Narrow Hole

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Narrow Hole
You could NOT pay us to swim down this hole
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I tried using a really long thin drill bit that probably had a different purpose (like maybe drywall stuff) to put a hole in a tobacco pipe project. But the bit blew out the side of the wood because it didn't drill straight.
This pipe is about 20 inches long, and I need to drill about 16 of that.
How do I put a really long narrow straight hole in a piece of wood?
You can do it without using a drill.
There's a useful video of using a drill to make a hole in dowel. In summary the technique shown is
I don't think a hole this long is possible with any conventional drill bit, and finding a suitable one of this length which would be difficult to say the least. And anyway there is a significant problem with drift or wander, particularly when drilling into end grain as you might be here. Note: this is even if the drilling is done on a drill press, the amount of wander can be quite amazing.
Even in the past when very long drill bits were more commonly seen as part of the woodworking tool kit (either augers to be turned directly with a wooden handle, or for use with a brace) once you got to very long lengths in relation to the diameter of the hole it was common to use specialist bits made for that purpose only, for example shell bits.
Here's a modern shell auger to give an idea of what the traditional style looks like:
I suspect the only way you'll achieve this length of hole is if you can find a suitable shell auger bit or are willing to go to the trouble of making your own. You'd start the hole with a normal bit or matching diameter, then slip the shell bit into the hole and continue from there.
But the bit blew out the side of the wood because it didn't drill straight.
I think you already identified your problem. When you start doing things where small misalignments can lead to large issues, setup is key.
I've made a couple pipes before, though the draft hole was only about 3" long. Even that took a large amount of measuring and tweaking to get the bit to exactly where I needed it and to drill straight.
This pipe is about 20 inches long, and I need to drill about 16 of that.
I won't lie, what you're trying to do is very difficult. Your pipe stem is likely thin to begin with, so you have very little margin for error in the setup of your drill bit. The only advice I can give is to check, re-check, and re-re-check your alignment before drilling and hope that the bit doesn't wander through the cut.
I'm facing a related issue, though not to tolerances so fine as you face.
In the course of my researches, I learnt how boat builders stay true while drilling a hole for a propeller drive shaft several metres through the keelboard.
They don't move the drill, they move the job using a jig similar to a saw table fence. But instead of a circular saw blade there is a spinning auger perfectly parallel to both fence and table.
Build yourself a jig like this and you will be able to turn out Gandalf pipes by the dozen.
You need a "gun" drill, it cuts on one side . It would costly for making a pipe. Cost not a problem when you are drilling several expensive gun barrels.
I would assume you know this since you have made prior pipes. Just incase forest is clogging view of trees. Most pipe makers prebore the hole in the briar block using their lathe then shape the block to the hole.
I just saw a video where a guy took assorted pieces of wire, (not sure what grade.) Hammered them flat, used a cordless drill and after starting a small hole with a regular drill bit, started using the wire as a drill bit. Gotta go slow, careful, let the wire do the work. Start short, gradually work up in size until you go through. He did this on a skinny piece of wood and it seems the wire will follow that soft center. I've never tried this but will find a good piece of wood and get that drying... Be interesting to see if this works. Found this hoping to see if others used this technique, so far all I found was that one video. So take it with a grain of salt. Still wire is cheap, might be worth experimenting.
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a long shallow trench in the ground (especially one made by a plow)
a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation
a long narrow excavation in the earth
a trench that provides protected passage between the rear and front lines of a defensive position
a trench especially constructed for the delivery of small-arms fire
ditch dug as a fortification and usually filled with water
narrow trench for shelter in battle
a long narrow excavation in the earth
a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile
a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean between New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean to the northeast of Japan that reaches depths of 30,000 feet
a depression in the floor of the Atlantic Ocean to the north of Haiti and Puerto Rico
a sunken or depressed geological formation
remove the inner part or the core of
enclose by or as if by a fortification
“The National Guardsmen were sent out to
trench ”
separate with or as if with an instrument
put into a certain place or abstract location

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A trench is a deep and narrow hole, or ditch, in the ground, like the kind soldiers on frontlines might dig to give themselves shelter from the enemy.
A natural trench may also be a deep hole on the bottom of the ocean. The verb trench means to dig or to cut into, but you will most often hear the word as a noun, particularly relating to soldiers. The phrase trench warfare became popular around World War I, when technological advances in weapons changed the way that wars were fought. Today, you may have even own a trench coat , a kind of raincoat first worn by soldiers.

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