Контрольная Работа 2 Раздел Спотлайт 10 Класс

Контрольная Работа 2 Раздел Спотлайт 10 Класс


Контрольная Работа 2 Раздел Спотлайт 10 Класс
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Контрольная работа по модулю 2 (Спотлайт) 10 класс

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Module 2 - Living & Spending

Английский язык

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- 299 курсов профессиональной переподготовки от 1 470 руб. ;
- 469 курсов повышения квалификации от 370 руб.
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Обращаем Ваше внимание, что в соответствии с Федеральным законом N 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» в организациях, осуществляющих образовательную деятельность, организовывается обучение и воспитание обучающихся с ОВЗ как совместно с другими обучающимися, так и в отдельных классах или группах.
Только сейчас Вы можете пройти дистанционное обучение прямо на сайте "Инфоурок" со скидкой 40% по курсу повышения квалификации "Организация работы с обучающимися с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (ОВЗ) в соответствии с ФГОС" (72 часа). По окончании курса Вы получите печатное удостоверение о повышении квалификации установленного образца (доставка удостоверения бесплатна).
1.2. Fill in the gaps with phrases from task№1.
1. My parents give me ... ... every week.
2. Many teenagers have to... ... to buy all the things they want.
3. Some people are working two jobs to ... ... these days.
4. I think children should do ... ... to help their parents.
5. He went out on a ... ... and got everything he wanted for himself.
2. Fill in: daring, earned, save, waste, determined
1. I'm happy I've ... ... enough money to go on a nice holiday.
3. The work of a rescue team was extremely……. .
4. We would have to ... ... a long time to afford that car.
5. There is nothing to buy here and I don't want to ... ... my money.
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( -ing-form, to-infinitive or bare infinitive):
She is looking forward to... (get) a new mobile phone.
I don’t mind ... (lend) you the book, but you must ...(return) it to me next week.
It’s cold outside. You’d better ... (take) your coat.
We saw them ... (do) all the damage.
She enjoys ... (receive) people at home.
I would like ... (meet) that writer.
I stopped ... (play) football because of a knee injury.
The English teacher doesn’t let us ...(use) the dictionary while tests.
1. I'm going to take my parents off/out tonight.
2. Luke is brilliant at/in basketball.
5. Henry will take over/up the business when his father died.
6. Why don't you take off/up your coat?
7. My brother is crazy in/about photography.
8. Norman takes off/after his father in appearance.
9. Are you interested in/at history?
10. I think you need to take these dress out/in. It's very loose on you.
5 . Form nouns from the words in brackets.
1. Many young sportsmen took part in the different...... COMPETE
2. If you don’t change your lifestyle, you’ ll get nervous….. . EXHAUST
3. He is famous for his……. in biology. ACHIVE
4. She managed to overcome her …… on drugs. DEPEND
5. She made a quick…… from a cold. RECOVER
6. Fortunately, she accepted my……. . SUGGEST
1.- I'm on my way to aerobics class. Fancy coming along?
a)- Sure! Why not? b)- I'll call you about it later.
2. - Would you rather go to the cinema or the theatre?
a)- Oh, I much prefer the theatre. b) - No, but I'm going on Saturday.
3. - Don't you think she spends too much money on clothes?
a)- You are wrong there. b) - Oh, really where?
4. - Would you like to come to the Chinese restaurant tonight?
a) - By the way, how did the gym go? b) - I'd love to but I'm afraid I can't.
5. - How about going fishing this weekend?
a) - Oh, I've got an arts class tonight! b)- I'm not keen on fishing.
It might be an almost unique situation but let’s imagine that you have got some free time and don’t know what to do. According to the 1) _____________________________.
On the top of the list we can see “surfing the net”. This way you can kill time by looking through your feed on the Instagram or replying to the comments on Facebook.
The next activity is hanging out with friends. This one 2)__________________ if you haven’t seen your friends in real life for ages.
Number 3) _______________________. Have you ever wanted to try bungee jumping or parachuting? It might be the right time to do it.
The next popular activity is going on the trips to the countryside. Just 4) __________________ to countryside with the amazing view of the sunset in the river and fresh air.
The last activity which is listed in the magazine “Teen’s choice” is listening to music. If you 5) ________________ your earphones into your smart phone and enjoy your favorite songs?
three in the list of the most popular free time activities is doing extreme sports
magazine “Teen’s choice” there are 5 most popular activities in case you have at least some free time
imagine, what can be better than a trip
is a really great activity especially
1. Mum was…… to find out who had broken the vase.
2. Stop crying! You shouldn’t be so…..! - I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
3. The work of a rescue team was extremely……. .
4. ... people enjoy gardening, fishing or playing board games.
5. He never shares his problems with anyone. He’s rather…… .
3. Use the verbs in the correct form. One verb is extra.
borrow, change, charge ,earn, lend, owe
2. He still…..the garage for those repairs.
3. I wish I had never …… him my car.
4. We won’t…..for delivery if you pay now.
5. If you can’t….. enough, you simply can’t afford a holiday.
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the : - ing form, to- infinitive or bare infinitive.
2.I tried ( wake) him up but I failed.
3.He can’t afford (take) you out every weekend!
4.I’ll never forget ( ride) my first bike.
5.We regret ( inform) you that your application will not be taken any further.
8.Her parents made her ( practise) every day.
10.We expect him ( enter ) the university next year.
11.Remind me ( take ) my key when I go to work.
12.Can you ( lend) me some money. I’m broke.
14.We were happy ( learn) about her recovery.
15. The new job means ( live) abroad.
5. Fill in with appropriate prepositions.
2. Why don’t you take  ...  tour coat?
3. On her birthday I took my sister  ...  to an expensive restaurant.
4. Your daughter has taken  ...  you. You are so alike.
5. I think you need to take these trousers  ... ; they’re very loose on you.
6.My mother is crazy … photography.
10.I am really interested … English.
6 . Form nouns from the words in brackets.
1.20…..took part in the race. COMPETE
2. If you don’t change your lifestyle, you’ ll get nervous….. . EXHAUST
3. He is famous for his……. in biology. ACHIVE
4. She celebrated her ..... by giving a big party . DEPEND
5. She made a quick…… from the flu. RECOVER
6. Unfortunately, they rejected my……. . SUGGEST
7. Complete the 2 nd  sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the 1 st :
I don’t really love going to basketball matches.
keen  I’m ……………………….. to basketball matches.
French painting is up to her liking.
fond  She ………………………. French painting.
My younger brother can play DOTS for long hours!
crazy  My younger brother ……………………. DOTS!
Lucy is pleased with her son’s marks at school.
8. Read the text and match items to the gaps. There is one item you do not need to use.
There are many different kinds of activities for us to enjoy nowadays. In fact, there is something for all personality types.
If you are the brave, adventurous kind, you can 1)_______. Many people are crazy about sports like these because of the adrenaline rush they get from them. Today we live in the "extreme" sport world. We seek adventure instead of 2)________ .
If you are the quieter type, you may enjoy gardening or fishing. These activities are more relaxing and 3)________ . Seeds sewn in the spring result in beautiful flowers that can brighten up your mood; fishing with friends can strengthen the relationship you have, or may just be a relaxing day out with a tasty supper at the end!
The imaginative may take up art classes or learn sculpture. In today's fast-pace world we all appreciate the opportunity to express ourselves and take it easy and they bring many rewards. Solitary activities like knitting or stamp collecting, 4)_________, are becoming popular again.
Traditional team sports like football or basketball are great for developing team spirit reserved types prefer to watch them from the comfort of their couches 5)___________. It is a pity, as sports like these have the ability to make us fit and strong.
Today's pastimes are often linked to technology and may encourage us to be lazy. Surfing the Net or chatting online but 6)__________ or go to an exhibition where they can be in direct contact with people.
Whatever we like to do in our free time, the main thing is to find something that we enjoy doing and be open to new experiences.
staying at home and playing cards or board games .
rather than practise the sport itself
try skydiving or white- water rafting
once considered to be old-fashioned
more sociable types prefer to go to the cinema
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