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CLEN-40Clenbuterol hclVery effective fat loss stimulant with anti-catabolic properties.Strength :Mus..
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CLEN-40Clenbuterol hclVery effective fat loss stimulant with anti-catabolic properties.Strength :Mus..
CYP-300Testosterone cypionateLong-acting testosterone ester, natural hormone provides solid muscle a..
CYTOMELLiothyronine sodiumPromotes extreme fat loss & highly stimulates thermogenesis. Enhance e..
DBOL-10MethandienoneQuick strength and weight gain. Great pump. One of the most popular steroids in ..
DECA-300Nandrolone decanoateGreat mass and weight gain. No cosmetic side effects. Free of androgenic..
EQ-300Boldenone undecylenateIncreases appetite. Highly anabolic. Enhances perpetual pump & prono..
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MAST P-100Drostanolone propionateShort-acting drostanolone ester known for its hardening effect and ..
OXAN-10OxandroloneLow liver toxicity & side effects. Promotes great strength gains and solid lea..
OXY-50OxymetholoneMassive strength and weight gain. Soothes joint problems. Great pump, highly andro..
PRIMO-100Methenolone enanthateLow aromatization, very safe to use, great during cutting diet to prev..
STANO-10StanozololPromotes a hard and dry look. Increases vascularity, strength and pump. Great for ..
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Your Best Labrador Information Site
The reality is, your Labrador doesn’t know when he’s been behaving badly. Labs don’t understand morals. He doesn’t instinctively know right from wrong. He’s just engaging in behavior that comes naturally to him.
Many things that we call behavior problems are just Labradors following their natural tendencies. Most bad behaviors are caused by ignorance or lack of training. When we start seeing bad habits in our Lab we need to work on redirecting him toward more acceptable behavior. Fortunately, Labradors are eager to please and are easily trained, but it does take time and consistency.
Many behaviors that become problems are just natural tendencies for your Lab. Barking, digging, and chewing are just a few of the things that Labradors naturally do but when they become a nuisance or destructive these behaviors need to be corrected.
They also choose Labradors because they are loyal and great companions. Since they are loyal they are also protective which means they will bark at any intrusion they think may be a threat. They love your companionship, so when left alone they may get anxious and chew on things.
Always look at both sides of your Lab’s behavior and learn how to anticipate some of these “bad behaviors” and redirect them toward a more positive response. Part of being a good owner is to teach your Labrador acceptable behaviors that still help to meet the needs of his natural tendencies.
There are several different methods that you can use to help keep your Labrador from destructive behavior.
When your Lab misbehaves he is usually bored or looking for attention. If you yell at him to correct him he still perceives this as a form of attention and this only reinforces the behavior. Remember most of these behaviors are just natural Labrador tendencies. You need to calmly stop him from the behavior and redirect him to a similar activity that is acceptable. For example, if he is chewing on something he shouldn’t, get him to drop it and then calmly redirect him to a toy that he may chew on. Once he is engaged with the acceptable toy, reward him for that behavior. You will see some more examples of redirection listed in the Common Behavior Issues section below.
What if you don’t want him to chew things up or dig holes in the yard but you just don’t have a lot of time to work through redirecting him to better choices. If that’s the case then management may work for you. This just means removing the objects that tempt your Lab into bad behavior. It may mean keeping items off of lower levels where he can easily reach them and chew them up, or perhaps putting up a small wire-mesh fence to protect your garden. This doesn’t teach him better behaviors but it keeps him from performing destructive ones.
You might think that learning the basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come,” won’t help with breaking destructive habits. However, basic commands give your Labrador a foundation of structure. These commands start to teach him to listen to you and obey. If he learns to follow these verbal directions you can use them to redirect his attention and guide him toward better behaviors.
Labs like structure. They like to know what to expect throughout their day. If you stick to a fairly firm schedule for eating, walking, play time, and bedtime your dog will know what to expect throughout his day and will be less likely to misbehave.
Labradors often partake in destructive behavior out of boredom or to burn off excess energy. A good way to deal with this is to make sure he gets plenty of exercise. Take him for walks, play fetch, or go for a jog. A tired Lab is a well-behaved Lab.
This one goes along with the one above. Labradors are intelligent and need to be mentally exercised as well as physically exercised. Play a game of hide-and-seek or find-the-toy with your Lab. Teach him some new tricks or let him play with some type of puzzle toy. All of these things will help him use up energy and not act out because of boredom.
Labradors are social animals and love to be near people. If you tend to leave him outside a lot he will become lonely. This can lead to issues like excessive barking, howling, and digging. It is best for Labs to be kept indoors. For more detailed information on this issue, see our article, Are Labradors Inside or Outside Dogs?
Puppies tend to nip all the time. Their mouth is what they use to explore their world. If you allow them to continue with this behavior it can become a biting issue as they get older.
Puppies who stay with their litters until they are 8 or 9 weeks old tend to learn the consequences of nipping from their littermates. They learn that if they nip too hard their playmate tends to yelp and run away. This teaches them that when they nip it can lead to the end of playtime. It is important for you to reinforce this information. When your puppy nips you, yelp like a dog and walk away. Let him know that this behavior puts an end to playtime.
The same training can be used for rough play. When you rough play with your puppy you are teaching him that this is an acceptable behavior. That may be fine when he is a puppy but think about a 70-pound Labrador wanting to play rough. It’s important to teach him proper behavior from the start.
When your Lab starts to play too rough then end the play time. Walk away and let him know that this is not acceptable. Once your puppy learns that certain behaviors end his playtime he will stop doing them. It is your job to teach your puppy to play correctly.
Your Labrador loves chewing. He doesn’t instinctively understand what is acceptable to chew on and what isn’t. You need to teach him. As I mentioned above when you catch your Lab chewing on something he shouldn’t, like a shoe, sternly say, “No Chew,” and take the toy away. Don’t yell but state the command firmly.
Once you have taken the object away give him a toy that he is allowed to chew on and reward him for chewing on that. Rotate his chew toys so that he doesn’t lose interest or chew one up too quickly.
Puppies usually chew to explore or expend energy. Older dogs usually chew out of natural habit but sometimes they chew out of anxiety, boredom, or fear. If your dog is chewing when you are around this is probably a regular behavior. However, if he only chews when you are away it may be stress-related. You will need to deal with the root of the problem and find ways to relieve his anxiety before you can resolve the chewing issue.
Digging comes naturally to dogs. They like to dig to bury things, to create a cool place to lay, and to hunt for critters in the ground. Unfortunately, when they are doing this they are often digging up your garden or lawn.
A good redirection for this is to create a digging box for your dog. All you need is a sandbox filled with soft, diggable dirt. Every time you catch your dog digging in an area you don’t want him in gently call him over to the digging box. You may want to bury some toys to encourage him to dig in this area. When he digs in the box reward him for his good behavior.
All dogs bark. This is a normal behavior for them. They bark to let you know that someone is outside, that they are hungry, that they want to play… and the list goes on. Constant barking is not normal and it can be quite annoying for you and your neighbors.
If your Labrador is barking excessively try to figure out why. Is he lonely? Is he bored? Labs that are left outside a lot tend to bark a lot, especially at night. They are bored and lonely and missing interaction. They want your attention and are making noise to get it. The best way to end this type of barking is to bring your Labrador inside.
Some other ways to curb unwanted barking are to make sure your Lab has plenty of exercise and block out things that can cause him to bark. Close the curtains so he doesn’t see every person walking by. Play soft, calming music to keep him from being anxious.
When he is barking excessively redirect him to another activity. It is usually a good idea to get him to sit first and calm down. Once he is calm give him something else to do. An occasional cheese or peanut butter filled toy is a great redirection. It is hard to bark when your mouth is full of peanut butter.
When your Labrador is a puppy you probably e
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