickly returned to His own bed; knowing that the rest of the
boys in their dorm would soon be arriving before lights out at 10.00pm. Before
falling into a peaceful sleep David's thoughts turned, once more, from the joy of
the last few moments, back to home.

Well, the decision had been made, and perhaps it wasn't as bad as it sounded
thought David. Anyway, the decision had been made and in due course He found himself
with His Mother at the School outfitters in Central London to buy the St Dunstans
School Uniform. A grey Blazer with red piping and the School crest on the pocket;
a pullover with matching piping; regulation grey shirts. It seemed a little old
fashioned and childish, but then everyone else would be wearing it, so David shrugged
His doubts aside. However, it was with horror that he faced the next items on the
list. Grey, regulation Short trousers; white briefs; long red socks for winter and
short red socks for summer.

'But I can't wear those' stammered David. 'I'll look stupid.'

'Oh yes you can, and you will' replied His Mother in a stern voice which He knew
meant, no arguments. 'In fact I think you'd better try them on for size.'

'No buts my boy, We haven't all day' And with that David was led to the changing
room to try on His new uniform which was rounded off with regulation, black shoes.
David gingerly stepped out of the changing room, His face blushing a deep red, only
to find His humiliation complete as a grey and red School Cap with the St Dunstans
badge proudly displayed on the front, was placed on His head. Totally resigned to His
fate, David looked into the full, length mirror at the shop and saw an overgrown
Schoolboy staring back at Him. However, as he got used to the site of seeing Himself
in short trousers and long socks David had to admit He looked quite good. His slim,
boyish figure seemed to suit the uniform and for once He was pleased by His lack of
Pubic hair as he stared down at His Smooth, bare legs.

'Well you do look smart,David' said His Mother, obviously pleased at the sight of
her son in His new School uniform.

'Perhaps We should have kept you in short trousers throughout your time at High
School, they do suit you.

'Mum!' David protested, aghast at the thought of His old School friends seeing Him
dressed like this. But underneath He was secretly pleased with His new Uniform. He
imagined other boys, His age all wearing the same uniform and the growth inside His
trousers clearly pointed out the fact he couldn't wait to see the reality at St.
Dunstans. As David got changed His mother bought the rest of His Uniform including
white vest and shorts for PE.

Once at Home David rushed upstairs to His bedroom. As he lay on His bed He
imagined what it would be like at His new School with it strict rules and short
trouser uniform. It was as if he were being allowed to start His childhood again as
well as retake His A Levels. His excitement at the anticipation of His new life
ahead, was showing in the bulge of His white briefs. Slowly He removed His growing
manhood form its cotton cover and began to massage His aching cock and balls. A
serge of pleasure filled His body as he imagined himself standing in St. Dunstans
School Yard, surrounded by similarly dressed 18 and 19 year old School boys all being
ordered what to do, like a group of little boys on their first day at prep School!!
The thought of what was to come was too much and soon He was frantically pumping His
ever, hardening shaft. Moments later David arched His back and let out a groan of
pleasure and His Man Juice spurted out of His body, high into the air before landing
on His Smooth chest. It was a moment of pure joy at the anticipation of life at St
Dunstans. And it was one that was to be repeated on numerous occasions as the
countdown to His first day at boarding school began.

Two weeks later David found Himself standing on the platform at Kings Cross saying
goodbye to His parents. As he gave His tearful mother a final hug David was well
aware of the stares and sniggers of the other commuters at the sight of an 18 year
old dressed like a little Prep Schoolboy. But he didn't care. This was His last
chance to get to University and if meant a little humiliation along the way, so be
it. By the time He got to York David had become aware of other similarly dressed
boys, mostly much younger than Him. However, to His growing alarm, all wore long
trousers! Perhaps His parents had got it wrong and he was going to be the only boy
in short trousers at the School. A wave of panic, not to mention sheer embarrassment
swept over David as He changed trains at York. What if he was the only boy dressed
like this. He had no long trousers with Him. It would be Christmas before He was
able to correct the mistake. All He could think of was the constant ribbing He would
get at School from the other boys. Standing on the platform, waiting for the train
to St. Dunstans Village, David cut a forlorn figure as He frantically looked around
for other boys in short trousers, but to no avail. There were plenty of other boys
dressed in the same uniform, but with one important exception. And all seemed to
looking, pointing and laughing at Him. Red faced and totally humiliated, David
mounted the train, which would take Him to His new School. Suddenly, a feeling of
relief swept over Him as he was greeted by a smiling figure, already seated in the
carriage. 'Hi, I'm Ben', said the boy who was also dressed in St. Dunstans School
uniform, and with short trousers! Without hesitation David sat next to His new School
mate and both boys immediately began to express their feelings of relief at meeting
someone else dressed in short trousers after such a lonely and embarrassing journey.

They soon became firm friends as they exchanged life stories. In no time at all
they found themselves on the coach taking them on their final leg of the journey to
their new life at St. Dunstans School for boys. By now they had been joined by over
a dozen similarly dressed boys and the mood was almost euphoric after the earlier
apprehension of the journey. When they finally arrived at the school the A Level
retake students were taken to their own dormitories, which were set apart from the
main School. There were two dormitories with 10 beds in each. David and Ben made
sure they got beds next to each other. After unpacking their suitcases the twenty
new students were lead to the dining hall and shown to their own allotted table.
With safety in numbers, they were able to take, in good part, the wolf whistles and
caustic comments that greeted their arrival from the rest of the school. After
dinner, they were led to the main lecture hall where they were greeted by the Head
Master and introduced to their Form Masters. Each boy was left in no doubt that they
were here to learn as the Headmaster outlined the strict School rules, code of
conduct and busy timetable that would govern each day. After that there was little
time before lights out at 10.00pm for the boys to discuss what had been said. But as
David lay in bed, on His first night he knew he had made the right decision to come
to this School.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, David's School life began in earnest. By this time,
according to the rules laid out the night before, each boy was expected to have
got out of and made their bed; folded their pyjamas under their pillow; and be
waiting at the foot of the bed for the Housemaster, Mr Simmons, to make His
inspection. One boy, who thought He could get away with a few more minutes sleep;
was unceremoniously turned out of bed by the Housemaster. The hapless boy was then
thrown over Mr Simmons knee and with His Pyjama bottoms round His ankles, was given a
sound spanking, with the housemasters' firm hand. As the helpless boys buns turned a
deeper red, no one was left in any doubt that any infringement of rules would not be
tolerated. A group of anxious boys then waited as Mr Simmons made His inspection of
the Dormitory. Most were told that their attempts at bed making and general tidiness
of their clothes was simply not up to standard. The sight of the chastised boys'
burning arse was a clear indication of what to expect if things did not approve.
With a sense of urgency the 10 naked boys then marched in silence to the showers
before returning to the dorm, to dress before breakfast.

After, that alarming start to the day, David soon relaxed into the routine of
lessons and by lunchtime the shock of seeing His Dorm mate spanked seemed like a
distant memory. It was a lovely, hot day and once outside in the School playground
David rolled down His long socks, took off His blazer and joined in a game of football.
In no time at all the School bell rang once more and the boys all rushed off to their
afternoon classes. These were a mixture of classes with, the 'regular' A level
students and private classes for the re-take boys alone. David's first class in the
afternoon was a 'regular' class. He lined up outside the classroom laughing and
talking with the other boys waiting for the teacher to arrive before being led
into the classroom in a quiet orderly fashion. As the boys walked into the class
David was pulled aside by the teacher, who made Him stand at the front of the class.
It was then, that he realised that He had not pulled up his socks and tucked H
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