More Yellow-on-yellow Violence: Yellow Man Overkills His Wife and Her Daughter (Both Yellows) in Washington

More Yellow-on-yellow Violence: Yellow Man Overkills His Wife and Her Daughter (Both Yellows) in Washington

  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Summary: none yet, summary suggestions welcomed and appreciated
  • Tags: Nghiep Kein Chau, Angelina Tran, Washington, no fault divorce, domestic violence, overkill, yellow-on-yellow violence

Men, especially old men, never do this kind of extreme violence for no reason. So It would be interesting to know what the wife and daughter did to cause this.

Criminologists term this kind of violence "overkill" -- where the killer goes far above and beyond what is needed to simply cause death. Overkill, while relatively rare, is still extensively studied and reasonably understood by criminologists. (For example, a larger proportion of blacks and browns engage in overkill, compared to whites and yellows; and men who choose to mimic procreation with other men's rectums are much more likely than sexually normal men to engage in overkill.) Generally, overkill arises as the final stage of constant, meticulous -- and tolerated -- abuse against the eventual overkiller. So it would be interesting, and probably useful, to know what the wife and daughter did to cause this overkill. Knowing that could help potential victims of overkill to understand how to avoid causing overkill.

Probably this overkill centers on the fact that the daughter is not related to the killer: she is his "step-daughter." My guess is that, in so many words, the wife simply taught her daughter, and the daughter accepted the lesson, that neither of them needs to respect the killer, and then the killer simply got tired enough of the disrespect. Another point of conflict was probably that the killer likely bankrolled both the wife and daughter for years, even decades, so the killer was especially disillusioned about the respect -- having hoped, as a small and weak yellow man, that if he earned enough and spent enough, then eventually he could earn respect (though that is not how respect works). If these were the causes, then one way to avoid such overkill would be to choose more carefully whom to disrespect. Many men (and plenty women) are not nearly as tolerant as they pretend to be about disrespect (this is especially true of yellows), and often enough, by the time they are telling the truth: it's too late.

Moreover, if those were the reasons in this situation, then another telling aspect of this story is the manly news reporter's entirely indifferent tone, including when mentioning that the overkiller was worried that his wife was going to casually discard him for her own convenience, taking much if not most of his existing and future money. Meanwhile, Washington is a state that honors "no-fault divorce," so the overkiller would have had no protection against the casual abandonment for convenience: he would simply be casually passed along -- from one government she-agent to the next -- for the process of stripping, from him, everything he had spent his life to earn. Generally, this kind of ruthless social torture is a safe bet for corrupt women (especially against a yellow man): the men of government allow no-fault divorce, and millions of men are abused by it at some point in their life. However, although this kind of emotional and financial abuse of men is allowed -- even encouraged, and celebrated as "empowerment" -- still, to avoid the rare yet predictable consequence of overkill, it is important for emotionally and financially abusive women to be more careful about whom and how they abuse.

For example, there is the matter of timing: once she decided to destroy the man with this kind of emotional and financial abuse, she should have already moved elsewhere before he found out. But what happens often enough is that once a woman learns about how abusive the men of government will let her be in divorce, she wants to stick around a while to brag and throw it in her victim's face. The vast majority of those times will not end up with overkill. Still, statistics only say what is likely to happen, and yet for women to stay safe from the consequences of abusing men: it is important to err on the side of caution.

–Dr. Floyd

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