Lily Spanking

Lily Spanking


Lily Spanking

The Way We Were
Chapter 1: Austria’s Austere Advice (part 2)

Warnings: Swearing, and parental discipline (if you don't like that sort of thing).

“Right, show him who’s Boss.” Spain muttered to himself as he approached his own door. It was evening now and he expected a good bit of the chores he’d assigned the half-nation to do while he was gone to be done. He took a deep breath and opened the door tentatively.

“Hermanito, I’m home!~” Spain called into the house as he shut the door behind him. He looked around; everything seemed normal... but where was Romano? Spain poked his head around the house, and what he saw did not please him in the slightest. Romano had not dusted or swept the living areas as he had asked. He could forgive that, he supposed. Spain walked further into the house and went into the kitchen. His face lit up with anger; this room was even more of a mess! Not only were the breakfast things not cleaned and put away, it was apparent that the boy had fixed lunch, or perhaps a snack and left everything out.

Spain was prepared to give the little half-nation a stern lecture on minding. But where was he? He wasn’t in the laundry or the bathroom, so Spain decided to check the sitting room. The first thing he noticed was that the furniture was knocked over. There were books strewn across the floor and Maldito sea, he drew on the walls! Spain was certain he’d keel over in fury soon, so he forced himself to count to ten and blow off some steam. Once he was calm, he looked for the boy.

He needn’t look very far. Among the destruction of his sitting room, Romano was curled asleep on a large floor pillow. Spain made sure he was in complete control of his anger before he knelt on the ground next to the child, and gently roused him. He watched as the boy fluttered awake slowly and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. As soon as Romano laid eyes on him, he shrank back fearfully and let out a strangled whimper. Spain was not surprised by this at all, for he was giving the boy a rather stern look.

“Romano, you’ve been very very naughty while I was gone.” Spain told the boy calmly. He waited for the boy to say something in his own defense, but Romano was silent.

“Well?” Spain said firmly, “Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?” He wanted to give the boy a chance to apologize for his actions. To his utter astonishment, the boy instead shook his head. Spain clenched his jaw, but otherwise kept his cool.

“Romano, instead of cleaning up like I asked you to, you just made bigger messes in the other rooms!” Spain exclaimed, scowling.

Romano cringed away from his brother, “So what, Tomato bastard!” he said, but it came out as more a whine than a snarl.

“So now you’re going to clean it!” Spain snapped; he was getting fed up with Romano’s little attitude.

“I don’t want to, and you can’t make me, you jerk!” Romano declared.

Spain pretty much lost it at this point, “If you don’t start behaving then... then... then I’m going to spank you!” Spain shouted.

“I don’t care!” Romano shouted back.

Both of them were very still and quiet for a moment, just staring at each other, and then Spain took Romano by the wrist and practically dragged him to his bedroom. The boy struggled and shouted and tried to pull free, but Spain was very strong and did not let go. He decided that if the boy did not care, then he no longer felt bad about following the Austrian’s advice.

Romano became very upset when Spain sat on his bed and laid the boy across his lap. And Spain, who had been thinking in the heat of the moment that striking the boy would make him feel better, was surprised to find that he didn’t really want to hurt the boy at all.

“What are you doing, you jerk!?” Romano shouted fearfully.

Spain panicked, but decided that this really was for the best. If this worked, he would have no more trouble handling the boy.

“I’m going to give you a spanking.” Spain told him calmly, “Then perhaps you will think twice about behaving so poorly again.”

Before Romano could respond, before Spain could change his mind, he brought his hand down with a resounding smack.

“Ouch!” Romano cried pitifully, “That hurt, you jerk!”

“It’s supposed to.” Spain replied sympathetically.

He did not let his sympathy stop him from giving the boy several more sharp smacks, however. Only after six slaps, one for each year, did Spain finally stop.
Romano sobbed and rubbed at his sore backside when Spain finally let him up.
“You’re behavior up until now has been absolutely unacceptable, and I expect your attitude to improve as well.” Spain scolded, “Now, do you have something to say to me?”

“I...I’m’a sorry!” Romano sobbed, clutching the front of his brother’s shirt.
“Good.” Spain replied drawing the sobbing boy into an awkward hug, “Then I forgive you.”


The next week went by quickly. Spain was both surprised and relieved to find that Romano’s rein of terror was over... well, almost. At first it was a breath of fresh air for the Spaniard. Romano no longer yelled at him, or swore, and the boy even attempted to complete all of the chores Spain assigned him. But Spain quickly realized something was off about his brother as well.

Romano not only did not yell, but hardly spoke at all. The boy turned out to be rather more reserved then Spain would have expected. Spain noticed other things too. Whenever he walked into the room, Romano would automatically look down or away and chew on his lip. The boy even flinched once when Spain called his name. Meals were now eaten in almost complete silence, and the boy no longer laughed and splashed around when bathing.

Practically the only thing that hadn’t changed was that Romano still wet his bed at night. Only now, the boy reacted with fear rather than defiance whenever it happened. One night, a particularly frustrated Spain found himself scolding the boy for the umpteenth time.


“Again Romano!?” Spain exclaimed in exasperation, “You’re way too old to be wetting the bed, you know!”
The boy flinched, “I’m’a sorry, big brother!” he wailed, eyes brimming with tears.
Spain’s frustration immediately dissipated, “It’s ok, don’t cry.” He sighed tiredly.


Spain had thought Romano was just upset from waking up in the middle of the night, and that was the source of the tears, but he was wrong. In fact the next night, Spain was surprised to not be woken up at all. He was very optimistic; perhaps the boy had made it through a night without wetting the bed!

However, that was not the case. In fact, upon inspecting the boys room, Spain found that his sheets were missing. After looking around a bit, Spain found the dirty sheets stashed in the boys closet. Romano would have to be confronted. Spain carried the soiled sheets into the kitchen where the boy was taking out what they would need for breakfast.

“Romano! What were these sheets doing in your closet!?” Spain asked angrily.
The boys eyes widened in fear and he took a step back, shaking his head furiously.

“Don’t you dare try to tell me you don’t know,” Spain warned, “I know you put them there! Explain this to me.”

Romano’s eyes welled with tears and they flowed freely down his cheeks, “... sorry, please!” he sobbed incoherently.

“I can’t understand you, speak up.” Spain demanded, taking a step closer to the boy. Romano jumped about foot in the air and cowered against the counter; his strange behavior took Spain by surprise.

“Romanito, why do you keep doing that?” Spain sighed, “You’ve been acting strangely ever since... ever since.” And something dawned on Spain then.
Romano was afraid of him. Any idiot could see that the boy was terrified, and all because...

“Oh, Romanito,” Spain said sadly, “I’m so sorry for yelling, There’s no need to be scared.”

Romano did not look convinced, and the boy shut his eyes tight when Spain dropped the sheets to the floor and walked over to him. Spain knelt to the ground and placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder, ignoring the way Romano flinched when he did so.

“I’m so sorry. I never meant for you to be afraid.” Spain told him, “I... I just wanted you to behave.”

The boy did not stop crying and was even shaking in fear as the Spaniard spoke.

It had only been a week and Spain did not want to give up his only trump card so soon, but he had no choice. After the week’s events, it was obvious that the boys spirit had been broken. And Spain could not live with himself if Romano continued to suffer so by his hand.

“Romano, look at me.” Spain said gently.

The boy, teary-eyed, did indeed look up to meet Spain’s eyes.

“I promise that I will not hit you again.” Spain told him, “Do you understand?”

The boy’s eyes widened a little in surprise, but he did not speak. Instead he leaned forwards and hugged Spain tightly, still sobbing.

Well, that was sappy and melodramatic. But at least now Roma will return to normal... you know, mostly! (At least I fixed that horrible Grammar! That's why I shouldn't be writing in the middle of the night)! Orz

And I guess I better say, that no, I don't agree with Spain's parenting methods here (though he was only taking Austria's advice). Also, I know that scolding or otherwise punishing a child for bed wetting is wrong and the opposite of helpful. My excuse for that is that Spain is a teenage boy taking care of a small child; he's bound to make mistakes! This is a learning experience for both brothers. © 11 years ago , C.J. Von Tungeln  hetalia • fanfiction • parent • child • discipline • spanking • d:
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The group of not quite grown-ups sat sprawled around the floor in the half-packed bedroom, tired and sore from the day. Boxes in various states of fullness scattered about the room, light patches of paint scattered on the wall showing where posters had been removed. The only furniture left in the room was a stripped bed, and an oversized bean bag chair.

“Damn,” Rick said, from his spot on the bare mattress, “I can’t believe you’re actually moving out, kid.” He grinned across the room at the 20 year old sprawled on the window-seat, occupied rolling up a joint.

“Fuck you Rick,” Brent said good-naturedly, shooting his brother-in-law the bird without looking up, “You’ve been telling me to move out since I was sixteen.”

“Well…yes, but I was joking.”

“You just want second hit,” teased Cammy, from where her lanky body was cuddled into Brent’s knee. At 17 (or as she kept insisting, “Nearly 18!” It was starting to get seriously annoying. Honestly, Rick was considering investing in duct-tape.), she was the baby of the family, and had been hyper pretty much since Brent had signed his apartments lease. 

“Maybe,” Rick grinned at her. Truthfully he was finding it hard to believe Brent was moving out, hell, he was finding it a bit hard to believe that Brent was twenty. Part of him still expected to see a hyper little kid with a gigantic mop of blond hair every time he looked at him. Well, he turned to regard the younger boy again, the hair hadn’t changed much, but the rest of him sure had. Brent was taller than him now, though not as broad. He might give him a run for his money in a couple of years, if he kept filling out the way he had.

His grin faded as he looked over to the left of Brent, at a skinny red-headed kid who was seemingly occupied staring at the wall and chewing rapidly on his fingernails. Billy was beginning to worry him. Rick had been expecting him to be conspiring with Brent on what they could get up to in his new, mostly unsupervised apartment-and/or jokingly threatening to kick his ass if he took his little sister there for the “alone time” Brent and Cammy had been whispering about for hours. 

Instead Billy had been quiet and distant-the quiet wasn’t that unusual, the distant was. He was completely zoned out at the moment, not even listening to the conversations around him like he usually did if he wasn’t in the mood to talk. Honestly, he’d been acting off most of the day; Rick had even caught him feeding most of his lunch to the dog. He had figured he’d perk up when the work was over, but no such luck. “Aye! Billy, you don’t look so good dude. You should have Momma Lynn look you over when she gets home, man.”

Billy looked up and smiled faintly, not really meeting Rick’s eyes, “I’m just a little out of it today man. I think I need some air.” He stood up abruptly and walked rapidly out of the room, almost slamming into Alexis and Lily, the last of their little group, walking in as he left. Rick stared after him concerned, and when he looked away he saw that Cammy was chewing on her lip as she turned back from looking after her brother.

Alexis glared mildly after Billy, complaining, “What’s his problem?” as she crossed the room and lowered herself down on to the beanbag chair. She tugged her beanie down further over her dark hair, and crossed her arms over her chest, still glaring at where Billy had been.

Lily, the older of the two walked over and plopped down sideways in Rick’s lap, “oof, Babe, be careful,” he complained, “and yeah, Lexi he’s been acting real weird.” He caught Lily’s eye and frowned to show he was actually worried. Lily’s brow wrinkled in concern, and she nodded slightly after a moment of thought-yeah, he’d seemed off to her too. Billy was generally a resilient kid-which meant if there was something wrong he probably wouldn’t tell them.

Brent snorted, “He’s always weird. He’s 19 and he likes Simple Plan.”

His sister shot him a scathing look, “You used to listen to Chumba Wumba.”

“I was twelve! And they aren’t that bad.”

“They’re called Chumba Wumba.” Lily’s face clearly stated that this alone won the argument. To be fair, Brent’s choice in music had not improved much over the years. Everyone knew he still had all the Chumba Wumba cd’s from when he was a kid, and listened to them when he thought no one could hear.

“Lily, be nice.” Rick said snorting in amusement. 

“Besides!” Brent half-shouted, clearly embarrassed about the Chumba Wumba thing, “I’m not the one who used to pretend I was married to one of the backstreet boys!” 

Rick grabbed onto Lily as she attempted to launch herself across the room at her little brother, “Hey! Don’t elbow me, I didn’t say it!” He pointed at Brent, “Knock it off or I’ll let her go!”

Brent snorted, “Which one was it again? Oh yes, AJ McClain, ‘I’ll be Mrs. McClain someday, I will!’” He looked at the ceiling, hands tucked under his chin, pretending to swoon. Lily growled as he continued, “We’ll have twins, and name them A.J and Lily Jr., and-”

“Warned ya,” Rick said as Lily flew across the room at her brother, Cammy giggling as she scooted out of target range.

“Shit, shit,” shouted Brent as she dove on top of him, “Ah! Quit pinching! The weed! Pause for the cause! It’s gonna fall, and go everywhere and you’re gonna owe me 20 bucks!”

Lily obediently paused, snatched up the magazine beside Brent that had the joint, shake and papers on it, and carefully handed it off to Alexis, who was laughing too hard to talk.

She then looked back at her brother who had used the brief break to catch his breath and was now trying to slide to the other side of the window seat. Lily grinned and said two words, “Wedgie Time.”

As Brent began making protest noises, Rick stood up, causing Lily to crow as she jumped on top of Brent again, knowing he wouldn’t hit her to get her off him, not hard enough to hurt anyway, “C’mon Rick, help me get him.”

As Rick approached Brent started to beg, only to sigh with relief when instead of helping Lily, he bodily pulled her off her brother, and laughing, carried a pouting Lily back to lay down with him.

“I finished rolling the joint,” Alexis teased holding it out towards Brent and snatching it away, “that means I get to light it!” she sing-songed at him, sticking out her tongue.

“Hey, no fair, I did all the hard work.” Brent complained, “All you did was pack it and put in a crutch.”

“House rules.” She said smugly.

“Lexi, give it back,” scolded Lily, knowing the two could go back and forth forever.

The girl rolled her eyes, put passed it back, “I was just teasing.”

“Sure you were, Lexus.” Rick grinned, “It’s a big joint, over a gram, it’ll go around, I promise.”

“Quit calling me Lexus!” as usual this request wasn’t even acknowledged. Alexis hadn’t really expected it to be, but she still scowled a bit. “Do I look like a car?”

“Yes.” returned Brent utterly deadpan. Lexi stuck out her tongue at him.

“Should we get Billy?” Cammy looked unusually hesitant, chewing nervously on a strand of red-blonde hair.

“He walked out of roto himself,” Rick shrugged his shoulders, from where he lay sideways behind Lily on the bed, playing with her curls. “Up to you guys I guess.” 

“He just went outside right?” Lily motioned to the open window, “Somebody go and call for him.” She hesitated for a moment, biting her lip, “Does anyone else think he might be sick or something? He’s really pale, and when we came in it was almost like he didn’t even see me or Lexi.”

Alexis nodded, “Yeah, he has dark circles under his eyes too, he could be coming down with something.” She frowned quietly to herself for a moment, before shrugging, “Or maybe Brent’s right and he’s just weird.”

As everyone else snorted, or rolled their eyes, Cammy frowned and curled closer to Brent’s leg. Picking up on her body language, Brent nudged her gently, “Something really wrong with Billy, or something, sweets?”

She sighed, looking down, “I don’t know if I should say anything.” Since ordinarily Cammy couldn’t keep her mouth shut, this got everyone’s attention. Brent could tell just how tense she was, and found himself getting worried. Billy and him might tease the hell out of each other, and get on each other’s nerves constantly, but he was also the one Brent got into trouble with, and who he could call at two in the morning, who always had his back. His best friend, really.

“Shit…he was acting weird, wasn’t he?” said Alexis, glancing at the window as though it would tell her what was going on.

Rick shifted upright from where he’d been snuggling with Lily, honey colored eyes fixing seriously on Cammy, “He get himself in some trouble or something? He was acting kinda strange all day-nervous and twitchy.”

Cammy just shook her head, still looking down, and Rick and Brent exchanged looks, as Lily studied Cammy thoughtfully, the concerned frown growing deeper on her face. If she looked back at Billy’s behavior over the last few months, and compared it to Cammy’s…she was starting to see a pattern she didn’t really want to see.

“Look,” Rick said, in what at more joking times the kids referred to as his “Dad” voice, the one he’d totally copied off their Uncle Gav, “If he’s done something stupid, yeah I might kick his ass, but I’ll also help him.”

After a minute of Rick staring patiently Cammy finally spoke up, “I don’t know anything; he’s just been acting weird. He’s been leaving the house at weird times, like three in the morning. He made Mom cry yesterday.” She sounded kind of angry now, “She just asked him where he was going, which okay, she ordinarily doesn’t bother, but still, and he completely blew up!”

“What? Your mom’s like, well, your mom, he can’t talk to her like that! I mean, maybe she’s not the nicest lady in the world, but still!” Brent snapped, half standing up. Cammy secretly thought that was more than a little bit of a gross understatement but didn’t say anything; she could no
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