Murzilka 68. 

Murzilka 68. 

ርልየፐልፗበ በይጠዐ

The CDC recognizes that there is no Covid-19: A CDC document called "CDC 2019-New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Diagnostic Panel RT-PCR in real time." July 2020.

In the paper, on page 39, in a section entitled "Performance Characteristics," we have the following: "Since there are currently no quantitative isolates of the 2019-nCoV virus, analyses are designed to detect RNA 2019-nCoV..."

The key phrase is "no quantitative isolates of the virus 2019 - nCoV..."

Each object existing in nature can be defined quantitatively, that is, measured. The use of the word "quantitatively" in this phrase means: the CDC does not have a measurable amount of virus because it is not available. Karoche, the CDC doesn't have a coe-shaped virus.

Another clue is "use of insulators." This means that the VIRUS NO or its existence has so far not been proven by no one is highlighting its "gold standard", which is academic proof of the existence of any virus.

Legal counsel for consumer protection Rainer Fuelmih states that the agencies "knowingly misled governments around the world" and now a group of lawyers is preparing to sue WHO and some of its partners for misleading the world about the seriousness of the COVID-19 outbreak and the measures taken to combat it, which have deprived people of their livelihoods and caused enormous damage to the economy.

The move was announced by Dr. Rainer Fuelmih, one of four members of Germany's Investigative Committee on The Covid, who will hear the testimony of international scientists and experts from July 10, 2020. In a video posted on his YouTube channel, Fuelmich accuses WHO Director Ethiopian, Gates' puppet, "dancing man" Tedros, Dr. Kristan Drosten, head of the virology department at Berlin's Charite Hospital, who diagnosed "Newcomer" on the stream, and Dr. Lothar Wheeler, head of RKI, a German partner of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, who deliberately misled the world.

"This covid crisis, according to everything we know today, should be renamed the kovtdom scandal, and those responsible for it must be prosecuted and held accountable for civil damages," said Dr. Fuelmih, Fuelmih, who plans to file a class action lawsuit with a group of experts in the United States, "At the political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one else has such power to be deceived. 

First, is there a kovid pandemic or is there only a PCR test pandemic, in particular, does the positive test result mean that the person being tested is infected with COVID-19, or does that mean absolutely nothing due to COVID -19 infection? 

Second, whether so-called anti-tweed measures, such as isolation, masks, social distancing and quarantine rules, serve to protect the world's population from the kovid, or do they serve only to cause panic in people, so they believe in everything without asking unnecessary questions, and that their lives are in danger, so that eventually pharmaceutical and technology companies can make a huge profit from the sale of PCR tests, antigen tests and antibodies and vaccines, and from the collection of our genetic "fingerprints" ( DNA, whose national bases have been deployed in almost all countries of the world, including Russia, where the law was also passed. 

Thirdly, is it true that the German government has lobbied more than any other government and that they are the protagonists of the so-called kovid pandemic? Germany is known as a particularly disciplined country and therefore had to become a role model for the rest of the world for its strict and therefore successful adherence to coronavirus measures.

Based on criminal law, the allegation of false facts about THER tests arbitrarily changed the number of amplices: that is, one of the recommendations on PCR was deliberately false, or the deliberate misrepresentation of facts carried out by Mr. Drousten and Wheeler and WHO could only be construed as fraud. Under civil law, this means intentional harm.

PCR tests cannot provide any information about infections, as the creator of PCR tests, Nobel laureate Mulis, who reported that PCR finds pieces of DNA and the former head of the infamous Pfizer, but has repeatedly told the general public that they can, and their colleagues around the world have repeated it. 

All of them knew and agreed that, on the basis of their recommendations, the governments of the world would make decisions on blockages, rules of social distancing and mandatory wearing of masks, the latter posing a serious health risk, as more and more independent studies and experts state this... 

... Under the laws on tort offences, all those who have suffered as a result of the blocking caused by PCR tests are entitled to full compensation for their losses. In particular, there is a duty to compensate - that is, the obligation to compensate - companies and self-employed persons as a result of blockage and other measures.

In the meantime, however, measures to combat the covid have caused and continue to cause such devastating damage to the health of the world's population and its economy that the crimes committed by Mr. Drousten, Wheeler and WHO must be legally classified as crimes against humanity, as defined in section 7 of the International Penal Code." 

A small part of the material is a street 👇

All in one place 🖕for the convenience of familiarization.

Obedience is not enough. If he is not suffering, how can you be sure that he obeys your will and not his own? Strength is in inflicting pain and humiliation. The power is to tear human minds apart and reconnect them into new forms of their own choosing...


On the night of February/early March, an entire family was "catapulted" off the flight because their child was without a mask, despite the fact that the mask of the child was literally contrary to their own policy: "In accordance with the requirements of federal law, the Order of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Transportation Security Administration Directive (TSA), all passengers and employees must wear a mask covering their nose and mouth throughout the journey, including ticket offices, checkouts, checkout areas, and all baggage claim. Facial coatings are not required for children under the age of 2."

David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' admits secretly conspiring for a NWO

In David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' he admits he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order. Here is the direct quote from his book, pg 405:

| Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it |

| David Rockefeller |

| We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government.The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries |

| David Rockefeller to Trilateral Commission in 1991 

| If a nation values anything more than freedom, then it will lose it's freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort and security that it values, it will lose that too. Unknown Americans must decide: Are we to be governed by Americans or by an International organization ? I, for one, owe no allegiance to the United Nations nor will I give it any. I obey only the U.S. Constitution. You had better think about this issue, for if the U.N. can violate the Sovereignty of Haiti, Iraq and other countries, it can violate ours... The United States may not be the top dog 15 years from now. council resolutions, backed by say Chinese soldiers, could be aimed at us |

| Charley Reese [ Orlando Sentinel ] |

'' The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world ''

- Nick Rockefeller [ Aaron Russo interview ]

🇺🇸CDC does not like the policy of some authorities of some states in relation to the cowid, because of what, calling himself a doctor, someone Valenski begins to catch up with the American plebs another coe creepy: 

"The recent decline in the incidence has leveled up to a very high number ... our recent decline seems to have slowed... With this new statistic, I'm really concerned about reports that more and more states are abandoning the exact public health measures we've recommended."

About the same kind of alarmist statements, as experience suggests, soon after holding a preliminary PR-action with "terrible" boiler statistics (remember the beloved, board book of a friend of paedophile Epstein Gates "How to lie with statistics" By Darel Huff (1954), which tells about various ways of abuse of statistics in order to deceive the audience), which has nothing to do with reality, follow from WHO, but already with the whole World with recommendations It's a bump. 

What Gates is reading in 2020. Frame video of Bill Gates 2020. 

🔹Book "Should We Eat Meat?" by Vaclav Smila

🔹Book Hyperbole and a Half, a collection of stories by artist Ellie Brosch.

🔹The collection of answers to hypothetical questions in the genre "What if?" by Randall Munro, NASA engineer, artist and creator of internet comics 

🔹 Richard Dawkins' "The Magic of Reality" on how we learn the truth. 

🔹 "How to Lie With Statistics" by Darella Huff (1954), which describes various ways of abusing statistics in order to deceive the audience and manipulate its opinion, where many specific examples are considered, and where the first epigraph to the book is chosen a quote from the Count of Biconsfield (B. Disraeli) about statistics: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, brazen lies and statistics".

To estimate how Hillary's books are related to illustrations of satanic "erotic glass artist" and what Gates reads about statistics with statistics on the covid, we will provide to the reader. 😂

🇺🇸Interesting, why did Hillary need a book of satanic "erotic glass artist"? 

Hillary Clinton posted a photo asking readers to follow her podcasts, which highlighted in addition to the wipes after a cough that might indicate Hillary's covid, and a rather interesting read. Among Hillary's readership, we see a book about strokes, which, given the frequent fainting, is understandable, and the book of the Satanic master of Murano glass, "erotic glass artist" Lucio Bubakko. 🥴 

Placing a book of this kind in a prominent place is understandable in the last Game, known as the "space chess match", where according to the rules of this game God must warn people before bringing the Judgment, and Satan must warn people before he brings destruction. I mean, Hillary put the book in there for everyone to see. Luciferians must continue to demonstrate their devotion, as do, for example, the same Sobyanin. Pictured are seven works by the artist😂

Hilary clearly underestimated us, spending a fair amount of money on business trips employee of his employees through one intermediary (winter - spring - summer) in our footsteps went for absentee acquaintance. One hairy wig almost pissed right in the middle of the road, the code we between our own feet removed this hairy smack on the camera of our phone in our city and put in the archive until the best of times ...

🇺🇸 Clinton, Friends, really isn't exactly normal old-time. 

And the environment is the same schizoids 🙋‍♂️ 

You can say hello and kiss on the ...


Soros outlined a plan by global elites back in 2009 to establish what he called the "New World Order" (interview with the Financial Times). In his view, China should lead this New World Order by "creating it with words and owning it," just as the United States "owns the current order."

You see, everything we've been writing about 🖕 for over a year, about Soros's involvement in the Wuhan laboratory, about the mixing of globalists with China, and so much, is true. The so-called world. the elite, made up of deviants, has never concealed what it does; they reveal everything in their dry interviews and documents/patents, while the media publish distracting, emotionally charged, easy-to-understand tales of what Gates and Soros are like as a "good guy" and how they fight the "bad guy" who acts as a covid.

In fact, this guy said that once their plans reach their climax, the world will be ruled by a multipolar new financial and political order in which China will become the most important country that will supplant the United States. 

In fact, Soros says that it is necessary to involve the Chinese in the NWO/NMP to help create it. This is not a new idea, the Rockefellers hinted at a similar strategy back in 1961 in their book of projects NWO (new world order).

The problem is the ruling elite lost their mind, seeks to steal everything and kill everyone. Artificial movement towards the false goal behind the truth.

The reaction is that people are both angry and scared, they want to put an end to the old system and start something new.

Why is China 🇨🇳? Why does the world elite, based mainly in Europe, force the Chinese to openly join their New World Order and help create it?

Part of the strategy was hinted at in the main press in a 2002 UPI article entitled "China wants its own "new world order" opposing the American version." It is common practice to use opposing forces for their own purposes, and they always ensure that they have influence or control over both sides.

They have driven the world into the hands of the Chinese alliance. They widely promoted the abhorrent New World Order, originally planned for the trap. In those days, Beijing was a large one-story rural capital with common toilets for apartment buildings on the street, but Rockefeller and Rothschild brought there all U.S. production gradually, now about the health of the nation is baked by a Chinese woman with CNN . Everything is good beautiful Marquis, all is well all is well. True Americans can guess and take out guts to dry on the fences of buildings in the city center. The one-time and favorable New World Order will turn out, cheap and angry 😤

Have you corrected 🖕the pronunciation of the Hungarian? Tsegan fu$ks. 

Decades before President George H.W. Bush introduced the “New World Order” (NWO) into the American vernacular, the Rockefeller family and their minions were making plans to expend America’s post-World War II power to bring about such an order.

In the course of researching Laurance Rockefeller for my last entry, Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement?, I came across a book titled

Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports...

... It was the product of a 1956 Rockefeller Brothers Fund effort known as the Special Studies Project, and it lays out the blueprint for the multilateral / multipolar New World Order that is currently materializing around us.

In the aftermath of World War II and the resulting formation of the United Nations (which the Rockefellers were instrumental in creating and funding), the Special Studies Project, directed by Henry Kissinger, was formed to carry out two apparent tasks:

1) to create an action plan to bring about the “elite’s” long-sought world government within the existing postwar environment, and

2) to spin the agenda in such a way that it could be sold to the American people as being in their best interest.

Upon completion of their work, the Special Studies Project’s various panels compiled their reports in an incomplete, sanitized, and heavily spun book, the above-mentioned Prospect for America. The book spells out how to sacrifice the national interests of the United States for...👇

⚠️💉A celebrity is working closely with the Wellcome Trust. In 2011, the foundation funded a workshop called Selective Reproduction, Bioethics and Eugenics" (it's a cult that believes you should kill most people to make the world a better place, of which, incidentally, is a friend of Epstein's eugenicist paedophile Bill Gates), held at the Wellcome Collection On June 6, which tried to untangle what is meant by modern "eugenics idea" in relation to bioethics and, in particular, selective reproduction. ⚰️

A co-id panopticon.

We're very excited about it. How is it necessary not to respect yourself, and someone else and in addition to love very much Money fell down planes on the head in order to participate in this shame ?? 

One deranged constantly gives interviews, others deranged, apparently, proud of such achievements in the career hierarchy and do not wash their hands for a long time, keeping particles of sweat maniac. 

To communicate the intentions that people's participation in this was voluntary and conscious: "Look, as everything goes very well. Things like the production of child death..."

Margrethe Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, where Bill Gates' father, whose case is being run by his psycho son Bill, answered in a television interview in 1957 whether she believed in something like sin: "I believe that the biggest sin in the world is to have children."👇

🇩🇪 Merkel knows well where the mask 😷 😂

😷Visaut comments, Comrads... 🤦🏻 👇

💉66 elderly people die after taking anti-vaccine vaccine at nursing home 👇

 🇺🇸 Judging by this video, not only Pelosi but her associates are in the deepstate. Here, Nedler decided to get off the train of our reality for a while and lie down with an alcoholic illness👇

🇺🇸 the American taxpayer should know where his money goes 💵 🇧🇾😷 helps Belarusians to join, not only to democratic values, but also to the mask culture.

🇺🇸 American humanitarian organization finances not only the protection of human rights, but also the saving of the lives of Belarusians and spares no money for campaigning billboards on the streets of the cities of Sineoka Belarus. 

💉EU (Merkel/Macron) , do not become shy in determining what the EU is today, in March 2021 actively pushes neo-fascism, where the role of the Star of David will play a zR code with data on vaccination or, to put it simply, the mark of the Beast with its inherent attributes 666.

Last night, EU leaders agreed to introduce vaccine passports by the summer. 

"Everyone agreed that we need a digital vaccination certificate," German Chancellor Merkel said after the EU summit, "This will make it possible to travel within the EU and could pave the way for further travel from third countries to the EU."

Creating technology for documents could take three months, meaning the scheme may not be ready by the time the British government expects trips abroad for non-essential purposes to be open on May 17.

Greece wants to create a scheme that allows people who have received both doses of the couida vaccine to travel freely. Athens plans to open in early May. Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis warned other EU leaders that if they did not come to an agreement on vaccine certificates, "the private sector will do it for us." Greece already grants its citizens a certificate after vaccination.

Spain is also pushing for a union-wide passport policy as the country desperately tries to boost tourism. Its Foreign Secretary suggested that "vaccine certificate holders should be exempt from the test."

A meta-analysis conducted by Julianne Holt-Lunstad, a research psychologist at Brigham Young University, and her colleagues, showed that "chronic" social isolation increases the risk of death by 29%.

😳🎚Papa Francis warned of the possibility of a second great flood, like the flood of Noah's time, if humanity could not cope with global warming, while calling the History of the Flood and Noah's Ark a myth, and declaring, "God, who, according to the Bible, saw too much bad, decided to destroy humanity":

"God's anger is directed against injustice, against Satan," the pope declares in his book On Vices and Virtues, which is due out on Tuesday, "It is directed against evil, not of human weakness, but of the evil of satanic inspiration: the corruption generated by Satan. God's wrath is meant to bring justice and purify... The Bible says that flooding is the result of God's wrath. It is a figure of The Wrath of God who, according to the Bible, saw too much bad and decided to destroy humanity.

According to experts, the Biblical flood is a myth. But myth is a form of knowledge. The flood is a historical tale, archaeologists say, because they found traces of flooding on their excavations. A lot of flooding, possibly due to rising temperatures and melting glaciers, is what will happen now if we continue on the same path. Pope warns. God freed his anger, but he saw the righteous, took him, and saved him. Noah's story shows that God's wrath is also saving."

We can only say that the rank will not save this scientist 🖕👇

The long letter "U" we see in the video is Bacillus anthracis, or anthrax bacterium, an anthrax pathogen.

The most amazing thing about this video is that this anthrax bacterium turns into a blood cell. Microbiologist Dr. Robert O. Young has been researching human cells for decades. He couldn't believe his eyes when a human blood anthrax bacterium turned into a blood cell when he added sodium bicarbonate on Wednesday. And again in the anthrax bacterium when he added vinegar.

Today it confirms what scientists such as Professor Dr. Antoine Bechamp said 100 years ago: the disease comes not from the outside, but from ourselves, from our own blood.

Experts in this field would be pleased to comment.


Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇

Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...👇

Fu$kyou dude.


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