Limp effeminate pseudo-conservative From India Parrot's Limp Myths About the USA

Limp effeminate pseudo-conservative From India Parrot's Limp Myths About the USA

  • By: Dr. Floyd
  • Summary: none yet, summary suggestions welcomed and appreciated
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Video Title: Beto Supporters Don't Know Why They're Voting For Him



4:50 That limp, effeminate, pseudo-conservative is wrong about Frederick Douglas, and especially wrong about the Battle of Wounded Knee. At Wounded Knee, hundreds of violent savage reds refused to surrender when offered—and, instead, murdered dozens of heroic whites and wounded dozens more.

Meanwhile, migrants from India—like that effeminate pseudo-conservative—tend to be narrowly focused to the point of being entirely simple-minded, especially on such matters as history, which often requires far more nuance than tends to be the enculturated into so many book-smart, life-retarded pseudo-conservatives from India. That is the case here, with the pseudo-conservative's typical limp leftist take on Douglas and Wounded Knee.

Of course, that simple-mindedness helps book-smart, life-retarded pseudo-conservatives from India to come to the U.S. and then drone away in limp docility—married to, and mired in, the mind-numbing simplicity math and science bereft of philosophy and ethics. This is why so many effeminate pseudo-conservatives from India are so welcomed into USA's modern feudalism: smart enough to be useful; dumb enough not to be a threat.

A great example of that is Dinesh D'Souza, who, for example, has publicly said such foolish, myopic, and demonstrably false things as "no Republicans owned slaves" during Lincoln's War of Northern Aggression (aka the so-call "civil war"). Meanwhile, to say the least: Louisiana's first treasurer was Antoine Dubuclet—a Republican who owned 100 slaves during Lincoln's War of Northern Aggression. Moreover, Dubuclet inherited 23 of those slaves from his black dad. Dubuclet was black.

So, again: imagine telling this effeminate pseudo-conservative from India that thousands of blacks owned slaves in early America. That half-thinking, simple-minded effeminate pseudo-conservative would be as surprised to hear about rampant black-on-black slavery in colonial America, as well as the red-on-white savagery at Wounded Knee. But of course, as an Indian, he was probably trained also to limply and absentmindedly worship Gandhi: an incestuous pervert—who REALLY hated blacks.

–Dr. Floyd

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