Leave It To Beaver Spanking

Leave It To Beaver Spanking


Leave It To Beaver Spanking

Recently I saw a Leave It to Beaver" episode on TV-Land. 
The Beaver's new bike is stolen and as always, everything is resolved
by talk. Well, not everyone believes in that newfangled idea:
Use the rod; spoil the child. This is a sequel that many
of us would like to see which returns to basics. Ward's father,
Gramps, was deceased in the series; although in my fictional reality,
he is not. The other characters belong to the show which I have
shamelessly appropriated under the "parody" exception to copyright.

The following story is fiction. It contain scenes of spanking. 
If such a subject is offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor
(i. e., child) please leave now. This work is copyright by the author
and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal/private
copies are permitted only if complete including the copyright notice.

The author would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including
constructive criticism, and suggestions.

"The bike shop called this afternoon, Beaver. Your bike will
be ready in the morning."

"Great, dad." said The Beaver with great effusiveness, "Can we pick
it up and register it?"

"I don't know if the office is open on Saturday?" replied Ward.

"It was when we registered your bike, son." said Gramps.

"Steve registered his a few weeks ago, dad, on a Saturday." injected
Wally, ever helpful.

"OK, Beave, we'll do it in the morning."

"Great! I don't want to be illegal again." beamed the Beave.

"Illegal?" asked Gramps. Then the whole story came out. 
How the bike was stolen and when the policeman was there to take the
report it turned out that they had not registered the bike and did
not even have the serial number. Gramps was most interested
in the failing of his son to register the bike. He remembered
when Ward was sixteen and got a fancy new bike. He was suppose
to register it but did not until he got a ticket. He remembered
what ensued. "Ward, do you remember your three-speed bike when
you were sixteen?"

Ward smiled as he thought back to those old days a half life ago. 
"Yes, dad, it was the greatest. I could really go with that
one; I seem to fly! It was so much faster that the old mono-speed
one with its heavy frame and fat wheels." Ward liked to talk
about his past for he though it helped him get closer to his own boys.

The boys started to ask questions but Gramps did not let Ward respond
for he asked another question: "That was when it was not locked up
in the garage for the second week. Remember that, son? 
More important, do you remember why?"

Ward still smiled but with less of a twinkle in his eyes. He
did remember but he wished that he hadn't. "That was a long
time ago, dad." Ward did not want to talk about that part of
his past, particularly in front of his sons.

Gramps persisted and Ward was forced to tell that he had failed to
register the bike (as he had promised) and had gotten a ticket. 
Then for ridding an unregistered bike he got a spanking. Also,
for not keeping his word a strapping also. One of the results
of that was that he promised never, ever to put off registering a
bike again. "It seems that you hadn't learnt your lesson then
Ward." Gramps declared definitively.

Wally and The Beaver were not sure what to make of all this. 
Even though they never got spanked, they knew that the father had
been when he was kid. The conversation was sure working towards
some punishment for each of them had had extremely similar conversations
with their father when they had transgressed.

Then it happened. The two boys would never have imagined such
a thing. Gramps stepped into the hall just outside the dinning

"No backtalk Ward or you'll get double !" Gramps just
loved that line.

Slowly Ward approached his father while his sons, frozen in shock,
watched. He slowly approached his father, slipped the belt from
his trousers and handed it to his father.

Ward opened his trousers and they fell to his ankles. He bent

Ward straighten up, dropped his underwear and resumed the position. 
Gramps doubled the belt and raised it. Then he brought it down
on his son's bare butt.

Ward flinched and bit his tongue to try not to cry out. Both
Wally and The Beaver had saucer eyes. Their father was getting
strapped by his father, their grandfather. Strapped on his bare
ass right in front of them. Gramps was angry at his son for
forgetting his promise even after more than twenty years. The
belt spoke of that wrath again and again.


Then Wald lost his resolve not to cry out. He slipped back into
the mind set of a youth being strapped by his father. When he
was sixteen he yelled and cried. Now, almost forty, he was about
to do the same. He could not help himself. He succumbed to the
pain and the dam broke.


Ward was crying. Gramps continued for a few more blows and then
he stopped. Ward thought that it was over, but not quite. 
"Into the corner, boy." ordered Gramps. Ward, with tears still 
dripping, stood up and found the corner. He knew the rules:
no rubbing, hands on head and no talking -- just stand with his bright
red butt showing for everyone to admire. This time he had a
brand new audience -- his own two sons.

After what seem to be an eternity to Ward but was really only a half
hour, Gramps sent Ward to bed. Shortly after the boys said goodnight
to Gramps and went to bed also. Gramps said goodbye to June
and left.

A little latter The Beaver was having one of his talks with his all-knowing,
albeit very confused, big brother.

"We'll be good." the boys promised him for the umteenth time.

It was the next day that the accident happened. June's mother
was seriously, possibility critically, injured in an accident and
June had to go to her in the hospital back in their home town. 
Gramps was available to "babysit" the boys and his housekeeper would
take care of the domestic chores. She left on the 9:28 train
with the earnest promise from the boys that they would be good and
mind their grandpa. Gramps assured her that all would be fine;
after all he raised Ward OK.

Wally and The Beaver quickly learnt that Gramps was a very different
sort of parent than they were use to. He watched them very closely
and even inspected their homework daily. They had a strict curfew
-- 6:00 for dinner (so that the housekeeper could leave early) and
then had to do homework until bedtime. On Wednesday, like he
frequently did, The Beaver stayed at his friend's house for dinner
but forgot to call. Since Wally was at a friends house for dinner
and to work on a school project he could not explain that to Gramps. 
When The Beaver returned at 8:00 Gramps was quite upset. The
Beaver's casual attitude was not helpful. A humble apology might
have saved him but stating that it was a normal thing sealed his fate.

"Go do your homework, Theodor." a fuming Gramps ordered. "I'll
see you later."

As usual, Gramps came in a few minutes before lights out to check
their homework, but this night he came a little earlier. After
that parental task, he turned The Beaver's desk chair around and sat
down. With Theodor standing in front of him, he delivered a
long lecture on responsibility and consideration for others. 
Then The Beaver heard something he had never heard before. "So
that you won't forget, I'm going to spank you."

The Beaver was stunned and so was Wally who was already in bed. 
He had never even been threaten with a spanking before. Gramps
pulled his pj bottom down and pulled him across his lap. Gramps
got a firm hold on the boy's waist and patted his bottom. Then
he raised his hand and brought it down hard on the lad's bottom.

The Beaver yelped. This was a new and unfamiliar sensation.


Then Gramps continued with hard rapid SPANKS for five minutes.


Before he was half though, The Beaver was crying. When Gramps
stopped he directed The Beaver to get into his bed. He turned
the light out as he left the room.

The Beaver cried for a while. Eventually Wally got up the courage
to comfort him. "It could have been worse, Beave; he could have
used his belt like he did on dad."

The gang went to the park to play ball until dusk all leaving their
homework for the rain days. As they walked home from the park,
Wally and Eddie were playing catch with the baseball. One disaster
they might have avoided, but four was just too much. First,
Gramps was outside looking for him as he was late. Second, they
were in the street and Eddie had to jump aside to avoid getting hit
by car passing with its brakes screeching. Third, Wally threw
the ball hard. It flew right by Eddie, now out of position. 
It flew right by Gramps. It flew right through a front
window shattering the glass.

" WALLACE CLEAVER get in the house immediately! " roared Gramps. 
Wally ran inside. Eddie dashed the other way taking his slick
manners with him.

"Clean that mess up, Wallace, and don't cut yourself." snapped Gramps
as he picked up the hardball. Wally did as he was told realizing
that he had best be quiet. What Wally did not notice was that
Gramps was calling Eddy's parents. They had dinner immediately
for he had come home late. After the main course was served,
Gramps told his housekeeper that she could leave. Wallace would
do the dishes because he was late.

Inwardly, Wally sighed with relief. Although doing dishes was
not his idea of fun, it sure was better than being punished in many
other ways. Then he discovered that he was to serve the dessert
-- some scrumptious cake -- but there were only two portions -- one
for Gramps and one for The Beaver. He got the message. 
Well, no dessert and doing dishes was not so bad.

It was after he had finished the dishes, taped some cardboard over
the damaged window and taken out the garbage that Gramps started that
he was going to have a "little talk" but they would wait until Edward
came.  Gramps was about to explain, when the bell rang.

Eddy was his usual super polite obnoxious self. "Good evening,
Mr. Cleaver. My mother said that you had something special for
Wallace and me and that I was to share it equally. Hi, Wally;
Theodor. She also expressed her appreciation for your help in
this matter since my father is away."

"Yes, Edward. Sit next to Wallace on the couch."

"You two have done several things wrong, Wallace and Edward. 
Do you know what they are?"

Wally hesitated a minute and admitted to breaking a window and being

"Excuse me, Sir, but I did not break a window nor was I late."

"That's true Edward but you and Wallace were doing something very
dangerous -- playing in the street and in a very careless manner. 
You were almost run down right in front of here." Then he asked
what might be a fair punishment.

Wally was trapped and Eddy did not know where this was all leading. 
Wally's brother had been spanked for being late just two day earlier. 
"I guess that I should have to pay for the window and be spanked like
The Bea... er, Theodor was." Eddy had not known that The Beaver
had been spanked.

"Yes, Wallace, definitely spanked for being late but also STRAPPED
for playing in the street with traffic which is very, very dangerous. 
Fortunately, only the window was hurt and not you or friend. 
That, Edward, is what I have special for Wallace that your mother
said for you to 'share'."

Eddy was shocked. He had never been even been spanked and now
he was about to be strapped by his best friend's grandfather and with
two witnesses. Eddy could only stutter.

"Your mother said you can get your due now with Wallace or you can
wait until your father returns and get it double."

"Wallace, give me your belt and get into position, lad." Wally
vividly remembered what Gramps had done to his father a few weeks
earlier. He slowly slipped the belt out of his pants and took
up a position near the hall. Then he dropped his pants and briefs. 
"You're going to get one for every year and I want you to count them."
stated Gramps as he took his position.

After the unfamiliar pain stimulated yelp, Wally managed a weak "One". 
The Beaver was watching and he winced in sympathy. Eddy watched
in horror.

WHACK!! "Three." WHACK!! WHACK!!

Wally was confused for he realized that he was getting a hard-on by
the time WHACK!! he said: "Six."

Wally could also feel the tears building up but he managed not to
cry until WHACK!! he said: "Ten."

WHACK!! "Twelve." By now he was bawling.

Wally straightened up and Eddy was in a daze. "Edward, get into
position." Gramps said in a commanding voice worthy of a Marine DI. 
Slowly, Edward walked forward and took Wally's place. Three
pairs of eyes were on him as he dropped his pants and briefs. 
Slowly he bent over and Gramps said: "You know the drill, lad."

WHACK!! Eddy howled like a banshee and squeaked out a
week: "One."

Eddy was like a crying banshee as he tried to count "four".


Eddy missed counting stroke nine so Gramps repeated it.

WHACK!! "Nine" he said -- sorta through his bawling.

WHACK!! WHACK!! WHACK!! WHACK!! "Thirteen."

"Each of you go stand in a corner." ordered Gramps. They did
as they were told. As they stood there, their tear rates diminished. 
Both youths remained very hard.

The Beaver was all eyes as he watched this. His great big brother
and obnoxious buddy were getting strapped on their bare bottoms by
his grandpa. He was confused that he found this so exciting. 
Apparently Wally and Eddy did also for even though they was crying
like a babies, they were hard. He wondered why his own equipment
was tingling.

He continued to stare at Wally, who was always so strong, and Eddy
standing in the corners with their freshly strapped asses hanging
out and glowing red and crying. "Have you finished your homework
yet, Theodor?" Gramps asked quietly. The Beaver took the
hint and went to his room.

A few minutes latter, Gramps came in. Not surprisingly he pulled
out the desk chair and called Wallace over.  "It time for
your spanking for being late, Wallace." Wally let himself be
guided into position just as The Beaver had done two nights ago. 
He took a firm grip and patted the naughty boy's already hot bottom. 
Wally winced for he knew that this was going to hurt. He clenched
his teeth in the hope that he would not yell as he did with the strap. 
He was very aware that his little brother was watching.

"SLAP!!" Gramps laid on the first spank real hard. 
It took all of Wally's will power not to yell out. As spank
after spank crashed down on his butt checks, he managed not to yell
but could not help but to cry. Eventually, Gramps stopped and
both boys got into bed and Gramps said goodnight and put out the light.

The Beaver wanted to know which hurt more -- the belt or Gramps's
hand. Wally refused to answer as he sobbed himself to sleep.

In the morning Gramps took the boys to the hardware store to get a
replacement pane of glass and the other stuff needed. Then during
a break in the rain, they all replaced the glass. Wally arranged
to pay Gramps in three weekly instalments for the materials after
he got his allowance.

After lunch, Gramps took the boys to the movies and then they picked
up Ward. Gramps never said anything about the window or any
of the spankings.

Your comments are appreciated.
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Published September 13, 2019 5:00am EDT

Stephanie Nolasco | Fox News
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As a child, Tony Dow helped capture the innocence of America as Wally Cleaver in “Leave It to Beaver” — and it still continues to captivate audiences nearly 60 years since the show ended.
“Leave It to Beaver,” which aired from 1957 until 1963, chronicled the misadventures of a suburban boy, along with his family and friends. It starred Jerry Mathers , Barbara Billingsley , Hugh Beaumont and Ken Osmond , among others.
But after starring in the feel-good family sitcom, Dow kept busy in Hollywood making guest appearances on a variety of TV shows. Then in the ‘80s, he launched a career in directing and producing that continued for 20 years. It was the early 2000’s when the now-74-year-old began pursuing his childhood love of art and created designs produced from burlwood.
One of Dow’s sculptures was later chosen for an exhibition in Paris. Today, the proud husband and grandfather resides in the Santa Monica Mountains of Southern California where he continues to create sculptures.
Dow spoke to Fox News about his years as a child star, why he returned to playing Wally decades later, as well as why he wasn’t allowed to watch “Leave It to Beaver" while filming the series.
Fox News: How were you discovered at age 11? Tony Dow: I was a swimmer back then and a pretty good one. I was a junior diving champion and held a national record at nine. I was working out at the Hollywood athletic club and there was a lifeguard there who was an actor. He told my mom, “I’m going to this interview for a show where they’re looking for a father and son. Can Tony go with me because we kind of look alike?” He figured maybe that was the only way to get it.
I put on my blue suit and went in. I didn’t know what was going on. But everything was new and interesting. And I was with him so I felt at ease. However, I ended up getting the part and he didn’t, so that was unfortunate. The show was called “Johnny Wildlife” and it would’ve been the first color series on television about a wildlife photographer and his son. It was way ahead of its time.
The pilots we did dealt with Japan going over the quotas of hunted whales and a company dumping toxic waste into the ocean… But it didn’t work out because the stock footage they were using couldn’t be duplicated. But there was another show called “Wally and The Beaver.” That made the cut. It was later renamed to “Leave It to Beaver.”
Fox News: What was it like working on television at such a young age? Dow: I don't have any other recollections of doing anything else. It was my life, you know? I got up in the morning, had breakfast and went to work. My mom would drive me to work. I would study my lines while on
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