Manual: Google Ads Click Fraud

Manual: Google Ads Click Fraud

First of all, we recommend you familiarize yourself with the basic settings of the

Then follow this list


At the moment, the click fraud scheme has been tested more than once by us and our customers. Funds do not return to the account.

The effect of click fraud can be quite different, we recommend following and do the tests in the first weeks of the software work.

What changes we noticed when working (here are different cases when the click fraud worked)

- Increase of conversion of own companies (more appeals and lower conversion price)

- decrease in competitor activity, from 25% to 75% of requests was not showing competitors, they spent their daily budgets or hourly range on the bot

But this is the market and results can be different

- Increase in price per click for their companies (the factor is a decrease in CTR if your site will also show up in the paid output when the program is running)

- Reducing CTR and increasing rates for the top positions for their companies

- Loss of the site from the first page at all (a factor in reducing CTR)

Before the start or at the time of the first tests, clearly define the program’s objectives.

They can be:

- Click fraud and end of competitors' advertising campaigns

- Click fraud and increase of price for conversion of competitors

- Decrease of CTR of your competitors 

- Increase of CTR of your campaigns 

Each case we describe in this manual


Objective - click fraud and stoping competitor's ad campaigns\click fraud and increase competitor's conversion rate

Prerequisites for the solution: The owner of the company analyzing the results must be extremely unhappy with the conversions, conversion rates, costs, and profitability of the advertising campaign.

This is a long process, no one will make conclusions in 5-7 days completely, it takes 1-3 months of methodical work, systematically creating such conditions.

There is a danger that competitors will not calculate the cost of conversions and profitability and will continue to invest money. In such cases, there is only hope that at some point they will start to count their money. Because without their attention to this problem, ad campaign may not stop for a very long time.

*Many businesses start search campaigns for the sake of general coverage and fame, you should consider this.

Mode of operation:

Google Ads


- Don't whitelist any sites (even your own)

- Your advertising campaigns will be closed by IP pool from which you will work with the bot

- Fix the results by their conversions, the quality of leads, the cost of conversions, profitability

- Compare with previous data that was obtained without the program

Setting parameters:

- Collect the cumulative volume of required clicks. Total semantic core of your niche in the required geolocation

Let's assume that this is 20 000 requests per month (or 666 clicks per day).

- Form a list of programs on the basis that a program with 6-8 threads does 30 clicks in 1 hour. 240 clicks in a day.

- Let's run 3 programs, so they would have realized 720 clicks in a month (the reserve is required since simultaneous visits to 1 site from one IP can be canceled as invalid)

- Create a behavior on sites from 3 to 7 pages visited, time from 30 seconds to 125 seconds

- Make the chance of returning to search 60%

- Probability of clicking on the top ads can be put at 75% - it is natural

Schedule and number of threads.

You should look at each situation individually. Because a small number of threads will not give you the desired amount of clicks. If, on the contrary, you have too many clicks and 1-3 pieces of competitors, then repeated simultaneous sessions from the same IP will not be counted - therefore, efficiency will be violated.


Take measurements at the same time.

Let's say Tuesday at 12:00.

- Your company's metrics if you keep them

- presence of competitors in paid search at the top for different queries (use incognito to assess how they show up without your history)

for questions and purchase write @alexgads (telegram)

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