Mf Sex Stories

Mf Sex Stories


Mf Sex Stories

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free erotic sex stories for consenting adults

free erotic sex stories for consenting adults

What you’re about to read is true, the names and places have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty […]
Coming home from an another day at work, I find you standing in the middle of the living room wearing […]
At fourteen years of age, Abigail had left the straight road, dropping out in a spiral of self-loathing, mixed with […]
God, this is the first trip we (me and my master) are taking. We have talked about this for sometime, […]
Caramel Girl is probably my closet friend. We met online and have been buds ever since. She is so friendly […]
It had been nearly a year since the hospital incident. I was unable to keep most of the info from […]
Journey’s End is a male sexual treament center located somewhere in Brazil. The owners and operators of the facility are […]
Dan walked up to the cafe, found an outside table, and sat down. It was early summer, a pleasantly warm […]
“Hi” She’d sensed that I was awake, even at the very second I opened my eyes, “You slept like a […]
She shuffled out of the ward like an old woman, the nurse supporting her and whispering words of encouragement. “He’s […]

Author's note - Sexual excitement is rooted in fantasy, personal desires and the taboo. Just because something turns you on, does not mean it defines you! Fantasies are healthy, but turning fantasies into reality can destroy lives. Don't fuck with other people’s lives!
Story cateogires: Mf, M+f, Fm, Ff, ff, MM, Mm, mm, Bestiality, Mind Control, Incest, Exhibitionist, Slut, Sissy, Cuckhold, School
"Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that is is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon." E. L. Doctorow
(* indicates the link is for a sub-directory, containing multiple story chapters)
A man and his young daughter watch a movie together
A man loses control after watching too many sissy-hypno videos
A whimsical tail about a young girl with an overactive sex drive
A young man finds out his mother is a horny, submissive slut. What would you do?
A blonde bimbo buys two, large guard dogs
(* indicates the link is for a sub-directory, containing multiple story chapters)
If you like a story, why not let others know? Post a "Reader Recommendation" It is quick, easy and anonymous. Copy and paste the link to your favorite story HERE!
Your comments and encouragement are the only payment I recieve from writing. Please send feedback!
If you expect a reply, please leave your e-mail address, or, you can always remain anonymous.
(yeah, I know the ASSTR capcha can be a a pain! I thank you in advance for your efforts and your comments!)
My goal is to write at least one story in every major pornagraphic theme, with some exceptions. If want me to finish a storyline, or start something new, let me know!
© Undeniable Urges and, 2015 - 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Undeniable Urges and, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

My Uncle Dan is only ten years older than me. He is my mother's youngest brother. He babysat me many times when I was a young girl. One time when I was about eleven years old I had aggravated him so badly that he threatened to take me "over his knee for an old fashion bare bottom spanking."
I laughed at him saying. "You wouldn't dare!"
But he did dare. He pulled me onto his lap, pulling down my pajama bottoms, slapping my ass once hard. "I don't dare, do I?" He laughed as he pulled my little white panties down to my knees exposing my bare behind." I don't remember how many times he spanked my bottom but I do remember that it hurt me enough that I always listened to him after that. Just the threat of a spanking would make me obey him.
That was my first spanking. My parents never had never punished me that way. They usually scolded me and took away privileges. Uncle Dan never spanked me again while he babysat me but when he looked at me, his little smile on his handsome face, I knew he was thinking about that time I was over his lap with my bare bottom exposed to him.

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