Nasty Meaning

Nasty Meaning


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a. Disgusting or repellent: a nasty odor rising from the garbage can. See Synonyms at offensive .
b. Unpleasantly cold or wet: nasty weather.
2. Morally offensive or indecent: a nasty film.
a. Unpleasant or annoying: a nasty habit.
b. Mean or spiteful: Stop being nasty to each other.
4. Painful or dangerous; grave: a nasty accident.
5. Exasperatingly difficult to solve or handle: a nasty puzzle; a nasty problem.
One that is nasty: "It is the business of museums to present us with nasties as well as with fine things" (Country Life).
[Middle English nasti , filthy , possibly alteration of Old French nastre , bad , short for villenastre : vilein , bad ; see villain + -astre , pejorative suff. (from Latin -aster ).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. unpleasant, offensive, or repugnant
2. (of an experience, condition, etc) unpleasant, dangerous, or painful: a nasty wound .
3. spiteful, abusive, or ill-natured
5. nasty piece of work informal Brit a cruel or mean person
an offensive or unpleasant person or thing: a video nasty .
[C14: origin obscure; probably related to Swedish dialect nasket and Dutch nestig dirty]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. disgustingly unclean; filthy.
2. offensive to taste or smell; nauseating.
3. indecent or obscene: a nasty word.
4. highly objectionable or unpleasant.
5. vicious, spiteful, or ugly.
6. bad to deal with or experience: a nasty cut; a nasty accident.
7. Slang. formidable: a nasty pitching arm.
8. a nasty person or thing.
[1350–1400; earlier also naxty, naxte, naskie, Middle English, probably < Old Norse]
a combining form with the meaning “nastic pressure,” of the kind or in the direction specified by the initial element: hyponasty.
[< Greek nast(ós) pressed close (see nastic ) + -y 3 ]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
unpleasant - disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings ; "an unpleasant personality"; "unpleasant repercussions"; "unpleasant odors"
nice - pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance; "what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty"- George Meredith; "nice manners"; "a nice dress"; "a nice face"; "a nice day"; "had a nice time at the party"; "the corn and tomatoes are nice today"
difficult , hard - not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure; "a difficult task"; "nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access"; "difficult times"; "why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?"
dirty - (of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency; "dirty words"; "a dirty old man"; "dirty books and movies"; "boys telling dirty jokes"; "has a dirty mouth"
dirty , soiled , unclean - soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime; "dirty unswept sidewalks"; "a child in dirty overalls"; "dirty slums"; "piles of dirty dishes"; "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"; "wore an unclean shirt"; "mining is a dirty job"; "Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. unpleasant , ugly , disagreeable This divorce could turn nasty. unpleasant nice , sweet , pleasant , enjoyable , agreeable
2. spiteful , mean , offensive , annoying , vicious , unpleasant , abusive , vile , malicious , bad-tempered , despicable , disagreeable He's only nasty to me when there's no-one around to see it. spiteful kind , nice , sweet , decent , pleasant
5. foul , unpleasant , filthy , stormy , inclement The weather has turned nasty again.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
بَذيء رَديء الطَّبْع رَديء، سَيِّء، ماطِر وبارِد صَعْب، مُحْرِج كَرِيهٌ
nepříjemný obtížný odporný ohavný protivný
ækel gemen grim modbydelig nederdrægtig
alvarlegur, slæmur andstyggilegur illgjarn örîugur, alvarlegur slæmur, andstyggilegur
bīstams draudīgs ļauns nejauks riebīgs
1. (= unpleasant ) [ situation, experience, surprise ] → desagradable ; [ taste, smell ] → desagradable , repugnante ; [ habit, weather ] → desagradable , feo , malo it was a nasty business → fue un asunto desagradable I've got a nasty feeling that → tengo la horrible sensación de que ... history has a nasty habit of repeating itself → la historia tiene la mala costumbre de repetirse he had a nasty shock → se llevó un susto terrible the situation turned nasty → la situación se puso fea see also taste A2
2. (= serious ) [ accident ] → serio , grave ; [ cut, wound ] → feo ; [ infection ] → fuerte ; [ disease ] → peligroso a nasty case of → un caso grave de she had a nasty fall → tuvo una mala caída
3. (= difficult ) [ question ] → difícil ; [ bend, junction ] → peligroso ; [ problem ] → complicado there was one nasty moment when → se produjo un momento de tensión cuando ...
4. (= spiteful ) [ person, remark ] → cruel , desagradable ; [ joke ] → de mal gusto , grosero a nasty- looking individual → un individuo mal encarado he's a nasty piece of work → es un canalla to be nasty to sb → ser cruel con algn don't be nasty to your little brother → no seas malo con tu hermanito a nasty trick → una mala jugada he turned nasty and started to shout → se puso agresivo y empezó a gritar
B. N there were a few hidden nasties in my bill → había unas cuantas sorpresas desagradables en mi cuenta see also video C
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
(= spiteful ) [ person, remark ] → méchant (e) to be nasty to sb → être méchant (e) avec qn to turn nasty [ person ] → devenir méchant (e) to give sb a nasty look → regarder qn d'un air méchant , lancer à qn un regard méchant He gave me a nasty look → Il m'a regardé d'un air méchant ., Il m'a lancé un regard méchant . to have a nasty temper → avoir un caractère de cochon
[ smell ] → désagréable a nasty smell → une odeur désagréable
[ weather ] → affreux/euse The weather can be very nasty in February → Il peut faire un temps vraiment affreux en février . to turn nasty [ weather ] → se gâter
[ situation ] → désagréable to turn nasty [ situation ] → mal tourner it's a nasty business → c'est une sale affaire
[ injury, cut, bruise, disease, cold ] → mauvais (e) before n a nasty cold → un mauvais rhume It's a nasty injury → C'est une mauvaise blessure .
[ shock ] → rude before n to get a nasty shock → recevoir un rude choc She got a nasty shock → Elle a reçu un rude choc . He'll get a nasty shock → Il va avoir un de ces chocs . I got a nasty shock when the bill came → Le choc fut rude lorsque j'ai reçu la facture ., Ce fut un rude choc lorsque j'ai reçu la facture .
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(= unpleasant) → scheußlich ; smell, taste → scheußlich , widerlich ; medicine → ekelhaft , widerlich ; weather, habit → abscheulich , scheußlich ; surprise → böse , unangenehm ; (= serious) break, cough, wound, fall → böse , schlimm ; situation, problem, accident → schlimm ; moment → böse ; (= objectionable) crime, behaviour, language, word, names → abscheulich ; (= dirty) → schmutzig ; (= dangerous) virus, disease → böse , gefährlich ; corner, bend, fog → böse , übel , gefährlich ; that’s a nasty -looking sky/cut → der Himmel/der Schnitt sieht böse aus ; she had a nasty fall → sie ist böse or schlimm gefallen ; history has a nasty habit of repeating itself → die Geschichte hat die unangenehme Gewohnheit , sich zu wiederholen ; he had a nasty time of it → es ging ihm sehr schlecht or ganz übel ; he has a nasty look in his eyes → sein Blick verheißt nichts Gutes ; don’t touch that, that’s nasty → pfui, fass das nicht an ; they pulled all his teeth out — nasty ! → sie haben ihm alle Zähne gezogen — wie scheußlich or unangenehm! ; a nasty surprise or shock → eine böse or unangenehme Überraschung ; to turn nasty (situation, person) → unangenehm werden ; (animal) → wild werden ; (weather) → schlecht werden , umschlagen ; events took a nasty turn → die Dinge nahmen eine Wendung zum Schlechten
(= malicious) person, behaviour → gemein , gehässig , garstig (dated) , → fies (inf) → ( to sb jdm gegenüber) ; trick → gemein , übel ; remark, word → gemein ; rumour → gehässig , übel ; he has a nasty temper → mit ihm ist nicht gut Kirschen essen ; don’t say that, that’s nasty → pfui, so was sagt man doch nicht ; to be nasty about somebody → gemein über jdn reden ; that was a nasty thing to say/do → das war gemein or fies (inf) ; you nasty little boy (you)! → du böser Junge ; a nasty little man → ein Giftzwerg m (inf) ; what a nasty man → was für ein ekelhafter Mensch ; he’s a nasty bit or piece of work (inf) → er ist ein übler Kunde (inf) → or Typ (inf)
(= offensive) → anstößig ; to have a nasty mind → eine üble Fantasie or Phantasie haben ; (= obsessed with sex) → eine schmutzige Fantasie or Phantasie haben
n nasties pl ( inf : = nasty things ) → ekelhafte Sachen pl ? also video nasty
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
nasty [ˈnɑːstɪ] adj ( -ier ( comp ) ( -iest ( superl ) ) ) ( smell, taste ) → cattivo/a, sgradevole ; ( moment, experience, situation ) → brutto/a, spiacevole ; ( accident, wound, corner, trick ) → brutto/a ; ( person ) → antipatico/a, villano/a ; ( 000, spiteful, also, remark, mind ) → maligno/a, cattivo/a ; ( temper, nature ) → brutto/a ; ( weather ) → brutto/a, cattivo/a ; ( book, film ) → di cattivo gusto ; ( violent ) → violento/a to smell nasty → non avere un buon odore to turn nasty ( situation ) → mettersi male ( weather ) → guastarsi ( person ) → incattivirsi he's a nasty piece of work ( fam ) → è un farabutto what a nasty mind you have! → quanto sei maligno ! he had a nasty time of it → se l'è passata brutta she gave me a nasty look → mi ha dato un'occhiataccia it's a nasty business → è una brutta faccenda , è un brutto affare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
1. unpleasant to the senses. a nasty smell. aaklig مُقْرِف противен desagradável odporný, ohavný ekelhaft ækel; modbydelig δυσάρεστος , απαίσιος asqueroso , desagradable , repugnante vastik تندوزننده inhottava désagréable רע , לא נעים , מסריח बुरा, गंदा, अप्रिय gadan, odvratan kellemetlen tidak enak andstyggilegur sgradevole いやな 불쾌한 bjaurus, šlykštus riebīgs; nejauks busuk vies ekkel , fæl , vemmelig przykry بد او زړه ناخوښه desagradável neplăcut противный odporný neprijeten gadan otäck, äcklig กลิ่นเหม็น pis, kötü , berbat 令人作嘔的 неприємний; поганий غليظ khó chịu 令人作呕的
2. unfriendly or unpleasant in manner. The man was very nasty to me. onbeskof بَذيء отвратителен desagradável sprostý garstig gemen εχθρικός desagradable tige زننده kelju déplaisant נבזי दुष्ट, अप्रिय neugodan, odvratan undok tidak ramah andstyggilegur scortese 意地の悪い 언짢은 nemalonus nejauks; ļauns bersikap buruk onaardig ekkel , slem , gemen nieprzyjemny د ناخوښه كړنو كس desagradável nepoliticos недоброжелательный, неприятный zlý zoprn neprijatan otrevlig, obehaglig ซึ่งไม่เป็นมิตร kaba , terbiyesiz 態度兇的 непривітний بدسليقہ tàn nhẫn 凶恶的
3. wicked; evil. He has a nasty temper. kwaai رَديء الطَّبْع злобен mau protivný, zlý fies grim κακός , μοχθηρός malo jälk نا خوشایند ilkeä mauvais נבזי बुरा neugodan, zločest komisz jahat illgjarn cattivo , brutto 卑劣な 사악한 piktas, nuožmus slikts; ļauns cepat naik darah gemeen slem , vond , stygg złośliwy ناسم،بد mau răută­cios злобный protivný, nepríjemný grd nezgodan elak, stygg ชั่วร้าย kötü , kırıcı , edepsiz 脾氣壞的 злісний; норовливий برا xấu xa 卑鄙的
4. (of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc . slegte, ongure رَديء، سَيِّء، ماطِر وبارِد лош desagradável mizerný, šeredný garstig ubehagelig άσχημος , κρύος , βροχερός malo halb کثیف huono mauvais סוער ख़राब, आर्द्र, प्रचंड वायुवाला ružno csúnya (időjárás) buruk slæmur, andstyggilegur brutto 荒れ模様の (날씨 등이) 좋지 않은 bjaurus, žvarbus slikts; riebīgs cuaca buruk vies rusket , stygg , bikkjekald wstrętny چټل،بارانى،سوړ desagradável urât скверный mizerný zoprn loše ruskig อากาศไม่ดี kötü , berbat 惡劣的(指天氣) поганий خراب khó chịu 非常恶劣的(指天气)
5. (of a wound, cut etc ) serious. That dog gave her a nasty bite. lelik مُؤْذٍ тежък feio nebezpečný unangenehm alvorlig σοβαρός , άσχημος feo , grave tõsine سخت vakava vilain חמור जबरदस्त težak komoly parah alvarlegur, slæmur brutto ひどい 심한 baisus, pavojingas bīstams teruk lelijk stygg , alvorlig paskudny ډير ژور،سخت feio serios глубокий nebezpečný grd ozbiljan elakartad ร้ายแรง kötü , tehlikeli 嚴重的 небезпечний, загрозливий گہرا ác hiểm 严重的
6. awkward or very difficult. a nasty situation. moeilik صَعْب، مُحْرِج труден difícil nepříjemný, obtížný böse ubehagelig; vanskelig δύσκολος , άβολος peligroso , difícil täbar سخت hankala pénible לא נעים विचित्र neugodan kellemetlen sulit örðugur, alvarlegur brutto 厄介な 감당하기 어려운 baisus, siaubingas slikts; draudīgs tidak menyenangkan lastig ubehagelig , vemmelig nieprzyjemny ناخواله،سخت difícil neplăcut, penibil трудный, затруднительный ťažký, nepríjemný neprijeten nezgodan besvärlig ที่ไม่สะดวกสบาย berbat , edepsizce 尷尬棘手的 огидний, бридкий مشکل khó khăn 难处理的
haatlik بصورةٍ بَذيئَه أو رَديئَه противно desagradavelmente nepříjemně; odporně schmutzig modbydeligt; gement δυσάρεστα, μοχθηρά , απαίσια desagradablemente vastikult به زشتی inhottavasti désagréablement בְּצוּרָה נִבזִית गंदापन, घिनौनापन, अश्लीलता zlobno, neprijateljski csúnyán, aljasul secara tidak ramah andstyggilega sgradevolmente ひどく 불결하게 bjauriai, šlykščiai riebīgi; nejauki dengan cara yang menjijikkan gemeen vemmelig , stygt , ekkelt paskudnie په زشتى desagradavelmente răutăcios; (în mod) neplăcut неприятно ; злобно nepríjemne zoprno nezgodno otäckt,elakt, otrevligt อย่างน่ารังเกียจ berbat bir şekilde 令人作嘔地,惡劣地(指態度、脾氣、天氣),嚴重地,尷尬棘手 гидко; паскудно بد سليقگي سے một cách khó chịu 极脏地,污秽地,恶劣地(指态度、脾气、天气),严重地
onaangenaamheid, goorheid بَذاءَه، رَداءَه гадост rudeza nepříjemnost, odpornost die Ekeligkeit modbydelighed; gemenhed κακία , μοχθηρία maldad , rencor tigedus کثافت inhottavuus méchanceté נבזות गंदापन, घिनौनापन, अश्लीलता neugodnost csúnya/undorító/kellemetlen volta vminek ketidakramahan viðbjóður; illkvittni sgradevolezza ; cattiveria きたなさ 불결함 bjaurumas, nemalonumas nelietība; nejaucība keadaan yang menjijikkan onaardigheid styggedom , ekkelhet przykry charakter كثافت rudeza răutate противность odpornosť zoprnost nezgodnost otäckhet, elakhet ความน่ารังเกียจ pislik , iğrençlik 齷齪,不潔,令人作嘔,惡劣(指態度、脾氣、天氣),嚴重,尷尬棘手 паскудність پھوہڑ پن sự khó chịu 龌龊,不洁
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
___ illness → enfermedad grave, seria ;
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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