Embarrassing Nude Stories

Embarrassing Nude Stories


Embarrassing Nude Stories

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As much hype and attention as we give it, sex is just another normal function of the human body — which can only mean it has the potential to get pretty darn embarrassing. While everyone has had at least one sex slip-up before, these cringe-worthy-but-totally-true stories might make you feel better about some of your more forgettable sexual encounters.
“One evening after a few drinks, this younger boy and I were lying on the ground with our pants off and making out. We removed our undies and he starts moving his hips back and forth, slowly and then faster and faster,” recalls Laura. “His breath got heavier, and then he collapsed on top of me. Mind you, this whole time I just laid there in fear of saying something that would embarrass him because he was a virgin .”
“He looked up at me sweetly and asked, ‘How w-w-was it for you?’ I replied, ‘What? You were between my thighs.’ He laughed it off, but was super embarrassed. When we finally did get around to actually [doing the deed], it was fantastic.”
It was 1969 and Dana was a senior at UCLA. “My girlfriend and I were looking for a place to make ‘nookie’ since my roommate was in my room studying. It was a few days before classes started and the room next door to her room was still vacant, so we went in there and proceeded,” Dana explains.
“Then, there was a knock on the door. We froze. Another knock, then the sound of a key going into the lock. Room was pitch dark, so it was just sounds, but we heard voices out in the hall.”
“In a panic, I threw a blanket — or something — over my girlfriend, grabbed my pants and tried to pull them on as I headed for the door to keep it from opening. I got to the door with my pants just above my knees when the door opened,” he recalls. “Standing in the hall was this sweet young freshman girl with her parents bringing her to her new dorm room! The looks on their faces were priceless. I asked them to give us a few minutes — I mean, what choice did they have?”
“My wife and I decided to add a little spice to our love life by using some aerosol whipped cream. I got the can from the fridge and brought it to our dark bedroom, sprayed it all over her boobs and started to lick it off. It tasted funny and I thought that her skin chemistry was giving the whipped cream an off taste,” says John. “It kept getting worse, so I turned on the light. It was all green from mold. She started laughing hysterically as did I. It killed the mood for the night though. I had a queasy stomach all night long.”
John, who is ironically a marriage, relationship and sexual coach, shares: “My wife and I went out with some friends for bowling and beer. We both had a little too much to drink.” However, that didn’t stop him from initiating intercourse with his wife that night. “I was happily pumping away with a full bladder. I began to feel the urge to ejaculate (or so I thought in my half drunken stupor). The problem was that I was peeing instead of ejaculating.”
Eliza recounts a story from her first year in college. “I was with my boyfriend in his dorm room. His roommate was away for the weekend (or so we thought). I’m under the covers giving him a blow job and having a good time. I don’t even hear the key turn in the door or anything — all of a sudden I just hear his roommate talking.”
“I just froze. I didn’t know what to do,” Eliza recalls. “He’s just shooting the breeze with my boyfriend, and my boyfriend is trying to just play it off and is holding a conversation like I’m not even there. So I just stayed down there, perfectly still, waiting for him to go. He talks for what seems like is eternity (probably only two minutes). Then I hear him say, ‘See ya later… you too Eliza.’ I thought I was going to die of embarrassment.”
“I am the first to admit, I’m not a pro at giving head but I try,” says Trisha. “One night, I was pleasuring my new boyfriend and I removed my mouth for a second to breathe when all of a sudden he ejaculated — right up my nose. It felt like I was drowning for a second and I began choking. He thought it was hysterical — I was mortified by the whole thing. I spent the next half hour blowing my nose.”
Updated by Bethany Ramos on 4/1/2016
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I hope you all don't mind me asking this, but this forum needs a little more discussions going on. This topic does not seem to have been covered before so let's discuss it.

What was your most embarrassing (non-sexual) nude experience?

I was in my early 20's and stayed at home while my family went out for the day. I removed my clothes in the lounge and left them there and enjoyed my time nude alone in our home. I was busy drawing a bath when I went to retrieve my clothes from the lounge. When I got to the lounge my family was standing outside the front door looking at me in shock. I had locked the gate, but not the front door. I ran inside the house as quickly as possible put on some clothes and opened the gate for them. I then took my bath.

Nothing was said of the incident afterward, but I was mortified.

I'm always happy and comfortable to be nude... I can't think of any uncomfortable experience!

This is a little different, but it was an experience that sticks in my mind. At the time it was a big deal, today it would only be funny. I must have been in 2nd grade, about 7 years old, I was taking swim lessons and my mom had dropped me off. When I went into the boys locker room to change into my suit; Joyce, a girl from school was in there with her father. She was wearing her suit, but I had to change into mine. That meant getting naked. Almost immediately, Joyce looked at me, smiled and said hi. She knew I had to get naked and was enjoying my discomfort. I stripped to my shorts and stepped around the corner of the lockers to slip on my swimsuit without Joyce seeing. As I did this, Joyce's dad headed to the shower and Joyce move around to watch me. I didn't know what to do, so I turned my back and slipped off my underwear. Joyce made some comment and I remember she told me to turn around so she could see my weenie. I was nearly in tears and had no intention of turning around. It made no difference because Joyce moved around in front of me to get a good look. She laughed as I hurriedly pulled up my swimsuit and ran to the pool. 
She made a few comments to me in school, but apparently didn't tell anyone else. At the time, I wanted to die. Today I would have handled it differently and maybe even enjoyed it.
I should have entered this one a long time ago!

I was 13 or 14, working as a busboy at my parents' Christian Supper Club in downtown Minneapolis. I was experimenting with going commando (but not at home), and had for a long time enjoyed finding times to be nude. The staff had dressing rooms in the basement, down the hall from the kitchen. The women's room was at the end of the hall, while the men's was across an unused lounge just before the women's. I arrived early, with my parents, and changed before the rest of the male waiters and busboys arrived, so I challenged myself to strip entirely nude, carry my briefs into the lounge and hide them in an old chest, then return to the dressing room to put on my busboy uniform. So far, so good.

At the end of the evening, I was stayed on to help with cleanup with my parents while the rest of the wait staff changed and left, so I was alone when I went to change back into my street clothes. Stripping nude again (those carefree teenage nude challenges!), I went out into the lounge to retrieve my UW, not hearing the footsteps coming down the hallway. I had just gotten the briefs out of the chest when I heard a gasp behind me, as the chef - a young, very cute woman - passed the doorway and spotted my bare behind. I turned just far enough to see her and then ran into the dressing room, threw on my clothes and (as I recall) never looked her in the eyes again. She left to start her own restaurant shortly thereafter, so I wasn't tormented too long!
The time i can recall most distinctly was a friends 13th birthday party. My friend Caroline was celebrating her birthday and had invited 3 girlfriends and me, the only boy. We had known eachother for years. She lived some distance from ours so my mum drove over with me and would stay catching up with her mum and friends. So far so good, it was a lovely June day. I was still 12 , 2 months from my own 13th.
They had in the last few days purchased an above ground swimming pool and filled it and all the girls were looking forward to a splash n swim. In the busyness of things they had forgotten to tell us so i had no costume just dressed in shorts and t shirt.
Without even asking me, my mum volunteered to Caroline's mum and the others, all her friends, that it was no problem i could swim naked if they didnt object and anyway i was still a little boy and most knew that at our prep school all boys swam naked anyway.
I was horrified but they all could see no problem with it at all. Caroline's mum went off to tell the girls who were changing in her bedroom and my mum then just expected me to strip off. I tried to argue by saying i didnt fancy a swim but as i was normally an enthusiastic swimmer that really didnt sound convincing.
So I was then left with no choice and by the time the girls came down i was totally naked and all of them giggled and grinned at me. It was very embarrassing at the time but after a time splashing in the pool i kind of got used to it and for most of that afternoon stayed naked even when we werent in the pool as we were in and out of it a lot.
Looking back it clearly shows the double standards at play back then it was ok for little boys like me to be naked but im pretty sure if one if the girls hadnt had a costume they wouldnt have asked her to swim nude. It was seen as acceptable to tell me to strip off and i had no say in the matter. It was an experience which got better once i got over the initial humiliation i felt being naked in front of them all.
I think the girls enjoyed seeing me but were probably disappointed that there wasnt much to see after all they were all clearly developing and I wasnt.
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In article <764b8j$37uc$ 1...@newssvr04-int.news.prodigy.com > PQL...@prodigy.com (Brian Green) writes: >I was just curious if anyone else had any embarrassing moments involving >nudity as a child or teenager (maybe occuring at home, school, camp, the >YMCA, the pool, the doctors, etc.) I wasn't a nudist which probably made >these types of incidents even more embarrassing. I'll share a true >incident from my childhood.
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PQL...@prodigy.com (Brian Green) wrote: > I was just curious if anyone else had any embarrassing moments involving > nudity as a child or teenager (maybe occuring at home, school, camp, the > YMCA, the pool, the doctors, etc.) I wasn't a nudist which probably made > these types of incidents even more embarrassing. I'll share a true > incident from my childhood.
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Seahawk wrote: > > Shinkage? Isn't that sort of like chicken in German? > > Seahawkopolis
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>sounds like you have some unresolved issues
One of my most embarrassing moments as a child occurred when I was about 10. It was Spring and twice a week I was taking swimming lessons from a woman named Donna who gave lessons at the pool at her home. It wasn't my idea to take swimming lessons and I wasn't real crazy about them. I was always trying to get out of going. The lessons were my mom's idea. Anyway, my mom would come straight from work and pick me up at school at take me straight to my swim lessons on days that I had them. I always just packed my swim trunks and a towel in the bottom of my book bag and carried them with me for the day so that I could change into them once I got to my swim lessons.
Well one day I got the bright idea that if maybe if I accidently forgot to to take my swimsuit and towel that I could get out of my swim lessons for that day. I had it all planned perfectly. When we drove up to the house I took lessons at, I would start fumbling through my bag and realize that I had forgot my swimsuit and towel. It would be too late and too far to go back home and get them in time to get back. It seemed like a great plan until I tried it. My mom got really pissed. She pretty much knew I had done it on purpose, but I thought there's nothing she can do about it now except yell at me. She told me to stay in the car and she went up
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