Mmf Fantasy

Mmf Fantasy


Mmf Fantasy
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According to a small recent study, this type of ménage à trois is a lot more common than you think
“The Eiffel Tower is such a thing,” says Rachel* (names have been changed to protect sources' privacy), a 25-year-old recent college graduate. To be clear, Rachel isn't referring to the iconic Parisian landmark: she's referring to a slang term for a sex position where a woman is on all fours and giving oral sex to one man, while another man has sex with her from behind. What makes it an Eiffel Tower is when the two men high-five each other, forming the point of what is basically a squirmy, sloppy triangle. "It's one of the best parts," she gushes.
Rachel is polyamorous, which means she is in relationships with multiple partners — in this case, two men. They both know each other, and they're cool with Rachel having sex with each of them individually. Rachel says they're also turned on by the idea of “sharing” her, which means that occasionally, they'll all have sex at the same time.
Before she met her boyfriends, Rachel had had a few threesomes with other women. But guy-guy threesomes are a favorite of hers — and, Rachel adds, they are severely underrated. Being the “center of attention” and having the power to “call the shots” during sex with two men, Rachel says, is “the most empowering experience.”
Threesomes are a common fantasy : according to a 2016 Archives of Sexual Behavior study , 82 percent of heterosexual men and 31 percent of heterosexual women have fantasized about having a menage a trois at one point or another. While that study didn't specify what type of threesome people most often fantasized about, girl-girl-guy has typically been considered the gold standard of threesomes, with a separate study indicating that one in three men have fantasized about being in the middle of a two-lady sandwich. But that doesn't necessarily mean your partner will be into it. Morgan*, 24, hates girl-girl-guy threesomes because "the other girl isn't always that skilled at [giving me] pleasure,” she says. That's why she prefers having sex with two men at the same time .
Morgan, Rachel, and their partners aren’t alone in their love of MMF threeways. According to researcher Dr. Ryan Scoats of Birmingham City University, who got his PhD. studying threesomes , five of the 30 men he surveyed had had a threesome with a man. While that sample size is admittedly small, he told Broadly that he got the sense that while MMF threesomes would have been "more stigmatized" in the past, the men he polled "did seem comfortable telling at least their friends that they'd had an MMF threesome. I think because of the reduction of homophobia in general within society, this allows men to have these kinds of threesomes with no fear about what others are going to think of them for it." Scoats also cited previous research supporting the idea that straight, working-class guys in the United Kingdom are increasingly participating in " emotional intimacy and physical tactility " with each other.
The idea that straight men are becoming increasingly comfortable with same-sex experimentation isn't necessarily new. According to author and sociologist Jane Ward, who wrote Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men (which famously spawned the phrase " bro jobs" ), it's not uncommon for straight dudes to engage in sexual acts with each other without self-identifying as gay or bisexual. Sexual fluidity, the idea that sexual orientation and attraction to a particular gender can ebb, flow, and change over time, is becoming more socially acceptable: while there's an idea that women are inherently more sexually fluid than men , Ward attributes this to “long-held beliefs about the fundamental difference between men and women that are not accurate.”
That doesn't necessarily mean that guy-guy-girl threesomes have to necessarily involve guy-on-guy contact (hence, the anxiety over " crossing swords ," or how the Lonely Island music video for " Threeway " — featuring the line "it's not gay if it's in a threeway" — became a cultural punchline). But even if two men are having sex with one woman at the same time and not interacting with each other at all, the MMF three-way is still highly stigmatized.
“I think there’s a stigma that men feel that if they engage in play with another man present, that it is gay or that it means they like men. While this may be the case [if the two men are gay], it doesn't have to be at all. It can just be about pleasure or an experience,” says Nicoletta Heidegger , a sexologist based in Los Angeles.
For Alex*, a heterosexual, 28-year-old freelance cinematographer, MMF threesomes aren’t about the other guy at all — and he’s had several, with different partners. “I love facilitating a girl’s fantasy of being with two guys," he says. “I enjoy doing my best to give her as much pleasure as possible, and then watching someone else extend the pleasurable experience for her." (Watching another dude have sex with your partner is actually a pretty common fetish: according to Pornhub Insights , searches for the term "cuckolding," or watching your wife have sex with another man, have increased substantially in the past few years.)
Alex thinks a lot of the stigma surrounding MMF threeways derives not just from "homophobia," but also from a “sense of ownership” of the woman involved. Which makes sense: if you're not turned on the idea of watching your partner have sex with someone else, group sex can often incite jealousy, no matter what the third party's gender is. That's why it's important to have an open conversation with your partner about your boundaries and your desires before having a threesome , regardless of who's invited into the mix.
FFM may be most couples’ go-to when venturing into the wide world of open relationships or group sex, but if you’re both into it, it's worth considering MMF as part of the rotation. “It’s rare for a girl to feel safe enough to ask, follow through, and allow you to be involved,” Alex says. But when it works, it can be a lot of fun for everyone involved. “If you think it’s hot, it’s hot,” Rachel says.

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Jenni Jacobsen
, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Jenni Jacobsen
Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Jenni Jacobsen is a licensed social worker with a master's degree in social work from The Ohio State University, and she is in the process of completing her dissertation for a Doctorate of Philosophy in Psychology. She has worked in the social work field for 8 years and is currently a professor at Mount Vernon Nazarene University. She writes website content about mental health, addiction, and fitness.
Licensed as both a social worker through Ohio Board of Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage/Family Therapists and school social worker through Ohio Department of Education as well as a personal trainer through American Council on Exercise.

For some people, sexual fantasies may seem like a taboo topic, whereas others may be more open to discussing them. Some of us may be ashamed of our sexual fantasies, but the reality is that they are quite common.
There is no harm in thinking about something that arouses you, and in some instances, your fantasies may be mere thoughts that you keep to yourself. On the other hand, sometimes you may discuss fantasy with your partner or even talk about acting one out together.  
So long as your partner is willing to participate in your wild sexual ideas, there is no harm in acting out a naughty fantasy or two. Maybe you’re curious about common sexual fantasies so that you can get an idea of what’s normal, or get a sexual fantasies example to try in your own life. 
At the very least, learning about the most common sexual fantasies can provide you with some confidence that your erotic fantasies are not so strange after all. 
Sexual fantasies can come in a variety of forms. According to researchers writing for The Psychology of Love and Hate in Intimate Relationships, a sexual fantasy can be described as an image that a person holds in their mind and finds arousing. 
There is evidence that both men and women experience these fantasies. While they were historically viewed negatively, the current belief is that sexual fantasies are positive and indicate a high degree of sexual desire. 
There is also evidence that both men and women and single folks and those who are partnered experience at least some degree of sexual fantasy. 
Sexual fantasies are simply thoughts or images of sex that a person finds erotic, and they suggest that a person is comfortable with their sexuality. Sexual fantasies for couples can even provide ideas for new things to try in the bedroom to keep things interesting. 
Based upon what is known about sexual fantasies, we may have them simply because we are human. With research suggesting that most men and women experience fantasies, imaginative sex maybe just part of who we are.
In some cases, there can be an underlying reason behind our specific sexual fantasies. 
For instance, some fantasies may be linked to a desire to give up control or to “let loose,” whereas others might represent a need to break free from the constraints that society places on us through typical gender roles. 
Sexual fantasies also occur because they allow us to imagine things that excite us, without having to play them out in real life and face the consequences that come with them. 
Take, for example, the fact that some people may fantasize about having sex in public. While it may be arousing to imagine such a scenario, the reality is that acting out this sexual fantasy could result in serious consequences, like an arrest. 
Having a sexual fantasy allows us to feel the excitement associated with certain scenarios without actually living them out. 
Sexual fantasies can also fulfill some of our psychological needs. For instance, we may fantasize about certain sexual acts to cope with stress or anxiety or temporarily escape from the demands of life. 
Sometimes, we’re simply curious or want to feel aroused, so we let our minds drift to thoughts of a naughty fantasy. 
If you’re looking for some sex fantasy suggestions, consider the top sexual fantasies below:
According to research , one of the top female sexual fantasies is being dominated. This includes any general sexual scenario in which the female plays a more submissive role and can even include instances of being forced to have sex. 
This is often listed among the top sexual fantasies for men, but many women report fantasizing about having sex with multiple partners in this fashion. 
It may be taboo, but the thrill of potentially being caught can make the idea of having sex in a public play, such as a park, seem rather alluring. Since this is illegal, it is best to keep a fantasy.
This can come in the form of going to a swinger’s club and having sex with several people throughout the night or watching your partner being “gang banged.” 
Believe it or not, exhibitionism is also among the most common sexual fantasies. Whether it’s having sex in a car with others watching or performing for others at a party, the idea of having an audience can make things much more exciting.
It may seem cliche, but one of the most romantic sexual ideas, which makes up many women’s fantasies, is having sex in a particular location, like a beach. The top female sexual fantasies may tend to involve these more romantic images.
Whether it’s been whipped, spanked, or bitten, it’s not unusual for a naughty fantasy to involve some sort of physical pain. This type of imaginative sex can be arousing for both parties. 
The person inflicting the pain may be excited by the thought of having control, whereas the receiving party gives up physical control and maybe even more sensitive to the pleasure that follows. 
Secretly watching others having sex may seem off-limits, but this fantasy is rather common, which is why it’s made its way to the list of the most common sexual fantasies. 
This one may be associated with a degree of guilt, but many people report having sexual fantasies about a former partner. 
Even among those who identify as straight or heterosexual, it is not unusual to have erotic fantasies about someone of the same sex. 
For example, a woman may fantasize about hooking up with another female while her male partner watches or she may desire to simply have a one-time sexual interaction with another woman. 
Even if you’re partnered, it’s rather common to have thoughts of having sex with someone you know, such as a coworker or friend. In some cases, you may even have wild sexual ideas surrounding someone you don’t particularly like!
We’ve all heard people talk about casual hookups, and we may have even experienced one or two ourselves, so it’s no surprise that sex with a stranger is on the list of the top sexual fantasies.
Falling under the BDSM category, bondage is frequently named as one of the top sexual fantasies. It is entirely normal to have thoughts of, or even enjoy acting out, the experience of being handcuffed or perhaps strapped to the bed during sex.
Sometimes sexual fantasies seem like they aren’t fantasies at all. In fact, according to a study published in Business Insider , one of the top female sexual fantasies is oral sex, which includes both taking part in oral sex and performing it on a male. It may be easy to act this one out! 
According to Business Insider , watching two women have sex is among the top sexual fantasies for men. However, always remember, consent is the most important part of any sexual interaction.
Also, among men’s top sexual fantasies is being permitted to ejaculate on a partner. A lot of people have this sexual fantasy. If you are one of them, speak to your partner about it and see how comfortable they are with it.
Among the wild sexual ideas people have is the desire to have sex with someone famous, such as a movie star or musician. While this may not be a fantasy that ever comes to fruition, it can still be fun to imagine it!
We know that diversity is essential, and that includes in the bedroom! The Business Insider study found that 27.5% of women and 61.2% of men fantasize interracial sex. 
Sexual fantasies can sometimes involve someone of a different age group. It is not uncommon for both men and women to have thoughts of having sex with someone much older or much younger than they are. 
For those with exhibitionist fantasies, the idea of being photographed or filmed can be arousing. The thought of putting on a show and having an audience can be rather thrilling.
Much like oral sex fantasies, this one is relatively simple but also common. It turns out that being masturbated by a partner is a naughty fantasy that most people experience. 
It turns out that both men and women fantasize about anal sex, but men are more likely to have acted out the fantasy. If it’s something you’re comfortable with, this may be one of the sexual fantasies for couples that you can try to add some excitement to the bedroom. 
This one’s for the men: In the Business Insider study, over one-third of men indicated that they had fantasized about having sex with a prostitute or stripper. Since this one’s illegal, it’s best to keep it as just a fantasy. 
Maybe it’s the hot coworker you can’t help but be attracted to, or just some random stranger you’ve seen several times at the gym. Whomever it is, it’s not unusual to fantasize about watching someone undress. 
It turns out that it’s relatively common for both men and women to get off on the thought of watching two men have sex. In the Business Insider study, 16.2% of men and 19.3% of women indicated sexual fantasies surrounding two men. 
While there are some common fantasies that both men and women share, some wild sexual ideas may be unique to married women. Marriage certainly has its benefits, and married sex can be fantastic, but sometimes, the routine of marriage can lead women to seek novelty. 
Sexual fantasies for married women are often linked to their desire for novelty. Some of the most common include infidelity, sex with a stranger, having sex with a former partner, or hooking up with multiple men. 
If you’re a married woman with these fantasies, it doesn’t mean that anything is wrong with your marriage or that you’d ever act on them. Sometimes, it’s just fun to imagine, even if only for a moment. 
To know more about women’s sexual fantasies, watch this video.
Everyone has sexual fantasies, whether we intend to act on them or not. No matter how strange your fantasies seem, the reality is that they are probably rather normal, and they don’t mean that anything is wrong with your or your relationship. 
Of course, if you have sexual fantasies that are interfering with your relationship, or you are acting on fantasies that could get you in trouble — such as watching others without their permission–it may be time to seek help. 
In many instances, though, sexual fantasies simply indicate your desire to explore and let loose. It may be best to keep some fantasies to yourself, but other fantasies may be appropriate to discuss with your partner. 
Even if you don’t intend to act on your fantasies, talking about your erotic thoughts can help you to connect with your partner and enhance your sex life. 
In some cases, you may even choose to act on certain fantasies, so long as you have communicated with your partner, discussed each of your feelings, and determined that you are both comfortable with acting out the fantasy.
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