Naked At School Stories

Naked At School Stories


Naked At School Stories
So I was in class 9 and not a bit interested in studies, I failed in my quarterly exams “the paper was quite easy and rest all of class passed, your child is a duffer” – this is what my maths school teacher informed my parents.
Quite worried about my future, my parents approached my maths tution teacher and asked him to give extra focus on me. “Laato ke bhoot baato se ni mante” – h e replied and further said to my parents that my marks will be his responsibility provided they allow him to deal with me in his ‘own manner’ to which my parents agreed and from that day no class of my tution passed without a good beating.

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The education system in our country has been questioned a multiple times. A wise woman once told me that technology has come so far that you have to be updated with new changes every few years. But as for our books and courses, we are almost studying the same thing we were studying 25 years ago!
And it is one of the biggest reasons that a college/school graduate starts his life and finds his passion after he is done with studies. While teaching is a very respectable profession, teachers in the past have resorted to brutal ways of teaching lessons.
He always used to threaten the class “paroge nahi to nanga karke maarunga” (if you will not study, i will strip you naked and beat you)- something which I earlier believed was just a senseless threat.
But finally when i refused to study in spite of all beatings he finally one day said to me “chal nanga ho ja”(come on! get naked). I first took it as a joke but then soon i was forced to pull down my jeans and I thought it is what he meant by ‘nanga’ but then I was asked to remove my underwear to which I resisted a lot and started crying, but he was adamant and so finally after a struggle of five minutes he managed to forcefully pull my undie down with the help of some front sitters and further made me to put my hands on my ears.
So it was first time when I was in my own senses and my willy was exposed in front of all(nearly 40 pupil) to see and I couldn’t do anything about it apart from crying. I was humiliated to the very core and it was a time when I felt like to run away but I couldn’t.
My teacher totally unconcerned of my situation tried to set me as example and it was announced loud and clear that if anyone will not study, he will find him standing in the same state. In order to humiliate me more, he made me to agree that I was getting punishment which I actually deserved a nd did further restrained me from putting my eyes down and said I should face my audience while standing in same state because that is my true punishment.
So after standing in that state for nearly 30- 40 minutes of shameful exposure, I was allowed to wear my clothes and the punishment ended.
But that punishment did actually changed my life. From that day onward Ii studied, not for my own future but to live a life of respect. The eyes of my mates staring at my penis pinched me and I wanted those eyes to see me with respect , I wanted to laugh at those people whom I have seen that day laughing secretly on seeing me naked and this what made me to take study as a challenge..
I studied.. studied and finally I was made to secure a top 100 rank in JEE and finally I see today in final year of IIT Delhi (the most prestigious Indian institute). 
I have the utmost respect for all the teachers in the world. They are raising the future of our generation. But I fail to understand the beating, humiliation and verbal abuse that is used to teach kids a lesson.

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The Naked in School (NIS) story series is a series of erotic stories in which schools require select individuals to attend school nude for one week. Although I know that could not truly occur at this point in time, I would like to know what your responses would be if it could. This poll is adult in nature and deals with nudity and sexual situations. Go away if this offends you.
Age and Gender of all children in household including yourself (mark as many as needed)
In the original (there have been some changes over time) NIS storyline, one male and one female student from each high school grade was required to be completely nude for one week. The students were picked at random for every week of the school year. Would you like to see a similar plan instituted at your school (or your children's school)? NOTE: If you answer "No" - you may as well leave now - the whole poll is based on instituting this plan.
The nude students were also required to attend all school related activities in the nude, including those occuring off campus or after normal school hours. Is this acceptable?

No - they should not have to go off campus nude

No - they should not have to remain nude for after school activities

Nude students were permitted to come to school dressed and required to disrobe upon entering the building (or sometimes right outside the building). Is this acceptable?

No. They should be required to leave home nude regardless of how they travel to get to school.

No. They should be required to disrobe as soon as they got on school owned property - so those who rode school buses must ride nude.

No. They should be undressed by other students at their first period class.

No. They should be required to undress each morning in front of all students at an daily early morning assembly.

Nude students were required to use the opposit sex restrooms and locker rooms including showers after PE. Is this acceptable?

Yes. As long as there was adult supervision.

Yes. Even without adult supervision.

No. They should use their own restrooms and locker rooms.

No. They should use special toilets and showers placed out in the open so that all can see.

At the beginning of each class period, nude students could ask the teacher for sexual relief. The student would go to the front of the class and pick another student to come forward and masturbate him or her to orgasm. This was due to the recognition that the student may become so sexually aroused that he/she could not concentrate on lessons. Is this acceptable?

Yes. The student should be able to pick the person who will masturbate him or her if needed.

Yes. But the teacher should pick the student that will relieve the nude participant.

Yes. But the student should be picked at random.

Yes. But "relief" should be mandatory - meaning each nude student will be masturbated to orgasm at the beginning of each period.

Yes. But the student must masturbate himself or herself without other student help.

No. The nude student should not be permitted to orgasm during the day.

In most of the NIS stories, the "relief" was restricted to masturbation. Is that acceptable?

No. Should include oral stimulation.

In the NIS stories, the "relief" was always heterosexual in nature. Should "relief" include same sex individuals?

Yes. Regardless of the sexual orientation of the participants. This is supposed to be educational.

Yes. But only if the nude participant requests it.

Yes. But only if both nude participant and the "relief" provider agree.

No. It should be restricted to heterosexual activity only.

In the NIS stories, nude participants were expected to provide "reasonable" access of their body to other students, teachers, and administrators. This generally meant they could be felt up and groped while walking around campus. Is this acceptable?

No. They should be treated like any other student. Nudity does not imply sexual consent.

Yes. Students and teachers should be able to touch them whenever and wherever they are unless it prevents them from doing a required activity.

Yes. Students and teachers should be able to touch them whenever and wherever they are, even if it prevents them from fulfilling their school responsibilities.

Should this "reasonable" acces of their bodies to other students be limited to touching or should it include other sexual activites?

It should not include any sexual activity at all. Nudity does not imply sexual consent

It should be limited only to touching.

It should include orally stimulating the nude participant.

It should include requiring the nude participant to orally stimulate the student or teacher.

It should include sexual intercourse at the request of the nude participant.

It should include sexual intercourse regardless of the permission of the nude participant.

Should nude participants be required to perform special activities as needed depending on the subject being studied? For example - the obvious use of a student's body when studying biology or anatomy.

No. They should be treated exactly the same as if they were dressed.

Yes. But only if it advances the subject being studied.

Yes. But only if it advances the subject being studied or to do various classroom related activities at the front of the class (handing out papers, putting work on the chalkboard, etc).

Yes. The teacher may use the student in whatever way he or she desires regardless of what the subject matter may be.

In the NIS storyline, schools only chose one male and one female from each grade each week. This meant that there were nude participants all year long, but depending on the size of the school, the majority of the students would never be required to participate. Is that acceptable?

Yes. The purpose is to teach body acceptance and respect, not require total participation.

No. This is a valuable part of each student's education. The number of participants should be calculated to insure that each student participates at least once during his or her four years of high school.

No. This is a valuable part of each student's education. The number of participants should be calculated to insure that each student participates at least once during the school year.

In the NIS storyline, the nude participants invariably ended up being nude at home. Should this be required or left up to the individual families?

It should be up to the individual families whether participants are required to be nude at home.

Nude participants should be required to be nude at home as well as at school.

Nude participants should be required to be nude all day every day for the entire week including weekends no matter what they are doing.

Entire families should be required to participate whenever a child is participating - so the entire family must remain nude all week.

In most of the NIS stories, the program was only for high school students (grades 9-12). Should the program be instituted for younger children as well?

No. It should only be for high school students.

It should include middle or junior high students as well.

It should include all grades all the way down to kindergarten.

If you stated that the program should extend to younger children, does that include the sexual aspects as well or just the nudity?

I do not think it should extend to younger children.

It should only include the nudity. Nudity does not imply sexuality.

It can include touching, but nothing further.

It should include all aspects of the program.

Should the city relax its nudity laws to permit participants to be nude off campus during non-school related activities?

No. This is a school program and should be restricted to school related activites.

Yes. Nude participants should be permitted to continue the program while off campus.

Yes. The nudity laws should be removed so that even students (and adults) not involved in the program are permitted to be nude. It would be impossible for city officials to know who is a valid participant anyway.

If the city relaxes its laws regarding public nudity, does it keep the same rules as the NIS program regarding sexual contact?

The city should not relax its laws regarding public nudity.

No. Public nudity promotes the program, but sexual contact should not be permitted off of school property.

Yes. The city should modify it's laws to include every aspect of the NIS program.

Should families be able to opt out of the system for religious or moral reasons?

Yes. No one should be forced to go against his or her religious beliefs.

No. This is educational for the children and should override individual beliefs.

Should families who home school their children be required to participate?

No. Home schooling is outside the school system and not subject to its programs.

Yes. This is education and should be required for all students regardless of whether they are homeschooled or not.

In the NIS program, at least one male and one female from every grade is nude throughout the year (and more depending on previous questions) but it changes each week. If home schools are required to participate, is each student required to participate for one week only - or is the home school required to have at least one participant for ever week of the school year (meaning in some cases that a student will be nude all year long)?

Home schools should not be part of the NIS program

Home schools should be part of the program, but a student should only participate for one week of the year.

Home schools should be part of the program and are required to have at least one participant of each gender for each grade being taught for every week of the school year, regardless of how many weeks the student must participate.

In most NIS stories, the faculty does not have to participate. Is that acceptable?

Yes. This is to educate the students and the faculty should not be part of the program.

No. At least one male and one female faculty member should participate each week.

No. At least one male and one famale faculty member from each grade should participate each week, regardless of how many times a faculty member must repeat a week.

No. Every faculty member must participate at least once during the school year.

If faculty members are required to participate, does that include all the sexual aspects as well?

No. Nudity does not imply sexuality.

No. Students should not be able to initiate sexual contact with teachers.

Yes. Faculty members are required to participate in every aspect of the program.

If faculty members are required to participate and home schools are also required to participate, does that mean that the mother, father, or both (depending on who teaches the children) in a home school are also required to participate?

No. Home schools should be excluded.

No. Home schools should not be excluded, but parents should not be required to participate.

Yes. If the parent teaches the children, he or she must participate for one week of the year.

Yes. If the parent teaches the children, he or she must participate - and since the program requires that a teacher particpate every week of the year, he or she must be nude for the entire school year.

Do you believe a program like this would me beneficial to the society and the children in particular?

Yes. It would improve body image and self esteem.

Yes. It would remove the needless taboos of society and promote a more open culture.

No. It would demean the beauty of the sexual experience by removing the mystery and emotional ties of intimacy.

Do you wish the school you now attend or you attended as a child had a similar program?

Additional comments. Or to discuss further please post on the forum or email me at

This poll was created on 2012-12-31 15:15:25
by TDP

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Nudity in public school physical activity classes
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"Willison H. Gormly" < > wrote: > > When I was growing up in the United States in the fifties and sixties I > only attended sexually segregated physical activity classes, except for > during the dancing unit. In 1978, Title IX went into effect. I was > surprised when an eighth-grade boy informed me that in his school boys and > girls were changing clothes and showering together. The law was vague until > the courts stated that in changing rooms and other places were nudity was > allowed, separate, but equal was acceptable. >
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> I am 33(male) and there was no co-ed nudity in my school either. In fact, its > hard for me to believe there was co-ed nudity anywhere. The male showers were > communal. The females had stalls with a small changing area outside them. We were > all required to take a shower but this was only sporadically enforced. We tended > to avoid the showers not because of an an aversion to nudity but because there > were no blow-dryers and we didn't want to go to our next class with a wet head. > Silly I know, but most of junior high was. > > wrote: >
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Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message wrote: > I am 33(male) and there was no co-ed nudity in my school either. In fact, its > hard for me to believe there was co-ed nudity anywhere. The male showers were > communal. The females had stalls with a small changing area outside them. We were > all required to take a shower b
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