Mens Spreading

Mens Spreading


Mens Spreading
The act of men spreading legs - particularly on a subway train - to create space for genitalia, which has come under fire by certain feminist-leaners who insist the practice takes up too much room on crowded trains .
The dudes took up all the damned space with their manspreading.
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Makin babies , gettin yo grind one without a jimmy hat.
Bitch what you doin ? U and dude over there bakin-cakes
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What men do to keep from hurting their balls . This act gets some women annoyed .
I'm sorry ladies for man-spreading but if I don't I will never be able to have a kid.
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When a man sits down without having his legs so tightly together he cuts off the blood supply to his genitals and his balls drop off.
James sat down on the train, his legs at an angle of approximately 10 degrees. He is manspreading! James is everything wrong with modern society, is a despicable misogynist and is entirely to blame for the patriarchy .
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A natural position in which a man is spreading his legs apart so that he doesn't damage his reproductive organs. Unfortunately some snowflake feminists are a making a big deal about this that somehow this causes oppression while women can cover the whole seat of a subway train with her bags and purses and creating more burdens for other people.
A man sits in a subway seat
Dumb bitch: omg that man is manspreading ! Patriarchy is out of control!
Man: Shut up bitch, you and I are mammals and that means you have tits and i have a cock. You wear a bra to protect your boobs while i have to avoid damaging my nutsack.
Dumb bitch: Waaaah ! Waaaaah! Im posting my trauma on tumblr.
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Man spreading is bullshit made up by hardcore feminists . Really it's just how men sit down to not crush there own fucking ball sack and penis.
Feminist: Omg stop man spreading !
Man: (In a calm collective manner) shut up bitch .
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Another way for women to start a big issue with men
Feminist 1: this guy on the bus is Manspreading
Feminist 2: we need to submit a video saying how we were sexually assaulted
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Urban Dictionary: manspreading
There’s a reason why men take up extra room when they sit down
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Revealed: The scientific explanation behind 'manspreading'
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(Metropolitan Transportation Authority
(Metropolitan Transportation Authority)
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There’s a reason why men take up extra room when they sit down
[This article was first published in 2017]
For those still reeling from the arrival of "mansplaining" into our lexicon, fear not, this isn’t just another catchy portmanteau intended to scathe the male ego.
A recent study showed that 82 per cent of British women have been subjected to "mansplaining", whereby a man “talks condescendingly to someone (especially a woman) about something he has incomplete knowledge of”, according to Merriam Webster .
Whilst lesser known, the act of "manspreading" is arguably a far more offensive crime - so much so that it was banned in Madrid .
According to the online Oxford dictionary, "manspreading" describes “the practice whereby a man adopts a sitting position with his legs wide apart, in such a way as to encroach on an adjacent seat'. It is a behaviour that is commonly spotted on public transport.
Now, experts are justifying the act, attributing a man's intrinsic need to spread himself on the physiological differences between men and women.
Many were quick to condemn that "practice" when it first came onto the rhetorical scene in 2014, as representative of a misogynistic patriarchy i.e. a man takes up as much space as possible on public transport in order to assert his authority and subsequently undermine a woman’s right to space.
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In 2015, Mic released a video showing what happens when a woman "manspreads" ("ladyspreads"?) on the subway in New York, in comparison to when a man does it.
Interestingly, the women attracted more stares and glares then the men.
Then, in 2016, the Metropolitan Transit Authority in New York even released an official anti-"manspreading" campaign, encouraging subway riders to exemplify "courtesy on public transport".​
Whilst it's most certainly not the politest of ways to sit oneself, does the act of "manspreading" really legitimise anybody to define space as “inherently gendered”, as Mic subsequently did? Is it actually a case of men monopolising a woman’s space out of intrinsic entitlement? Or does science play a bigger part than we might think?
Spinal neurosurgeon John Sutcliffe explains that the art of "manspreading" could in fact be a matter of physicality, rather than sheer egotism.
“The overall width of the pelvis is relatively greater in females and the angle of the femoral neck is more acute. These factors could play a role in making a position of sitting with the knees close together less comfortable in men,” he told The Independent .
“I suspect most men would suggest the reason for adopting the more spread posture in sitting would be the avoidance of testicular compression from the thigh muscles. The pelvic rotation goes some way to improve compression in both aspects,” Sutcliffe continued.
Anatomical distinctions aren’t the only thing that might make women and men sit differently.
A recent Vice article points out that the way we sit might be down to something as simple as geography.
Poland is one of the most common countries where people experience hip dysplasia, were one’s hips come out of the socket i.e. many a Polish "manspreader".
Similarly those with Celtic hips are more likely to suffer from hip impingement, where range of motion is limited by deeper hip sockets. In other words, it’s good news for squatters (the exercise kind, not the homeless kind) but bad for perpetual "manspreaders".
That being said, at the risk of adding "mansplaining" fuel to the "manspreading" fire, let us consider basic etiquette before "mansplaining" commuters everywhere unanimously cry “it’s science, woman!”
Whilst us wide-hipped females empathise that sitting with your legs crossed isn’t the most comfortable of positions for menfolk, basic physiology doesn’t automatically grant every Tom, Dick and Harry a warrant to go spread-eagled on the tube every morning.
Seating is limited and carriages are jam-packed. To leg-spreaders everywhere, keep your hands (and your hips) to yourself.
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