Lesbian Babysitter Story

Lesbian Babysitter Story


Lesbian Babysitter Story
I have been reading stories on the mousepad for quite some time now, and many stories are awesome...while others are obviously exaggerated even when they say non-fiction. This is my first post of many experiences in my life, and I will try to do my very best to accurately describe what actually happened. The worst thing is when you are enjoying a story then half way through you hear some outlandish that just ruins the story and makes it unbelievable. 
Baby sitter sisters: Amber and Christy
When I was a kid, I was always intrigued by girl's feet. But being just a little kid and very shy about my taboo desire I never had a chance to fullfill any of my fantasies. One friday night when I was 10, my parents went out and arranged to have a girl from our church watch me and my little sister for the evening. It was always exciting for me because I knew that we were gonna have frozen pizzas and watch a fun movie, but this time was a little different then usual. The doorbell rang, and my mom went to go answer the door. I had no idea who the sitter was going to be, but I was surprised, and excited when I saw that it was a girl that I had a recent "trample encounter" with(very minor). 
A month prior we had gone to Amber's parent's house for a while and she had a tramploline in the back yard. I remember it really well because there was a lot of lighting on the horizon, but it wasn't raining at her house. She and I jumped around for a while, but it was my first time on a tramploline so I fell down quite a bit. She kept jumping to make me fall down and everytime she succeded she giggled and laughed. I was laughing too, then after maybe the 5th time of falling down and getting back up, she placed her foot across my chest and held me down. She was a little older than 16, maybe 5'5" and not exactly skinny, but not fat at all. She had curly dark brown hair, and had a pretty face. Even though she had socks on this was still one of the first times I had a girl's foot on my chest, and time seemed to freeze. I laid there not knowing what to do...I didn't want to push her foot off and make her stop, but just laying there was making it awkward. Fortunately for me she broke the tension by pressing her foot firmly down and bounced me up and down. "That's right, stay down there! Haha" After about 20 more seconds she lifted her foot off and we jumped around a little more, but everytime I fell down she would step down on my stomach or chest.
(back to present time)
I had seen Amber a few times at church since then, and she always gave me a smile when she saw me. I like to think that she was smiling about what had happened on the tramploline. My parents left soon after and Amber walked into the living room talking to my little sister. I was playing nintendo...few things took my attention away from my games, and the thought of somehow ending up under Amber's feet again was one of them. I turned off my game(didn't even care to save it) and asked Amber what we were going to do. After brainstorming for a few minutes we came up with a game we called "Camp out." We pretended that we were out in the forest and I had to be whatever she and my sister needed while they were pretending to be camping. "I wanna hear a song" Amber said. So I pretended I was a radio and sang a few songs. "Come lay down here, I wanna play the piano" When she said lay down my heart sped up, but then I was disappointed cause she wanted me to lay across her lap and play across my chest and stomach like a piano. She had me do a few other things, and I was enjoying having an older attractive girl command me around. Then she finally said it, "This ground is cold and dirty, you are gonna be my carpet!" I was so excited and nervous at the same time, so I walked over and layed down in front of the couch. She lifted her feet and placed one foot down on my stomach first and then one up on my chest. They went completely across my whole body, I would say at least a size 9 or 10 US. She started the movie Aladin and started to run her feet back and forth on my small little body. "Wow this is carpet feels nice! You are really comfy!" She said. Once the movie got started she stopped moving her feet, but then during the song Friend like Me she started tapping her feet on my chest, and on the last part of the song she used both her feet to tapped down kinda hard for the last beat. "Ohh I'm sorry, that was kinda hard!" She said as she lifted her feet. "You don't have to be the carpet anymore." I quickly told her, "Oh no, you didn't hurt me, besides you don't want to get your feet cold and dirt on the bare floor do you?" Then she said, "Well I do have these sock on to keep them warm, but they aren't doing a very good job" She placed the top side of her foot on my arm and I felt they were pretty cold. I said, "I think I can do a better job." "Pull them off then." She said. I was sooooo excited!!! I had never been able to touch a girl's feet for an extended period of time!! I slowly pulled her left sock off to reviel a gorgeous set of toes. They were long and her toenails were plainted a dark blue. As I started to take off the other sock, she put her foot down right on my face with my nose in the area on the underside of her toes. She wiggled them a little and said, "Haha I hope they don't stink!!" I was in heaven!!! They didn't smell bad at all...absolutely perfect!! I grabbed her foot to pull it off my face then she started jabbing my stomach with her other foot. I let go of her left foot to cover my stomach then she shifted and put both her feet in my face. "Hey don't try to stop me! This is your job remember? haha" Even though she was just teasing and being playful, I was entraced with the idea of my sole existence being to be her footstool and keep her feet warm. I said, "Fine, your feet don't smell bad anyways." She responded, "Oh well, then you won't mind if I rub them on your face to warm them up....actually your neck is really warm" What had started out as a joke turned into her really liking her toes on my neck. For the rest of the movie she kept her feet on my upper chest neck and occationally moved them to my face while saying "Are you ok down there? You're not asleep are you?" After the movie was over she rubbed her feet back and forth on my chest and said, "You can be my rug next time I come! You are really good at it." I said, "Ok! It was fun!" "You're silly!" she said as lifted her feet off my chest. I soooo didn't want it to end! My parents came home soon afterwards, and asked if we were good. I was petrified that she might say something about me being her footstool!! "Oh yes, we had a great time! Call me anytime you need a sitter." She looked over at me and winked, "Goodnight Christopher!"
I had gone from virtually no female feet to getting everything I wanted in 1 night! I thought to myself, "This is the best! How could it get any better!?" Well it did when her older sister Christy came to baby sit the next time.
Fantastic!!! Cannot wait for part two!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
part 2 is gunna be amazing can't wait
PART 2 *Older sister Christy*
These girls went to my church, so i knew them a little already, but they were 6-8 years older than me. At church one Sunday Amber and Christy were talking with some of the other girls in the youth group. Christy was a little taller than Amber, and a bit more athletic. She was blonde and actually kinda looked like the second oldest girl from 7th Heaven http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005238/?ref_=tt_cl_t2 . I noticed Amber look over at me and wave. A bolt of electricty shot through my body! It was amazing how much control she had over me even from a distance....even in front of everyone at church. My mind went straight back to laying under her gorgeous feet and keeping her toes warm during the movie. Christy had her back facing me and when she noticed her little sister waving at me she turned to look. She had a prettier face than Amber, and a beautiful smile. She played softball at the local highschool and was very tan and in perfect athletic shape. I noticed as she looked at me she slipped her foot half way out of her shoe...as if her foot had a craving to rub all over me(at least that's how my mind interpretted it as a kid...you know what I'm talking about). I was so nervous, I didn't want a bunch of people to know that I liked girl's feet . And I was petrified that Amber had figured it out and was telling everyone! Then my mind started to entertain the idea of that a little. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they knew...she seemed to have fun with it last week, maybe this could work. 
Later on that week my parents decided to go out of town again. All I could think about was that maybe it would be Amber again! Maybe I would have another perfect night being used as a rug! Friday night finally came, and I was super pumped! There was a knock at the door, and I jumped off my bed and ran to the hall to watch my mom open the door, but this time it was Christy that was going to watch us tonight. 
"Hi Michelle!" Said Christy
"Hey, I'm glad you could make it!" My mom said. After a short converstation of where they were going and a number to reach them if there was an emergency my parents were ready to leave."There's tator tots and pizza bagels in the freezer for when you guys get hungry!" I was hungry alright...but not for pizza on a bagel
As soon as my parents left, Christy looked at me and said, "So, what do you wanna do tonight? I don't wanna do anything that takes too much energy, I had softball practice today haha."
I didn't want to say Camp out right off the bat. I didn't want to give anything away that I wanted to be under her feet. So I casually said we should play nintendo.
You can play, and I'll watch you! I'm only good at Mario." She said.  I put in Ninja Gaiden to show off a little cause I could get pretty far, but after the second level I noticed she was playing with my sister. I was a little disappointed, and I wasn't sure how to make anything happen. I was pretty focused on the game when suddenly I felt a firm pressure on my back. Christy had her socked foot resting on my back and asked, "Heya, you hungry for some supper?"
"Sure" was all I could muster...I no longer cared how far I could get in the game....i didn't really want food either....all I knew was that I want to make something happen tonight with Christy's feet. After 20 minutes or so my sister and I went into the kitchen to eat.
"After supper do you guys wanna play Camp out?" !!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe she suggested it! Instantly I knew that her sister must have talked to her about what had happened last weekend. How much did she know?? Did her sister tell her how she smothered my face with her feet!?!?
"Yeah! That sounds like fun." I said.
"How about I be the object that has to change into the camping supplies?" I did not want her to be it! She looked over at me examining my reaction.
"Oh, but you haven't played before. I should be it tonight."
She responded with "How bout we flip for it?" She grabbed a playing card and said, "Face side I'm it, back side you're it." And flipped it up in the air and to my dismay it landed with the queen's face showing!
"Please let me be it!" I pleaded with her.
"You really want it that bad, huh?" Her pleasent smile turned into a bit more of an evil smile. She nodded her head in affermation and said, "alright, but then you have to be the rug!" She had to have known! She was just toying with me, but I tried to pretend that I didn't really wanna be on the floor. I layed next to the couch...but on my stomach. Christy walked over and turned the TV on to TGIF and Catie sat on the couch. I heard Christy laugh a little and say, "Amber said you were tough" as she stepped on my back as she sat on the couch. Ahhhh I was loving life at this point. She placed her feet firmly on my back as she and Catie started watching Boy Meets World. "You can't see the TV very well on your stomach, why don't you roll over??" She nudged my sides and pushed me with her feet to roll over. She pushed down on my chest and said, "Much better! My feet are kinda sore from practice" She started rubbing them hard back and forth across my chest. She did this for a solid 5-10 minutes without looking at me or even acknoledging I was there. After the show was over Sabrina the Teenage
Witch came on. She tapped her left foot on my cheek and said, "Can you rub my feet for me?? It would really make me happy." How could I say no!? I grabbed her right foot and started to rub(I had never done this before) and she said, "No no, take my socks off first, silly!"  She was being so playfully demanding about it all. I took both of her socks off slowly and she said, "Don't worry, I washed them after practice for you haha." My mind was racing!! This girl had planned on doing this way before she ever came over! They were a little more in tone than Ambers, and her toenails were painted red! I could feel they were a little firmer than Amber's because she played sports, but they weren't calloused at all. She put her left foot under my chin, "Oh, your neck IS warm" she said with a smile. I rubbed slowly across the soles of her right foot and I could tell she was enjoying it because her left foot was rubbing firmly across my neck!! She pulled her right foot out of hands and pushed down on my neck and put her left foot across my face. She did all this while watching TV, and my sister didn't see anything. She ran her toes lightly across my cheek and stopped with her big toe on my lips. She started to push down, and I resisted a little, but she wiggled back and for an pushed her toe between my lips and on to my teeth. I heard her giggle, but I wasn't sure if it was because of the show or not. I lightly licked her toe with the tip of my tongue and she giggled again! She lifted her foot up and lowered it slowly back to my lips. "Do it again" she commanded. I was still pretty timid so I lightly licked the bottom of her toe again. She made a half laugh half moan sound, and moved her other foot to my face. "This is a nice massage for my feet! Amber was right, you are really durable!! haha" She did this for another hour and a half, and didn't say much else. It really was one of the greatest experiences of my life! She saw my parents car pull into the driveway and got up off the couch. She looked down at me and said, "Chris this was a whole lot of fun" she lifted her right foot and stepped down on my chest. "I can't wait to come and watch you again!" She transfered all her weight onto my little body!! She stepped off of me and said, "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone you like to be our rug!"

This is a picture I found that I think her feet looked like.
On at least 10 other occations either her or her sister came to watch us, and everytime it was the same routine....we didn't call it "Camp out" anymore, but a few times at church they would mention camp out in a sentence near me and look over at me to see my face blush! Ahhhh I miss those girls!
great stories, my friend. I already miss them too. Pls tell more stories
Amazing, please tell us more.


Damn sure wish I had baby sitters like that
Damn sure wish my mom and dad would have gone out and got a baby sitter like them for me
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iConfess: A shower that turned me into a ‘lesbian’
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