Murzilka 25. 

Murzilka 25. 

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

He knew everything beforehand: 

"Even when it seems that the struggle is moving towards a world social democracy, there can still be delays and disappointments before it becomes an effective and beneficial world system. Countless people will hate the new world order and become unhappy because of the disappointment in their passions and ambitions because of its appearance and will die, protesting against it ... We must bear in mind the suffering of about one generation of dissatisfied, many of whom were rather gallant and graceful-looking people." (c) Herbert Wells "The New World Order" (1939)

🇩🇪😳We once published how people are bred, showing the same footage of the chamber several times on the central channels of different countries. 

However, we think that now the propaganda of panic has reached its climax and, as it seems to us, funnier and more absurd these alarmist-propaganda frames from the German boiler hospital will not be.

Influenza disappeared in 2020. It wasn't there after the cooid outbreak, and it wasn't. (WHO's official statistics) 🤦🏻 😂

🇺🇸 Biden's birthday on November 20. The boy was 78 years old.

In Georgia, Joe had a warm greeting to his fans.

He, like all other people who were at the matinee in honor of Joe's Birthday, is not afraid of either the covid or other contagion, as can be seen about the measures of distancing and wearing rags on his face, which the public and Joe himself, despite his venerable body in the "risk zone", did not observe. 

🌎 2001 - > a bio-terrorist attack called "Operation Dark Winter" is being staged, which was codenamed for a simulation of a senior-level bio-terrorist attack conducted on June 22-23, 2001. Politicians and U.S. officials met for modeling at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. Decision-makers were presented with a fictitious scenario and asked to respond to the facts and context of the script, develop strategies and make policy decisions. 

2019 -> the same people are organizing an imitation of a pandemic caused by the bat coronavirus called "Event 201"

2019 - > a few weeks after "Event 201" a real new coronavirus was discovered in China, which is supposedly originating from a bat and which, according to WHO, causes a pandemic. 

2020 - > year after the beginning of what has been called the Kovid Pandemic, we hear from we hear from we of WEF founder (Davos) Schwab that we are waiting for "Dark Winter". 

Considering, Friends, that all the globalist exercises always end with real events, which are described in the exercises as hypothetical, we can assume with almost 100% probability that the cyber exercises that were conducted by these same people in 2020, called "Cyber Polygon 2020", which was attended by 120 organizations from 29 countries, and in which participated, among other things, and Grefov, "Winter" will really be attended by 120 organizations from 29 countries, and in which participated, among other things, and Grefov, "Winter" will really be "Dark."

Some of these Murzilkas are 👇



On nightmares in India: The Indian government claims that there is no "Indian option" forevid and demands that MSM - in particular, the British and Matt Hancock stop running this kind of fake news about India, as they have harmed their lies ...

"The government of India, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.

... 2. We have learned that a statement is being circulated on the Internet, which implies that the "Indian version" of the kovid is being distributed to all countries. It's a complete LIE. There is no such option of #COVID19, scientifically quoted by WHO, the term "Indian version" ... in none of their reports.

3. This has already been explained by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 12 May 2021 in a press release

4. Therefore, you are asked to immediately remove from your platform all content that calls, refers or implies the "Indian version" of the covid.

(Rakesh Maheshwari)."

⚠️ And it's not 🖕 a movie, Friends. This is a co-shaped reality in Uganda by 2020. The woman was filming soldiers patrolling the streets when one of them spotted her. And it wasn't tear gas. She passed by her ear. 

🇺🇸Cilein Maxwell 'Syrian Trial' - witness statements (excerpts). Maxwell photographed topless American and European girls. The photos were stored at Epstein's home. A witness first testified in 2009 (hello FBI). The full document is here 👇😉

He can afford to run when he can no longer stand and fight with full confidence in victory, and dissipate and hide when it is not safe to move. As a last resort, he can always dive back into the civilian population - into this sea, using the well-known metaphor of Mao Tse-tung, in which the guerrillas swim in the people like a fish in the water.

The population, as you all need to be clear, is the key to the fight. And although all sorts of "analysts" do not seem to like to consider this idea, as they live in their invented reality, it is the population who is fighting, and not those who would have to lead.

The guerrilla, belonging to the people in the sense that he cannot be a soldier of the Government (for if the regime were not alienated from the people from where the struggle would come from), fights with the support of the non-military civilian population: it is his disguise, his quartermaster, his recruiting post, its communication network and its effective, all-seeing intelligence service.

🇺🇸 Friends, it seems to us that Biden Jr. grilled not only Obama's two daughters, but he also used Lady Gaga. The same Gaga, who learned in one of her freak shows in a suit of meat from which blood flowed, and performed in the walls of who IS, where the Ethiopian terrorist Gebreus, controlled by a friend of paedophile Epstein, a former IT-snik, the current chief virologist of planet Gates. Yes, Gaga also sang on January 20. 

Lady Gaga on the walls of WHO: "Thank you very much, Evan-Hugh Evans. You're a miracle. I'm really speechless. I want to thank everyone who is on this challenge today. Thank you so much, Dr. Tedros. I can only speak for my own behalf and my mother. We are deeply grateful for the partnership and, yes, that is absolutely true; we all know the importance of mental health support that the medical community will need during and after. This will be extremely important and we are already preparing for it.

Thank you, Hugh Evans, you're a superstar at Global Citizen. Thank you for your continued leadership and for this fight against the covid is the fight that the whole world will lead together. Over the past week, I have witnessed an inspiring and fearless global effort. Health workers continue to fight on the front lines of this pandemic, leaders, other nonprofit organizations and people of all nations have joined forces to write a love letter to the world. At home, it's called One World for All Together.

This is a love letter to our doctors, a love letter to our nurses and other medical workers who risk their own lives for ours, to delivery drivers, grocery store workers, factory workers, public transport workers, postal workers and restaurant workers, all. We celebrate your bravery and your heroism.

During this time we have witnessed the unification of a united, good world community. This triumph has instilled in me and my colleagues a true call to address the private sector.

There are several dozen and dozens of donors, and we now additionally have donations from Proctor and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson, Citi, Coca-Cola, Target, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and from the Bloomberg Charitable Foundations.

The updates are such that we are now at the level of 50 million dollars and look forward to further contributions to the fund and to local community charities... 

We also hope that tomorrow night will be an event "One World Together At Home"., we will continue this by telling global stories of triumph and hope, telling them to a global audience, truly bringing the world together.

We can do something to bring joy and respite to all corners of the Earth. I agree with this and am happy to share with all of you some news that The Rolling Stones have joined the line and tomorrow the artists will perform. Let's keep gaining momentum. <...>. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm Lady Gaga. I'm an Italian-American patriot, but I'm also a Citizen of the World. Thank you." 

We agree, it's 👆 sur some, but the reality is what it is, Friends

And this is the Ethiopian Gebreus himself, Lady Gaga's dream man .

Music 🎶 music video for Stephanie 👇

Probably everyone remembers the video, where, while everywhere raging covid, because of what WHO recommended to wear masks/gloves, he dances in families and t-shirt alcoholic on some party without a mask, without gloves and without socks 🧦 

Now, Friends, we have to inform those who have argued with us about the belonging of this body on the party in the family, and said that it is not a WHO-ov Ethiopian. No our dear conspirators, in the video in shorts and with a glass dancing exactly this high-ranking Ethiopian dream 💭 Leli Gaga and the puppet Gates. Otherwise, this episode wouldn't have made it into a jokey English song that went viral, singing about Gates, how vaccines are being killed, how Boris Johnson is rampant, how people are fighting the NWO and so on. 

The CPC and the U.S. are Chinese friendship. 

🇺🇸🇨🇳Dominion China 

Putin and Evil's aide on his desk is Mignon. November 20, 2020. 

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit. If someone does not know, the Minions-assistants of Evil and without service to one lose interest in life and become apathetic. Minions can hardly be called full-fledged, as they do not have children and pensioners.

Political commentator Owen Benjamin: 

"Guess who wrote the article about this uncomfortable truth? Mr. Fauci (CDC chief). 

In case the sleeping sheep don't know:

Spanish Influenza is the biggest killer in the 20th century, right? Millions have died! No, it was bacterial pneumonia caused by the mass wearing of masks (face diapers). Masks protect nothing but your ego-signaler of virtue, Fauci wrote about it in his study about five or seven years ago."

The results of the study on the fact that masks can be a source of bacterial infection of the lungs, as also wrote Fauci (now he says that masks are needed) in his more wound study, can be found here 👇

By the way, according to NIAID,

it was bacterial pneumonia that caused the greatest number of deaths in the influenza pandemic in 1918, which we are apparently seeing now.

🇩🇪 When someone thinks they are more equal than others.

"Despite the covid: conversations and a three-course menu. Despite the crown: conversations and a three-course menu

IHK: reception for 250 guests with Jens Spahn."

 🇨🇦 Canada is implementing a plan to dispose of the elderly.

96% of COVID-19 deaths in Ontario, Canada, occur in people 60 years of age or older. One human rights activist even called it "ageism in action," we call it the age genocide that former IMF chief Lagarde said when she said that there was not enough money for everyone and that it was time to get rid of the old people. 

According to the province's daily epidemiological report, 3,298 people aged 60 and over had died there as of 19 November, representing 96 per cent of the total number of deaths in the province. Of these deaths, 2,193 lived in nursing homes. Of the 3,298 people who died, 904 were between the ages of 60 and 79, and 2,394 were aged 80 or over.

Reducing social payments and pensions. The remaining money in the budget can be plundered by creating a whole set of empty and insane programs to combat something, such as the climate. What is climate? This is your menopause brain 🧠 fellow retirees and princes to reduce greenhouse gases, for example. But none of you have presented the main source of increased emissions, and this is the very area of the earth's surface. The Earth's crust is also called the water surface of the seas and oceans. You set insane and impossible goals of reducing the increase in average air temperature, instead of doing your direct work. Everything is clear and understandable with you for a long time.

🇺🇸 In such cases 🖕say "finished" ( Lies 🤥 ): November and CNN's Atlanta headquarters under siege.😂

First Peskov, then Sobyanin, then Hillary Clinton and the Mayor of New York, then some German politician right in the red zone of some coe-shaped hospital after the camera was turned off, and now the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz

decided that to hell with this mask and all this nonsense about the a danger of the cowid, which he, introducing anti-carpet measures, on the blue eye called one of the threats to humanity.

Friends, will anyone explain what's going on..?

⚠️ These people are 🖕there are now outraged and furious that they have given Tanzania a bribe of 27 million euros from the money of their European taxpayers. The president of Tanzania took the money, but refused to do what he was told, told the globalists and other shusher to smoke bamboo after the papaya, bird and goat tested positive for the covid. And now Tanzania is refusing to conduct tests, block or close its country either and the country is fully open to travel since June. 😂

🇨🇳Frizia, here one person from the country of the producer of kovid offered honey. Passports to enter. 

At the G20 summit, Jinping promoted the idea of introducing "Sobyanin" health codes containing information about people's health and, accordingly, "666" in the corners.

We don't know who like this idea, but to make your consent or refusal informed, you need to understand how China treats the coe to understand what level of thinking people you are listening to.

It's both comedy and reality at the same time Friends. 🤦🏻 😂

🇩🇪 "Hi guys, yesterday I received a message from an employee working for a company that manufactures packaging for medicines in the UK. A few weeks ago they were ready to send to a customer. Almost a million packages and 80 cans in the package. I quote the message: "and it's not like what you ordered it yesterday. The process of making and selecting the colors of the project takes several months, as far as I know." Production of packages with the vaccine began before the announcement, so the vaccine was invented already ... We would like to remind you that even the study was discontinued, because after the introduction of the vaccine, several people died from the volunteers..."

The paper, which analyzed the results of mass testing on Covid-19 after the blockage, which involved almost all eligible residents of Wuhan, China, found no evidence that positive cases without symptoms spread the disease.

The analysis, published in the scientific journal Nature, looked at the results of screening conducted from May to June in Wuhan, the city where the first cases of the new coronavirus were detected at the end of 2019. The origins of the virus have not yet been established. be certain, with new research suggesting that the disease could have been in Italy as early as last September. 

About 10 million people were tested, 92 per cent of them all residents aged six and over. Incredibly, no new symptomatic cases have been reported, and only 300 asymptomatic cases have been identified. Subsequent tests of 1,174 people close to asymptomatic cases did not produce any new positive results.

🇺🇸dominion 🖕 shared an office floor, not an entire office building, but an office floor, with the George Soros Foundation in Canada. Someone was lucky enough to catch the evidence before it was removed. 

The greatest "humanist" of the planet, a friend of the sperm collector eugenist-paedophile Epstein Gates told how much money he can raise on what he proposed to reduce the population of the planet, on vaccines.

What a self-confident great humanist.-You've invested about $10 billion in vaccination over the past two decades. And you calculated the return on investment for that. It stunned me a little bit. Can you guide us through this math? 

-Return of more than twenty to one invested dollar. So if you just look at the economic benefits, then it's a pretty strong number compared to anything else.

-Think that the numbers that you voiced, this money was invested in the stock market, and reinvesting dividends, you get something about 17 billion dollars. But you can make $200 billion. 

"Oh, yes. 

The prophecy of 2007 is fulfilled with precision! 

We turn to non-Orthodox, to atheists, to Gnostics. You just listen to what the person said in 2007 and say what he says is not about what's going on right now:

The memorable old savva (Achilles) described the current events and those that await us in the future!

Excerpt from the sermon of Archimandrite Savva (1930-2016).

(Deciphering the video recording).

The Antichrist will take control of the world health care system and act through it... He will make sure that only his medicines will be sold everywhere, they will contain various poisons. For those who take such drugs, these poisons will cause poisoning and death. What I'm saying right now is not my own words. This is said, first, by people who have divine enlightenment, and secondly, those who look at the actions of the Antichrist through science.

He spreads the flu - this leader of planetary scale, who folds his fingers on his hand so that they depict the horns of the devil. It was on his orders that viruses developed. It is he who wants to perish people and creates all these situations.

They talk about a certain "world conspiracy" and a specially created disease. Experts believe that this antichrist flu does not occur by accident, but is artificially created. The goal of its developers - the extermination of the population of the earth, it is their mad and obsessive desire, their task, their program. Important scientific studies have shown that this flu has a strong association with the pathogenic virus and with the creation of biological weapons with the active participation of the U.S. government.

Have you heard on TV that a new vaccination will be created at the same time? A new vaccine has now emerged. For girls 13 years and older, supposedly that they do not get cancer. But its purpose is quite different. It is designed to cause infertility. To reduce the population of the earth. And especially - the population of Orthodox Greece, which they want to exterminate and make so that even its name disappears from the map.

We are warned that the flu is expected. How do they know that? They're just going to make it. This is not a normal seasonal flu epidemic, but the kind of flu they will launch themselves is a specially created disease from the United States. This disease will be similar to the flu, it will be caused by a microorganism type mycoplasma, which will be introduced into the vaccination. There's one thing you need to pay attention to here. People will be obliged to do anti-influenza vaccination, and meanwhile it will contain this disease. It is recommended to avoid all types of vaccinations.

Now you will tell me: what is O. Savva calling us for? Should we avoid doctors? I'm not telling you anything about myself, but I'm saying what I'm reading right now. And what I wrote is not me, but those who have researched this topic. There is information that the consequences after vaccination will be even more severe than the disease itself, the flu itself. Studies show that older people are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease within 4-5 years of vaccination.

An archim. Savva Achilles (1930-2016)

This is the most video :

But many years ago, many scientists and journalists warned that Gates is dangerous to society. 

Perhaps many people have questions about why Gates is such an idiot and so frank in his interview that he will raise about $200 billion on vaccines. 

It's simple, he's autistic. In none of the interviews, Gates talks about that. But it is known that he has 5 to 20% of the staff - autistic. John Seabrook, who corresponded with Gates in the mail and, in principle, received answers to all his questions, confirms that Gates has Asperger's syndrome, not only that this person is a danger. 

The New Yorker, 10 January 1994: 


" E-mail allows Gates to run the company in his head, in his mind. As long as he's working, he's rocking. At a business meeting, whether he is on a plane or listening to a speech, the upper part of his body bends down almost 45 degrees, then returns to its normal position, then bends over again. His elbows are often stacked together, somewhere in the crotch area. It swings with different intensity, depending on the mood. 


Sometimes people in meetings start to sway with him. I think it's just an overabundance of energy," Gates tells me of his swing. "I should have stopped, but I haven't done it yet. They claim that I started at an extremely young age. I had a rocking horse, and they used to put me to bed on my rocking horse. I think that's why I'm addicted." 


When Gates was 20, his mother was engaged in a combination of the colors of his clothes: he had green days, beige, blue, after which this work passed into the hands of friends. Now, apparently, will fall to the share of his wife, but so far no one has successfully coped with this task. 


"A lot of his friends say, "Billy, come on, let's go shopping. We'll buy you some clothes," but it never worked," says Ann Winblad, the now-respected Silicon Valley entrepreneur and Bill's woman, with whom they've been together for five years. 


"Bill just doesn't think about clothes. And he's not doing well with hygiene. And his glasses - how can he see something through them? But Bill is like this: I am in a state of pure intelligence, and clothing and hygiene are in last place." Esther Dyson, who edits a newsletter called Release 1.0, says, "I'm told that at Microsoft some people are allowed to take bill glasses off and rub them, but I've never done that. You know, it's like, "Don't try it again at home."" "I like to come with new ideas or realize in advance what will eventually work out - and then do everything to make it happen. I love working with smart people." 


"Besides, a lot of luck, a high level of energy, and maybe to some extent an I.I., I think the ability to handle something on very detailed and very broad levels, as well as synthesizing it, are probably the things that help me the most." 


I wrote a letter about The Great Gatsby, one of Gates' favorite books. ("Over the abyss in the rye" and "Separate World" are other favorites.) Gates dressed up as Gatsby for his thirtieth birthday, and once again to attend a party that friends and colleagues in Silicon Valley organized for him and Melinda in September. (Melinda dressed as Daisy Buchanan.)

Not long ago, Paul Saffo of the Future Institute told me, "Bill Gates is an introvert. This is not the kind of person you want him to build the social network of the future." Anne Winblad, a longtime friend of Gates's, told me, "People who know Bill know that you have to bring him into the company - for example, "Hey, Bill, tell us a story about this and that" - because he doesn't have the social skills to come on his own. But that doesn't mean he's asocial. Bill is an open, emotional guy, very. He's actually more open in his feelings than most of the men I know. He is not afraid to express fear or sadness, but hardly anyone sees it. You can't demonstrate this by being in Bill's place when everyone is watching your tiniest gesture closely. It's not good for a manager to be weak." 


Microsoft's chief competitor says of Gates: "Hey, I think this guy is really dangerous. Bill is the most amazingly unscrupulous man I've ever met, and so much power in the hands of a guy with no conscience is dangerous. Big Brother didn't happen in 1984, but it could happen in 2004. Bill Gates?" 


"He was always upset about his crooked little finger, so he worked on it. He spent time leveling it, so he now has a straight finger," Christie's sister Stephen Maines and Paul Andrews, authors of the recently published biography of Gates, told him. Gates is used to impressing his sisters by jumping out of the trash can, and he still, it happens, jumps over his office chair. 


Sometimes, on the way to a business meeting, he suddenly jumps up and tries to touch the wall as high as he can, or above the point he touched last time. But in "Gates" he says: "I do not jump spontaneously, as I used to in the early years of the company ... Or at a meeting... Now the jumps are infrequent." However, he planned to put a full-size trampoline in the house he was building. In Japan, a comic book about the adventures of a boy, the prototype of which was Bill Gates, called "New Jump." 


He avoided my gaze: either looked down when he spoke, or looked over my head to look out the window in the direction of campus. " 

You're lucky we didn't wipe the glasses 👓.

"Conspiracy Theory" is a term that simultaneously instills fear and anxiety in the hearts of almost all public figures, especially journalists and scholars. Since the 1960s, this label has evolved into a disciplinary tool that has been extremely effective in identifying certain events prohibited for investigation or discussion. In particular, in the United States, the questioning of questionable official narratives designed to inform public opinion (and therefore public policy) is a serious mental crime that must be cured of public consciousness at all costs.

The sharply negative connotations of conspiracy theories can be traced back to the well-known "shootings" of the liberal historian Richard Hofstadter against the "new right". Yet it was the CIA that played the most role in effectively "turning" the term into a weapon. Amid widespread skepticism about the Warren Commission's findings on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA sent out a detailed directive to its entire bureau. This dispatch, entitled "Countering criticism of the Warren Commission report," played a crucial role in turning the term "conspiracy theory" into a weapon that could be used against virtually any person or group questioning the increasingly secretive programs and actions of the government.

This important memorandum and its broad implications for American politics and public discourse are detailed in the book "Conspiracy Theory in America" by The University of Florida political scientist Lance de Haven-Smith. Dr. de Haven-Smith developed the concept of state crimes against democracy to interpret and explain the potential complicity of government in events such as the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin, the major political assassinations of the 1960s and 11 September.

The CIA document 1035-960 was released in response to a 1976 FOIA request from the New York Times. The directive outlines the CIA's concerns about the "reputation of the American government as a whole" in relation to the Warren Commission report. The Agency was particularly interested in maintaining its own image and role, as it "provided information for the Warren investigation".

The memorandum outlines a detailed set of actions and methods to "counter and discredit the allegations of conspiracy theories in order to prevent such allegations from spreading in other countries". For example, referring to "friendly contacts with the elite (especially with politicians and editors)." 

"The accusations of critics have no serious basis," the document says, and "further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the "communist" opposition."

The agency also ordered its members to "not use propaganda tools to "deny" and to refute the attacks of critics. Book reviews and thematic articles are particularly suitable for this purpose."

Such reactions and their connection to the pejorative label are still regularly used by corporate media, commentators and political leaders in various forms against those who demand truth and responsibility for important public events.

Critics usually overestimate some items and ignore others.

Today, more than ever, media figures and commentators are taking influential positions to initiate propaganda, very similar to those conducted in 1035-960 against anyone who can question state-sanctioned narratives about controversial and misunderstood events. Because the motives and methods described in the document were fully assimilated by intellectuals and implemented through the media. This level of impact, when people are labeled by conspiracy theorists, is an incident on academic and journalistic investigations of ambiguous and unexplained events that can, in turn, mobilize public inquiry, debate and action, with far-reaching consequences for the government. One only needs to look at the growing police state and the total gutting of civil liberties and constitutional protection as evidence of how this set of sophisticated and deceptive scare tactics has seriously hampered the potential for future independent self-determination and not only the expansion but also the preservation of any civil rights.

Don't be fooled, and don't be fooled by the dirty stains of so-called journalists labeling people like cats, people labeled "conspiracy theories." by Edre Craig. 

🌎🌑Loy said to the Truth: "Let's take a bath together, the water in the well is very pleasant." 

However, still suspicious, checked the water and found that it is really good. So they undressed and took a dip. But suddenly Lies jumped out of the water and ran away, wearing the clothes of The Truth.

However, in a rage climbed out of the bath-well to take his clothes from Lies. But the world, seeing the naked Truth, turned away from it with anger and contempt. 

Poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, concealing her shame. Since then, Lies has been going around the world, dressed as Truth, and society is very happy...

Because the World has no desire to know the naked Truth.

Painting: True coming out of the well, Jean-Leon Jerome, 1896.

The tender Truth in beautiful clothes walked,

Dressed up for the serized, blissful, crippled.

Rough Lies This Truth to Himself, -

Like, stay with me for the night.

And the gully true fell asleep,

She drooled and smiled in her sleep.

The cunning Lie pulled the blanket over it,

I got into the Truth and was quite satisfied.

And she got up, and she cut her face with a bulldog,

Baba is like a woman, and what's her for the sake of happy?

There is no difference between Truth and Lies,

Unless, of course, both undress.

Splashed deftly out of braid golden ribbons

And she took her clothes, trying on her eyes,

I took the money, and the clock, and the documents,

She spit, swore dirty, and gave up.

It wasn't until morning that I discovered the truth was missing.

And I was surprised, looking around,

Someone has already, having got somewhere black soot,

I smeared the pure Truth, and so - nothing.

The truth laughed when stones were thrown at her:

"Lies are everything, and on Lies is my robe!..

Two blissful crippled protocols were drawn up

And they called her bad words.

The scolded her, and worse than a,

They smeared them with clay, lowered the yard dog:

"It's not like it's gone! One kilometer

Evict, expel in twenty-four hours.

That protocol was a offensive tirade,

(By the way, they hung up the Truth of other people's affairs):

They say some scum is called the Truth,

Well, she, as it is, drank nude.

The naked Truth was sworn, swore and sobbed,

I was sick for a long time, wandered, needed money.

Dirty Lies Thoroughbred Horse Stole

And she galloped on long and thin legs.

However, I can get along with the known lie,

The truth pricked her eyes and washed with it.

Wandering now, incorruptible, off-road,

Because of his nudity, avoiding people.

A strange guy is still fighting for the Truth,

However, in his speeches - the truth on a broken penny:

-Pure Truth will prevail over time,

If he does what a clear lie.

Often spilling one hundred and seventy grams at the brother,

You don't even know where you're going to go for the night.

They can undress - that's the truth, guys!

Look, your pants are worn by the insidious Lie.

Look, your watch is looking like treacherous lies.

Look, your horse is ruled by an insidious Lie.

𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼

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