Mina's Diary

Mina's Diary

Steve Tsang
This is Mina's Diary, the first blog of mine. 这篇博客是最开始的一篇文章,一方面作为Resources的部分条目补充说明,另一方面则用作记录日常学习和工作中精彩部分的推荐。

There are something I would like to share to your guys, and here we are. This may be a long-term blog coz I will keep it updated and promise to share what I've learned from my life. So here we go.


借助Python写的一个用来下载各大网站视频的命令行工具。You-get的Github Wiki页上有非常好玩的说明:You-get 中文说明

P.S. 挂代理的时候记得添加参数:`-x`, 如无挂代理,正常访问即可,不需要加这一行参数。版本尚未稳定,推荐只用于下载视频,若需下载其他资源,借助IDM/ARIA2/WGET/CURL是更好的选择。


Python QR Code Generator

Generate common qr-code, artistic qr-code (black & white or colorized), animated qr-code (black & white or colorized).

Website Way

Terminal Way:

myqr Words

[-v {1,2,3,...,40}]

[-l {L,M,Q,H}]

[-n output-filename]

[-d output-directory]

[-p picture_file]

[-c] # colorize picture

[-con contrast]

[-bri brightness]


[categories: linear_algebra, MATH]

This is a series of videos using dynamic figures to help us understanding many mathematic theories. Recently I am studing Modern Control, which involved linear algebra a lot, and it reminds me of these videos. The video maker used python to make much of his videos, and believe me. Once you open these videos, you will love them, especially when you need them.


[categories: Website, Note, Transmit]

I fully recommend to my friends this amazing website. Please check this PAGE.

It is a brief introduction of notepad.live in which you will find greatest simplicity of writing. The powerful markdown mode is an amazing tool for you to format your articles, which is not only easy to use but also beautiful. With this website, you can also develop an efficient way to transmit texts between multiple devices with internet connected.

Notepad.live是一个在线云笔记本,初次进入会在网页链接: http://notepad.live/ 后生成一个随机字符串标定一个未被使用过的笔记页面,如:http://notepad.live/guis6,通过修改该字符串guis6可以定义一个自己喜欢的页面,比如http://notepad.live/THISISY

Program-Think Blog

[categories: Blog, Interests, Program-think]

Yes, obviously it is in Chinese, check the Google translate if you like. Actually, for a full vision of this blog, I highly recommend this article concerning about the reason why the author choose to read more but not watch videos. I think the author shares an idea that reading works much better for motivated information absorbing. I cannot agree more with the blogger coz from another perspective, it works as well that we shall pick up our spare time to read instead of being only follow the step of those video-makers, without our own inspiration. The blog also reminds me of one of the main characters of a Japanese novel, which called Hyoka, or Classic Literature Club written by Honobu Yonezawa. The main protagonist, Oreki Hotaro, keeps a habit of reading and does not disturb himself with electronic devices, which helps a lot, I think, in his brilliant logical deductions.


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