Контракты на английском языке типовые формы

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Контракты на английском языке типовые формы

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То есть, любой вообще контракт? Договор аренды жилых помещений? Договор о технических услугах? Может быть, брачный контракт или договор о конфиденциальности? Вот здесь есть куча всяких на русском языке. Вот есть skeleton customer contract: Типовой трудовой договор на русском http: Мне вот этот этот сайт очень нравится. Так же Вы можете прочитать статью о использовании трудового договора на сайте http: Извините, забыл указать статья называется Трудовой договор. Как сохранить свое право на честный труд. Мне бы тоже что-то вроде типового агентского договора на англ нужно если с русским вариантом - вообще хорошо. Там речь идёт об условиях сотрудничества организации с другой в качестве агента, с таким начальным содержанием 1го пункта: Агент обязуется за вознаграждение совершать по поручению Принципала юридические и иные действия, обусловленные предметом и целью настоящего Договора. Такие действия могут совершаться Агентом от своего имени, но за счет Принципала. Агент обязуется действовать обдуманно, рационально и исключительно в интересах Принципала. Буду очень благодарна, если подскажете.. Просто не совсем стандартный договор типа купли-продажи, поэтому не могу найти Мы туристическое агентство UralResort - Отдых на Урале , нас интересует типовой договор с менеджерами по туризму. Темы указаны в левой части страницы. Добро пожаловать в форум, Guest.

Образец договора/контракта на экспорт товаров (на английском языке с переводом)

Loading of the goods on the vessel including stowage in the hold and lighterage, information of shipment of the goods and drawing up Bills of Lading are to be made by the Seller at his expense. The price is fixed in US Dollars per 1 cubic meter and is understood as Free on Board FOB - Novorossijsk according to Addendums attached hereto, signed by both Parties and being an integral part of the present Contract. The prices for the goods are fixed in DM and are understood to be CIP Moscow Incoterms including cost of tare, packing and marking. The total value of the present Contract is: PRICES AND TOTAL VALUE OF THE CONTRACT The total Value of the Contract amount to: The prices of the reagents, instruments and accessories are stated in Appendix No. The prices are firm and are not subject to any alterations. The above said prices include the cost of fare, packing and marking. Loading of the goods on the vessel including stowage in the holds and lighterage, information of shipment of the goods and drawing up Bill of Lading are to be made by the Seller at his expanse. The price is to be fixed in English Pounds Sterling and is to be understood FOB Dublin. The above price include the cost of tare, packing and marking. In the Bill of Lading a note should be made: PRICE AND LOADING AREAS Price for US No. Price applies to shipment of grain from safe US Gulf port s , or US Atlantic ports, excluding Albany and St. The price is for delivery end of loading spout, not trimmed and not stowed. PRICES AND TOTAL VALUE OF THE CONTRACT The price shall be in US Dollars. The prices include the cost of transportation, packing, marking and insurance. The total Contract Value is understood CIP Moscow. Unit prices of the goods are indicated in specification of Appendix No. The total value of the Contract is: The prices are understood CIP Moscow according to lncoterms, they are firm and not subject to any alteration. The price includes the cost of tare, packing, and marking. Loading of the goods into the steamer into wagon including stowage in the holds into wagon stevedoring and lighterage are effected and paid for by the Sellers. PRICE AND TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT The total amount of the present Contract is xx. All prices are firm and not subject to be changed. Unit prices are indicated in the Appendix No. They are firm and not subject to any alteration. The total Value of the Contract amount to: The prices are firm and are not subject to any alteration. The prices are stated in the enclosed Addenda. The prices are fixed in US Dollars and understood CIP Moscow Incoterms, PRICE AND TOTAL VALUE OF THE CONTRACT Unit prices of the equipment, spare parts and drilling accessories are indicated in specifications of Appendices Nos. Net Contract Value Net Contract Value is determined as follows: US Dollars Amount Products as per Annex No. Total Amount in letters: Prices of Products quoted are not representative for future offers or orders. The price of the goods and the total amount of the Contract is indicated in Annexure No. The price payable by the Customer to the Supplier under this Contract shall be US Dollars, as stated in Exhibits 1 - 4 and in this contract. Value-added taxes as well as other taxes and impositions, customs charges, freight and necessary insurances are not included except those specified in this contract. Prices are in US Dollars. The price for the Crude Oil sold under present contract on terms FOB in fixed at US Dollars per barrel for gravity API. Should the quotation for Arabian and Iraq Crude Oil FOB Tripoli, Lebanon, be unequal, an average of these two quotation shall be accepted. If the above mentioned quotations are higher or lower than the above limits, the basic price, fixed under the present contract is to be reconsidered at the request of any of the parties. Should the gravity of the Crude Oil shipped under the present contract be higher or lower than the range of API, the contract price of the Crude Oil barrel of US Dollars will be increased for each full degree API above maximum range by 2 cents per barrel and on the basis of thus determined price per barrel of supplied Crude Oil the price metric ton is establishes in conformity with the number barrels per metric ton corresponding to the actual specific of the Crude Oil supplied. The cost of services not included in the value of the Contract will be discussed extra. The respective additional agreement will be composed as integral part of this Contract. The prices are understood to be FOB Odessa Incoterms The prices are firm for the duration of the Contract and not subject to any alteration. Equipment repaired at Service Rep facilities. Prices to be paid by the Agent for the equipment bought from the Principal will be fixed in contracts concluded between the parties under Article II of this Agreement. The Agent undertakes the seller the equipment, bought from the Principal, at prices not detrimental to the sales of the equipment due to the prices being too high. PRICE The CIP Moscow price for the goods sold and bought under the present Contract includes cost of packing, marking, Government dues and fees on the territory of the Sellers and pending for payment during the shipment period and stipulated in Addenda to the Contract. PRICE The CIP price for the goods sold and bought under the present Contract includes cost for packing, marking, Government dues and fees on the territory of the Sellers and pending for payment during the shipment period and stipulated in Addenda to this Contract. The price per unit kg of the Goods is stated in US Dollars and shown in Addenda to this Contract. PRICES AND TOTAL VALUE OF THE CONTRACT The total Value of the Contract amounts to: PRICE The price and terms of payment are stipulated in Enclosures Nos. PRICES The Seller will from time to time advise the Buyer of its current prices and, as deliveries are made, will invoice the Buyer in German Deutsch-marks at the price then prevailing. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed in any way to limit the right of the Buyer to determine the prices or terms at which the products may be resold of purchased by Buyer for resale. Loading of the goods on the vessel including stowage in the holds and lighterage, information of shipment of the goods and drawing up Bills of Lading are to by made by the Seller at his expense.

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