Junkrat Overwatch

Junkrat Overwatch


Junkrat Overwatch
"It's a perfect day for some mayhem."

Junker (formerly); Anarchist, Demolitionist, Mercenary, Scavenger, Criminal
Concussion Mine Detonator (default)
Golden Concussion Mine detonator (  3000)

  August 9, 2018   Patch:   Changed the name of Junkrat’s Buccaneer skin to Bilgerat.
  July 27, 2017   Patch:   Fixed a bug that would cause Junkrat to use his Ultimate Callout when he is unable to use his Ultimate.
  October 11, 2016   Patch:   Fixed a bug that prevented Junkrat’s “Roadkill” achievement from being awarded after obtaining 4 kills with RIP-Tire.
  September 1, 2016   Patch:   Fixed various issues with Junkrat's emote and highlight animations. Fixed a bug that kept Junkrat’s ammo from being refilled when he was resurrected.
  August 2, 2016   Patch:   Fixed a bug with that caused Junkrat’s “Jester” and “Fool” skins to incorrectly display during a Highlight Intro.
  April 5, 2016 (beta)   Patch:   Added “Fool”, “Hayseed” and "Scarecrow” Junkrat Legendary skins.
  March 22, 2016 (beta)   Patch:   Added “Jester” Junkrat Legendary skin.

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Junkrat’s area-denying traps include a custom designed Frag Launcher that lobs bouncing grenades, Concussion Mines that send enemies flying, and Steel Traps that stop foes dead in their tracks and make them vulnerable to other attacks.

Junkrat is an explosives-obsessed freak who lives to cause chaos and destruction.

The attack on the Australian omnium's fusion core forever altered the landscape of the Outback . After the detonation, the area was transformed into a harsh, irradiated wasteland, littered with debris and the twisted fragments of the ruined facility, and unlivable to most.

But there were some who survived. Calling themselves the Junkers , they scavenged the husk of the omnium and formed a lawless, cutthroat society in its shadow. Junkrat was one of them, eking out a living reclaiming metal and components from the ruins. Like many others, he was affected by the lingering radiation. This touch of madness made him ideal for handling dangerous explosives, a love which he turned into an obsession.

He came to notoriety when he discovered an extremely valuable secret in the bones of the omnium. Though few knew the nature of what he found, he was nonetheless pursued by bounty hunters, gangs, and opportunists wherever he went, until he made a deal with the Junker enforcer Roadhog , who grudgingly agreed to be his personal bodyguard in exchange for a fifty-fifty share of the spoils.

Now, with Roadhog in tow, Junkrat has left the Outback, and embarked upon an international crime spree leaving nothing but havoc and bedlam in his wake.

Junkrat revs up a motorized tire bomb and sends it rolling across the battlefield, climbing over walls and obstacles. He can remotely detonate
the RIP-Tire to deal serious damage to enemies caught within the blast, or just wait for it to explode on its own.
Besides these abilities, Junkrat is able to jump, crouch, reload (only when his ammo is not full), and perform Quick Melee .

One purchase of an alternate weapon skin will apply to the Frag Launcher and Concussion Mine Detonator of all unlocked skins when equipping it.

Knock an enemy into your Steel Trap using Junkrat's Concussion Mine in quick or competitive play. Reward: Pixel Spray
Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Junkrat's RIP-Tire in quick or competitive play. Reward: Cute Spray
Jamison Fawkes was a Junker from the Junkertown who collected bits of metal and scrap for a living. The job combined with the effects of the lingering radiation gave him a deranged love of explosives.

In the remains of the ruined Omnium , Jamison found a large and incredibly valuable treasure, and he became the target of bounty hunters and gangs. He hired the Junker enforcer Roadhog as a personal bodyguard in exchange for half of his profits. Together, the two went on a crime spree around the world. Junkrat and Roadhog have stolen royal artifacts from King's Row , destroyed shops and trucks in Paris, robbed the arcade in Hanamura , and stolen most of the Bank of Dorado 's gold in their crime spree.

At some point, Junkrat and Roadhog made a deal with the CEO of Hyde Global in Sydney to rescue its workers from omnic terrorists, as Junkrat wanted to become "legit". They found out that the "terrorists" were actually Hyde Global drones, and that the CEO had set them up, so they hung him from the top story of his skyscraper before blowing it up. [1]

Junkrat was later involved in another escapade with Roadhog in Luna Park, Australia. [2]

In Junkertown: The Plan , Junkrat and Roadhog were kicked out of Junkertown by its Queen. Junkrat attempted to come up with a plan that would allow the two into the town once more (one involving explosives, of course). Unfortunately, his efforts evidently proved futile, and Junkrat remained exiled.

Junkrat is a dirty caucasian male of a slender build who is often seen hunched over. he has dirty blond hair which is always sort of on fire, a chest harness which has his homemade grenades on them, he doesn't have a shirt on like most male junkers, a tattoo of a skull and cross bones on his right arm, on his left arm he wears a yellow bracelet and a green fingerless glove, his right arm and hand are gone, having a orange prosthetic, he wears green torn shorts with some patches on them (one of which is his logo), he has a brown boot on his left leg, while his right being a pegleg, being insane and unstable he is useally seen with a big grin

Junkrat is established to be a chaos-inducing maniac with a passion for destruction. Lawless and volatile even by Junkertown standards, Junkrat has a simple outlook: any problem that can't be solved by money or explosives isn't worth solving. His impulsive, trigger-happy nature results in a frequent failure to think things through coupled with a tendency to jump the gun. Like many from Australia, he abhors omnics.

It has also been established that Junkrat is not a particularly clever man - he hates being tricked or taken advantage of, but is willing to do any job that allows him to thoughtlessly blow things up. He also appears to be somewhat clumsy, as shown in his "Unfortunate" Highlight Intro, where he accidentally hits himself in the groin with a bomb.

Despite his criminal ways, Junkrat does have some positive virtues. He seems to care about his friends, an example of this being his expressive rage towards a police officer for calling Roadhog fat in Going Legit . He often makes brash puns related to fire and explosions and even has some friendly voicelines as well, such as "smile" and "have a nice day" - though these may be said with a psychotic edge. As seen in Going Legit Junkrat is willing to do honest work and was genuinely excited to improve his reputation, though this ended up backfiring on him.

  "If at first you don't succeed, blow it up again."

  "Everything's coming up explodey!"

  "Don't you come the raw prawn with me."

Junkrat - Heroes - Overwatch
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Junkrat - Overwatch Guide
Jamison " Junkrat " Fawkes is a Damage class hero in Overwatch .
Junkrat | Overwatch Wiki
Real Name:  Jamison Fawkes
Age:  25
Occupation:  Anarchist, Thief, Demolitionist, Mercenary, Scavenger
Base of Operations:  Junkertown, Australia

Junk’s grenades explode on impact (if they hit a character) or on the third bounce
Utilize corners so that grenades use their first two bounces right away and explode on their next impact
Grenade + Concussion Mine = 250HP

Shoot a grenade and immediately follow up with conc mine for burst damage

If the enemy team doesn’t have a Zarya, always be shooting

Throw mines above Reinhardt’s shield to boop him toward your team
Concussion Mine + Steel Trap = 200 HP damage

If you are in line of sight of an enemy and they lack a shield, don’t trap-mine. Instead you can trap-shoot and save your mines

Never have a trap that either isn’t active or in a useless spot
If you throw a trap on someone that Ana sleeps, they will become trapped the instant they wake up
Use Junkrat’s trap spray to trick people into thinking you have a trap set somewhere

And don’t forget to sometimes put a spray ontop of an actual trap

Climb walls with RIP tire

Don’t use the “Automatically climb walls” option. You need maximum control over your tire

High Noon and Tactical Visor do not lock onto Tire. If safe, use RIP Tire for a free kill
Bait out Zarya shields since tire lasts 10 seconds

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Damage: 50 per grenade (300 max)
Radius:  2 meters
Junkrat’s deranged sense of humor persists past his death. If killed, he drops several live grenades.
Damage:  130 direct hit;  12.5 – 80 AoE damage
Radius: .2 meter direct hit; 2 meters for splash
Ammo: 5
Reload Time:  1.55 seconds
Fire Rate:  1.66 shots per second
Projectile Speed:  25 m/s
Cannot headshot
Cannot self damage
Can knockback and self-knockback
Junkrat’s Frag Launcher lobs grenades a significant distance. They bounce to reach their destination, and blow up when they strike an enemy.
HOTKEY: LEFT SHIFT     or     
Trigger HOTKEY: right click      or     
Damage:  120
Radius: 3 meters
Ammo:  2 charges
Duration:  Lasts until detonated
Projectile Speed:  17.5 m/s
Cooldown:  8 seconds
Cannot headshot
Cannot self damage
Can knockback and self-knockback
After placing one of his homemade Concussion Mines, Junkrat can trigger it to damage enemies and send them flying… or propel himself through the air.
Damage: 80
Health:  100 HP
Radius:  1 m radius
Crowd Control Duration: 1 sec stun; 3 sec root
Cooldown:  10 seconds
Junkrat tosses out a giant, metal-toothed trap. Should an enemy wander too close to the trap, it clamps on, injuring and immobilizing them.
HOTKEY: Q     or     
detonate HOTKEY: Left or right click      or     
Damage: 60 – 600 AoE
Radius: 10 meters
Projectile Speed: 12 m/s (Tire) but Junkrat is immobilized
Cast Time:  1 second
Duration:  10 seconds
Cannot self damage
Cannot self-knockback
Junkrat revs up a motorized tire bomb and sends it rolling across the battlefield, climbing over walls and obstacles. He can remotely detonate the RIP-Tire to deal serious damage to enemies caught in the blast, or just wait for it to explode on its own.
Hero profile images and information from Blizzard Entertainment's PlayOverwatch.com site.

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