Le Grand-Bornand buy cocaine

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Le Grand-Bornand buy cocaine

Registration's totally free, of course, and makes snowHeads easier to use and to understand, gives better searching, filtering etc. When you register, you get our free weekly -ish snow report by email. It's rather good and not made up by tourist offices or people that love the tourist office and want to marry it either We don't share your email address with anyone and we never send out any of those cheesy 'message from our partners' emails either. Anyway, snowHeads really is MUCH better when you're logged in - not least because you get to post your own messages complaining about things that annoy you like perhaps this banner which, incidentally, disappears when you log in Username:- Password:. Or: Register to be a proper snow-head, all official-like! Prev topic :: Next topic. Poster: A snowHead. Boys go to French school in Oregon. Would love to move to a family ski town for a year or two that is French speaking so kids could go to local schools, ski team, easy access to mountain, bakery, supermarket, bike or walk to things. We all love to ski backcountry as well as resort , hard terrain not all groomed , trail run, camp, be outside. Would love a fun learning adventure for growth and ski while kids are still small. I would like a smaller village but open to bigger, friendly to expat kids, my husband does not speak French but the rest of us do somewhat. Rather not too expensive if we can manage but open to any ideas! Where is a good place to find long term rentals? Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person. Briancon covers quite a few of those attributes. Maybe more town like than villagey but very much small town friendly vibe. Stayed there for a season about 20 odd years ago and got friendly with a franco-american couple though their children were younger than yours. Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see? You need to Login to know who's really who. St Gervais is worth a look. It's not high altitude but loads within reach, and it's a proper town. Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do. I'd say Briancon and Chamonix are the 2 towns that are fully year-round. Next best might be La Clusaz. If you want to stay in resort, I'd consider the Val d'Anniviers, or you could stay in one of the towns in the valley - e. Sion or Martigny. For long-term rental I'd start by contacting the local Agences Immobiliers. You'll need to Register first of course. Thx for the info! I rather be closer to slopes than big town like Sion. I really want to have quick access to slopes and outdoors easily. Even for a quick ski after school. Then you can post your own questions or snow reports Good luck. After all it is free. What about Chatel? Hour and a half or so from Geneva. You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net. Quote: Even for a quick ski after school That might be tricky - and in smaller places kids will be bussed to schools. Ski the Net with snowHeads. Another post-school option could be evening ski touring. Several resorts in Austria open up a slope or two once or twice a week, and it's worth checking if your preferred locations in France or Switzerland do similar. One of my daughters in law went to school in France. She describes having had lots of homework! But if the boys go to a French school, they are probably familiar with that. And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports. So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much. I have been in almost all larger and many smaller resorts in all the Alps from east Schladming AU to southwest Briancon. Your best bet, based on the requirements you mention: Briancon. Still very snowsure. You know it makes sense. Serre Chevalier is what immediately came to mind when reading your question. So I will go along with all the Briancon suggestions. Has the downhill, back country, xc and biathlon all covered for you. And retains a more french feel than some of the other ski resorts, but enough english that your husband won't be totally lost. Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:. Thank you all! Thank you for all the info. I appreciate the great info and experiences. If there is a local ski team, the kids will be able to get on hill while it is still open. I would not worry about that. No argument about Briancon. Serre Che is a great station. The clubs that friends and family have been n have been extremely competitive, so no guarantee of just arriving and joining. On the other hand, the niece and nephew do something called, iirc, Freeski in Chamonix. Which is pretty what it says on the tin, lots of off piste, etc. I don't know if it is what you are thinking of, but Apex , in Tignes? My wife was bilingual. We threw them in the local public schools and they were speaking French within a few months, my son faster than my daughter, who didn't say anything, really, in either language for 6 months. However, the French public schools can be an uncompromising environment. Just be careful that you are not expecting too much, or expecting touchy-feely hand holding. You may get it, you may not The one in our kids' primary school was a real prick. I don't know what level French they are at, but French kids learn to read a year later than Americans, typically it happens at age 6. But if they don't learn reading in French as well as the very structured handwriting and pronounciation, it could be a little rough for them. Our daughter had a particularly harsh teacher in grand section end of maternelle , while our son had a very patient and bilingual teacher in CP the first 'real' school grade. On the plus side, our son could read English when we moved here so that gave him a leg up on his classmates. If you can swing two years I would highly recommend it. If you can stick it out for 5 you can get citizenship. Worst case, if your kids are miserable and the local public school sucks, maybe find a bilingual private school. It probably won't get better I see you have dual EU citizenship, which will be a huge help. One more edit: We have an old farmhouse in Nancy sur Cluses across the A40 from the Grand Massif the ski station above Samoens that we are renovating, so we know the Giffre Valley quite well. Don't discount Samoens, although it is not cheap. The Giffre is amazing in summer, and Grand Massif is a pretty complete domaine, especially having Flaine at high altitude. You could also consider Les Carroz on the other side; it's a nice village and smaller than Samoens and Briancon. Samoens itself as you know is flat, and very walkable, and has everything you need, including a big grocery story. Cluses is just over the col de Chatillon and it also has everything you could ever need. Origen wrote: One of my daughters in law went to school in France. I once had an instructor from France. He always assigned so much homework the students could barely finish them. Well, he should have explained that at the beginning of the class rather than after the final exam! What is different than the U. Pasigal , personally I'd say putting non-French kids in a French public school could be considered as child abuse by parents. I'd say it worked out for us, but we are in Paris. It could be really rough in a different setting, or not Pasigal , your kids are out of school, or nearly, now so have probably escaped the current Marxist madness of bussing kids across town in the name of social mixing. It is telling that a lot of the civil servants in the education ministry have their kids in the private sector. We used to have a lot of Americans who came to our town for a couple of years as IBM had a chip plant here. The kids survived school but we're talking about small town schools with no serious bullying issues. I'm not sure it was a useful experience for the kids and I don't remember any of the kids being able to communicate well, or at all, in French at the end of it. One of them went on to be a US national champion skier though, so that's something. The OPs kids are in a French school, so may do better. I had a friend who lived in le Casset and it was really pleasant but a bit isolated. The sunshine thing is a bit over egged too. It is also quite isolated from France but Turin is not far. Bourg St Maurice is a similar kind of town, has decent rail connections and you can also live in one of the smaller satellite villages but as mentioned above some kids are being bussed long ways to school due to capacity issues. Don't imagine you'll just waltz into town and have the red carpet laid out. Some places they are keen to have new blood, say to save the village school, others, not so much. The OP clearly wants to be at altitude with doorstep skiing. Bear in mind you go to college at 11, which may some way away from the village. Eh, it's OK. I feel a little protective of Cluses because it has a lot of advantages in terms of location, setting etc but that also brought a lot of social problems. You can see the main runs down to Les carroz from the McDonald's at the end of town, so there's that Pasigal , I'm probably being a bit a lot? I think it is, but the whole valley from Bonneville to Cluses is really over-developed, full of small precision tool factories that are losing ground, and chock full of social housing and many of the ills that come with it. I grew up in a fading industrial city in the US so I sympathize with the government But it still lacks any decent restaurants or interesting commerce, although there's a UK mountaineering vendor that just opened their European HQ thanks, Brexit! Thinking again about the OP's question if they ever return to the topic I agree with Davidof that Briancon is a bit out on a spur and, while a great area, isn't exactly near any major airports or fast trains isn't the poky spur line from Gap the only way to get there by rail? The issue in Samoens might be finding suitable, affordable accommodation, but I wonder if there aren't any T3 apartments for let long term? If money were no object for me I would choose Chamonix but I can only imagine it would be costly Samoens has a college, for example. That's what a lot of our Paris visitors do if they don't take an overnight train via Gap. The current suspension of the service due to the landslide in the Maurienne won't last forever. Pasigal wrote: Cluses I didn't do as much as I would have liked last winter as I was looking for a new club. After a search, it seems to be this one, fifteen years old now! Paulio was in Annecy working for a games company but, from what he told me and memory, he didn't like the French work culture and thought the bosses were crooks. Verbier and put them in the International School there. I am not a fan of French school system and its old school approach. That would make the search much tougher. Annecy ought to be a good place to spend a year and I recall a positive story from there too but lacks direct access to skiing. New Topic Post Reply. Snow Snow Snow! Solo Skiers v Groups - Orga Archives Lost and Found Ski Club of Great Britain To one side secret Mountain Hideout snowShops You cannot post to forums until you login You cannot read some forums until you login Read about snow conditions : snow conditions And leave your own snow report : snow report Find advice to help plan your ski holidays : ski holidays The snowHeads Ski Club : Ski Club 2. Terms and conditions Privacy Policy. Snow Reports. French speaking ski village for a year. After all it is free After all it is free. So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much. Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name: Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:. Last edited by You need to Login to know who's really who. Last edited by Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do. Origen wrote:. Last edited by Ski the Net with snowHeads on Fri ; edited 5 times in total. Last edited by You know it makes sense. Pasigal wrote:.

French speaking ski village for a year.

Le Grand-Bornand buy cocaine

Preserved brain samples dating back to early 17th-century Milan have tested positive for cocaine , a team of Italian researchers has found, but it's not immediately clear how it got into their systems. The new study from the University of Milan sheds light on the historical spread of the highly addictive drug, previously understood to have emerged in Europe as recently as the s, and famously both used and promoted by prominent figures including psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. But as the August study's findings show, Freud may have been rather behind the times, by as much as nearly years. Researchers ran a battery of toxicological tests on specimens recovered from the Ospedale Maggiore , a Milanese hospital and church that operated throughout the s and maintained extensive burial chambers, known as the Ca'Granda crypt. Among the human remains interred in the complex's crypt, scientists examined nine brain samples, and in two of those nine samples, test results showed the presence of cocaine and some of its chemically related substances — a bewildering discovery, as none of the hospital's original records from the time mention the drug or its use. Cocaine draws it origin from the leaf of the Erythroxylum coca plant, a bush native to South America. For millennia, humans have used the plant for a variety of medicinal and religious purposes, including by chewing the leaves in a mixture with lime and roasted shells. Societies including the Inca Empire, and later Spanish colonialists, controlled the flow of coca crops for their effect on the body, described in the University of Milan study as holding 'the power to take away hunger and thirst, produced exhilarating effects, could be used as medicine … and induced a sense of well-being. But while the plant was recognized for its potent and lucrative qualities, researchers note that early coca exports across the Atlantic were extremely limited. At the time, Spain maintained a tight lid on information from the so-called 'New World,' making it near impossible for demand to spread in Europe. Moreover, shipments of fresh coca largely failed to survive the transatlantic journey, the study notes. In this Jan. It wouldn't be until the 19th century that modern forms of cocaine — hydrochloride salts chemically synthesized from coca plants — would emerge in medicine, and later recreational abuse. In the modern drug epidemic, cocaine, amphetamines or other stimulants were involved in roughly half of all accidental deaths from opioid toxicity in Canada between and , federal data shows, and a United Nations report from last year estimates that roughly half a million prior-year cocaine users reside in Canada. But with two Italian brain samples showing signs of cocaine exposure a century or more before the drug's widespread adoption in Europe, the story may prove more complicated than it once appeared. Besides what the study authors describe as disputed reports of cocaine in ancient Egyptian mummies, the Milanese cadavers represent the oldest known users of coca products outside of the Americas, where the plants have long been endemic. The researchers took pains to ensure there weren't interfering factors. The brain samples were handled in protected conditions or in their original crypt, which had been sealed since before modern times — safeguarding against environmental contamination. Further, detailed analysis of the samples showed trace amounts of hygrine, a substance associated with coca leaf use, but not modern cocaine salts — consistent with the researchers' timeline. Near as they can tell from the data, it would appear that the two Ospedale Maggiore patients had consumed the drug through chewing leaves or drinking a coca-leaf tea, likely in a single instance, and shortly before their deaths. As for why they'd consumed it, there are only educated guesses. The hospital's pharmacy archives don't note the introduction of cocaine until the late s, casting doubt on the idea that it was provided as a form of medicine. That said, the duchy of Milan was under Spanish rule during much of that period, and as a key coastal trade outlet, the city would have seen shipments from across the Atlantic, potentially including what historical accounts of the time describe as 'exotic' plants. According to the researchers' findings, available clues point to either recreational use, or as a productivity enhancer, just as the Spanish colonists used it in New-World mines and plantations, and as in much of modern cocaine abuse. This article has been updated to clarify the number of overdose deaths attributed to stimulants. Police have arrested a Toronto woman in connection with three recent homicides and investigators say that they believe two of the victims may have been 'randomly targeted. NDP House leader Peter Julian says there's more his party wants to do in Parliament before the next election, but if the current dysfunction continues it will become a factor in how they vote on a confidence measure. A Canadian man who is trapped in Lebanon with his family says they are anxiously waiting for seats on a flight out of the country, as a barrage of Israeli airstrikes continues. A teen charged with the murder of another teen on Prince Edward Island last year has pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of manslaughter. The jury tasked with determining if Canadian musician Jacob Hoggard sexually assaulted a young woman in northeastern Ontario eight years ago began deliberating Friday after nearly two weeks of testimony that saw the singer and his accuser give starkly different accounts of what happened. A northeastern Ontario jury has started deliberating in Canadian musician Jacob Hoggard's sexual assault trial, we can now tell you what they weren't allowed to hear. A judge ripped into a Colorado county clerk for her crimes and lies before sentencing her Thursday to nine years behind bars for a data-breach scheme spawned from the rampant false claims about voting machine fraud in the presidential race. A year-old Yazidi woman has been rescued from Gaza where she had been held captive by Hamas for years after being trafficked by ISIS. Canada's airlines have failed in their challenge of air passenger protection rules that the federal government implemented in At least two people are dead and others are injured after a fire ripped through a century-old building near Montreal's City Hall, sources told Noovo Info. It makes me very nervous and stressed out of nowhere for this huge debt to come in,' said Ligeng Guo. The federal Fisheries Department says it is concerned about a 'pattern' of violence and threats toward its enforcement officers after two tense incidents off southwestern Nova Scotia last month. A French judge in the trial of dozens of men accused of raping an unconscious woman whose now former husband had repeatedly drugged her so that he and others could assault her decided on Friday to allow the public to see some of the video recordings of the alleged rapes. The U. President Joe Biden had terse words for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday, and said he didn't know whether the Israeli leader was holding up a peace deal in order to influence the outcome of the U. Armed men belonging to the Gran Grif gang killed at least 70 people, including three infants, as they swept through a Haitian town shooting automatic rifles at residents, a spokesperson for the United Nations' Human Rights Office said on Friday. Israel carried out another series of punishing airstrikes Friday, hitting suburban Beirut and cutting off the main border crossing between Lebanon and Syria for tens of thousands of people fleeing the Israeli bombardment of the Hezbollah militant group. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to announce funding to support French-speaking African countries and initiatives to promote the French language in the Francophonie. When an Ontario doctor refused to sign off on a mammogram for year-old Sidra Lone, the mother of four says she was left with no choice but to lie. Staff at Saskatoon's Royal University Hospital are calling for systemic changes just two days after its emergency room was more than three times above its capacity. An Ontario child has died after coming in contact with a rabid bat, a health official confirmed on Wednesday. For humans, flashing a smile is an easy way to avoid misunderstanding. And, according to a new study, bottlenose dolphins may use a similar tactic while playing with each other. Alphabet's Google is testing showing check marks next to certain companies on its search results, a company spokesperson said on Friday, in a move aimed at helping users identify verified sources and steer clear of fake websites. A hacking group tied to Russian intelligence tried to worm its way into the systems of dozens of western think tanks, journalists and former military and intelligence officials, Microsoft and U. Legendary singer Paul Simon has said he is 'optimistic' about being able to return to performing live after losing most of his hearing in his left ear. A painting discovered by a junk dealer in the basement of an Italian villa six decades ago is actually the work of Pablo Picasso and could sell for millions, according to experts. The Competition Bureau says it's obtained a court order as part of an investigation into potential anti-competitive conduct by the Canadian Real Estate Association. The Vatican Bank has fired two employees whose recent wedding violates a newly-introduced ban on marriages between staff. A five-seat sushi counter located inside another restaurant is the latest Vancouver eatery to receive a Michelin star. Toilet paper shortages in stores across America are giving folks nightmarish reminders of the pandemic era. They've all been named among the world's most beautiful sports venues for The claim to Shohei Ohtani's potentially lucrative 50th home run ball grew more complicated this week, with a second fan filing a lawsuit asserting he had possession of the historic baseball. Tesla is recalling more than 27, Cybertrucks because the rearview camera image may not activate immediately after shifting into reverse, the fifth recall for the vehicle since it went on sale late last year. A Pickering, Ont. A group of classic car enthusiasts donated hundreds of blankets to nursing homes in Nova Scotia. Chantal Kreviazuk is set to return to Winnipeg to mark a major milestone in her illustrious musical career. From the beaches of Cannes to the bustling streets of New York City, a new film by a trio of Manitoba directors has toured the international film festival circuit to much pomp and circumstance. A husband and wife have been on the road trip of a lifetime and have decided to stop in Saskatchewan for the winter. The grave of a previously unknown Canadian soldier has been identified as a man from Hayfield, Man. Moving into the second week of October, the eastern half of Canada can expect some brisker fall air to break down from the north. He was years old. New data from Greater Vancouver and the Fraser Valley shows a surge in supply and drop in demand in the region's historically hot real estate market. NDP Leader David Eby is vowing to raise British Columbia's speculation and vacancy tax on empty homes if re-elected premier this month. One day after a man was stabbed to death in East Vancouver, a year-old woman has been charged with murder. A Vancouver tenant is at war with his former landlord over what he calls an exorbitant charge for bent blinds. A year-old man who was charged with attempted murder in the shooting of a Toronto police officer this week was out on bail at the time of the alleged offence, court documents obtained by CTV News Toronto show. Police forces in the Toronto area have stepped up their presence in Jewish and Muslim communities as the one-year anniversary of the deadly Oct. McMahon' documentary series, which she says inaccurately portrays her husband's death as an accident. Authorities say two Calgarians were arrested and charged in 'a complex scheme' involving stolen vehicles. The owner of a Gatineau, Que. Raise your glass and make a toast to a new Distillery in eastern Ontario. This is the second location for the company, who has an existing operation in Gatineau. After 25 years, Rev. Anthony Bailey has retired as the coordinating minister of Parkdale United Church. A farewell event to celebrate Rev. Public transport users who regularly use Fabre, d'Iberville and Saint-Michel stations on the Montreal metro's blue line will have to be patient, as the emergency closure of the three stations announced on Thursday evening could stretch out over 'a few days, or even a few weeks. A year-old man is facing theft and break-in charges in connection to a vandalism incident at the Fredericton Public Library that caused tens of thousands of dollars of damages over the weekend. Police say a year-old boy has died after an assault outside a northern Manitoba home. The Opposition Tories introduced a motion to get the justice system to take another look at the case of Jordyn Reimer. Saskatchewan Party Leader Scott Moe says if re-elected, his government would introduce a Saskatchewan Home Renovation Tax Credit aimed at making renovations more affordable. Indigenous leaders say two staff at a Saskatchewan courthouse were told to go home and take off the orange shirts they wore for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Waterloo Regional Police have laid charges after a car crashed into the side of a Kitchener home at a. Two serious crashes shut down Highway early Friday morning in Puslinch, Ont. Saskatoon police arrested a homeless person at the scene of an encampment underneath the University Bridge on Friday morning. An outfitter in Kenora, Ont. According to police, officers responded to the block of Tennent Avenue for a, 'report of a possible stabbing' around 9 p. Police in Barrie allegedly seized a semi-automatic pistol and drugs during an overnight investigation that resulted in the arrest of three men downtown. The Ministry of Labour is investigating a workplace incident that claimed the lives of two people in Georgian Bluffs, south of Owen Sound. A Midland woman is facing several charges after police say she bit an officer while being arrested for an alleged armed confrontation. A London, Ont. Windsor fire has named its new fire chief, effective on Jan. Politicians are continuing to promote their promises across British Columbia as the provincial election campaign nears its midway point. One person is dead after a floatplane carrying three people crashed Wednesday evening in a remote inlet on British Columbia's central coast. Three young suspects have been arrested in connection with a swarming attack on a teenager in B. A father in Kelowna is furious after his year-old daughter was brutally beaten on Gyro Beach. He is calling for criminal charges in the devastating attack, which was caught on video by multiple bystanders. The officer who shot and killed a forcible confinement suspect in Kamloops two years ago was justified in doing so, according to the Independent Investigations Office of B. WestJet has changed its operations at the Lethbridge Airport, and it means there's now only a single daily flight from Lethbridge to Calgary, down from three flights a day, as offered previously. Archie's Exotic Pet Rescue has been open about six years and, like many other animal rescues, it has seen a surge in surrenders. A suspect who accused Thunder Bay police of being responsible for his throat injury actually hurt himself when he swallowed a large amount of drugs. He may not have logged the fastest time or even gone the full distance, but residents of a Newfoundland town agree the goat who unexpectedly joined the local weekend half marathon was the event's undisputed champion. A soccer game in England on Tuesday night drove a spike in online traffic across the Atlantic to a website launched by the Newfoundland and Labrador government. We may earn a commission when you use our links to shop. Read about us. Skip to main content. Search CTVNews. It would appear there's a pair of Baroque-era Italian mummies with some explaining to do. Archaeo-toxicology Besides what the study authors describe as disputed reports of cocaine in ancient Egyptian mummies, the Milanese cadavers represent the oldest known users of coca products outside of the Americas, where the plants have long been endemic. Follow the CTV News channel on WhatsApp That said, the duchy of Milan was under Spanish rule during much of that period, and as a key coastal trade outlet, the city would have seen shipments from across the Atlantic, potentially including what historical accounts of the time describe as 'exotic' plants. Correction This article has been updated to clarify the number of overdose deaths attributed to stimulants. Police arrest Toronto woman in connection with three recent homicides Police have arrested a Toronto woman in connection with three recent homicides and investigators say that they believe two of the victims may have been 'randomly targeted. NDP house leader says House dysfunction will be a factor in future confidence votes NDP House leader Peter Julian says there's more his party wants to do in Parliament before the next election, but if the current dysfunction continues it will become a factor in how they vote on a confidence measure. Canadian family stuck in Lebanon anxiously awaits flight options amid Israeli strikes A Canadian man who is trapped in Lebanon with his family says they are anxiously waiting for seats on a flight out of the country, as a barrage of Israeli airstrikes continues. Youth pleads guilty to manslaughter in death of P. Former Colorado county clerk Tina Peters sentenced to 9 years for voting data scheme A judge ripped into a Colorado county clerk for her crimes and lies before sentencing her Thursday to nine years behind bars for a data-breach scheme spawned from the rampant false claims about voting machine fraud in the presidential race. Airlines' challenge of Canada's passenger protection rules rejected by Supreme Court Canada's airlines have failed in their challenge of air passenger protection rules that the federal government implemented in A French judge in a shocking rape case allows the public to see some of the video evidence A French judge in the trial of dozens of men accused of raping an unconscious woman whose now former husband had repeatedly drugged her so that he and others could assault her decided on Friday to allow the public to see some of the video recordings of the alleged rapes. Biden says he doesn't know whether Israel is holding up peace deal to influence US election President Joe Biden had terse words for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday, and said he didn't know whether the Israeli leader was holding up a peace deal in order to influence the outcome of the U. Haitian gang kills at least 70 people, including 3 infants, UN says Armed men belonging to the Gran Grif gang killed at least 70 people, including three infants, as they swept through a Haitian town shooting automatic rifles at residents, a spokesperson for the United Nations' Human Rights Office said on Friday. Israeli airstrikes rock southern suburbs of Beirut and cut off a key crossing into Syria Israel carried out another series of punishing airstrikes Friday, hitting suburban Beirut and cutting off the main border crossing between Lebanon and Syria for tens of thousands of people fleeing the Israeli bombardment of the Hezbollah militant group. Canada announces funding for African countries, scientific research at Francophonie Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to announce funding to support French-speaking African countries and initiatives to promote the French language in the Francophonie. Breast cancer patient says she had to lie to get a mammogram in Ontario When an Ontario doctor refused to sign off on a mammogram for year-old Sidra Lone, the mother of four says she was left with no choice but to lie. Saskatchewan's largest hospital hits crisis point as overstuffed ER runs out of stretchers and oxygen Staff at Saskatoon's Royal University Hospital are calling for systemic changes just two days after its emergency room was more than three times above its capacity. Health official confirms death of Ontario child following rabies diagnosis An Ontario child has died after coming in contact with a rabid bat, a health official confirmed on Wednesday. Dolphins 'smile' at each other when they play and to avoid misunderstanding, study finds For humans, flashing a smile is an easy way to avoid misunderstanding. Google tests verified check marks in search results Alphabet's Google is testing showing check marks next to certain companies on its search results, a company spokesperson said on Friday, in a move aimed at helping users identify verified sources and steer clear of fake websites. Paul Simon is 'optimistic' about returning to live performance after partially losing hearing Legendary singer Paul Simon has said he is 'optimistic' about being able to return to performing live after losing most of his hearing in his left ear. A junk dealer found a painting in a basement. Experts say it's an original Picasso A painting discovered by a junk dealer in the basement of an Italian villa six decades ago is actually the work of Pablo Picasso and could sell for millions, according to experts. Competition Bureau gets court order for probe into Canadian Real Estate Association The Competition Bureau says it's obtained a court order as part of an investigation into potential anti-competitive conduct by the Canadian Real Estate Association. Vatican Bank fires couple whose marriage breached new workplace ban The Vatican Bank has fired two employees whose recent wedding violates a newly-introduced ban on marriages between staff. Here's the latest Vancouver restaurant to earn a Michelin star A five-seat sushi counter located inside another restaurant is the latest Vancouver eatery to receive a Michelin star. People are panic-buying toilet paper because of the port strike. There is no need for that Toilet paper shortages in stores across America are giving folks nightmarish reminders of the pandemic era. New Westminster, B. Second fan files lawsuit claiming ownership of Shohei Ohtani's baseball The claim to Shohei Ohtani's potentially lucrative 50th home run ball grew more complicated this week, with a second fan filing a lawsuit asserting he had possession of the historic baseball. A 5th recall for Tesla Cybertruck within a year, the latest due to rearview display Tesla is recalling more than 27, Cybertrucks because the rearview camera image may not activate immediately after shifting into reverse, the fifth recall for the vehicle since it went on sale late last year. Ontario man shocked when engine not covered under warranty due to 'over revving' A Pickering, Ont. Local Spotlight. Husband and wife on road trip of a lifetime stop in Sask. Unknown Canadian soldier from First World War identified as Manitoba man The grave of a previously unknown Canadian soldier has been identified as a man from Hayfield, Man. Canada's October temperatures set to teeter-totter due to record-breaking U. Eby vows to increase B. Woman charged with murder after East Vancouver stabbing One day after a man was stabbed to death in East Vancouver, a year-old woman has been charged with murder. Suspect in shooting of Toronto cop was out on bail A year-old man who was charged with attempted murder in the shooting of a Toronto police officer this week was out on bail at the time of the alleged offence, court documents obtained by CTV News Toronto show. Toronto-area police prepare for Oct. Language watchdog tells Gatineau, Que. A new distillery opens in eastern Ontario, and this is what they make Raise your glass and make a toast to a new Distillery in eastern Ontario. Suspect arrested after Valleyfield college closed due to police operation Classes and campus activities at CEGEP de Valleyfield were cancelled Friday morning as a result of a police operation. Man charged for vandalism, theft at Fredericton library A year-old man is facing theft and break-in charges in connection to a vandalism incident at the Fredericton Public Library that caused tens of thousands of dollars of damages over the weekend. Teen boy dead after assault outside Manitoba home: RCMP Police say a year-old boy has died after an assault outside a northern Manitoba home. Manitoba Tories calling for review of case of Jordyn Reimer The Opposition Tories introduced a motion to get the justice system to take another look at the case of Jordyn Reimer. Party leader promises tax credit rise on first homes, permanent return of renovation credit Saskatchewan Party Leader Scott Moe says if re-elected, his government would introduce a Saskatchewan Home Renovation Tax Credit aimed at making renovations more affordable. First Nations leaders say Saskatchewan court workers sent home for orange shirts Indigenous leaders say two staff at a Saskatchewan courthouse were told to go home and take off the orange shirts they wore for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Impaired driver charged after car crashes in Kitchener home: WRPS Waterloo Regional Police have laid charges after a car crashed into the side of a Kitchener home at a. Two separate crashes on Highway in Puslinch, Ont. Saskatoon police arrest homeless person at scene of encampment fire under University Bridge Saskatoon police arrested a homeless person at the scene of an encampment underneath the University Bridge on Friday morning. Northern Ontario. Lucas According to police, officers responded to the block of Tennent Avenue for a, 'report of a possible stabbing' around 9 p. Semi-automatic weapon and drugs allegedly seized in Barrie, 3 men arrested Police in Barrie allegedly seized a semi-automatic pistol and drugs during an overnight investigation that resulted in the arrest of three men downtown. Scaffold collapse in silo kills 2 workers near Owen Sound The Ministry of Labour is investigating a workplace incident that claimed the lives of two people in Georgian Bluffs, south of Owen Sound. Woman accused of armed robbery bites officer during arrest: OPP A Midland woman is facing several charges after police say she bit an officer while being arrested for an alleged armed confrontation. London man sentenced in Windsor harassment case A London, Ont. Windsor police looking for witness of September collision involving pedestrian The Windsor Police Service WPS are looking for a witness to a collision between a pedestrian and vehicle in September. Windsor fire names new fire chief Windsor fire has named its new fire chief, effective on Jan. Vancouver Island. Leaders spread out around the province as week 2 of campaigning in B. Several 'aggressors' arrested after B. RCMP say Three young suspects have been arrested in connection with a swarming attack on a teenager in B. Officer's fatal shooting of Kamloops suspect was 'necessary and reasonable' use of force, IIO finds The officer who shot and killed a forcible confinement suspect in Kamloops two years ago was justified in doing so, according to the Independent Investigations Office of B. WestJet makes changes at Lethbridge Airport WestJet has changed its operations at the Lethbridge Airport, and it means there's now only a single daily flight from Lethbridge to Calgary, down from three flights a day, as offered previously. Lethbridge animal rescue on verge of shutting down Archie's Exotic Pet Rescue has been open about six years and, like many other animal rescues, it has seen a surge in surrenders. Sault Ste. Proof that cleared police of Thunder Bay man's throat injury comes out in the end A suspect who accused Thunder Bay police of being responsible for his throat injury actually hurt himself when he swallowed a large amount of drugs. Marathon goat: Animal runner wins hearts and a medal after crashing Newfoundland race He may not have logged the fastest time or even gone the full distance, but residents of a Newfoundland town agree the goat who unexpectedly joined the local weekend half marathon was the event's undisputed champion. Small English soccer team has huge year, thanks in part to Newfoundland and Labrador A soccer game in England on Tuesday night drove a spike in online traffic across the Atlantic to a website launched by the Newfoundland and Labrador government. Editor's Picks. Stay Connected.

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