Mother Son Impregnation Stories

Mother Son Impregnation Stories


Mother Son Impregnation Stories

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“They’re making babies down there,” my brother told my mom after walking in on me and a friend fooling around. Little did I know that he was right. That was the day I conceived my first child. I was only 16.
My mother was blasting Al Green like she did every Sunday when she cleaned the house. “No, we weren’t,” I tried to assure her, but I doubt she believed me. I was usually pretty open about my sex life with her. She had known for quite some time that I was sexually active. I probably could’ve just told her the truth, like I had many times before, but this time was different from the rest. This time I did it in her house, and my heart was still racing from the excitement.
You’d think the experience of being a teen mom would make me want to keep all boys at least 10 feet away from my daughter, or at least ban boys from her room. Certainly, I don’t want her to go through what I did as a teen mom. I want her to wait until she’s ready to experience motherhood on her own terms, until she’s lived life for herself at least a little bit.
But I know that trying to keep teens from having sex is impossible. If they want to have sex, they’ll find a way. I know this because I remember being a teen. I remember a dark moonlit bedroom not being a requirement for fooling around. I remember taking advantage of my boyfriend’s parents being at work. I remember the sex in parked cars, the park and garages. And I remember not being the exception — almost all of my friends were having sex.
Banning boys from spending the night wouldn’t have prevented my teen pregnancy. It won’t protect my daughter either. Not from pregnancy, or the other potential consequences of unsafe sex. If my daughter were to engage in unsafe sex with a person of any gender, she could contract an STD or STI. It would be completely irresponsible of me to ignore the possibility that my daughter isn’t heterosexual. If I am worried about boys, I should be equally worried about girls. It’s either no one can spend the night, or everyone can.
That’s the logic I used when I asked my mother at 15 to have a good friend who happened to be male sleep over.
“You realize I could be sleeping with my girlfriends when they spend the night, right?” I remember asking her. I identified as bisexual at the time, and she knew it. But I could tell she had never even considered the possibility that my girlfriends were anything more than friends.
“Well, have you?” she asked. “No, never,” I responded. “Well, if he’s just a friend and you trust him, I’ll trust you.”
My mom trusted me. After that day, she often let me have boys spend the night. Every male friend I had knew what my bedroom looked like. And although it may seem counterintuitive, this is what she did right. She understood and listened. She never judged or punished me for being sexual. She believed me when I told her that a boy was just a friend and nothing sexual would happen if he spent the night. She created an environment where talking about sex was natural.
But despite her trust in me, she also failed me. She never talked to me about safe sex . I don’t know why. Perhaps she intended to but didn’t know how, or maybe she trusted I was getting accurate information somewhere else. She never once mentioned birth control or condoms; she just vaguely mentioned staying safe a few times.
And it’s not that I didn’t know birth control existed; I did. I just didn’t know how to ask for it. Every time I confessed my sexual activity to her, I hoped she would offer to get me the pill, buy me condoms and teach me about safe sex with both girls and boys. I wanted her to teach me how to be assertive and insist protection be used. But she never did.
I won’t fail my daughter the same way. She’ll have my trust and guidance. She already knows about my own experiences and that I could never be mad at her for being sexual. I’ll give her support and information. She can have boys and girls spend the night just like I did as a teen, but unlike me, she’ll have access to condoms, birth control and information about STIs and STDs. The conversation about sex will be ongoing and comprehensive.
I know I can’t stop her from having sex, but at least I can help her stay safe.
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These brave mothers went into labor without knowing what hit them until the baby started crying.
So the pregnancy test came back positive. Didn't see that one coming? Well, it could always be worse. At least Mom-to-be has a good seven or eight months from the due date. She can pick out a name, prepare the home for the new baby, and ready herself emotionally before the infant arrives. She has months. Some people, in rare circumstances, get a day.
Imagine that you're nine months along, carrying a baby full term, and you don't even know it. Imagine that one day, maybe while you're at work or chatting with some friends, you get a terrible stomach ache. You've never hurt this much before, and it almost feels as if you're being torn apart. You excuse yourself to the restroom, bent over in spasms of pain, when you realize a horrifying truth.
You're going into labor. How could it be anything else? But you never knew you were pregnant to begin with. You may have been on birth control or been using contraception dutifully. Maybe you even had an IUD. Yet miraculously sometimes, life finds a way despite how hard we work for it not to (or whether we know it did). Accidental labors, while uncommon, do happen.
This article spotlights 15 accidental pregnancy stories and the brave mothers who went into labor without knowing what hit them until the baby started crying. Perhaps this will be a little comforting for you so that next time, when you're griping about how long the pregnancy is taking, you'll thank yourself that you have so long to prepare.
Nothing could possibly be worse than being arrested for a warrant and going into labor for a baby you didn't know you were carrying all in the same day. Even one or the other would turn a day from promising to an utter nightmare. For a mom to brave both as they come is not only impressive but probably worthy of receiving a medal of some sort. Heather Richard: wherever you are, know that you have our respect.
Richard was in trouble with the Canadian police for outstanding warrants when the police came knocking on her door to arrest her. At this time, Richard had no idea she was expecting but in this moment, she went into labor. The officers could not have picked a worse timing if they tried: when they found her, she was bowed over the bathroom delivering her baby after severe abdomen pain.
Her baby was fully delivered at the hospital at a healthy 5 lbs. If there's a silver lining to this situation, Richard was able to have a child she never knew she could (even if it was bad timing). Of the incident, Richard later reported : "The baby just fell out. I was freaking out. I’m still in shock. I’m not supposed to have kids.”
Klara Dollan, marketing agent and London resident, had just started a new job when she began having severe stomach pain. It was unlike anything she had experienced before, and although she thought it may have been period pain, she had never experienced a period so stomach-splittingly horrible. By the time her two hour meeting had finished, she had to go home due to unbearable cramps.
Dollan had recently begun comfort eating following the break-up with her boyfriend, so she hadn't noticed the extra pounds associated with pregnancy. Other symptoms were just as easily brushed off. Once she came home and was able to find a restroom, she went to the bathroom and pushed... and out came a baby's crowning head! Of the incident, her first words were an understandable: "It's a baby, oh my! It's a baby!"
So many of these accidental pregnancies fall under the category of hilarious... but only in hindsight. Trish Staine's story is no different. Staine was athletic and prided herself on taking long runs. During a particular ten mile run, she felt pain so excruciating she thought she was dying. When her family called an ambulance, she was rushed off to the ER where doctors found not an aneurism or a broken bone, but a fetal heartbeat.
Although she had not missed any periods and her husband had received a vasectomy long before, Staine delivered a six pound baby hours later. She had already delivered two children, then aged 7 and 11, before and had not been trying for another baby.
Often when mothers have accidental pregnancies, they are either over- or underweight. Both can cause missed periods and other symptoms that make pregnancy signs hard to spot. Yet Staine was in excellent shape as an athlete, proving that labor can happen to anyone when they least expect it.
Think of the absolute last thing you want to do on an airplane. If the answer isn't "giving birth," you are wrong. The best way we can respect Ada Guan is by reading her story of accidental labor and thanking our lucky stars that we are not her and will not have to go through the pain of labor (not to mention labor without knowing you were pregnant beforehand) on an airplane.
Guan and her boyfriend were headed to Tokyo when she started to feel acute stomach pain. The twenty-three year old soon realized that, though she didn't know it, she had been carrying her boyfriend's child for thirty-seven weeks. Once she understood her predicament, she was certainly shocked.
Luckily, the three doctors on-board were able to deliver the baby with proper medical treatment on such a short-notice. Over the Pacific ocean, Guan gave birth to a baby girl, whom she named Chloe Guan. She had taken a pregnancy test a month before, which had come back negative.
Dutch kickboxer Pamela Vugts was 17 when her family rushed her to the hospital following a potentially deadly match. She had attended a kickboxing gala in Den Bosch when, after being kicked in the stomach during a match, she began bleeding. Expecting the worst but never the actual outcome, doctors told Vugts and her parents that she was seven months pregnant and going into labor.
Hours later, Vugts delivered a healthy baby girl by Caesarean section. She had no sign that she was pregnant, as she had always had a heavier build and had not missed any of her periods. She has assumed she had just put on some weight over the holidays. She was able to raise her baby at home with her parents after the labor (though, understandably, it must have been some time for her to rest and recuperate before she returned to the ring).
Nadia Watson woke up in the middle of the night with the worst stomach pain she had ever experienced (much like other mothers in this article). Initially, she assumed her period had come a little early and with accompanying cramps. She soon discovered that this was not the case as the pain became increasingly unbearable. The twenty-two year old screamed as she delivered her baby alone and suddenly aware that she'd been expecting.
Where was her partner through this ordeal? Asleep. Apparently her screams did not wake him and Watson did not receive help until neighbors called the police and help arrived. Once her boyfriend realized what had happened, he was in understandable shock.
During the pregnancy, Watson had not put on any weight nor had she shown any noticeable signs of pregnancy. She also retained her periods throughout the term and, until the labor began, was completely in the dark. Luckily her baby was born at a healthy seven pounds, a girl that she named Poppy.
On a much happier (though still cutely funny) note, a paraplegic man and his wife found the perfect way to announce their pregnancy to the world. After Todd Krieg became paralyzed in a dirt bike accident in 2014, the couple did not know if they would ever have children. Krieg could not feel anything below his chest, and doctors were inconclusive about whether he would be able to conceive with his partner Amanda Diesen.
Diesen found out about her pregnancy much earlier than many of the mothers on this list, but she knew she needed to celebrate this "happy accident" in a special way. She took the above engagement photo jokingly but also sweetly, using humor to spread the beauty of a situation that worked out in a way that could only be described as a miracle.
Twenty-five year old Gaynor was visiting her parents when she awoke with sharp and intense pain. Thinking she needed to use the restroom, she pushed and pushed until she caught a baby that she didn't know she was expecting. She was in shock, understandably and similarly to other stories in this article. She had just completed a ten hour shift at her job, and a baby was the last thing she thought she would end the night with.
Like many others with accidental labor stories, she had her period up through the due date. She had no morning sickness, no pain, no signs of pregnancy until the birth was undeniable.
Women like Gaynor are rare, yet her account proves that pregnancy is different for everyone. Some women crave pickles and ice cream. Some go through strong personality changes as they adjust to this new milestone. Some physically don't react as they would expect and end up delivering their baby on the same day they know they're pregnant. Like most things in life, pregnancy is not straightforward at all (despite how much we wish it would be).
Julia Dellitt could not remember the last time she had her period when she decided to check in on it. After buying a pregnancy test during her lunch break, she almost went into shock after seeing the positive plus sign. She could not believe it was happening, even as she texted her partner about the news.
Pregnancy had not been on the menu at this time for Dellitt, and so she needed time to sort through her emotions. She thought about how she was supposed to feel about a pregnancy versus how she actually felt, and she didn't know what to do about the dissonance. She also struggled with wondering whether her life was ending as a mother or just beginning a new chapter.
In the end, she just let herself be okay with whatever happened. When she was upset, she allowed herself to feel that way. She welcomed mixed feelings and the contradictory anxiety and love she felt for her baby. Once the child came, she was more than prepared to handle it despite the accidental conception.
Italian nun Roxana Rodriguez expected many trials when entering the cloistered life. Pregnancy was the last thing she ever, ever expected. She had been in her convent in Campomoro when, after serious stomach pain, she was rushed to the hospital. There
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