Naked Stand

Naked Stand


Naked Stand
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{"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/1\/14\/Go-Outside-Naked-Step-1-Version-3.jpg\/v4-460px-Go-Outside-Naked-Step-1-Version-3.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/14\/Go-Outside-Naked-Step-1-Version-3.jpg\/aid4046351-v4-728px-Go-Outside-Naked-Step-1-Version-3.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"License: Creative Commons<\/a>\n<\/p>


Get comfortable with your body. Most people aren’t used to seeing themselves naked. In order to work up the courage to go uncovered outdoors, you first have to be confident in the way you look and feel. Take some time to get reacquainted with yourself in your most natural state, without judgment or self-consciousness . [1]
Research source

Learn to love and accept your body. Everyone is made differently, and there’s no reason to be ashamed of the way you look.
Don’t rush yourself. It may take weeks, months or even years to get accustomed to going nude. [2]
Research source


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Spend more time in the nude . If you’re not used to going without clothes, it may feel strange at first. Take your time and build up to a level of nudity you’re comfortable with. You might walk to the bathroom naked to take your morning shower, or take a little longer before getting dressed after you’re finished. [3]
Research source

Learn to be more relaxed about nudity by gradually wearing fewer clothes. If you usually lounge around in sweatpants and a t-shirt, try switching to shorts and a tank top.
Once you get over the initial feeling of vulnerability, you may find nakedness to be very freeing.


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Start sleeping naked. One natural way of going naked for longer periods of time is to get undressed before you go to bed. That way, you’ll still be covered up while you learn to let your body breathe. Some people actually prefer to sleep naked because there are no clothes to get tangled up in. [4]
Research source

If you share a room with someone else, make sure they’re okay with you going naked before exploring your new habit.
Sleeping naked is more than just a personal preference—it actually has health benefits, too. [5]
Research source


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Go naked around the house . Perform routine tasks like making breakfast, reading the paper or answering your emails in the buff. Before long, you’ll begin to associate nudity with everyday activities and it will be less intimidating. And since you’ll be in the privacy of your own home, you can concentrate on relaxing and enjoying the feeling of freedom. [6]
Research source

This is only recommended for people who live alone, as it’s inappropriate to force others to see you without clothes.
Make sure the blinds are closed and the curtains are drawn so that others nearby don’t get an unwanted eyeful.


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Be aware of the legal and social concerns. Before you put yourself on display for the world to see, you should make an effort to learn a little bit about the laws in your area related to public nudity. Even if it’s not illegal to be naked out in the open where you live, it may be considered lewd by those around you. Knowing the risks will keep you from getting yourself into trouble or accidentally offending someone. [7]
Research source

It’s not a good idea to go nude outside in public areas, especially if there are families or children nearby. [8]
Research source

Should you decide to practice nudity outside, you should be ready to accept whatever consequences come your way.


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Confine yourself to private areas. Don’t venture too far from your home right away. Instead, stick to spots that are out of sight from the neighbors, like a screened-in porch or behind a tall fence or hedge. This will allow you to remain hidden while you take your first steps beyond your living space. [9]
Research source

Enjoying a nude romp may be difficult if you live in an apartment or a crowded neighborhood that doesn’t allow much privacy.


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Wait until night time. Going out when it’s dark will give you a chance to move further out into the open without fear of being seen. And, even if you are spotted, it won’t be as obvious what you’re doing. For most people, this will be a great way to take the plunge and go fully naked outside of their home for the first time.

To avoid any awkward situations, it will be safest to go out during the early morning hours when everyone else is asleep.
Stay away from streetlights, floodlights, passing cars or anything else that may make you plainly visible.


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Go naked outside at your leisure. Once you’re totally at ease, you can start soaking in the great outdoors in all your natural glory. Embracing nudity is all about innocence and freedom from shame. You’ll feel much more in touch with the world around you when you let go of social norms and return to the way man was meant to be.

Take care of your gardening or practice yoga without the burden of hot, restrictive clothing.
Remember to keep yourself concealed from neighbors and passersby as much as possible. If you get reported, you’ll have a tough time explaining yourself. [10]
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Stick to your own property. You generally have a right to do whatever you please in the place you call home, as long as you’re not hurting anyone else. That means there’s no better place to shed your clothes than your own backyard. If you have enough well-screened space, you might even be able to do some sunbathing or go for a pleasant stroll. [11]
Research source

A wooded grove or field set far back from the road can make a perfect place to strut your stuff.
In most countries, it’s almost always against the law to be in public places, like the park or the local convenience store, without clothing.


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Visit a nudist colony. There, you’ll be free to roam around at will without fear of judgment or legal repercussions. Hang out with other nudists so you can ask questions and gain insight into their way of life. They may even be able to offer you useful pointers on how to go naked in more places and situations. [12]
Research source

Many towns have resorts that are specifically designated for practicing nudists. Run a quick internet search to see if there’s one of these sites near you. [13]
Research source

Be polite toward nudists. It takes courage to be naked in front of others, so there’s no room for harassment or ridicule. [14]
Research source


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Take a trip to a nude beach. Plan your next vacation for somewhere like the South of France or Australia’s Samurai Beach, where nudity is not only permitted but encouraged. You’ll save room in your suitcase by not having to pack a swimsuit, and by the time you leave you’ll have the most even tan of your life. Just don’t forget to bring sunscreen! [15]
Research source

Nude beaches can be found on almost every major continent, and may be worth the trip if you have a desire to bear it all somewhere more interesting than your backyard. [16]
Research source

Be certain that your destination allows public nudity before you strip down.

Should all pubic hair be shaved when going out naked?

It is entirely up to you, and really doesn't matter.

Can I be naked in school, like in a bathroom or places where no one is?

No. Unless you're changing or actually using the washroom, you shouldn't, as you could be expelled. Not to mention that even in empty areas security cameras are likely watching you.

Could I be naked when my family is sleeping?

I don't see why not, just be careful that you don't get caught if you think you'd get in trouble. People do wake up, after all.

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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 545,620 times.

"In our backyard I always swim and sunbathe nude. My parents are always clothed and they gave me space at first. Now that they've seen me naked so much, they're more comfortable. Although, I did have to explain why I remove all my pubic hair, lol." ..." more

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% of people told us that this article helped them.

"In our backyard I always swim and sunbathe nude. My parents are always clothed and they gave me space at first. Now that they've seen me naked so much, they're more comfortable. Although, I did have to explain why I remove all my pubic hair, lol." ..." more

"I liked how you explained all about how to practice privately in your home, so when I walked around my room naked for 2 hours, I went from scared of being caught to like, lovin' my body!" ..." more

"I always do my gardening in the nude as I have a private garden, and even if it is raining, and I even love sea swimming in the nude, very good for your health." ..." more

"This reaffirmed what I had been thinking for years: going nude is not lewd, it's a natural state. If more people did it, it would be more socially acceptable." ..." more

"Your covered all the good aspects of being nude, which I prefer. In a perfect way, you discuss the right and wrong aspects and legal aspects. " ..." more

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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards.

There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.

wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 15 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status.

This article has been viewed 545,620 times.

Learn more...

Though the thought of open nudity may be anxiety-inducing to some people, to others it can be quite a liberating experience. There’s nothing shameful or immoral about going naked—as long as you do it the right way. If you’re thinking about ditching your clothes (and your inhibitions), it will be helpful to know how to go about it without encountering legal trouble or potentially embarrassing situations. For starters, you should learn to feel good about your body , work up slowly to stepping outside in your natural state and only expose yourself in places where you won’t be seen by others.

Before you go outside naked, try spending some time around your house with no clothes on so you get used to the feeling. You can also sleep naked, which will help you get comfortable not having clothes on. When you feel confident enough to go outdoors, try hanging out somewhere private, like a screened-in porch or fenced-off yard, so no one will see you. Keep in mind that it’s illegal to be naked in most public places. However, if you want to go out in public, search for nudist beaches near you, where you can relax without worrying about the law or social norms. For more tips, including how to find a nudist colony in your area, read on!

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