Literotica Separate Vacations

Literotica Separate Vacations


Literotica Separate Vacations
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The wife wants to take a separate vacation.
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Copyright © 2018 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.
Author's Note : A story about a cheating wife and her cheating married boyfriend. There is very little sex. As described above, there is cheating, discovery, and revenge in this story. You have been warned. Also, any errors are all mine... don't tell me about them, I will delete your comment.
Jack Hudson was sitting in the den, in front of the computer. He was sifting through all the garbage that somehow keeps accumulating on the hard drive of his wife's laptop. He had just downloaded a new program that would produce a report of all the junk and malicious files it found on the computer. He was running it now for the first time. The intro to the program stated that running it for the first time could take up to a day to finish. It had already been running for 22 hours and had already flagged a multitude of malware, clutter, and bloatware.
He shook his head as he looked at the files and where they had come from. They were all from places his wife Julie visited on a daily basis. She was the one who was complaining that the computer was running slow when she was trying to buy things at a particular online store. It also identified 32 deleted emails that were still in the trash bin. Jack clicked on the trash bin icon. Yep among all the other trash, there were 32 emails addressed to Julie. He selected them all and undeleted them.
Opening Julie's email program he typed in her password. The 32 were the only ones there in her inbox. Jack clicked on the oldest one. He read it and immediately became very, very angry. The email was telling her to meet at the Southtown Motel on Parker Street. Room 105. Looking at the date it was three months ago. What the fuck! The reply symbol was there, he clicked on it and her reply opened. She hadn't even deleted the replies.
It read that she would be there at 11:30 am. Jack looked who the reply was addressed to. Ted Baker at her firm. What the fuck? Jack read the other emails she had deleted. There was one for every day they took lunch together at the damn motel. Ted would email her where and she would reply with the time. It was like clockwork. Every Tuesday and Thursday of the week. Julie was meeting this scumbag two times a week for the past three months. What the fuck?
Jack was boiling mad now. If he remembered right, those days she would come home from work and hurry right into the master bathroom and take a shower. Her excuse was those were the days she went to the gym to workout. Well, it looked like she was working out all right but over at the Southtown Motel instead of the gym. And why didn't she take a shower at the gym instead of coming home to shower four hours later? The other question that came to Jack's mind, why didn't she shower at the motel?
Well, Jack now knew where and when. It was now Friday. He was going to have to pretend everything was normal until Tuesday. Jack was going to berate her for the nasty sites she had in her history, that's for sure. He copied her whole email account, everything she had in there, over to a new one he created. Then hid the icon for it and sat there staring at the screen as the program continued to find the odd file that would cause problems. There sure was a lot of crap on here.
Then the program found a bunch of chat sessions that had been deleted. Jack copied those from the trash into a hidden directory and started reading. What the fuck? Julie and this Ted character were IM'ing at night, while he was watching TV. They were having a good old time talking about how much they had enjoyed their time at the motel. Then Jack saw that the last time Julie had gone out with the girls, she really hadn't gone out with the girls. She had gone out with Ted. She was out there tonight 'with the girls'. What the fuck!
Jack turned the fucking monitor off. He had enough of this shit. Grabbing his coat, he went out and got in his car. Jack drove to that fucking motel. Sure enough, her car was parked in front of room 105. He wondered who was paying for that fucking room. Probably her. Stupid cunt. Turning around he went back home.
Back home Jack sat at the kitchen table with a beer in his hand. He had yet to open it, he was just staring at the damn thing. Jack knew if he got drunk he would spill the beans about what he knew and probably beat the crap out of Julie. Then he heard a ding in the den. That fucking program had finally finished.
Turning on the monitor, Jack looked at all the shit it had found. Most of the deleted files had been deleted within the last 48 hours. She knew there was a problem with the computer and she didn't want him to find her emails and chat messages, so she deleted them. Julie wasn't a slouch when it came to computers. She didn't know everything, but she knew how to delete files and directories.
Jack took one of the external drives from his computer and plugged it into Julies. He then copied every fucking file and directory she had deleted over the last 12 months to the external drive. He would go through everything later. Then he had the program clean the disk on Julie's computer. Once it was finished, thirty minutes later. He rebooted her machine. Jack was surprised at how fast it came back up. He went and installed the program on his machine and started it. Thirty seconds later it was finished. It found a single program. A keylogger. Son of a bitch. Had she put this on his machine?
The program told him when and what user. It was her. His wife was snooping on him. Jack went to her machine and hid the icon for the cleaner program. Then deleted his account and created a new one. Now his account history was gone on her machine. Jack cleaned the keylogger off his machine and deleted her account off his machine. He didn't create another one for her. Fuck her. Jack then changed all his passwords, everywhere. His account on his machine and her machine, the admin passwords on both machines, the bank, the credit card company, everywhere.
It was now midnight and she still wasn't home. Jack was just finishing up putting traps on her email account to route a copy of her emails to his account when he heard her car pull into the garage. Jack logged out of her machine, along with his own, and sat on the couch watching TV. When she came in she stopped, looked in the den, and seemed surprised Jack was still up.
"You wanted me to fix your computer, right?"
"I did. You really have to stop going to some of the sites you go to, they loaded your computer up with all kinds of malware and bloatware. There must have been 50 to 100 malware programs on there, hidden in the operating system directories. Stop going to these sites," Jack growled handing her a list of sites that were causing her problems. "I have blocked them all for you."
"Oh, thank you, dear," she said leaning in to kiss him.
Jack turned his head so she kissed his cheek. Wrapping her arms around him, she hugged him. Jack could smell liquor and smoke. He coughed. She looked at him then smiled.
"Come up to bed and I'll thank you for fixing my computer," she said in her sexy voice.
Well, even though she was cheating on him, Jack wasn't about to pass up a fuck from her. She was still a beautiful woman. Neither of them had been virgins when they married. So he didn't have a problem fucking her, even if her boyfriend had fucked her before him. And Jack thought he should be able to tell if Ted had been there first. It would just be another nail in her coffin.
Julie was walking up back to the bedroom. Jack followed her as she shed her clothes. When they were finally standing by the bed, she dropped her panties and tossed them over on her side of the bedroom. Jack chuckled silently at that maneuver. Bitch. Jack stripped his clothes off and pulled her to him. He kissed her hard and roughly mauled her tits. She groaned at his rough handling of her breasts. It appeared she like it rough. She used to complain if he got rough in the past.
Jack pushed her hard, she flopped back on the bed. She fell, legs in the air, spread, with her heels still on. Jack wondered if this is how she fucked Ted. He quickly crawled up between her legs, looking down at her pussy.
"Hurry up, fuck me, Jack," she growled.
She was very aroused. Jack spotted a white pearlescent fluid seeping out of her as he continued up her body. He was above her, his cock touching her labia.
She reached down and pulled his cock to her opening. Not getting his cock wet with her fluids like all the other times. She just put it there and waited. Jack slammed into her hard.
"Ow. Oh god, that hurt!" she cried.
"Shut up," Jack growled as he slammed into her again.
This time she just grunted. She was creamy. Jack had felt her this way in the past when he had fucked her twice in one night. She had been fucking before she came home or she had a very bad vaginal infection. Jack kept slamming into her, over and over as hard as he could. She had stopped grunting and was now moaning with pleasure. He was now fucking her for all he was worth. Jack could hear her pussy squishing. She was coming. She never said a word. He had told her to shut up. She was.
Jack was nowhere near a climax. He started sucking her nipple into his mouth and bit down hard enough for her to scream her pain. She didn't make a sound, in fact, he thought it turned her on even more. What a fucking whore, thought Jack. He kept pounding into her as hard and as fast as he was able. She loved every minute of it. Now she was screaming her joy and pleasure. Jack growled as his climax started. One final slam into her lithe body and he roared in her face.
Julie's eye opened wide as Jack bellowed his orgasm at her. Looking into her eyes, Jack saw wonder, lust, and fear. He was suddenly sad as he saw no love there. He was still coming when he pulled out of her and shot the last couple of ropes of semen on her chest and up onto her face. Then he saw disgust mirrored on her face. He just smiled climbing off her, rolling to his side of the bed.
Julie didn't say another word. She snorted, climbing out of bed and heading to the bathroom. Jack heard the shower start, he smiled, closed his eyes and went to sleep. He woke a little later to find that Julie wasn't in bed with him. Getting up he went in search of her. He found her in the den, on her computer. She was chatting with someone. Smiling he went back to bed. He would read her chats when he woke.
Jack woke to his wife's snoring. He kept meaning to record her because when he complained she told him she didn't snore. The room was filled with light. Looking at the clock bedside, he saw it was nine in the morning. Rolling out of bed so as not to wake the cheating bitch, Jack went to the bathroom to take care of some business. Once finished, he went to the kitchen and started the coffee.
When the coffee was finished, he poured a cup and went in the den. He logged on to his machine and looked at the email account that captured Julie's emails. Just two. He read the first and growled. Julie was telling Ted that they had to cool things down, that Jack might be suspicious. Then he looked at the second. It was the chat log of her and Ted from last night. Jack growled as he read them. Fucking bitch.
A new email popped up in his inbox. It was from Julie's account. It was from Ted. He read it. Seems Ted has booked a week at a resort in Florida. It would appear Julie and he were going on vacation together. How interesting. Jack wondered how was she going to do that as they had plans in the works to go to Cancun next month. He had already put in for his vacation time. Well, he had time to figure all this shit out. Now he had to just stay cool, until then.
He also decided he needed physical proof. Video and audio of those two together. It would appear they always got the same room at the same motel. He bet he could get in there and plant camera's with sound capability without too much problem. He could also put a tracker program on Julie's cell phone without her knowing, he was, after all, paying the bill on that. That brought up another thing. He logged into his online account and brought up her phone calls over the last 12 months.
It seemed her and Ted talked a lot. He had to assume they were calls to Ted unless she was seeing someone else too. A week ago he wouldn't have thought she would be stepping out on him, but now, he had no problem thinking she might be seeing two other men beside living with him. Fucking slut.
"Good morning, dear," Julie said as she came in the den.
"You have been using my machine, haven't you?" growled Jack.
The look on Julie's face was priceless. She blinked rapidly, a sign she was going to lie. She really didn't know she had that tell.
"Yes, because my machine was running so slow. But, now that you have fixed it for me, thank you, sweetheart, I won't have to. Did I infect your machine too?"
"You did. Why do you go to those questionable sites?" Jack asked.
"I get emails from some of the girls, at least they appear to be from one of my friends. When I click on the link they sent me, I wind up at some porn site. They are really disgusting, too. I close them and delete the email."
"Well, when you click the link, that's when the malware or whatever, gets installed. Stop clicking on email links!" Jack growled.
"I'm sorry. I won't from now on. Can you fix your machine?"
"Yes, but it might take me a while," huffed Jack.
"I'm sorry," Julie said sweetly sitting down at her desk.
Jack watched his wife as she logged on to her laptop. When he saw her smile, he knew she was reading Ted's email. Now Jack was wondering how she was going to get out of their plans to be with asshole. He didn't have long to wait.
"The girls and I were talking last night," said Julie.
"About what, Jules?" asked Jack already knowing what 'the girls' were talking about.
"We discussed the benefits of sometimes a couple taking separate vacations. You know, just to get away from each other once in a while. To renew the need and desire for your spouse by them being absent. What do you think, Jay?"
There it was. Whenever she wanted something, he was Jay not Jack, not honey, not sweetie, not sweetheart, not any other cute name, but Jay.
"I don't know. I haven't really given it much thought. Why?" Noncommittal answers were always the best.
"I haven't really decided, but I'm kinda leaning toward wanting to try it, just for a week maybe, then the second week we could get together somewhere and, renew our love for each other."
Yeah, that sounded like fun, for her, fucking whore.
"Hmm. I don't know. Let me think about it a while," Jack replied.
"Okay, dear. Would you like me to fix breakfast?" asked Julie.
"No, I'm not really hungry," replied Jack.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jack watched his wife get up and leave the den. As he sat there wondering at her audacity, a plan started to form in his mind. Thinking about it, he opened a blank document and started to type. He typed for quite some time. Once finished, he read the document, made a few changes and then filed it away in a hidden directory.
Part one of his plan was now complete... the plan was set. Now on to part two... physical evidence. Jack did a search on the web for spy cams. When he saw the prices, he did a search of private investigators. It would appear there was what looked like a reputable PI not too far from his office. He put the number in his cell phone. He saw Julie pass by the den. He had to assume she was headed for the bedroom.
He was done with his computer so he logged off and got comfortable on the couch. He turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until he found something he could at least stand to stare at. Then Linda was standing in front of him. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with gym shoes on her feet. He looked up at her. No makeup but her hair was brushed. She looked nice and wholesome. He raised an eyebrow.
"Do you want me to come with?" asked Jack, not knowing why she had told him.
"No, I just want you to know where I'll be is all."
"Ah, is this part of us reconnecting?" Jack asked confusion on his face.
"As... as a matter of fact, it is," Julie said covering for her surprised look quickly.
"Fine. Go. Don't spend too much," Jack said looking back at the TV.
"Okay, dear, See you later. Love you," she called out walking away from him.
Then he sat there wondering to himself. Wondering, did he love her. Jack contemplated his love for Julie for a long, long time. Even after thinking about it for what seemed like hours, he still couldn't decide. Just yesterday, he could have sworn he loved his wife with all his heart, but right now, in this moment of reflection, he didn't know. He closed his eyes and thought about Julie. He tried to remember the happy times they had together.
He found himself smiling as he thought about her. Then a darkness closed in over his mind. A picture of her, laying on her back, legs spread with some guy not him, pounding his dick into her pussy appeared. It had been in there niggling at his thought since yesterday. He was up and running to the bathroom. He made it in just time. His face in the toilet, puking his guts out. Nothing much came up, except his morning coffee and it tasted much better going down than coming up.
Flushing the toilet, he cleaned himself and the bathroom. He sprayed air freshener liberally around the whole house. He just knew Julie would be able to smell what he did. She had an uncanny sense of smell for odors that were not part of the day to day household smells. She would also smell the air freshener, but Jack hoped she would just assume he had taken a big dump. He chuckled at that not really knowing why.
Jack sat back on the couch. His time for thinking was done for the day. Clearing his mind he leaned back, closed his eyes and fell asleep.
When Julie returned, she found Jack asleep on the couch in the den. She scowled at him, then wondered why. She really did love him. He has been a wonderful husband and lover since for the past six years. And a wonderful man and lover since they met and fell in love. So what the fuck was she doing with Ted? Ted? Julie shook her head not wanting to think about what she might be doing to her husband. As long as he didn't know, he wouldn't be hurt. She really didn't want to hurt him. She didn't... really.
She went to the bedroom and put the things she had purchased away. Then she sat down on the bed. She sat a long time, contemplating her life, in general. Once a year Jack and she would go on a wonderful vacation for two long marvelous weeks. On those vacations, they tried new things together. Some of them were sexual, others were just fun. Boating, rafting, scuba diving. Nude beaches, making love under the sun, or under the moon and the stars. Trying new positions. Or just kissing each other all night.
So what was she doing making plans to go away for a week with someone other than her husband? For the excitement? Because it was different? Because she loved Ted? Because she had fallen out of love with Jack? Oh god, what was she doing with her life? Her marriage? She was tired, too tired to really be thinking about this damned stuff. She crawled up on the bed, kicking her shoes off and
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