Male Blue Balls

Male Blue Balls


Male Blue Balls
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Jun 10, 2015 03:17 PM By Anthony Rivas
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It’s fair to say most men have experienced blue balls at least once. Yeah, they were probably sexually frustrated at the time — I can’t think of any other time it would happen. And no, it’s not just a term for sexual frustration. Blue balls is totally real.
Most men can also recount how it happened. Some rendition of making out that led to foreplay that led to… nothing. “Maybe next time,” she said. All that sexual arousal and no orgasm. Like an overheated thermometer ready to burst. Men who get blue balls usually complain about intense pressure, heaviness, aching, and discomfort.
So, what are blue balls? As a man becomes sexually aroused, the arteries carrying blood to his genitals enlarge, while the veins carrying blood away constrict. This traps the blood in the genitals, helping him maintain an erection. It also swells the testes to 25 to 50 percent larger than their normal size. Soon, the man will reach orgasm and everything in the genitals will return to their normal state. Unfortunately, in this case, he doesn’t. Blood pressure continues to build in the genitals through a process called vasocongestion, which makes it feel like someone is squeezing the testes.
Though the testes certainly feel bruised and blue at this point, the term comes from the bluish hue that develops on the testicles , according to the University of California, Santa Barbara . Oxygen-rich blood passing through the body is red. But when it loses oxygen — from being trapped in the testicles — it begins to turn blue. Hence, blue balls.
While this may be the prevailing science behind why we get blue balls. Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, director of Men’s Health Boston and associate clinical professor of urology at Harvard Medical School, told BuzzFeed there may be another reason: Fluids produced in the testicles, which are meant to propel sperm out of the penis, build pressure.
“With more stimulation, there’s more blood flow to the genital region, including the testicles,” he said. “The fluid wants to get somewhere, but without there being that release, it builds up and builds pressure.” As the fluid builds up, it causes the tubes at the back of the testicles to stretch, causing pain. “It has that kind of sensitivity and tenderness.”
Having an orgasm and ejaculating is the easiest way to find relief from blue balls, and since it’s not going to come from having sex, masturbation might have to suffice. Once done, the pain and swelling associated with blue balls should go down. If masturbation isn’t an option, however, the pain will eventually still subside as the blood and fluids drain out. It’ll just take a bit longer.  
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 8 July 2022 .
Condition that arises during male sexual arousal when seminal fluid is not ejaculated

^ Wiener, SL (1990). "Testicular Pain". In Walker, HK; Hall, WD; Hurst, JW (eds.). Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations (3rd ed.). Boston: Butterworths. PMID 21250139 .

^ Fergusson, Rosalind; Eric Partridge; Paul Beale (December 1993). Shorter Slang Dictionary . Routledge . p. 21. ISBN 978-0-415-08866-4 .

^ Dalzell, Tom; Victor, Terry (December 2007). Sex Slang . Routledge . p. 16. ISBN 978-0-415-37180-3 .

^ Byrne, Lauren N.; Meacham, Randall B. (2006). "Management of Post-Ejaculatory Perineal Pain" . Journal of Andrology . 27 (6): 710–711. doi : 10.2164/jandrol.106.001370 . ISSN 1939-4640 . PMID 17079745 .

^ Yazmajian, Richard V. (1967). "The Influence of Testicular Sensory Stimuli on the Dream" . Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association . 15 (1): 83–98. doi : 10.1177/000306516701500103 . PMID 6032147 . S2CID 7093435 .

^ Glenn, Jules (1969). "Testicular and Scrotal Masturbation" . International Journal of Psycho-Analysis . 50 (3): 353–362. PMID 5387383 .

^ Parnham, Arie; Serefoglu, Ege Can (August 2016). "Retrograde ejaculation, painful ejaculation and hematospermia" . Translational Andrology and Urology . 5 (4): 592–601. doi : 10.21037/tau.2016.06.05 . ISSN 2223-4691 . PMC 5002007 . PMID 27652230 .

^ Perelman, Michael A. (2001). "Integrating Sildenafil and Sex Therapy: Unconsummated Marriage Secondary to Erectile Dysfunction and Retarded Ejaculation". Journal of Sex Education and Therapy . 26 (1): 13–21. doi : 10.1080/01614576.2001.11074377 . S2CID 141603559 .

^ Komisaruk, Barry R. ; Beverly Whipple ; Sara Nasserzadeh ; Carlos Beyer-Flores (November 2009). The Orgasm Answer Guide . The Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 70 . ISBN 978-0-8018-9396-4 .

^ Chalett, J.M.; Nerenberg, L.T. (2000). " 'Blue Balls': A Diagnostic Consideration in Testiculoscrotal Pain in Young Adults: A Case Report and Discussion" . Pediatrics . 106 (4): 843. doi : 10.1542/peds.106.4.843 . PMID 11015532 . S2CID 36966128 .

^ "Blue Balls: Understanding Epididymal Hypertension" . Healthline . 24 May 2017 . Retrieved 9 June 2021 .

Look up blue balls in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Blue balls is slang [2] for an uncomfortable testicular sensation that can occur during a state of male sexual arousal . The term is thought to have originated in the United States, first appearing in 1916. [3] Another slang term used for the condition is lover's nuts . [4] Some urologists call this condition epididymal hypertension or sexual arousal orchialgia .

Most often it describes a temporary fluid congestion ( vasocongestion ) in the testicles , [5] caused by prolonged sexual arousal in the human male without ejaculation. [6]

The phenomenon is sometimes associated with certain demographics, such as men who are experiencing and practicing delayed , multiple [7] or inhibited ejaculation. [8]

Since the pain level is usually low, it does not affect sexual activity —thus, is rarely considered to be pathological . This leads to a wide discussion, with scant information in the scientific literature. [9]

A brief article by Chalett and Nerenberg in Pediatrics agrees that little formal data exists regarding the condition. The article concludes that "the treatment is sexual release , or perhaps straining to move a very heavy object—in essence doing a Valsalva maneuver ." [10]

The cause of blue balls is a large amount of blood circulation to the genital area, specifically the penis and testicles, without the release of tension associated with orgasm/ejaculation. When a large amount of blood flows to the genital region, the penis becomes erect and the testicles also experience increased blood flow and swelling.

Other causes of painful symptoms include:

It may also be a sign of testicular torsion , which often requires emergency surgery. [11]

The following indications and symptoms in the testicles may be experienced by people with blue balls:

Epididymal hypertension, sexual arousal orchialgia [1]

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Let's talk about blue balls. A lot of people seem to believe it's a myth, but this couldn't be further from the truth.
It's a real problem impacting countless men across the globe. At this very moment, there are at least two billion men with blue balls; it's an epidemic.
Just kidding. We actually have no idea how many men have blue balls right now. And now that we're really thinking about it, we don't want to know.
But there is a science behind why men get this uncomfortable feeling and why it's been labeled as such. Before we get into it, however, it might be helpful to define or describe blue balls for those unfamiliar with the term.
Blue balls is the painful and dull aching sensation a man gets in the testicular region following protracted sexual arousal without climax.
In other words, it's probably similar to how women feel after sex the vast majority of the time, only this disappointment is focused in one specific area.
Twitter users also offer helpful summaries of this topic:
There is widespread debate over treatment for this pain, which includes everything from cold showers to manual stimulation and sleeping it off. Most agree that ejaculation is the only real solution to this issue.
Simply put, sexual healing is real in this sense. Marvin Gaye was on to something.
Even after orgasm, however, a man might find the pain hasn't fully dissipated. Don't worry, if you happen to experience this dreaded sensation, be comforted by knowing it will eventually subside one way or another.
Now let's explain why men sometimes experience this discomfort. It all has to do with what is known as epididymal hypertension , the medical term for blue balls.
In essence, when a man gets aroused, blood flows to the penis and scrotum, causing everything to become engorged. Pressure will continue to build up in this area until ejaculation.
Thus, if he remains aroused for an extended period of time, the pressure could lead to the pain we often refer to as blue balls.
Moreover, as Men's Health notes , it might even cause his testicles to turn a darker color , hence the colloquial name for the condition.
Indeed, this is a very real problem; science says so. But let's not forget about the ladies' suffering, too.
There is evidence only around 70 percent of women are able to orgasm during intercourse, according to a study from the Kinsey Institute.
Perhaps what all of this suggests is we need to pay more careful attention to the needs of our partners — mentally, physically and emotionally.
So there you have it. Blue balls are very much a real thing and now you know the science behind the condition.
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