Как изменить размер таблицыв компасе

Как изменить размер таблицыв компасе

Как изменить размер таблицыв компасе

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Как сделать таблицу в программе Компас 3D?

To keep some data in the same place and still see it when you scroll, you can freeze rows or columns. To unfreeze, select a row or column and, at the top, click View Freeze No rows or No columns. To unhide a row or column, click the arrow around where the row number or column letter used to be. Leave her feedback below about the page. Docs editors Help Docs editors Help forum Forum. Work with sheets, rows, and columns. Add rows, columns, or cells One row, column, or cell On your spreadsheet, select a row, column, or cell. Right-click the row, column, or cell. From the menu that appears, select Insert row , Insert column , or Insert cells. More than one row, column, or cell On your spreadsheet, highlight the number of rows, columns, or cells you want to insert. Right-click the rows, columns, or cells. From the menu that appears, select Insert \[Number\] or Insert cells. For example, if you highlight 5 rows, right-click the row header, and select Insert 5 above or Insert 5 below. On your spreadsheet, scroll to the bottom. Change row height or column width On your spreadsheet, select a row or column to resize. You can also highlight multiple rows, columns, or cells. Right-click the row number or column letter, then select Resize row or Resize column. In the window that appears, enter a new height or width. You can also click and drag the edge of a row or column to resize it. Freeze or unfreeze rows or columns To keep some data in the same place and still see it when you scroll, you can freeze rows or columns. On your spreadsheet, select a row or column you want to freeze or unfreeze. At the top, click View Freeze. Select how many rows or columns to freeze. Move rows, columns, or cells Move rows or columns On your spreadsheet, select the rows or columns to move. At the top, click Edit. Select the direction you want to move the row or column, like Move row up. You can also click and drag a row or column to a new location. Move cells Select the cells to move. Point your cursor to the top of the selected cells until a hand icon appears. Click and drag the cells to their new location. Merge rows or columns On your spreadsheet, select the rows, columns, or cells to merge. At the top, click Format Merge cells , then select how you want your cells to be merged. Delete rows, columns, or cells In your spreadsheet, right-click a row, column, or cell. From the menu that appears, choose Delete row , Delete column , or Delete cells. Hide rows or columns On your spreadsheet, click a row or column to highlight it. You can also select multiple rows or columns. Right-click and select Hide row or Hide column from the menu that appears. An arrow will appear over the hidden row or column.

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