Mommy Rimming

Mommy Rimming


Mommy Rimming

my mother caught me wearing tan pantyhose all over my body when I was 8. but I learned it from watching her do pantyhose encasement in her bedroom whenever she was drunk. It was just mom and I and I started to watch her and one day I decided to copy her and wear her pantyhose when she was at work. she came home early and caught me wearing her pantyhose and she told me it was okay and I should leave the pantyhose on and she told me to go to the living room with her. Shortly after my mom asked me to rub her pantyhosed feet and legs and she started rubbing my legs in pantyhose too. That started when I was 8 years old and whenever I knew she was drunk, I would sneak in her room and grab some tan pantyhose and wear them so she would notice and then she would always get excited and have me rub our legs and feet together. thats how it started for mom and I. that was 30 years ago though.
This is really disgusting... Very disgusting.. Im shocked that you're husband is being so calm about this. Do you want you're son to want to stay away from you? Do you want him to feel regretful and horrible about this later on? And probably now? Have you thought of the fact that he may not feel like becoming sexually active yet? You are his mother, why would even want to do this to him? Talking to him about this topic is enough, you dont need to having oral sex and what not with him in order to teach him. Everyone is ready for things in different times, you may think that this is a "good idea", but it's not. You are ruining him! You have no idea what you've done....
wtf that's disgusting. you should be arrested...
Stop raping your son u crazy bitch!!
WTF! gross, u mental, jk. but that is wrong.
Wow, so many things to say- trying not to judge here. So first of all, not being taught about sex doesn't prevent you from getting into things like masturbating and having sexual thoughts. Really it sounds like your son might be asexual- which there is nothing wrong with, and you shouldn't be having oral sex with him to try to change that. Another thing, what you did was illegal (and illegal for a good reason) and really just fucked up. I consider you doing that to him sexual abuse and something you should be arrested for. You need to leave your son and his sex life alone.
I wont blame your husband .. I have mixed feelings about this too .. its very inappropriate for a mother to give sex education like that .. teacher's are for a reason . if he has a question you can answer that verbally .. if you do oral sex on your son then its not educational . its sexual abuse .. he might not say anything because he is enjoying it .. and that is exactly why you shouldn't do it . this would effect his whole life .. now you are his first .. see how eeew it sounds like saying "the first woman who gave me a blowjob is my mother" If he is not sexually active , that means he not ready for it . when he is ready he would know everything by himself .. nobody taught me anything . in my country sex before marriage is banned . so we don't get sex education in school . but we eventually learn everything . and cause we like causing trouble we do it secretly though its not allowed . Let him grow and learn by himself . if you demonstrate on him , then you are taking advantage of his lack of knowledge .. I don't wanna judge you or be rude . this is just my opinion .
Don't do it again !!! ITS AGAINST THE LAW
Mother sex with boys goes on in families more than you think. The secret relationship that mothers have with their sons is powerful. Women's sexuality is much greater than men's. Women need more sex, then men do. When women do not get their husbands' needs, they turn to other males for it. That means they turn to boys to get it. Women feel very sexually toward preteen boys and teen males because their youthful bodies is a real turn on for them. Mothers are giving their son oral sex has been going on from the first day of life on Earth. It will never stop. When a boy bonds with his mother that there are no issues. If the boy does not bond with his mother is when he tells on her. These female teachers in school get turned by the boys because they do not bond with their teachers. The only relationship of a teacher to a student is to teach them, and when that school year is over, the boys move on and the relationship ends.
your not a real parent that is disgusting why would you have sex with someone you gave birth to.
I actually wish you were My Mom because I'm a Very horny man.Now if My Daughter walked in the door and was naked and came up to me and started rubbing on My cock and un zipped my pants and pulled out My 10 inch COCK and started deethroating me I would totally get into it and cum all down her throat.just saying.
100%. Also, it’s oral, so not technically sex, and definitely not rape if OP’s do or your daughter consents. Another good thing with your kids is straight up anal. A lot of times my wife doesn’t want me to cum in her ass so it would be great if I had a kid that would tAke that like a champ. NYDadLove, sounds like you’ve got that, so congrats! Definitely take advantage of that. Down the throat, up the ass, take turns, you do you.
What in the Kimmy Jo Bob backwoods mullet fuck is going on here? Talk about strange family issues. I seriously wonder what table talk is like during dinner...So you're husband has mixed feelings about you trading oral pleasure with your 16yr old son?! Ummm....Woman you're lucky you're not wearing designer oranges, cuddling with Big Becca in the penitentiary, let alone divorced by your husband. Yep. I'm judging. This is extra gross. As for the people saying this is normal, y'all need to hop on the next meteor that passes this muthaf##ka. I mean some dude just confessed that he wants to splooge down his daughter's throat. Ummmm..CPS anyone? I know we all have wierd thoughts but shiiiiiit! That's kinda dark dude and way past whatever line there even was.
I agree with you, but that first line had me laughing so hard. I'll have to use it when strange things are happening. Cheers!!!
Why so much hate? These guys sound like loving families. Just cuz your family is no fun
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You should fuck him. That would be hot!
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i once went on a date with a guy that went through something like this, he was way too sexually charged and could not talk about anything regular. i hope your son can heal from this experience . when I was a young girl my great uncle did something similar to me but at a younger age, and I agreed and had fun. because I would do anything for my family. but I do not wish for that to be my first experience with a man, and if I had a choice today, he is not my type, and I would never
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I used my husband car just yesterday and I found a female panties in his car but didn’t confront him about It, though I had to ask a friend of mine for advise but she Referred me to email who works for her also when it comes to hacking of phones so I hired this hacker so I could make my investigations about my so called husband, after the hack was done right on my husband deleted text messages I saw a ladies text saying she forgot her panties after they had sex in his car I felt so disappointed but am happy I could investigate what I saw with the help of thank you so much to my friend who made me know this hacker am forever grateful.
Don’t keep a lair as a husband, can’t believe my best friend goes to my husbands office just for sex. I asked my husband if something of such was going on but he lied not knowing I had full informations of everything going on directly from his phone with the help of and that was how I got to know. Thank you
I have mixed feelings about this but at the same time im just like oh yah I should do this to my son lmao idk what 2 say if I get pregnant of course lol
Unlike all these (can't think for themselves, follow the leader, religion/society is right and trust in the government,) type of people commenting on here. I think that your approach to educating your son is only a logical natural essense of human nature and should not be thought of as wrong or disgusting, if child and parent feel comfortable engaging in a sexual educational experience together then that is their business and how you see best fit to educate your own children in this matter, so why should it be any of our concern, in fact I feel it could only draw the individuals closer in a more trusting and loving family kind of bond, on the other hand any parent who would leave their very own childs sexual education up to the school system would not be a very good, loving and caring parent in my opinion and should've never had children if they can't even take on their parental responsability of sexually educating their child without embarrassment or shame on their part. It seems to me that such parents with this type of attitude or belief could be nothing more then immature themselves. The only reason these people have such a negative attitude about your methods is because they have been brainwashed/programed since they were born, through fear and ostracization into believing that the corporate governments, religions of the world and westren societies beliefs are the proper way to think, they have simple mindedly bought into thousands of years of religion and hundreds of years of societies unnatural man made doctrine that teaches it is wrong and bad for society and children, when in reality their beliefs are nothing more then the perverting and disrupting of nature itself and all that is natural.
You are sick in the head parent souldn't cross that line
There is a difference between being open-minded and just being a rapist. This is rape and it's not okay.
i'm glad you said this about it. it is natural and safe
Tell the authorities that and see what they have to say. It's against the law, isn't it?
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Christine Leeb--Speaker and Christian Family Coach specializing in Parenting and Child Discipline. Founder of Real Life Families --a non-profit organization building better families through free classes and resources. Mother to three awesome (and exhausting) children from whom she shamefully hides brownies. Wife to one patient (and polar-opposite) husband with whom she constantly quotes "Friends". 
'Her View From Home' is the Registered Trademark of Her View From Home, LLC
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It was Day 3 of our honeymoon…dun…dun…dun! A day I will never forget. A day I learned what marriage was really about.
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On the evening of Day 2, we dined at a gorgeous beach side restaurant. We ate. We drank wine–all while gazing into each other’s eyes as the waves cr
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