Woman To Cow Tf Stories

Woman To Cow Tf Stories


Woman To Cow Tf Stories
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WARNING: Story contains human to cowgirl transformation and minor weight gain aspects. If you don't like that kind of thing fine but please don't leave mean comments or hate on it, I don't judge you so don't judge me!! (Side note: This is my first EVER story here not too mention my first attempt at anything remotely like this, praise and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome along with any suggestions on what to write next or if you even want a part 2 to this one as I already have some ideas bubbling!!) _______________________________ It was a normal day like any other, or at least it had started that way for me. Waking up out of bed my fit and rather thin form pulled itself reluctantly up from the warm sheets it lay within. My eyes gazed lazily around the room as a hand lifted and rubbed sleepily at the long brown hair I was so used to feeling wrap ever so slightly against the blades of my shoulders. Slowly getting out I grabbed the nearest clothing laying on the floor, a grey tank top piece and a pair of blue sports shorts that I slept in when too tired to change out of after practice. I had a good life, accepted into an amazing college, great grades, healthy, everything- well, everything except lacking rather a lot in the chest department. Most people by my age would be smart enough to not believe those childish stories about miraculous cures or such but honestly by this point I was desperate for one of these fairy tale like recounts to occur. As much the old telling of milk helping you grow couldn't help but ring true in my head, over the past few weeks of the break I'd been trying everything from full cream to skim, even that funky tasting nut milk that vegans bragged about so much, not that I had anything against them I just didn't get the fuss over a milk that could taste so bad. Heading downstairs my feet trailed one after another over the wooden steps, still yawning as I made my way groggily over to the fridge, I'd been binging yet another series on the t.v last night and having gotten the munchies around midnight rushed out to the nearest shop to grab whatever spare stuff they had on hand, deciding to pick up the grocery's whilst I was at it. I'd almost finished when a particular bottle of vitamins caught my eyes, bending down I grabbed the container to inspect it further and with a small shrug chucked it in the bag with the rest of the usual bottles, the title of 'growth formula' catching my eye in particular. If only I'd noticed just which section I'd picked it up from I wouldn't have paid the ridiculous $29.99 for the small bottle, livestock goods. Making myself the usual bowl of cereal it wasn't long till I'd plonked myself down on the couch and switched on the remote, I had laps to run with the track team later and was intent on using as much of the day as I could before the annoying extracurricular activities interrupted my break, appose to everyone else who continued to get the next couple weeks off within having to lift a finger. I sighed a little at the thought but soon let it go with a small smirk as I reminded myself I'd be ten times more fit once back and not have to deal with the after break sluggishness that most people were so used to. Crunching down the corn flakes an eyebrow raised curiously at the vitamin tablets spread out in their separate bottles on the coffee table, still half in the plastic bag in my rush to get back home having not even considered putting them properly away. Reaching out my fingers curled around the nearest bottle, the strange new one from last night to observe whilst my legs remained curled underneath like a small child sitting on a classroom carpet. My eyes scanned the labels in a half baked manner as I took a sip of my orange juice, 'Growth formula for boosted gain in fat reserves.' I gave a small shrug at the thought, surely I'd be able to pull off a few curves, after all my butt getting a little bigger along with my chest couldn't help, and by now this was pretty much looking like my last chance ignoring the pricey costs of plastic surgery, not to mention pain. Slowly I uncapped the lid of the bottle and shook out two decently sized capsules as I read directed, shoving the pair in my mouth I took a swig of the juice to wash them down. Not long after I continued with the rest of my usual vitamins and went back to my lazy sitting position. About an hour passed before the odd feeling began to start, at first it was just a light tingle but now it was growing stronger, almost like a dull itch or sickening feeling, the sort you get on a roller coaster ride when your stomach drops. Absentmindedly my hand trailed down to just underneath my chest scratching a little as though hoping that would help with the problem though to my horror I felt two strange, small bumps just underneath my own breasts, quickly and in a panic I pulled up my shirt to observe the lumps, they were soft and squishy though not that large I could assure myself they were defiantly not there earlier. I sudden wave of pain came over my head as a dull ache went through my temples, dropping the shirt and reaching up my fingertips danced over another two small bumps on either side, though unlike on my chest these weren't soft, no on the contrary they felt rock hard, the feeling continued as though something were pushing through my skull causing my to wince before all it suddenly stopped with a massive sensation of relief, curious as to what happened I lifted my hand back up only to feel two small, slightly pointy horns atop my head, eyes widening as I quickly rushed to my bedroom in order to look in the mirror. What I saw shocked me, not only had two horns grown from my head a pair of soft and fluffy ears were up there to match them, I stared in disbelief at the sight before noticing my chest, the strange feeling had grown stronger and I now noticed that not only had my chest almost doubled in size from it's previous b cup form it was now matched by an equal pair of similar forms underneath. A loud gasp left my lips as a sudden shooting sensation was felt from my behind, like a tree branch growing at rapid speed a tail shot out from just above my shorts, I looked at it in shock as it waved around nervously as though on my whim before falling to my knees and clenching my stomach, something defiantly wasn't right as I felt a bulging sensation slowly pushing at my thighs, like having stuffed a tennis ball down my pants. Slowly opening them to look a strange pink coloration had filled the area as it began to protrude outwards at a rapid pace. I watched helplessly as it pushed tightly against my shorts as the elastic struggled to keep up with the steadily forming mass of flesh that came from my body, as it grew I noticed the four small cylinder type forms poking off the ends of each corner, gasping at my realization of what they were I checked the bumps under my growing chest from before only to see they to had formed such pieces. Quickly I stumbled to my feet, thrown off balance at first my the growing mass I supported it with my cupped hands as I rushed to the living room. There was only one thing I'd done differently this morning that could have possibly caused this, the pills! Grabbing the purple container as I struggled to stand properly, my legs spread outwards my the form into a sumo wrestler like pose my eyes locked on a few short words, 'for animal use only. Hormones may have dangerous and untested results in human consumption, product is intended for cattle and no other being.' In that instant everything clicked in my head, how could I have been so dumb as to grab something from the animal section!?.... Looking down at myself the huge pile of pink had stopped growing but spilled heavily from my shorts as I tried desperately to support both it and by now easily g or f cup chest situation, heaving heavily as I felt a strange wobbling sensation and fell backwards to the floor in surprise, my stomach gurgling loudly as it began to push itself out between the udders and breasts, layers of fat spilling out in small creases as it bloated as though to compensate for the added internals and other mass, as I sat I could feel the awkward sensation of my thighs filling out and growing from under my butt, my cheeks soon following in plumping along with my arms and legs. In just a few more moments everything felt as though it had stopped. I was a giant pile of fat and cow parts stuck onto a human form, heaving at all the extra weight I desperately attempted to pull myself up, with each movement my body jiggled a little until I eventually pulled myself to my feet with the aid of the couch. Now far more in proportion I could just about manage to hold myself upright though the next question begged in my mind. Just what the heck was I supposed to do now like this?!

WARNING: Story contains weight gain aspects/themes!! If you don't like that kind of thing fine but please don't leave mean comments or hate on it, I don't judge you so don't judge me!! ________ "Mei! it's time to wake up sleepy-head!~" I hear my friend call from downstairs in the small dormitory building. For some reason I feel myself breath heavily, as though i had a great weight on my chest, ignoring the feeling, thinking maybe one of the buildings cats snuck in, I open my eyes. Staring at the ceiling I try to mentally prepare for the day, urgh- I so did NOT want to have a math exam. However, as i attempt to sit up (and potentially shoo off a cat) I find myself struggling, in fact i can barely move. Panicking i try harder and harder until eventually, with a movement that made the whole bed creak below me I pulled up into a sitting position, and what I saw filled me with pure horror. My body, which i could've sworn in and out was perfectly normal yesterday, was- was!.... Well how
Hope you guys all enjoy my first attempt at writing a story of any type on here, let alone one like this. "^w^
Please no hate comments and be respectful, if you don't like this sorta thing it's fine but no need to be mean. considering making a chapter two if anyone would be interested in it or feel free to leave other story suggestions below!!
My favorite scenarios currently are cowgirl transformations and in particular most aspects of the weight gain or inflation community except vore and slime. X3
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Jealous...would love to try a few myself

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(Girl to Cow TF)

I was walking through town on that day, wondering where he was. I had been wandering for 2 hours waiting for my friend to arrive, and at this point I was only exploring downtown. It was fairly nice, although it smelled awful; I couldn't stand bad smells. My friends may have called it obsessive, but I was quite focused on my own cleanliness. I was generally much more relaxed in a clean environment, and thinking about dirty stuff made me twitch. Walking through the city wasn't settling.

It was another few minutes before I ran into a man, and by "ran into" I mean turned a corner right quick and slammed right into him. At first
When you think of an apocalypse, what comes to mind? Maybe something like Mad Max, with desert lands and every vehicle covered in spikes. Or maybe something like Maze Runner, with a large portion of humanity has been wiped and only a few civilisations still remaining. Or maybe just a zombie apocalypse, something on par with The Walking Dead, World War Z, or maybe even like Resident Evil. However that is not the case, instead of all that, there is The C-Virus. The virus started small, manly in city's and towns in America, but soon it got out of hand fast. Like many virus, it begun to spread. People were advised to stay in their homes and try to avoid as much contact with anyone. That didn't happen. The government came to try and contain it, but ended up celling the worlds fate when they fell. Now what might the C-virus be you may ask. Well to put it simply, it turns people into cows. Not only that, but if you get bit by one of the cows, you too will turn into a cow. It was a
Disclaimer! Today's TF includes, TF (duh) and Udders. Either way enjoy the story! --- “Ahhh, finally. Break time.” Avery stretched out his arms as he got up from his desk and left to go to the break room. It was the most enjoyable part of his day to day coding job, besides going home. He worked a 9-5 job as a software developer, turns out it really wasn't his passion after four years of studying it and tearing his hair out some nights because of it. Though it was how things went, once you set yourself up for one thing, it's not easy to just switch to another thing with ease. Especially not at his university. A month of job hunting had finally led him to. This job, which he's been steadily working at for about over a year now, has been decent. Some friendly co-workers, the occasional work trips, and occasional team building exercises. It was an okay job for a Jr. Software Developer. He really couldn't complain about his job, cause he was fortunate to actually even get the job at
Thanks to soniagreene for commissioning me!


The sudden restlessness among the townsfolk was the first sign that changes would soon be coming to Gildqui, the most prosperous farm kingdom in the deep plains. Despite the worry among the citizens, it was a nice day, which was typical for Gildqui. The physical charm of the area was exactly the thing that made this kingdom flourish in the first place. Its beauty and abundance of resources.
  While the kingdom encompassed the cleanest and freshest lake within the deep plains, the common townsfolk were in doubt of the Queen's authority. Even though the kingdom had a thriving trade network w
Part One
Thanks to soniagreene for commissioning me!

"No! This couldn't be happening! My kingdom!" She tried to freak out, but only the reflected sounds of her own mooing returned to her. Oh, this was absolutely awful. Her people, her castle, her servants, and all her wealth was being actively taken from her, and all she could do is trot around in the farmland making annoying low yells that did nothing but mark her even further as an animal that served to benefit other humans, and was not the princess she was for most of yesterday and her entire life before that.
  Her mind was flooded with questions that she could not possibly get t
My Babysitter is a Cow

(Woman into Cow)

Just like this year, this experience took place during the year of the cow. Although I am not Chinese, I do enjoy Chinese culture. For young me, what better way is there to celebrate the Chinese New Year other than to have an animal for that respective year. That's right. I celebrated a Chinese New Year with my babysitter as a cow during the last year of the cow.

This was a special time for me since I actually get to see a cow up close. No one in my family owned a farm, so at least I could see one in person thanks to my babysitter. I asked her if she could change into a cow for me that time, in which
While the massive bursts of milk from her petrified but hypersensitive udder came at no pattern, and every minute the princess had to pray for the fountain that she’d become to let her spurt out more milk to free herself from some of the painful intensity of an udder full to the brim of milk and still swelling up, every minute she equally hated this life. A princess shouldn’t have to know what it’s like to have an udder! She didn’t want people walking by throughout the day and staring at her naked body! Astrida didn’t deserve the humiliation of her udder shamefully spurting its capacity into the basin in front of her as all her peasants watch! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Combine that with the obvious, degrading brand burnt onto her ass that marks her not only as a piece of property belonging to what used to be her rival kingdom, the sign in front of her that encourages readers to use her as a reminder that her rival kingdom is stronger than her, and the sheer insanity being driven into
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This site has graphic violence, sex, and death. Absolutely not for anyone under
the age of twenty one!

With these scientists help, the world governments started to alter human reproduction, to create more women on the planet then men. This action led to the birth rate of about 10 females to each male. Naturally, men were thrilled, but soon there were debates raging over what to do with the increased human population. The world governments decided that the only way to both feed the masses and to control the population was start a meat lottery. Women who were unmarried, over 23, or were not the first born into a family, were collected, and designated “surplus”.
These surplus women were then moved to huge farms outside most major towns, where they were allowed to be fattened, milked, then on a given day, a set number were to be butchered for meat. Once the initial collection process was done, governments began to pay the men of each family to donate any excess females to the meat farms, once they were 4 years old. This age allowed for the surplus women to be given the best health care around, and still allowed them to have some basic motor skills taught. Once the girls were 4, they were taken to the local hu-cow farms, where the women in the herd would raise the girls to be cattle. Sarah was one of these hu-cows.
After the hu-cows were placed in the receiving docks by the depositing family members, workers would tag each hu-cow, and then a special paint dye was added to their skin, coloring them for life as cattle. Then the hu-cows were released into the pens, to be raised by the older hu-cows.
As the selection process began, the first to be sorted out were those hu-cows who were over 40. These were loaded into a cattle car first. Then the workers took the remaining eligible hu-cows, and made them run around in the ring. Those who couldn’t or refused to run were loaded into the cattle train.
Sarah and about 30 other hu-cows were running around the ring. Workers would periodically take a hu-cow out of the mass, and put them over their knees, to be spanked. This was to test the meat, or so the workers told the hu-cows. In part, it was true, but the workers also liked to see the hu-cows bottoms turn red from the spankings.
After a time running, the hu-cows were split up into three groups. One group was led to the cattle cars, the second to the milking bays, and the third back to the main lots. Sarah was led along with a few hu-cows, to the cattle cars.
As they climbed up the ramps, the doors were sealed shut behind them, and the train started moving. The hu-cows all started to moo in a scared fashion, since they couldn’t speak. The train gathered speed, and soon, the farm was long gone.
The train pulled to a stop at a warehouse, on the outskirts of the city. The hu-cows were unceremoniously whipped and prodded into the giant facility, where each was hoisted up by their ankles.
As the line moved forward, each hu-cow heard the sound of the cows be
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