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Sunday, Oct 16th 2022

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Boys with older brothers are more likely to be homosexual than those with sisters, younger brothers or no siblings at all, according to research.
Gay men had more older brothers, on average, than straight men, a study has found.
For every older brother a man has, the chances of him being gay increases by 33 per cent.
However, the researchers think their findings are linked to what happens in the womb, rather than the effects of growing up among older boys.
For decades, academics have argued over nature versus nurture - whether individuals are born gay, or become gay because of where and how they grow up.
Now Canadian psychologist Ray Blanchard says the answer depends on how many older brothers a man has.
He studied the family backgrounds of 302 gay men and the same number of straight men. All were white and none were twins, he told the journal New Scientist.
The gay men, had, on average, 1.32 older brothers compared to heterosexual men, who had an average of
0.96 older brothers. There was virtually no difference in numbers of other siblings - suggesting there is no truth in the theory that a lone boy with lots of sisters is more likely to grow up gay.
Dr Blanchard, of the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, said he initially thought the idea that being gay was more likely if a man had older brothers seemed 'absurd, egregious pseudoscience'.
But his studies showed those with an average of 2.5 older brothers were twice as likely to be gay as those with no older brothers. Those with four older brothers were three times as likely.
His research was backed up by John Manning at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, who said: 'It's one of the few reliable correlates of homosexuality that I know of.'
The exact cause of the link is unknown. But Dr Blanchard said a mother's body changes every time she gives birth to more than one son.
Second, third and subsequent unborn male babies in the womb are exposed to more testosterone - something which may go back to when younger siblings needed to be stronger to survive if food was scarce.
There are also higher levels of antibodies in the womb for subsequent sons which could affect the orientation of the brain.
But not all the experts believe Dr Blanchard's theory because there is no evidence that Roman Catholics and Mormons, who tend to have large families, produce more gay men.
Social scientists also point out that the theory would mean the trend for smaller families in the Western world would mean fewer gay men, too, and that doesn't seem to be true either.
Dr Blanchard said, however: 'The theory that early childhood experiences lead to homosexuality has had 100 years and its supporters have come up with zip.'
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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group

Sunday, Oct 16th 2022

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A boy took his father's Viagra tablets to school and handed them out to his friends during their lunch break.
The youngster and five fellow pupils, all aged 12 and 13, were taken to hospital after swallowing the powerful anti-impotence drug.
He has now been suspended from his high-achieving school for 'actions which placed other pupils at risk'.
The six boys each took one of the blue tablets, but a classmate became concerned and alerted staff at the Forest School, Winnersh, Berkshire.
The pupils were taken to the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading. An ambulance service spokesman said: 'Their conditions were monitored regularly.
'However, they did not suffer any side-effects and they were fine. They were then released.'
The spokesman added: 'As far as I know, the Viagra did not have its usual effect on the children.'
Parents of the boys involved claimed the children had no idea what they were doing when they took the drug.
However, a sixth-former at the school said: 'I would not take it and it is a very immature thing to do.
'It's very dangerous to take something if you don't know what it is - it could have been lethal.'
Launched by Pfizer in a blaze of publicity five years ago, Viagra was seen as a breakthrough in the treatment of male impotence.
Although it should only be prescribed by a doctor, it is available through the Internet, meaning health checks on potential users are often not carried out.
Experts warned that the drug is untested on children.
Dr Alan Tang, of the Royal Berkshire Hospital's Florey Unit, which specialises in sexual health, said Viagra could be lethal if combined with other drugs.
'Viagra has not been tested on boys that age,' he added. 'In terms of dysfunction, it is not likely to have any particular effect. But it could combine with other medication which could be potentially fatal.
'In adults, it has been shown to be dangerous when combined with medication for some heart conditions. If my son did something like that, I would be quite horrified.'
The incident also led to calls for parents to keep a closer eye on medication kept at home. One father, whose son attends Forest School but was not involved in the incident last Thursday, said: 'Parents should teach their children more about what they are taking and the dangers of taking anything like Viagra, even check their rooms if necessary.'
Last year, 70 per cent of pupils at Forest School achieved five good GCSEs, putting it 864th out of more than 3,500 schools nationwide.
The school said: 'It is believed that a pupil brought the tablets in from home.
'The school responded quickly to the situation and, as a precaution-paramedics were called. All six have subsequently been discharged and are not expected to suffer any ill- effects. All of the tablets have been accounted for.
'The school has a strict no-drugs policy and a pupil will be temporarily excluded.'
Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group

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