Knocking Up My Mom

Knocking Up My Mom


Knocking Up My Mom



First a bit of background:

My mom and dad got divorced about six years ago. Since then it’s just been my mom, my sister and I. I get to see my dad once a month as he lives in Toronto and I live in Calgary. It’s hard to fly up and visit him as much as I’d like to due to this little thing called money which my family is short of. I’ve also haven’t seen my mom with another man since the divorce since she wants us to grow up before she gets involved in a relationship again.

The Event:

About four weeks ago my dad called my mom up in a drunken rampage and screamed at her for a good hour about how he was cheating on her while they were married, how he’s not going to pay child support and how my mom was the scum of the earth. This caused my mom to fall into an emotional breakdown and she was pretty fucked up that night. I came home from work and she was completely drunk. To be honest, I’ve never seen someone so drunk in my entire life. She was telling me about the phone call and how she wished my dad would just die. She was really open with her feelings and emotions and she was telling me a lot.

She offered me some Vodka and I accepted, as I go crazy for that stuff. I love Vodka and I really just wanted to help her out. The last thing I wanted to do is refuse something from her and then have her start crying again. I had about seven shots and I started to get a little tipsy when she put her arm on me. Now usually I just push away as I hate the ‘mushy’ stuff from my mom. She always wants to spend time with me and touch me in a ‘mom – son’ way. Just love for your child I suppose but this time, I just accepted it I was really too drunk to care.

What happened after this was completely unexpected. I’ve never thought about my mom this way before, not even the slightest. She’s my mom for fuck sakes. My mom told me to shut my eyes, and she kissed me on the lips. I was completely stunned. I didn’t know what to do so I just sat there.

“I love you Eric”

“Umm… I love you too mom”

By this point, I was completely confused, even more so for a drunk. I didn’t have the slightest clue what was going on.

“No, Not like that Eric…”

She put her hand on my lap over my family jewels and then kissed me again. She then started kissing me furiously and passionately. She then pulled off her shirt and mine and pretty much, well pushed me onto the floor. She was on top of me and there was really not much I could do. I was being seduced by my own mom. I couldn’t believe it. Then we made a huge mistake…we had sex. I didn’t even want this. I didn’t even want my mom to touch me; I hate it when she touches me but the effects of alcohol took its place and turned us into horrible monsters. Although I don’t like to admit it, I had never had sex this great. We finished up and she left to go to the washroom to clean up. I don’t remember anything else about the night. I probally went to sleep waiting for her to come back. A lot of the night is fragmented and even today I still have trouble remembering it completely. In the morning she never mentioned it at all and she acted completely normal despite the fact that she fucked her own son.

The Problem:

Everything went fine up until today when my mom called me up at work.

“Eric, we need to talk. It’s really important”

I didn’t know what was going on. I thought maybe someone died or she found my porn stash.

“Yeah Mom... What is it?”

“I feel really uncomfortable about it; I don’t think I can explain it to you on the Phone”

I told my mom that was alright and I’d be home from work in an hour and we could talk about it then.

I get home and I see that my mom is sitting on the couch. Her face was all red, and I could tell that something really bad happened. It looked like she was crying for a long time.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her

“I think I’m pregnant”

I was completely shocked. My mom hasn’t even dated another guy since she divorced my dad and I was a hundred percent sure that she wasn’t seeing another guy.

“Did you take a test?”

“Yeah, it’s positive”

We just sat there completely still. I didn’t know what to say.

When I was about four years old I had to have a testicle brought down. I’m not exactly sure what they do, but it was too high up. They said that I wouldn’t be able to produce any little guys from it, but I was fine with my other. However, in grade 10 I had to have my other one removed because it became cancerous. Some sperm was taken and it’s in a lab in Michigan frozen for when I want to have children. Because of all this, I’m infertile at least, that's what I think. She doesn’t know this because I don’t particularly enjoy talking about my body with other people.

What should I do? I want to call her out and find out what’s going on. This entire dilemma is killing me psychologically.
Would like M|22 to unban me so I can post a follow up! -dataware 02-23-2009 at 02:52 AM
hi2u, a couple of things:

2. Best thread title EVAR
3. Cliffs Notes
uhh you gotta be shitting me.. please tell me you're shitting me? .. please?

Q: How many indie fans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: You mean you dont know?
not going to read that, but i assume that you did this by smoking weed

ok, now i'll read it
Genmay Leninist Vanguard: t3ch3, electric!sheep (Leader of the Dada Council), Kellogg, , vanillatoast, Mozz (Minister of Cheese), ATP (Sodomy Squad), x4yarule, [ Mr. Burn ], The_Tourist, Berticus, BadassOfTheNorth, kronchev
Trying to practice writing crappy text-porno?
haha, you're from west virginia arent you?
"please, when i tell that pimply faced weasel at mcdonalds that i can program C++
he'll be all "omg for sure totally like dude
i'll be the best damn counterboy EVER
i wont ask if you want fries with that, i will you TELL YOU you want fries with that"

i couldnt believe this was not a title rape

cant believe i didnt think of this.....
The ultimate computer part destruction video:
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That is the most fucked up thing I have ever heard.

How old are you two?
Signatures are dumb...I have mine turned off
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After a long night of sex and partying, luscious nineteen-year-old Katie came home drunk AGAIN. Her Daddy’s sick of her slutty ways. Maybe if she had a baby, she’d stop acting like a whore. Lucky for him, she passes out naked on her bed. Her bad Daddy uses her sexy body for his own pleasure, before leaving the fertile teen with a big surprise… TWICE. More

Katie’s father is sick of waiting up for her. He’s tired of thinking about what all those college guys do to his beautiful daughter as she gets drunk. He’s had enough of sitting home alone while she has fun and parties. That ends tonight. When the ex-cheerleader comes home so drunk she passes out, Daddy decides it’s time for her to grow up. Of course, the best way for that to happen is for her to have a kid of her own. She probably shouldn’t have mentioned she was fertile. Once she’s out cold, Daddy has his way with her, filling her belly with his seed. After a short breather, he comes back to see her face down, butt sticking in the air. What man could pass up the opportunity to stick it where the sun don’t shine. It’s not like she can object. * * * * * From publisher Wicked Fantasies -- This is a 4,100 word story about SEX with a passed-out teenage girl. It contains very graphic descriptions of anal and sexual intercourse, with little left to the imagination. We want you to FEEL what the character’s feel, from first touch, to dizzying orgasm. Remember - The story shouldn’t finish before you do.

Available ebook formats:



anal sex
drunk sex
daddy daughter sex
sleep sex
passed out sex

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Greetings, mortal. I am Nocturas. Do I seem familiar? I should. You see, I am a Demon. But not just any demon, oh, no, I watch over the dreams and nightmares of you mortals. Don’t let TV shows fool you, we demons watch over many aspects of human life. When you drift off to sleep at night… or take a cat-nap on the train, I am there, waiting for you. You’re in my world, and you only get to leave when I allow it. You become my plaything, and I do love to play. Eternity gets very boring for a lusty demoness, so I have my fun with mortals in their dreams. Thankfully, I’m not bound to the netherworld, nor to your dreams. I walk among you, being seen in my true form when I wish it, or remaining hidden with illusions. My favorite way to pass time is to tempt one person into taking advantage of someone I have locked into a dream. Be it a mother and son, daughter and father, or a complete strangers. It’s so satisfying to see the fun they have… well, one of them at least. And afterwards? Oh… the explanations are priceless. You’re a kinky one. Don’t try and deny it, remember I’ve seen what you dream about. You want me to tell you a story about someone taking advantage of a helpless dreamer? Kissing, caressing, and violating someone while they are asleep? Well, if you insist….

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Posted Dec 21, 2014 11:41 by anonymous



I am 42 years old and I am pretty sure that I am still attractive since I get hit on all the time, but my husband prety much ignores me sexually and it kills my confidence. So when my 24 year old son-in-law started flirting and hitting on me I flirted right back, mostly because I craved the attention of a man. It progressed to some light fondling, but I had no intentions of anything other than just playful flirting and touching. Then a few weeks ago he stopped by one day by himself when I was home alone. One thing led to another and he ended up fucking me on the livingroom floor. Since my husband and I never have sex I don't bother with birth control. I knew I could get pregnant, but figured it was unlikely at my age. When I could tell he was close to cumming I whispered in his ear that I wanted him to shoot inside of me. He came so hard I could feel it squirting in me. After he left I started worrying I would get pregnant. The next day he stopped by and I let him fuck me again and again I asked him to cum in me. Knowing he was shooting in me when I could get pregnant turned me on so much! A few days ago I missed my period so I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I have no intentions of getting an abortion, but I don't know how to deal with my husband who hasn't fucked me in 6 months and will obviously know it isn't his. I told my son-in-law and not only was he not upset about it, he fucked me again. I am going to keep it a secret that it is his baby. I just don't know how to tell my husband.
“Tell your husband you recently met Bill Cosby.
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