The patent proposes to collect personal information from sources such as wearable personal devices/devices, applications, social networks, web browsing records, payment records, medical records, employment records, government records, surveillance cameras, etc.

It also suggests collecting very specific personal information through sources such as:

🔻Deth location data

🔻The duration of the time people spend in the places they visit

🔻Accoority of air exchange/ventilation of places visited by people

🔻 Images of people looking at their mobile phone screen

🔻Sonics from microphones in devices

🔻Lice recognition data

The patent adds that "in some embodiments" of this mandatory system, "the application and/or intelligent device is configured to continuously inform the user's location and to communicate with neighboring devices to evaluate interactions between users, i.e., proximity and movement, etc."

The patent mentions both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

Vernon Coleman: The Truth About Vaccination

In line with the "Great Reset"

Today, the No. 1 topic of all media is vaccination against COVID-19. Every day the trend is clearer: publications in favor of vaccination capture the entire information space, and publications against vaccination or expressing doubts about it are pushed to the periphery.

However, many publications with questions and doubts simply can not be bypassed. I will name the most authoritative whistleblowers of the current vaccination campaign: Canadian physician Ghilslaine Lanctôt; Louis Brower, M.D., French M.D.; U.S. Representative of Alternative Medicine Joseph Mercola; French virologist, Nobel Prize winner in medicine Luc Antoine Montagnier; the authoritative Danish physician Peter Christian Götzsche; British physician and scientist Ben Goldacre; British popularizer of a healthy lifestyle Vernon Coleman (Vernon Coleman); American psychiatrist Peter Roger Breggin; English psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff; German virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche.

Specialists are well aware of these names. All of these have experience in the medical field (medical practice, medical science, teaching, work in health care bodies, etc.) in dozens of years. Many have academic degrees and titles. Most of them are in their sixties, and some are in their 70s and even 80s. Almost everyone has a large number of publications, including those addressed to a wide readership. Some of their books became bestsellers.

Here I will focus on one of the people on the list, Vernon Coleman. Born in England in 1946. By education, a general practitioner, in this capacity he began to work in 1970. In parallel with the main work, he was engaged in writing on the subject of medicine and health care.

In 1975, his first book, The Medicine Men, was published, in which he made a bold statement: the National Health Service is controlled by pharmaceutical companies. In 1977, he published Paper Doctors, where he deepened his critique of the health care system. Coleman wrote under various pseudonyms; in the late 1970s, he published three novels about the life of a general practitioner under the pseudonym Edward Vernon: Practice Makes Perfect, Practice What You Preach, and Practice.

In 1985, his book "Life without Tranquilizers" was published, and a little later - "The Power of the Body". Both books became bestsellers.

In 1996, Coleman published How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You, which was published in its second edition in 2003. By the time this book was released, Coleman was already a figure known both in England and beyond. The book became like a bombshell. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has tried to withdraw her from circulation on the grounds that she... discredits the medical profession.

Coleman is a versatile person. In the early 1980s, he participated in the development of special software (software) of home computers for physicians. It was the world's first software of its kind, it has been used since 1983.

For a long time, Coleman managed to combine writing with the work of a general practitioner. But even here he turned out to be an uncomfortable figure. Coleman's first serious conflict with medical authorities arose from the fact that he refused to write diagnoses in patients' sick leaves, believing that such records violated their privacy rights. On the basis of this and other conflicts with medical authorities, Coleman was deprived of his license to practice medicine and completely switched to writing. Every year he publishes several books and pamphlets. A total of about 100 books came out from under his pen, not to mention a huge number of articles, interviews, video performances. His books have been translated into 25 foreign languages and are sold in 50 countries around the world.

For nearly 50 years, Coleman campaigned both in England and internationally against Big Pharma, as well as food companies supplying substandard food. In the past two decades, it has increasingly gone beyond the boundaries of medicine and touches upon topical issues of world politics. Such works include: Oil Apocalypse; Livingina Fascist Country; Tomorrow's secrets: social, political and financial forecasts for the coming decade; "The OPFIS File: The Organisation For the Preservation Of Individuality And Sovereignty". In the last of these works, published in 2008, Coleman sharply criticizes the order existing in the European Union, calling them "fascist".

For the past year and a half, Coleman has focused on a range of issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccinations, and the Great Reset. Here are his most significant books of 2020:

Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good "Covid-19 – The Greatest Hoaxin History" (Covid-19) Coming Apocalypse.

In 2021, the book Endgame: The Hidden Agenda 21 was released. This refers to "Agenda XXI" – a policy document adopted by representatives of 179 states at the UN conference in Rio de Janeiro (1992). The author draws attention to the fact that the true meaning of the "Agenda for the XXI Century" became clear almost three decades after Rio de Janeiro, when in 2020 a "pandemic" was declared in the world, and the President of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, announced the plans for a world behind-the-scenes called the "Great Reset".

Vernon Coleman had many friends and detractors until last year. In a sense, it was a national treasure of England. Here are some characteristics of himself and his activities that flashed in the English media (in parentheses - the name of the information resource): "Vernon Coleman writes excellent books" (The Good Book Guide); "The Main Organiser of Health Campaigns in Britain" (The Sun); "National Heritage" (What Doctors Don't Tell You); "Probably one of the most prominent personalities alive today" (Irish Times); "Exciting Reading" (The Guardian); The King of Media Doctors (The Independent); "His advice inspires optimism and enthusiasm" (British Medical Journal).

However, a few months after Coleman began to uncover a conspiracy of the world behind-the-scenes called the "pandemic", all positive assessments of our hero and his activities disappeared from the British media. But there was a large number of low-brow publications and videos where Coleman is called a "madman", "crazy", "conspiracy theorist".

The Wikipedia page on Coleman was radically redone without his consent. Reading it in the current edition (the English version is more detailed than the Russian one), you might think that we are really talking about a not quite healthy person.

Coleman regularly publishes videos in which he very professionally explains the threat posed by the current vaccination. And to everyone - and those who injected, and those who managed to avoid this procedure. The hosts of the Internet, acting in tandem with Big Pharma, continue to ban him, but Coleman has many like-minded people who restore his performances and bring him to the attention of all interested parties through various channels.

One of the most popular videos of Coleman's speech appeared in March of this year and is called: Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction – and Could Wipe out the Human Race (Covid-19 vaccines are weapons of mass destruction and can completely destroy the human race).

by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc , 13th March 2021

Here are some short excerpts from this talk:

"The fake COVID-19 pandemic was created in part to find an excuse for vaccines, not to have a vaccine created as a solution to the perceived threat posed by COVID-19."

"I have always believed that the COVID-19 scam was planned with the aim of killing as many elderly and infirm people as possible and introducing mandatory vaccinations. I said this in my first video in mid-March 2020. Of course, there was also a plan to destroy and then reinvent the economy to meet the demands of Agenda TWENTY and the Great Reset."

"Unfortunately, I fear it's probably too late to save many of those who have received the vaccine. Millions are doomed and I fear many will die the next time they face the coronavirus."

"The first problem, of course, is that these experimental vaccines have already proven their desperate danger – they are already killing many people and causing serious side effects in many more. The extent of this particular problem can be judged by the fact that even the authorities admit that only 1 in 100 vaccine-related deaths and serious injuries are likely to be reported. It is impossible to estimate how many people will die from allergies, heart disease, stroke, neurological problems, or how many people will go blind or paralyzed. My website has a list of people who have been known to have been injured or killed by the vaccine, and it's a terrible reading list. The death toll is terrible, but most authorities continue to insist that these are all coincidences."

P.S. In the UK, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) keeps records of various negative consequences of vaccination. According to the MHRA, as of July 7, the number of deaths after vaccination was 1,470. If you apply Coleman's correction factor (100), the real number of deaths in England should be 147,000.

Photo: REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

🇺🇸A 550% splash of soft tissue cancer: Very concerned, but we know why it happens.

Jenn, PH MSN, Intensive Care and Emergency Department (mother of 2 children): 

"Last night I had dinner with a dear friend and oncologist. She said that in 2021, soft tissue cancer will grow "above the roof," which is 550% more. 

She says she's never seen anything like it in 28 years. She said they were "very concerned, but we know why this is happening." 

Decentralization is the way to free communication. 

"We are creating a Quantum Proof radio network that cannot be turned off, and we are making it open source," the decentralized network published, "We believe that decentralization promotes privacy, which is the key to freedom of thought. The Beechat Network is a secure, transparent and quantum-proof radio network that is user-owned and powered by renewable energy."

All Hardware is released under the Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

🔻telegram channel of the network

🔻Detailed information about the network on the network site

From the official statistics of export-import operations for trade in goods between countries, we see that tests for determining COVID-19 have been purchased by countries since 2017 (!), when no one has heard or thought about the coronavirus yet. Below, let's not get ridiculous and look at the tables with data on these purchases.

We open a specialized website

"Use WITS to obtain trade statistics for goods (exports, imports) by country from UN COMTRADE, tariff profiles from UNCTAD TRAINS and CTS IDB of the WTO. The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) software provides access to data on international trade in goods, tariff and non-tariff measures (NTM). View the Country Profile section to get country statistics on exports, imports and tariffs, as well as relevant development data." 

So, let's get started:

Imports of COVID-19 (300215) testing kits by country in 2017

Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

Please note that in the table of the COVID-19 Test kits product, which was imported by countries, including the Russian Federation, the code is indicated: 300215. We look at the reference book of HS codes (HS FEA - commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union, a classifier of goods used in customs operations).


Description: "Immunological products packaged in dosage forms or in forms or packaging for retail sale."

So there's no discrepancy. It was immunological products that were purchased, i.e. tests for coronavirus since 2017! And what is also important: in the name of the coronavirus, the number 19 (COVID-19) does not carry the meaning of the year 2019, when this virus was allegedly detected. After all, its name was given to him long before the onset of 2019.

By the way, here we can see how many, from where and for what amount of covid-19 tests were imported in 2017 by the Russian Federation:


Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

The Russian Federation imported COVID-19 testing kits worth $40,161,150 and 179,789 kg.

Looking further into 2018 and 2019, when purchases of tests were already made in large volumes.


Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 test kits / Tools, diagnostic testing equipment.


Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 Test Kits / Diagnostic Testing Tools, Equipment

Very large collection of special operations corona 🤴 19

Sarah Kate Silverman is an American stand-up, film and television actress satirist, author of numerous sketches.

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