Как называется инструмент для вырывания зуба

Как называется инструмент для вырывания зуба


In this article, we will discuss the most popular tool used by dental surgeons — dental extraction forceps. We will cover the different methods used in dentistry to remove a tooth, the different dental instruments used by dentists, the instruments used to remove wisdom teeth, and an overview of all the instruments used by dental professionals.

Изучите нужный раздел, перейдя по ссылке ниже:

♦️ Что такое щипцы для удаления зубов

♦️ Как выбрать подходящий тип щипцов

♦️ Как происходит удаление зуба с помощью щипцов

♦️ Осторожность при использовании щипцов

♦️ Советы по уходу за щипцами

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Для проведения операции по удалению зуба в лечении зубных проблем необходим специальный инструментарий. Один из таких инструментов – это щипцы. Они позволяют хирургу-стоматологу безболезненно и быстро удалить зуб из полости рта. Щипцы представляют собой специальные крючки, которые располагаются на рукоятке. Они могут иметь разные формы и размеры, в зависимости от типа зуба, который необходимо вырвать.
Щипцы для удаления зубов являются основным инструментом для проведения экстракции любого из зубов. Этот инструмент помогает хирургу-стоматологу провести процедуру безболезненно и высококачественно. У каждого пациента могут быть свои индивидуальные особенности проблемы зуба, поэтому необходимы различные инструменты и методы лечения.

Different methods to remove a tooth in dentistry

There are different methods used to remove a tooth in dentistry. The main ones are using an elevator, a dental drill, or surgical extraction. The dentist will decide which method to use, taking into consideration the condition of the tooth, its location, the number of roots, and other parameters.

What are dental instruments used for

Dental instruments are specialized tools used by dental professionals to examine, manipulate and remove teeth, gums, and other oral structures. These instruments include mirrors, probes, forceps, dental drills, scalers, and more.

What are dental extraction forceps

Dental extraction forceps are the most commonly used instrument by dental surgeons to remove a tooth. These forceps are specially designed pliers-like tools that grip the tooth and apply pressure to extract it from the socket.

What instruments are used to remove wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth extraction is usually done using dental extraction forceps or elevators. In simple cases, incision of the gum and drilling into the bone tissue is not necessary.

An overview of dental instruments

Here is a brief overview of the different dental instruments used by dental professionals:

Instruments for examining the oral cavity

  • Tray for instruments: dental trays come in different sizes
  • Dental mirrors: used to reflect the state of soft and hard tissues where visibility is limited
  • Dental tweezers: used to manipulate and handle small objects and dental materials
  • Probes: used to explore the soft structures of the tooth, gums, and other oral tissues

Instruments for tooth extraction

  • Dental forceps: specially designed pliers-like tools for extracting teeth
  • Elevators: used to loosen the tooth from the socket before using extraction forceps
  • Surgical burs and drills: used to remove bone tissue when necessary

Endodontic instruments

  • Root canal files and reamers: used to clean and shape the root canals
  • Pluggers and spreaders: used to fill and compact filling materials into the root canal

Orthodontic instruments

  • Orthodontic pliers: used to bend and adjust wires and brackets during orthodontic treatment
  • Elastic threaders: used to thread elastic bands and wires through braces


Dental instruments, including dental extraction forceps, are essential tools for dental professionals. Patients should always trust their dentist and follow their advice on the best method for extracting a tooth or treating any oral health issues. By understanding the different types of dental instruments used in dentistry, patients can better understand their treatment options and make informed decisions about their oral care.

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