Male Slave Training Stories

Male Slave Training Stories


Male Slave Training Stories
AUTHORS NOTE: The author is indebted to Jim Piston, another MMSA Stories
writer, for his time in proof reading and for his suggestions for
improvement with this story. His help has been greatly appreciated.
well-trained and disciplined house-boy is a valuable asset to any
master. However, the training regime in order for him to reach the
desired standard can sometimes be a slow and arduous process. Consequently,
the training process can be a specialised task and is often left to
an expert in the field.
Jack Matthews was such an expert and ran
The Training School for HouseBoys. It was here that new recruits would
be taught how to be a good servant, to be obedient, respectful and
to serve their masters wishes without hesitation. On other occasions,
masters would send their current boys for a refreshment course. The
training regime was invariably quite brutal but the students learnt
quickly the importance of obedience and consequently the schools graduates
were in great demand.
There were four such recruits for the latest
weeklong course. On this occasion there were three new young boys
who had enrolled as novices. The fourth, however, was Josh, 20 year-old
house-boy who had originally been trained by the school but had now
been sent back by his current master who considered that the boy needed
a good tune up. His master felt the lad still had a great deal to
learn and another week at the school would do him no harm. Jack also
felt that the 20 year-old could serve as a good example to his three
new recruits.
Jack Matthews belief was to ensure that his charges
were very quickly whipped into good shape in both mind and body. He
believed that to get the best out of a boy, then not only should he
be solidly thrashed on a regular basis but that also he should attend
to some sound physical training to keep the lad in the peak of condition.
ensure that his recruits maintained their peak physical condition,
Jack would have them work out each morning for an hour in the gym
training room. He firmly believed that a heavy exercise regime was
essential to keep houseboys at the peak of their physical performance.
Consequently he maintained a well-equipped gym with weights and training
equipment (apart from punishment instruments). In addition a swimming
pool was also located on his property in Palm Beach, Florida.
20 year-old had arrived an hour before the other three and was promptly
directed to the training room. Knowing the procedure that was expected
of him, the boy immediately stripped and with hands clasped behind
his back awaited his trainers arrival.
As Jack entered, he addressed
his charge. Well, young man. I am surprised to see you back here.
Obviously I didnt do a good enough job in training you when you were
last here. Just why have you been sent back? he asked of the boy.
my master thought I could do with a good refresher.
And why would
he think you need a refresher if I had done my job properly when you
were last here? he enquired.
Sir thought I was a bit slow in attending
to my chores, the lad replied, and when I didnt do my work properly
he didnt really punish me as severely as you did. So I guess I just
slipped even further. I guess a good houseboy needs some fairly regular
floggings to keep him on his toes. Sir thought that another week with
you should make a big difference.
And how do you think we should
go about getting that difference young man? Jack enquired.
I guess
it means a few more good beatings, Sir, so you can impress upon me
the need to give total satisfaction to my master.
Youre so right,
boy. During the next week you are not only going to be retrained but
also you are also going to be the example to three new boys that are
here for the week. Do you understand what that means?
What it means is that not only do you get your own punishments
but there are going to be times when your butt is used as a demonstration
to the new boys. Now do you understand?
And we might
as well start straight away. First, your punishment.
Right. Then fetch me the cane from the wall and get yourself
over the horse.
Josh did as instructed. He handed his trainer the
cane and took up position over the horse. He knew from experience
exactly how he was to position himself. His body stretched well over
the horse, hands touching the floor. His feet were spread wide apart,
those twin orbs of his butt ready to accept their fate.
Jack took
up position behind the boy, lightly placing the tip of the cane across
Joshs butt. He gently tapped the cane several times across the cheeks
as the boy flinched in anticipation.
Fifteen strokes, Jack announced.
I presume you remember how to accept your punishment, Josh?
Jack drew back his arm and the cane flew across
the lads butt.
One, Sir, the boy called. Thank you, Sir.
waited for the welt to rise and for the pain to intensify. With all
the force he could muster, he then landed the second stroke.
Again he paused whilst the welt rose. Two parallel
stripes were now visible across both cheeks. And so the caning continued
with a good thirty-second pause between each stroke. This timing not
only allowed the welts to rise but also permitted Josh sufficient
time to regain his breath and to anticipate the next stroke. Jack
was a master with his positioning of the cane. Each successive stroke
landed parallel to the previous stroke until Joshs backside was striped
like a griller. When no more space presented itself Jack lay the cane
diagonally across the existing welts.
The boy writhed and cried
in agony but dared not forget to count each stroke and to thank his
trainer. After the fifteenth stroke he awaited the command before
Thank you, Sir, Josh acknowledged as he
rose from his prone position. I deserved that.
Yes, well theres
more coming yet but I think we might get the new boys in here to witness
your next thrashing. In the meantime, you can have some corner time.
Go and stand in the corner there, Jack instructed, pointing to the
far side of the room. Face the wall. Hands on your head. Feet apart
and dont move until I tell you. Do you understand?
Jack left the boy and returned to the homestead where he
found his three new recruits waiting. All three were just eighteen
years of age, all gay young boys, anxious to be trained as houseboys.
He quickly herded the three lads out to the training room. As the
boys entered, their faces paled as they saw Josh, stripped naked and
facing the corner with the fiery welts on his butt now raised and
on public display.
Master Jack, with a three pronged leather tawse
in his hand, addressed his charges who were now standing in a line
facing him.
Boys, you have come here to learn the art of obedience
and how to be good houseboys. You have one week to learn all I am
going to teach you. Once you graduate from this course and are assigned
to a master you must please him at all times. You cannot afford to
fail in any manner. Every instruction you are ever given is to be
followed immediately without hesitation. Otherwise you are likely
to find yourself back here like Josh over there in the corner.
three lads shifted uneasily on their feet, observing Josh and wondering
just what lay in store for them.
Right, boys. I want the three of
you to strip completely and put your clothes neatly on the table,
he instructed.
Anxious not to displease in any way the boys quickly
did as instructed. The fine strapping young bodies of his new recruits
were now lined up ready to begin their training regime. Two of the
boys had previously been subjected to some sound spankings but the
youngest had yet to experience the fire of a good beating across his
buttocks. That was soon to change!
You, young man, step forward.
Jack instructed pointing to one of the boys.
on your head. Jack commanded. Jack walked around the lad eyeing him
up and down. He was in excellent shape, a fine specimen of a boy with
well developed pecs and a firm six pack stomach.
tawse flayed across the boys butt and the lad jumped as Jack said,
Daniel, Sir!
Shall we try that again? Jack suggested. Your name,
Thats better. A good houseboy
shows respect by always addressing his master as Sir. Do you understand?
As instructed, Daniel resumed his position
in line, his butt still stinging from the tawse.
next recruit stepped forward with his hands on his head. Determined
not to be caught out and remembering what had just happened to Daniel,
without waiting to be asked instantly said, Troy, Sir.
You speak only when you are spoken to young
man, he was instructed.
Not half as sorry
as you are going to be if that happens again. Jack admonished the
teenager at the same time admiring yet another fine body before him.
Troy resumed his position alongside the other two lads.
think there are going to be a few good beatings coming up to get you
boys into line, Jack intoned. Which of you are used to some solid
Jack and Troy both raised their hands.
And what about
you, young man? Jack asked of the obvious youngest boy before him.
never had a spanking before, the boy replied.
The boy did as instructed. The youngest of the new
trainees had barely turned eighteen, yet his appearance was that of
a fifteen or sixteen year old. He had a well-tanned body, very smooth
and virtually hairless. Two well-rounded orbs just begged for some
Well, Nick. Youre going to
be a real challenge, arent you? Never been spanked! By the time you
leave here you are going to be a different boy. But for the moment,
step back now.
Nick resumed his position in line and Jack outlined
the weeks routine to the boys.
For the next week you will be taught
obedience and respect. You will be taught to follow instructions instantly
and without question. You will work both inside the house and outside
in the yard. A healthy body is essential for any houseboy so you will
train in the gymnasium each day for an hour. Any disobedience will
result in punishment. Any sign of slackness will result in punishment.
Any sign of disrespect will result in punishment. Do you understand,
Yes, Sir, the boys replied in unison.
And to make sure you
stay on your toes, each morning and each evening you will be given
a reminder – and that reminder will be 20 strokes with the tawse.
Other punishments will be more severe. In front of you on the wall
you will see a number of implements for training young houseboys.
You will see some leather straps, some paddles, a razor strop, two
canes, three riding crops and a whip. They are on display as a permanent
reminder of what is in store for you whenever you displease me. By
the time the week is out I suspect you will each have had a taste
of each of these.
Rules will be told to you once only. Young Josh
here is about to tell you the rules. You will learn the rules by heart.
If you fail to follow the rules, punishment is the automatic result.
No questions asked.
Turn around and face the
three new boys.
Josh. Youve already learnt
the ten basic rules. I want you to tell the boys.
Now, boys, do
you remember what I said? Jack turned to his three new naked charges
before him. Rules will be told to you once only. You will learn the
rules by heart. If you fail to follow the rules, punishment is the
automatic result. No questions asked.
Josh went through the rules for the benefit of the three trainees.
are the rules for all houseboys:
1. A houseboy may not touch anything
used to punish, discipline, or restrain him unless ordered to. 2.
Whenever instructed and without hesitation a houseboy will immediately
position himself for punishment. 3. A houseboy will count each stroke
of punishment and thank his Master. 4. A houseboy will execute all
instructions immediately without hesitation or question. 5. A houseboy
will instantly acknowledge the calling of his name with Sir! 6. A
houseboy must always be naked in his Master's household, unless specifically
instructed otherwise. When outside he may wear brief shorts only with
no underwear. 7. A houseboy will always address his Master as Sir.
8. A house-boy speaks only on command, but may speak to ask a question
or request permission to use the restroom, etc. 9. A houseboy will
answer questions directed to him with Yes, Sir, No, Sir. 10. Any disobedience
will result in punishment. Any sign of slackness will result in punishment.
Any sign of disrespect will result in punishment.
Failure to follow
these rules will result in punishment, Josh concluded.
Now, Josh,
Master Jack commanded. Explain to the boys why you are here and why
you are being punished today.
I graduated from Houseboy School two
months ago. But my master has sent me back for retraining, Jack explained.
why do you need retraining? Jack asked.
Because I broke one of the
rules, Sir.
Tell the boys which rule you broke, Josh.
I broke
the last rule. Because of the lack of discipline by my Master, I became
slack and now I have to be punished for my slackness and to get back
in shape.
I hope you boys are listening. As you can Joshs backside
has already had a good warm up today. Now he is about to be severely
flogged and you boys are to witness the punishment in the hope that
you might learn from it. Then to make sure you do I am going to give
each of you a good dose of the strap, Jack advised.
The leather wrist
restraints hung on the wall next to the variety of punishment implements.
Josh handed them to his trainer who then strapped them to the boys
wrist. A rope was then threaded through the restraint and fastened
to a metal ring hanging from the ceiling. Josh was now standing in
the centre of the training room with his hands stretched above him.
As the boy obeyed, Jack reached for the whip.
Eight thin strands of leather each about fifteen inches long were
about to be flayed across the boys already welted backside. Nick,
Troy and Daniel looked on, frozen with fear.
Jack drew the whip
back as far as he could and slammed it across Joshs backside. The
lad jerked but bravely called, One, Sir. Thank you, Sir.
After pausing
for effect he again lashed the whip across the boys cheeks. Two, Sir.
Thank you, Sir.
And the whipping continued. Josh tried hard to set
an example and to avoid breaking down in front of the three new boys,
but he was unable to do so. By the tenth lash, his words of thanks
were interrupted by his regular screams as those leather strands cut
across his butt. However, Jack administered a full fifty strokes and
by this stage Josh was crying continuously. His backside was a mass
of colour – red, black and purple.
Turning to the three boys who
now stood petrified Jack stated, And you had better get used to punishments
for the next week boys. Because that is how we are going to train
you to be good house-boys.
He then lowered Joshs hands from above
him and released the wrist restraints.
Thank you, Sir, for punishing
me, Josh acknowledged.
And now its your turn boys, Jack stated as
he faced his three new charges. Daniel. Step forward.
Josh, show Daniel how to take up position over the
Josh approached the horse and as before stretched his body
well over the horse, hands touching the floor. His feet were spread
wide apart, his butt facing upwards ready for a beating.
Now do you know what to do, boy? asked Jack, addressing Daniel.
Then assume the punishment position.
Daniels mind was racing.
Did he remember all the previous rules? Would he remember to count
each stroke and to thank his trainer? How long would he be able to
last before screaming in pain? Was he also to get 50 strokes with
the whip?
Josh. Go and get me the prison strap and then resume your
position for some more corner time.
Josh retrieved the strap and
handed it to Jack. It was a lethal looking strap, the heaviest of
the three straps that were hanging on the wall. Made of a thick cowhide
four inches wide and two feet long it was guaranteed to leave a lasting
impression on any lads buttocks. Daniel was given a total of just
two dozen hard lashes, a light punishment he was told as this was
his first day. Nevertheless, despite the fact that the boy had acknowledged
previous spankings, he had never felt anything quite like this.
remembered to count each stroke and to say, Thank you, Sir after each
stroke. However, when told to rise from his prone position he neglected
to again thank his trainer for disciplining him. And that brought
swift retribution.
Jack looked
at the other two. What did he forget Nick?
Nick thought furiously.
To thank you for his punishment, Sir?
Thats right. I think youd
better bring me the cane, Daniel.
that how you respond to a command?
No, Sir, Daniel said fearfully.
Im sorry, Sir.
You certainly will be. When you are told to do something,
you say Yes, Sir and immediately execute the command. Understand?
Sir. Im sorry, Sir. I forgot, Sir.
Daniel ran to the wall and picked up a thin cane. This one,
That will do just fine. Bring it to me and resume your position.
landed six strokes of the cane across the lads butt – master strokes
as usual. Six parallel welts were raised on Daniels backside. This
time Daniel remembered the appropriate thanks.
That was for forgetting
to thank me for your earlier punishment. What do you think you deserve
for your additional forgetfulness in being slow to execute my command?
looked at him fearfully. Another six strokes, Sir?
You think that
will be enough to cure you of forgetfulness? I rather think Id better
give you another dozen.
Oh, Sir! Daniel remonstrated. Beginning
to sob. Oh, please not so much, Sir.
My, you ARE asking for it boy.
He looked at Nick again. What should he have said?
He should have
just said Yes, Sir, Nick responded.
Thats right. I think youd better
take that cane back, Daniel. Bring me a heavier one.
Yes, Sir,
Daniel sobbed. He went to the wall and picked up a thicker cane. This
one, Sir?
That one was even heavier. Daniel
brought it back, sobbing in terror as he handed it to Jack.
back in position. Youre getting eighteen with this.
He resumed his
position, shivering with fear as Jack took up his position and reached
Daniel screamed in terror as Jack swung. But he remembered
to thank Jack for each stroke, and for the seventeen that followed.
He remembered to thank him afterwards as well. He never forgot that
Put the cane back on the wall, Jack ordered. Then stand beside
the others.
Yes, Sir. Daniel did as he was told.
Whos next? Jack
asked facing Troy and Nick.
Assume the position,
he was instructed and the lad positioned himself over the horse. Two
dozen lashes cant be all that bad, he thought to himself. But he was
soon to change his mind. He lasted only three strokes before he was
crying continuously. Never had he experienced a strapping of this
severity. He was already learning from it and learning well. Not once
did he forget to count the strokes and to thank his punisher. He was
not going to risk any additional beating. Hed learnt that from seeing
what Daniel got.
Right, young man. Youre next, Jack addressed young
Nick was already in tears. Never having experienced a spanking
before he was about to get his first experience and, judging from
what he had so far witnessed, it would not be something he would soon
You dont take long to be in tears, boy, Jack commented.
I havent even started yet.
But, Sir. Ive never been spanked before.
this is going to be a new experience for you and I can assure you,
young man, it is going to be an experience that will no doubt be a
regular feature over the next week. Now, over the horse.
bent over, sobbing in terror as he watched Jack
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