Murzilka 61.

Murzilka 61.

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'


A message addressed to certain schools/leaders/teachers in Italy.

"Anyone who knows about other people's crimes and is silent, or worse, cooperates, is more criminal than the perpetrator himself."

(Roberto Nuzo)

💉 India in early February rejected a bid by the infamous Pfizer for its anti-cancer vaccine in the country. Later on India someone ran a lot, arranging the world premiere of the 🎥 horror film with burning false - corpses in bags. Who could it be? 

India's COVID-19 drug and vaccine expert group has rejected A major U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer's application for emergency approval for the vaccine in a country already in use in the U.S. and UK. The reason for the rejection of the registration application was "the absence of any plan on the part of Pfizer to create a registry of data on safety and immunogenicity in the local population."

On Friday, Pfizer said it had withdrawn its application and that the company would provide additional data in the near future when it became available.

India insists on testing the safety and immunogenicity of the Pfizer vaccine, and this has become a key consideration for the expert panel when rejecting the firm's application. As noted by experts, in the case of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine there were several serious adverse events, and their cause-and-effect relationship has not yet been studied and is just being studied.

The company met with a relevant expert committee on February 3 and, according to sources, India's regulator did not issue permission "to use any vaccine candidates in emergency cases." "The expert group needs safety and immunogenicity data from at least an interim trial involving 1,600 volunteers in India to recommend approval of any candidate for the vaccine," an informed source said, "The firm submitted to the committee its proposal to allow the emergency use of its Covid-19, BNT162b vaccine. anaphylaxis and other serious side effects, and the causal relationship between these phenomena and the vaccine is still being studied. In addition, the firm has not proposed any plans to collect data on safety and immunogenicity among the Indian population. After detailed discussions, the committee recommended that the vaccine should not be allowed to be used in emergencies in the country at this stage."

However, despite the seriousness of the vaccination situation, a Pfizer spokesperson decided to lie and refute the information of the Indian regulatory body, perhaps the only reg. The Nazis. the body on Planet who raised such uncomfortable questions with Pfizer and decided not to issue a company that has been vaccinating with its vaccines for half a world of permits." Based on discussions at the meeting and our understanding of additional information that may be needed by the regulatory authority, the company has decided to withdraw its application. Pfizer will continue to engage with the authorities and re-submit an approval request with additional information as it becomes available in the near future," a Pfizer spokesman said, essentially stating that no one had rejected anything and that the company had withdrawn its application for vaccine registration.

Previously, the company did not appear before the expert commission three times, blaming everything around itself, including short notice times and time difference.

"Pfizer's supply is falling worldwide, and the company may have decided for now to focus on these regions and increase production. To gain approval in India, it would need not only to provide data on cases of facial paralysis, but also a protocol of clinical trials," the source said.

And while the company withdrew the application, its spokesman said it was still seeking to cover probably one of the largest, the Indian vaccine market. 

"Pfizer remains committed to making its vaccine available for use by the government in India, and to follow the necessary path to obtain an emergency permit that will make this vaccine available for any future use," Pfizer said in a statement. A company spokesman declined to comment on when the ill-fated and infamous Pfizeron would be able to reapply for approval in India.


25 APR, 8:58 p.m.

The White House said that the U.S. will urgently provide India with funds to fight COVID-19

Washington will send drugs, rapid tests, ventilators and personal protective equipment to the country

Read TASS's



Google News

WASHINGTON, April 25. /TASS/. The United States has decided to provide the Indian authorities with medicines, rapid tests, ventilators (ventilators) and personal protective equipment to combat the spread of coronavirus in the country as a matter of urgency. This was agreed on Sunday during a telephone conversation by the US President's Assistant for National Security Jake Sullivan and the Indian Prime Minister's National Security Adviser Ajit Doval.


Funeral bonfires and hundreds of thousands of infected people a day. How India is experiencing a pandemic - in the photo gallery TASS Pictures from the scene - in the photo gallery TASS

Hollywood quietly on the sidelines smokes bulls handpicked on the road. And Aloisic is proud of his followers. 

It's not like that, it's not like that: you're my friend - I'm your enemy, how are we with you?

It was April, and in love we swore, but, alas, flew a yellow leaf on the boulevards ..

The third of September is the day of farewell, the day when the bonfires of the ash trees are lit.

Like bonfires, promises burn on a day when I'm all alone.

I'll turn the calendar upside down - and again the third of September.

In the photo I'll take a look at yours - and again on the third of September.

But why, but why did we have to break up?

After all, we had everything seriously on the second of September.

But why, but why did we have to break up?

After all, we had everything seriously on the second of September....

They smile, not yet understanding what will happen next...

"CDC is actually a vaccine manufacturer," he told RT America in 2020, "The CDC's total budget is about $11 billion a year, of which $5 billion is spent on purchasing vaccines from the four companies that make profitable deals. And then they distribute these vaccines to the American population. The CDC also holds patents for many vaccines. In fact, throughout HHS, which is the parent agency (FDA), CDC and NIH, and all of which regulate vaccines, various parts of the vaccine industry are part of the HHS, and these agencies are allowed to own patents for vaccines that their scientists make and then collect fees. In fact, officials of these agencies who have worked on vaccines can also own part of the patent and receive royalties of up to $150,000 per year. Thus, HHS earns money on every bottle Gardasil sold. They make tens of millions of dollars a year. And these are zero-responsibility products. No matter how toxic the ingredient is, no matter how serious your injury is, no matter how careless the company is, you can't sue them. They can do whatever they want with the vaccine, and there's nothing you can do about it."

It's like a gestapo on the streets of India that kidnaps people. 

The enchanting file of teenage climate activist Tunberg, which was that she, so bluntly so bluntly, poured the entire back of the media gang on India and Prime Minister Modi, is not in vain. 

The New York Post: Grete Tunberg is currently facing an investigation into "criminal collusion" in India over these most deleted tweets with an information guide to India's reeling, which was intended to be read only by her.

🇩🇪Angel Merkel, Clara Hitler and their surprising resemblance.

The suppression of the zuckerberg Facebook/Instagram topic and, in particular, the ban and removal of posts from the platform, where there is speculation that "COVID19 is created by man", despite the fact that the source of the outbreak is still unknown, coupled with the truths of "liar once, lies more" and "... when he tells a lie, he tells his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies, "which is not proof that it was the man who created the covid. 

Otherwise, why would zuckerberg have to demolish posts and accounts that suggest that "the covid is created by man"? 

Epstein paedophile islet

On this island often burns a large (sacrificial) flame!

In the video from the quadcopter is seen as in the palm of the small island of Epstein ! Please, Friends, SUNS! It's in the second minute! The clock is hours, but it's a sacrificial place! I mean, Watson? - right - ALTAR, or the Turks (Epstein ashkenazi-Hazara-Turkish Jew) - ALTAR - SINAG - that is, SYNAGOGUE 🕍! - Under the open air! Have you ever seen a sundial with benches? What are the audience watching? "For a while? "No! Sacrifice! It was reported that a large flame of 🔥 often burns on the island! Here Holmes will give a screenshot of the sacrificial place decorated in the form of a "sun clock." Do you see the benches? "What? Are billionaires and presidents sitting here, flying here from all over the world to sit on these benches and look blankly at the time?

And very conveniently, Watson- the pieces and ashes - then thrown into the ocean - and the ends in the water. 

This collage - it's taken from the American internet and not Holmes did: 

This is the second part of the quadcopter. 

Part 2.


Jeffrey Epstein’s New Mexico Ranch Linked To Sex Trafficking

Known as the Zorro Ranch, the high-desert property is now tied to an investigation that the New York state attorney general’s office has opened into Epstein.

NEW VIDEO: Two Underground Entrances Located on Epstein’s ‘Orgy Island’ – What the Hell Was Going On There?

11:10 - News

Two underground entrances have been located on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Orgy Island. What they lead to or what they were used for is still a mystery!

Cellars on Island


There is no 👆 video of the sacrificial place. And the video is from the FBI themselves.

- That is, the FBI showing the island, DO NOT show the sacrificial place ! That is, he is like "doesn't keep lying" - he just doesn't show much and basically doesn't talk about it.

For example:

"Mainstream Media and Israel were silent about the arrest of paedophile Epstein and the investigation. During the search of Epstein's personal belongings found a Saudi-Arab passport and a lot of porn:

Headline: "Epstein's death - this may be the last straw in people's patience to take official fuflo .

This blocked 👇 dude read out the Epstein Island guest list for 20 minutes - that's only part 1!

Henry Kissinger (Kisa) ! rockefeller! Prince Salman (Solomon) Saudi Arabia ! Walter Issakson - Isaac's Son. Walter Isaacson!!! He’s was the chairman and CEO of CNN! THE boss of CNN He's also the managing editor of Time. He is also the editor-in-chief of the American leading magazine TAIM - a very big man in the media. 

- Maria Shriver - Schwarzenegger's ex-wife! David Coperfield is a well-known magician. "It's all listed by America's great people. But the rest of you just do not know, so Holmes does not list them. A lot of foreigners - are represented as "Italians" etc. Lots of London! Lots of Hollywood figures! Watson, who's behind the show showed Hollywood's Epstein in his "one-actor theater" to fly 5-10 hours to watch what "show" on Epstein Island? - Watson! - Bloody sacrifices to the god YGVE. 

That's not all. Here's another second part for 25 minutes 👇

And there will be three more transfers. It's just 25 minutes listing Epstein's clients. Representatives of the family of billionaire George Soros, Princess Fayal. Representatives of the Rothschild family. Representatives of the Polish royal family Radziwill. Members of Winston Churchill's family. David Linley is a member of the British royal family. David Linley (London) is the son of Princess Margaret UK Royal family. Family members of the artist Picasso. 

"Wasn't Chubais there?" - And then Chubais is a member of the Bilderberg Club!

And what, Watson, do you think that all these important people from all over America and the world were going to a tiny island to sit around the sundry? These are representatives of predatory lizards; they gathered on an island in the ocean, where no one could detect the sacrifices of juvenile goys.

Epstein had a "SHOW" for the upper class. For the lower, too, there is a fire sacrifice : "Burning Man" - "Burning Man

Nevada is on the border with California under the town of Reno. 

Epstein has been visited by paedophiles for decades. The FBI wasn't so interested that they didn't even arrest Epstein. Epstein was arrested at the court's verdict out of any connection to the FBI. Moreover, Epstein was arrested on July 6. And the FBI came to him with a search only after his possible death, there are rumors that Jeffrey came under the witness protection program, the death insinuated and Epstein fled on the day of the riots in the Capitol. So, the FBI in mid-August came with a search! "Jeffrey Epstein was reportedly arrested on Saturday and will appear in New York court on Monday to be charged with sex trafficking, according to multiple law enforcement sources

On the island of Epstein, or on bohemian Grove, - the blue-blooded constantly pulls to this strawberry . And this craving in them is so strong that they take great risks and sometimes as Epstein perish, in his craving for human meat. Guests of Epstein Island were not told what kind of meat they were served, and they conveniently did not ask but guessed - for this and went, like, to "COURSES OF REJUVENATION." Why read it when people of this level already knew it. Otherwise, devouring simple meat from all over the world like flies on shit would not fly. You've seen it, Epstein Island is tiny, bald. Like a rooster's knee. There is nothing to do absolutely, except to eat a human; Why did high-ranking guests come from all over the world? Of course, a child killer would rather go for than for killing children. Do not be Holmes and own the method of deduction, in order to understand that if someone has beef and chicken, someone secretly eats and ...

For Thenaz came to the island of Epstein ? ! 

Gathering children around the world and eating them is a huge industry - industry. 

The U.S. received two reports:

"Operation Broken Heart. 51 arrests made in Texas on child SEX."

It is necessary to look at any traces of blood bleeding and release, i.e. incisions or injections in the area of large vessels. 

A sign of ritual murder. Of course, the media is silent about it, pretending to be fools, the media for freedom of speech any - just do not bash about cannibalism. It is necessary to do public organizations to oversee the law enforcement agencies in the case of the disappearance and death of children, or the clan all blames on maniacs. And we are talking about millions of missing children!


Alex Jones burned on Epstein:

Well, you know Alex Jones. He was the one who shot the secret video from Bohemian Grove.

But Alex Jones began to flog the that in the Case of Epstein - it's China, they say, wants to slander prominent figures of the U.S. and the world. Alex Jones is a typical example of a liar. He tells a lot of interesting things, we follow him for more than 10 years, a nasty type with a hoarse voice like a syphilitic - at the last moment he always moves off the subject. 

An example of specific censorship on Wikipedia - The fact that Bill Clinton flew 26 times on the "Epstein's remains" on a private plane "Lolita Express" owned by Jeffrey Epstein, who after his arrest is accused of thousands of rapes including children, is now urgently wiped from Wikipedia:

🇺🇸 someone tattooed himself in the form of an accurate map 🎴 Lake Finder Lakes in upstate New York, known for underground railway tunnels for transporting slaves and children, eerie mansions and abandoned military bunkers, where people often disappear.

    Drum shot 🥁 from our writer Bernie. 

🇺🇸 went to the Super Bowl, called...

At a news conference Monday, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said fans who attended or filmed the Masks Super Bowl would be "identified" by law enforcement and police would "deal with" them.

One question remains open. Is this woman going to let the police dogs down on herself because she too was without a mask at the Super Bowl.

Another vaccinator is a virologist 👇

🇺🇸Alexanria Ocasio-Cortez told The NY Post that she would not apologize for her more public lies, which the whole world heard about the fact that Senator Ted Cruz tried to kill her on January 6.

Apparently, Cortez's apology to the American people for the fact that the AOC gave and still pretends to be someone who does not care what happens around, Americans also will not wait. 


🇨🇳Post 200 British academics from 20 universities suspected of violating an export control order designed to prevent the transfer of sensitive intellectual property to hostile states could end up in jail because they inadvertently helped China develop weapons of mass destruction. The maximum prison term for those who violate it is 10 years.

Officials are already investigating scientists who, according to the Times, could transfer innovative technology in the fields of aircraft, missiles and cyberweapons to China. Reports indicate that officials are preparing to send about 200 enforcement notices to those suspected of breaking the rules. 

In a study by the Think Tank Civitas, 14 of the UK's 24 leading universities are accused of having links to Chinese arms conglomerates and research centres linked to the military, which are involved in the development of nuclear weapons and the development of "futuristic technologies." 

"In the near future, we may see dozens of scientists in the courts," a Times source reported, "If at least 10 percent of the cases lead to successful prosecution, we will see that about 20 scientists will go to prison for helping the Chinese create a superweapon."

One senior aide to Boris Johnson was caught up in everything. The 71-year-old Lord, who is now Johnson's chief strategy adviser, Lord Udney-Lister, has helped the Foreign Office negotiate with China over a deal to buy a building under the Chinese embassy at the Royal Mint Court - near the Tower of London. During the negotiations, which took place between 2017 and 2018, then Sir Edward Lister also worked for two companies involved in the deal that transferred money to him. 

What I would like to point out is that the AOC, always so important with a round of all sorts of papers and notes that are probably as empty as her head, we think, is stupider than anyone else in her herd, she's literally a toy with three holes, and she only has a personal interest, because she's a terrible person and everybody What she can do is lie.

The experimental mRNA vaccine COVID-19 is an operating system for programming human DNA.

According to the pharmaceutical giant Moderna, experimental vaccines based on COVID-19 mRNA, for the first time in history approved for use in emergency cases, are an operating system designed to program human DNA.

The strands of genetic code act as chemical intermediaries between DNA in our chromosomes and the cellular mechanism that produces the proteins we need to function: mRNA provides the instructions needed for this mechanism to assemble these proteins. MRNA-1273 Moderna is programmed to force your cells to produce the infamous studded coronavirus protein that gives the virus the appearance of a corona.

"We decided to create a mRNA technology platform that is very similar to the operating system on a computer. It is designed in a way that can connect and work as a interchangeable with different programs. In our case, "program" or "app" is our mRNA drug - a unique sequence of mRNA that encodes protein," says Moderna,

"The use of these sets of instructions gives our researched drugs with mRNA quality software. We also have the ability to combine different mRNA sequences encoding different proteins into one mRNA under study."

Scientists have raised concerns that an immune response to RNA could lead to some autoimmune diseases, such as lupus. What's more, a team of researchers from the medical journal The Lancet warned that Covid-19 vaccines currently being developed could increase the risk of HIV infection, potentially leading to more infections. Australia has had to abandon its billion-dollar coronavirus vaccine project altogether after participants tested positive for HIV.

🌎Universal inclusion of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an ethical imperative.

This was stated by UN Under-Secretary-General Jan Eliasson, as if he knew about the Kovid pandemic and the Swabian "great reset" back then, at the UN Member States' Forum on Ethics for Development in January 2016.

"The fundamental principles underlying the new goals are interdependence, universality and solidarity. They should be implemented by all segments of all societies working together. No one should be left off this agenda. Priority must be given to the people with whom it is most difficult to agree," Jan Eliassonon said at the time, describing the basic moral code of the Agenda for Sustainable Development for 2030, which, incidentally, was unanimously adopted by 193 heads of state and other top leaders at the summit at the UN headquarters in New York in September 2015, "We must abandon the disparate mindset. We need to bring together actions in different sectors. We must receive information from those we seek to support and listen to their aspirations. We must achieve these ambitious goals and objectives on their behalf. We must be prepared to think - and act - in a comprehensive and holistic way. Every participant, every country, including Russia, signed up to this in 2015, each international and regional organization is responsible for working together to translate the Agenda into the practical realities on the ground."

A long-standing plan and they have been preparing for it for a long time, this scale special operation takes years. 

👫👭 At a time when in England "ARMY MAM" in Oxford calls on all women to go to the March on Sunday 14 February 2021 (the venue is specified) as "Our children need us now more than ever" 

in schools in the same Britain teachers, day by day more and more becoming like anti-parents, put up leaflets with the Swabian agenda, according to which humanity should give up meat in favor of printed on a 3-D printer of its analogue and insects: 

🔹Yem Shchukov. 

🔹Yes can teach others to eat them, they are delicious.

🔹Juks can't make us sick as meat can

🔹Juks can be in chocolate

🔹Juks/insects remain strong and healthy

🔹Sycom are good

🔹Juks are good for the environment and can help end the world


🔹Costo try the insect🤦🏻 

One of the most sinister couples in history: Mother and Son, Mother Teresa and Conman Fauci.

The life of both is laid on the altar of Evil, and both serve the same Lord- she is his first name, but posthumously; he's still here and smoking our sky with gray, which smells like all his stuff.

🇺🇸 February and a performance at the Super Bowl of America.

Forcing people to cover their noses and mouth violates their will and individuality and anonymizes them, makes them submissive. Modern psychology explains that without a face we do not exist as independent beings. Masks are ancient tools used to psychologically destroy people. This is the beginning of the erasure of individuality and personality. Anyone who doesn't know history is certainly doomed to repeat it, Friends, over and over again.

Mother Teresa was an evil, cruel woman who was responsible for the martyrdom of thousands of people. In her "Dying Homes" it was forbidden to give painkillers, and patients died of almost any disease. 

You have to be a complete idiot to think that her son Fauci, this friend of Gates, is doing his business in a different way.

Dorsey removes another doctor from Twitter who was telling the truth.

🇨🇳Conconnection points: Pfizer Pharmaceutical (Wuxi) mainly does business in China.

🇨🇳S are happy, Friends, and grateful if someone would explain to us where the little corpses of these kids are going or can go from this, as we see it, the Chinese market 👇

VIROLOGE DROSTEN IM GESPR'CH 2014/ Drosten virologist speaks 2014

"The body is constantly attacked by viruses"

"Soap and warm enough water? Does the disinfectant spray overflow your hand luggage? Unlike, for example, noroviruses that cause vomiting, which can only be affected by alcoholic solutions, there is enough water and soap for coronaviruses."

As we can see, Friends, since 2014 science has moved a long way and now for the coronavirus soap and water is not enough. We have indeed witnessed the birth of a new religion, the honey religion. fascism, a religion that believes in a covid with all the signs of loyalty-masks and other.

💉 Leading cooida researchers admit they have no scientific evidence of the virus.

None, Friends, NO one of the leading German representatives of the official theory about SARS-Cov-2/ COVID-19 could not answer the question how they can be sure without having a purified virus (the gold standard of kovid, which is the academic proof of the existence of the virus in nature) that the sequence of RNA genes of these particles belong to a certain new virus.

That is, the global kovida pandemic and measures against it are introduced bluntly on assumption and agreed consensus, not on science. Sadly, Friends, and without exaggeration disastrously for the Nation, that the country is involved in this crime . 

💉🇮🇹 In just one week from January 30, 2021 to February 6, 2021, the number of victims or deaths due to the covid mRNA Pfizer BioNTech vaccine in Italy increased by 5,932 people. (Source: EMA)

British left-wing politician, long-time MEMBER of Parliament and member of the British Cabinet, president of the political coalition Stop the War Tony Benn (very relevant today):

"There are two ways to manage people: first, to scare them, secondly, demoralize, it makes it easier to manage people. It is more difficult to manage an educated, healthy and self-confident nation."

We all have to decide, Friends, who we are a demoralized herd of trembling creatures, allowing to put SARS on the list of dangerous diseases, or we have the right to be an educated, healthy and confident nation.

🇨🇳🇧🇷Kitay continues to introduce its people into the administration of Brazil and holds a video meeting with them to coordinate their work: 

"At the video conference, the Ambassador of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Federal Republic of Brazil spoke with 15 governors and representatives of 25 Brazilian states. We agreed to deepen sub-national concerns operating in various fields. We appreciate the initiative of the Governor of Piaui state and the Governors Forum."

Philip Eugene de Rothschild corresponded with David Icke and explained to him the hierarchy of the criminal group as: "At the forefront are the royal families of Europe ... Prince Philip is the leading biological descendant of the Reptiles. Directly below it are people of the Rothschild family, responsible for logistics and operations. The current monarchs of the Netherlands, Spain, Denmark and some other old Austrian nobles (Habsburgs) are next in line with this occult power conspiracy."

The British royal family, like all the royal pedigrees of Europe, is based on Satanism, paedophilia and manipulation of occult knowledge. Ultimately, everything is interconnected, all pedigrees in politics, banking, business, corporations and the world's media. The entire world elite is involved in this gigantic network of paedophilia, Satanism, drug addiction and murder. This is a sick and corrupted world of evil people not people.

Bohemian Grove is a green area in California with an area of 11 square kilometers, the meeting place of an elite "bohemian club". 

Without an influential patron who will make you an offer, it is impossible to get into the club Bohemian Grove- it is a nature reserve of redwoods, which is more than one and a half thousand years old. The owl is a special symbol of this sect. In the center of the reserve stands a 12-meter statue of an area of an artificial lake, and it is also depicted on the emblem of the club. Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, said that "The Bohemian Grove he has visited is the most pederastic and satanic sect imaginable!"

Now the Rothschilds dream of establishing medical fascism and a totalitarian model of world governance. With the introduction of the gold standard, Basel III (international convergence of capital measurement and capital standards) will come into force on January 1, 2022. Secha at the Rothschilds is the main battle of the century.

The U.S. and the world's economy has already fallen into depression, and unprecedented inflation of the money supply will lead to severe consequences. The Rothschilds have a plan to capture China and destroy the United States, India, Iran, Europe and Russia. China has long been ready for the digital world. He was the first to introduce the digital currency digital currency. According to their plans, after the collapse of the United States and Europe and the destruction of Russia, China will become the center of the world. 

Although, people know: "man assumes, and the Lord has" and "want to ridicule God, tell him about his plans" ... Or act like a sloppy asshole 👇

Phase 1: Common cold/gripp. The most-light symptoms. The media endorse mass paranoia and use a defective testing system that captures any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result, a mass of cases, through death certificates, double counting and classification of all deaths, including other and natural causes, like Covid-19. The blocking will force us to live by the laws of Dragonia, prevent protests and suppress public resistance.

Stage 2 of Phase 1... lack of food, social distancing, masks and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation further attacks the immune system... This will also be dumped on the Covid-19. All of this will happen before the vaccination is ready for it, and an even more powerful blockage will follow until everyone likes the vaccine.

Phase 3 If most people resist the vaccine, the ATPICIN pneumonia/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people are going to die. It will be the survival of the fittest. It will also be the last push for everyone to be vaccinated to get back to normal. Those who have taken the vaccine will fight those who do not have it, it will be anarchy on all sides 👇

So we talked. 


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