Mommy 9

Mommy 9


Mommy 9

Birth, Breastfeeding, and Beyond DVD Series

Documentary Writer - Producer / Director

Children's Book & TV Series - Producer / Writer
Stephanie Neurohr is Texas born and raised: Triumph and tragedy have made her ambitious, strong, and determined to share her wealth of knowledge with the world as a CEO, author, filmmaker, and sought-after international spokesperson, through powerful keynote speeches, films, books , and articles that have received international acclaim and awards .
Stephanie and her husband, Hunt, have nine children. Stephanie’s unique perspective on both the joys and sorrows of motherhood and women’s and children’s health issues propelled the creation of two award-winning businesses: Mother of 7, Inc. & Mother of 9, Inc. respectively, as her family grew. *Their 8th child, Heaven Maria, was a stillbirth, who died 3 weeks in utero before birth. Unfortunately, many families know the sadness and devastation of burying a child.
Stephanie and her products have been featured on 20/20, CBS This Morning , and in myriad periodicals and publications, with ABC World News Now hailing Stephanie’s work as “Masterpieces of Motherhood.”
Disney honored Stephanie’s Birth, Breastfeeding, and Beyond DVD Series with the “IParenting Award,” including two of the seven DVDs in 5 languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Russian . The Motherhood DVDs also received the “Entrepreneurial Star Award” from The Business Women’s Network in Washington, D.C. for “Outstanding Accomplishments & Blazing the Trail on Behalf of Women & Minority Entrepreneurs.”
Autumn’s Story , an award-winning documentary Stephanie wrote, directed, and produced for Discovery about the birth of her seventh child, Autumn, who loses her twin in-utero and is born with life-threatening birth defects, is about a mother and baby’s struggle to survive in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit – through the eyes of the mother, who plummets into postpartum depression, panic, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Ultimately, medical expertise, breastfeeding, and prayer carry both mother and child safely through the trauma, intact. Stephanie donates her extra breast milk to a milk bank for five years to help save the lives of other premature and sick newborns, whose mothers are unable to breastfeed their baby, or babies. Stephanie explains, “Donating each ounce of my breastmilk, otherwise known as ‘liquid gold,’ to fragile babies, was my gift of love to give back to babies-in-need.” 
Stephanie’s achievements began at a young age – she graduated one year early at 17 from high school as a straight-A student, cheerleader, and pageant winner. When she was 18, she became the youngest Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. Stephanie and her sisters, Suzette and Sheri, are the only three sisters in the history of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders .
Stephanie quickly ascended as a DCC , making the elite “show group” team as the only “rookie,” 8-12 girls who traveled the world and represented the entire squad at St. Fair Shows, U.S.O. Tours, Telethons, and TV/Film Appearances . Stephanie was selected to be the spokesperson for all DCC media events , and co-wrote Deep In The Heart of Texas: Reflections of Former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (St. Martin’s Press), a behind-the-scenes, non-fictional account of what life was really like, on and off the field, with her two sisters. Excerpts from the book were featured in Cosmopolitan magazine.
After graduating from Southern Methodist University with a degree in Film , Stephanie turned in her uniform, pom-poms, and concentrated on working both in front and behind the camera as a commercial/print model, actress, and TV/Film Writer, Director and Producer .
As Stephanie built her businesses, Dr. Hunt Neurohr became one of the top plastic surgeons in the country, but their family always came first . Stephanie truly does it all – carpooling, cooking, sewing, but also finds time to publish, direct, design, produce, and speak. She creates an environment of creativity and play in her home, while giving her marriage and children priority, including the love, teaching, and nurturing they need. Stephanie exclaims, “I have been blessed and challenged in so many ways, and want to give back to help others.”
Stephanie’s latest passion for health and wellness comes from her own personal experience. On July 9, 2017, Stephanie lost her little sister, Sheri, to a massive heart attack . Sheri was only 51. Through her grief, Stephanie found a new sense of empowerment and mission – to go big with her messages for women – speaking around the globe for women’s health improvement, including cardiovascular disease, reproductive and maternal health, and sexual assault prevention and awareness. Her hope is to bring knowledge, enrichment, and safety to women worldwide. 
Stephanie is the perfect commentator, keynote speaker, expert, or moderator for your next training, in-service production, talk show, radio show, or conference. She draws women of all ages and relates to them. Stephanie’s goal is to leave a legacy of better health, education and empowerment for all.  She is truly a Texas Treasure
"Autumn’s Story," is a one-hour documentary Stephanie wrote, directed, and produced for Discovery Health Channel. It's a compelling and heart-rending film about Stephanie's seventh baby, Autumn, who lost her twin in-utero and entered the world with life threatening birth defects, tracheo-esophageal fistula and esophageal atresia. Less than one day old, Autumn underwent surgery to correct her esophagus and trachea, but a paralyzed left vocal cord further complicated her condition and jeopardized her life. Stephanie documented the pregnancy, birth, NICU experience, and first two years of Autumn’s fragile life in notes, photographs, and video footage. Today, Autumn is living a healthy & happy life as a college student.
"Fairies in the Forest" is a series of four children’s books about a fairy family’s adventures, using her own family as talent. The story takes place in an ancient redwood forest where Father Elf and Mother Fairy are raising seven children who experience mystical adventures, which teach them lessons in life.
The four Fairies in the Forest books are Birth of a Fairy, Journey to Foreign Lands, Hidden Treasure, and The Tallest Tree in the World.

"Everlasting" is a feature film adapted from the "Fairies in the Forest" series that will serve as a follow up to the book series.
“ Deep In The Heart of Texas: Reflections of Former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders ” is a book Stephanie wrote for St. Martin’s Press.
In 1979, Stephanie Scholz Neurohr was one of eleven rookies chosen from over 2,500 women to join the renowned DCC cheerleading squad. Suzette, Stephanie, and Sheri were the only 3 sisters in the history of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
Stephanie was featured on Real People, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Part II, Family Feud, Love Boat, 15th and 16th Annual Country and Western Awards, Nashville Palace, and Bob Hope’s Tribute to Roger Staubach . She was also elected to represent the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders for three years as a famed “Show Group” member who made hundreds of personal appearances entertaining U.S.O. troops, State Fair fans, and Charity Telethon audiences everywhere.
Worldwide… heart disease is the number 1 killer of both women and men. 80% of deaths are preventable. Women are more likely than men to have heart attack symptoms unrelated to chest pain.
A short time ago, I lost my younger sister, 51, to a massive heart attack. Even though she and her husband, a top physician, were very vocal in the emergency room with two follow up visits to her primary care physician, regarding the need for a full coronary artery work up (my father had heart disease 29 years ago, received a life-saving stent in his LAD coronary artery, and is still alive and well today at age 91), she fell through the cracks and died.
This preventable tragedy left a grieving husband, children, two sisters, and a mother and father behind. Our friends and community, as well, were in shock and disbelief. Because of our strong faith, we’re left on this earth to forgive and move on; however, I have spent many months getting educated, insisting on receiving heart saving tests to see if I have heart disease, so I can pass on this information to my family and you.
Visit My Heart Disease Story to learn more. I have streamlined the exact heart tests and information you must know to be “proactive” in your heart health, not “reactive” after a heart attack which will leave you with damage for life, or even death.
After a failed Hysterectomy left me unable to walk or take care of my ninth child, Cruz, 10 months. After Cruz turned one year, I went to John Hopkins for help with chronic pain and anxiety. After two months in the hospital, I stopped all medication, but went into years of severe withdrawal, which left me with post-withdrawal symptoms, including Mal de Barquement – or extreme balance problems, headaches, tremors, hyper-sensitivity, making it difficult to leave the house for any length of time.
To Read More… visit My Ketamine Story or click the Ketamine tab in the menu.

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Ryan Schwartz /

February 18 2021, 1:04 PM PST

Mom ‘s Allison Janney has taken to social media to reflect on CBS’ final-season announcement .
The network revealed Wednesday that the sober-living comedy will conclude this spring, with its series finale set for Thursday, May 13 (at 9/8c). In a heartfelt Instagram post, Janney thanked the cast and crew, including executive producer Chuck Lorre; current costars Mimi Kennedy, Jaime Pressly, Kristen Johnston, Beth Hall and William Fichtner; and former co-lead Anna Faris, who left the show ahead Season 8 .
“Getting to be part of Mom these past eight years — showing the laughter, love and hope that can come with recovery — has been one of the great honors of my life,” she wrote . “I want to thank [executive producers] Chuck Lorre, Gemma Baker [and] Nick Bakay, and all the writers… for giving us these wonderfully flawed and lovable characters to bring to life. I miss seeing all of your faces. And these amazingly talented actors I got to act with everyday!!! Mimi, Jaime, Kristen, Beth, and the coolest man on the planet, Bill Fichtner. And of course Anna Faris.⁣ [Director] Jamie Widdoes for your patience and dedication and enormous talent steering this ship!⁣ Our entire crew, your laughter and love and dedication to this show has made it a joy to come to work. And last but not least all of our extraordinary fans!!! Thank you for all of your support over the years.”
Pressley put out a statement of her own, which read in part: “Being able to tell the stories of these beautifully flawed women supporting each other through recovery from addiction, loss, love, failures, wins, getting older and learning to love themselves has been one of the greatest honors of my life… ⁣Allison Janney, you my dear lady, are the greatest lead actress of all time and I [love] you more than I could ever explain. [Thank you] for leading us all with such grace and dignity.”
Johnston also chimed in on the cancellation news. “Such a huge bummer,” she said . “This show has been such a total joy and honor to be a part of. It’s been life-changing for me to be on a show that’s about recovery and women supporting each other [through] thick and thin. Plus, Mom has the BEST fans ever.”
Added Kennedy , “I accept what I cannot change. I love our audience and I love our brilliant Mom family. Thank you for sharing Marjorie with me for eight years!”
Mom ‘s eighth season marked the first (and now only ) season without Faris, who played Janney’s on-screen daughter Christy. When it was revealed that she was leaving last September, Faris released a statement which in part read, “The past seven years on Mom have been some of the most fulfilling and rewarding of my career. I’m so thankful to Chuck [Lorre], the writers, and my amazing castmates for creating a truly wonderful work experience.”
In the wake of Faris’ departure, Christy was shipped off to Georgetown Law School , in Washington D.C., on a full scholarship.
Mom has evolved into a drastically different show than the one that premiered in 2013. The multi-cam originally centered on Christy’s life as newly sober single mom as she tried to raise a pregnant teenage daughter, Violet (Sadie Calvano), and a son, Roscoe (Blake Garrett Rosenthal), with the help of her previously estranged mother Bonnie (Janney). The show eventually shifted focus away from Christy’s kids (who were written out of the show entirely) and toward Christy and Bonnie’s AA group — which consists of Marjorie (Kennedy), Jill (Pressly), Wendy (Hall) and Tammy (Johnston) — and Bonnie’s relationship with eventual husband Adam (Fichtner). Janney is the last remaining series regular from Season 1.
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Wonder if Anna will return for the finale.
A good ending would be Bonnie & Adam moving away to start somewhere new. She says all her goodbyes to the girls and especially Marjorie. Bonnie returns home to finish packing up and there is a knock at the door. Bonnie goes to answer the door and there is Christie asking if they need any help packing up. Mother and daughter embrace and go back into the living room and finish packing up together. End scene.
That is a great idea if she does return for the finale!
Christ this does sound like a good ending.. I miss Anna Faris she was a good Christy.. I am going to miss this show alot.
Great just what I need another reason to be depressed.
They helped a lot of people and the other characters are still great and the show sudden end because one character decided to leave.
i will miss the show mom ,it was a great one,i watched the reruns every night,great actors on mom
That really sucks. Leave the writing to Chuck Lorre. His track record speaks for itself.
I agree, it would be too sad for Bonnie and Adam to move away he has his bar there. I’m crying now just thinking about how sad they could make it, it needs to be a happy ending
I’m so bummed to hear this show is ending its laughter and love got me thru bedrest while I was pregnant and the 3 months my baby was in the nicu. I hate to say it but when s8 premiered without Anna I knew this would happen. Janney is amazing and can carry a show by herself but it was already too ingrained after 7 yrs for ppl to accept Christy leaving for good I think it was too big of a shock
Am so mad. I really like this show. Kinda sucks one person runes the whole thing. I say find a replacement and drive on. Maybe bonnie can have a niece coming home from the military that is in recovery. Hint hint. Am willing to audition.
No replacement needed. The remaining cast was even better without Faris.
My thoughts exactly. Thought I’d miss her and yet enjoyed the show more without her. I’m sad to find out it’s ending for good. It’s non political and funny and a great program to watch each week. CBS is silly ending this show.
ABSOLUTELY!! Every character on “MOM” is a star! There are a million ways to keep the remaining cast and have just as good, or maybe even a better show. I cant believe with such talented actors, writers, and producers, this show is being cancelled! Such a perfect mix of characters, that even the loss of one, does no harm, doesnt happen everyday! Cancel? Very, very bad decision!
Change it to a back view of a blond chrissy from behind, knocking on the door with a panic falling on here as bonnie answers the door
Have Chritie and her kids with her at the door.. I am going to miss this show , I cant wait for Thursdays to come so I can watch MOM. Love all the ladies and Adam.
Kristy has kids?! LOL! I always thought it was strange thatcher kids never even came up in conversation. Not even a phone call or Christmas card. It’s like she never even had kids.
Why would Bonnie move away? She’s never said she was unhappy there or that she wanted to live somewhere else
I love that. It ties up loose ends and they are off to their own futures.
Her use of past tense makes it sound like they’ve already finished filming… makes me wonder about if it’ll be a proper expected series finale… I hope so. I’ve loved this show so much, I’ll be sad to see it go. Such a sad year for good sitcoms!! This, Superstore and B99 are probably my three favorites…
They are still filming at Studio 20.
Isn’t Mimi Kennedy also original since season 1?
Not promoted to a regular until Season 2.
It took several episodes for her to show up.
One bad apple spoils the whole bunch.
It would be great if Anna returned for the finale. Even if they did a time jumo and saw Christy win her first case. To bring it full circle it would be great if her two kids were there too to show she is a Mom.
I love this show. This is a big mistake. So sad.
I can’t believe their canceling my favorite show!!!! U suck
I knew it was going to happen. Christy was the true star of the show. The writers decided to take her son away, than her home, so what was left. Her mother and her husband should have moved away to start a new life.
Christys son could have moved back in with her. They could have started new lives , maybe with a new love for Christy.
The show wouldn’t have been good without Allison Janney, or even the other cast of characters, but “Christy” & just her son…no way. Bore us to death!
Agreed. That’s why they took the kids out in the first place.
“take her son away, than her home, so what was left. ” I don’t understand this comment. Her son had been gone for several seasons, and what about her home? They did move to a new one, but what’s the big deal about that?!
This show has so much life left in it, especially with Kristen Johnston as a permanent cast member. Once she joined, Anna became incidental and I’m honestly not missing her and her little fish mouth faces at all.
I fully agree with you, this season without the over the top Christie character has been the best yet as her annoying character has gone and they have been able to really start to have come good fun ongoing storylines for others. Jills woes with Andy has been a really good storyline for example. Sad to see it go. This show is still gold, especially when you look at some of the recent new sitcoms, beats them hands down without even trying. Thanks to everyone that has made the show possible, have enjoyed the journey, especially these later years and miss is greatly. All the best to the cast and crew going forward.
Me neither. I love this show, and how it has moved forward. Great entertainment, and so real. Wonderful cast.
I so agree! She became the brightest spot in a field of stars. Give these women their own show and call it something else!
And give Wendy a story, for heaven’s sake. She was so underutilized and given the dynamic between her and Bonnie, she could have been a surrogate daughter.
Its almost sad how they treated the Wendy character. She may not have been a renown actress when she joined, but Beth deserve more air time.
They should have reduced the Jill airtime. That character can only be seen and heard n a limited basis before it annoys you.
I feel the same way. Not missing the always whining Christy
You do you. I still watch without her, but it’s just not the same.
I agree with you about Anna Farris. It had got to the point that all she did was complain about not having a man, no sex, and school. It was funny the first time but not the 10th. The other ladies are more interesting and bring better background s
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