Jest pizza jest sex

Jest pizza jest sex


Jest pizza jest sex
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did I actually just subject myself to pizza pizza for this
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You like pizza pizza don't lie live your truth lol
unpopular opinion but pizza pizza is good
I don’t know why, but I actually enjoy it when I order just the 1 slice. Especially at a Jays game.
But whenever I get the whole pizza, it tastes like cardboard.
I don’t know if there’s a real difference, or my mind just playing tricks on me.
Bro id just walk in there and buy the box with no pizza in it
I ordered pizza pizza and didnt get that fam
Biddy you're telling me, I bought a Raptors lighter at the gas station and I don't even smoke.
I hear ya pal, I picked up smoking so I could justify buying all the raptors lighters
Its called cardboard pizza for a reason.
Only reason I’d get pizza pizza is for the creamy garlic sauce
I will straight up grab a pizza from somewhere and stop at pizza pizza to get their garlic sauce lol
Bet dipping sauce in the biz, too bad it’s the worst pizza in the biz.
It’s ironic how pizza pizza is so big and it’s main product is so bad.
The only thing good about pizza pizza is the breaded wings with mild sauce.
Unpopular opinion, pizza pizza isn't that bad. There are tons of better places but it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
Yeah I'm not down with that. Majority of little mom n pop pizza shops are better. Dominos is better. I used to eat Pizza Pizza. It's not necessarily gross, but so many other places just do it better.
Name some worse places. I'll take grocery store frozen pizza over it.
Pizza is like sex. There is no such thing as a bad pizza. It's just some pizza is better than others.
there is such thing as bad sex, my ex girlfriend can tell you
Way to take one for the team my man!

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"Pizzagate" is a conspiracy theory that opines that Hillary Clinton, John Podesta(her former campaign chair) and many other Democrats run an underground ring to molest children. They run this Democrat underground sex ring, the story goes, out of a pizza parlor in Washington, DC.
The entire evidence from this comes into reading Podesta emails that were stolen; deciding that pizza was code for child sex; then taking every email that dealt with pizza and re-reading as if it was about child sex. Since Podesta likes pizza, the conspiracy grew quickly.
Just to add on, the pizza connection comes because the owner of the pizza joint in question is romantically involved with David Brock of Media Matters, a longtime friend and backer of the Clintons and Podestas. There's also a whole theory regarding symbols and artworks which show up in the pizza parlor, neighboring businesses bought at the same time, the pizza guy's Instagram, and the homes of both Podesta brothers. This is also tied in to child trafficking in Haiti through a woman named Linda Silsby, who was helped out of jail time for child abduction by Sec. Clinton and shows up in the e-mails repeatedly. Also a woman named Monica Petersen who was investigating the situation down there and mysteriously turned up dead. EDIT: I goofed. Laura Silsby, not Linda.
I didn't know a thing about this before reading this thread. I can see why some people would buy into this, but I think it's ultimately some unfortunate coincidences coupled with a heavy heaping of confirmation bias and fake news.
The Podesta pizza emails. The vast majority of the pizza-related emails seem to be completely innocuous. Stuff like "Buy 40 pizzas for the volunteers" or "I'll make sure to get some pizza for you next time you're over!" Certainly nothing that sounds out of the ordinary. And I wasn't able to find anything credible about the FBI revealing some secret "pizza code", so correct me if I'm wrong there.
The one email that does raise a flag is the handkerchief one. According to wikipedia the color of a handkerchief can mean some kind of code for people into BDSM. And doubly strange is that Kathryn mentions that it has a map that is pizza-related, when the realtor didn't mention anything about pizza in the previous email. On the other hand, it's not hard to imagine that Podesta drew up a map to a pizza spot for the realtor to meet them at, and it got left on a counter. Then the realtor was on the phone with Kathryn when talking about the found handkerchief and only mentioned the pizza map over the phone.
The triangle logo for Besta pizza is also an eyebrow-raising coincidence. On the other hand, you've got to expect a ton of pizza joints to use triangles for their logos, and having a spiral inside a triangle isn't a terribly strange thing to do. Especially if, like most people, you had no idea there was some nefarious meaning behind it. The fact that they changed their logo after this all blew up shouldn't be used as evidence one way or the other -- I'm sure you can imagine that if it was an innocent coincidence you'd still want to change the logo when you found out.
Other than this, there seems to be ton of junk evidence. A picture of a refrigerator room in a pizza parlor? Come on.
In the grand scheme of things, it's pretty much like any other conspiracy theory. There are a couple of weird coincidences that make you raise your eyebrows, and then you start looking at everything through that lens and fitting square pegs into round holes and ignoring contrary evidence.
Until there's some real solid evidence, I would buy the story that Podesta likes pizza and Besta Pizza made an unfortunate logo design, rather than buying that there's a Democratic underground sex trafficking ring underneath a pizza parlor in DC.
I've heard enough. This is now fact in my mind and no amount of irrefutable evidence will convince me otherwise. This is too plausible not to have happened.
I guess you didn't read his risotto recipe, it was a listed euphemism for how to have sex with animals....I'M JUST JOKING CRAZY PEOPLE please do not start a new conspiracy theory!
Man I'm late to the party but I already did a well-recieved write up when this was asked on r/nostupidquestions . I'll copy paste it. There may be more that has come to light since I wrote this, I haven't got myself updated for a week or two.
tl;dr - It's a trending conspiracy theory alleging that many high-ups in Washington D.C. are involved in a large-scale operation of child-trafficking and sexual abuse. In my opinion some compelling arguments have been made along with supporting evidence, although no real 'smoking-gun' has come to light.
It's a conspiracy theory that has surfaced regarding some very strange emails dumped by Wikileaks, among other things. What initially started it was an email sent to John Podesta, the former chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign. These emails made reference to 'a handkerchief with a map that seems pizza-related'. The strange and seemingly nonsensical language was interpreted as some kind of code for child molestation and abuse (the map being semen-stains, cheese pizza or pizza being common slang for child pornography). Art depicting child abuse has been found which shows the abuser laying on top of a child with a handkerdhief underneath, with other adults standing around watching. John Podesta also has a lot of incredibly disturbing artwork in his home, including paintings by artist Biljana Djurdjevic of children being abused and tortured, photos of young, shirtless boys, etc.
Another email sent by John Podesta reads 'do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta'? It is thought that cheese refers to young girls, and pasta to young boys. Dominos is thought to mean 'domination', or masochism. There is another that talks about Barrack Obama flying $65,000 worth of 'hotdogs and pizza' for a Superbowl party' (granted, this could easy be exactly what it sounds like at face value, but if so that is a hell of a lot of hotdogs and pizza). Basically there are a lot of emails that don't make any sense unless they are code for something else, and there are an extraordinary number of emails referring to 'pizza'.
After more digging, links were discovered to Comet Ping Pong, a pizza place in D.C. Comet Ping Pong is owned by James Alefantis, former partner of CTR founder and director David Brock. Comet Ping Pong frequently held fundraisers for Clinton's campaign, and has held fundraisers for Obama too. Some people took a look at James' instagram and found photos of young girls with their arms taped to tables, sexual imagery involving pizza, a lot of pictures of children etc. Some of it admittedly not that weird for a pizza shop, however, his friend's comments on some of these photos were quite disturbing. On the picture of the girl with her arms taped to the table was a comment that read 'New seating area / procedure for your youngest guests?', on a photo of a large, empty room with metal walls were comments reading '#killroom', '#murder' and 'just rinse it off when you're done'. There's a photo of James Alefantis himself wearing a t-shirt that reads 'J'<3 (J'aime) L'Enfants', French for I love children. A photo of someone holding a child tagged #chickenlovers. Supposedly a euphemism for 'little boy lover'. The day after the story broke, James Alefantis' instagram was made private, and when made public again a couple of days later all of these images had been removed.
One person who was found liking a lot of the posts of children and toddlers was Arun Rao, who is a DoJ Supervisor of the Southern Division office for the DoJ's District of Maryland, which borders D.C. The scope of his department includes, among other things, child pornography, conspiracy and cases of significant public corruption and fraud.
Many of the shops on the same block as Comet Ping Pong were found to have in their logos symbols which are recognized by the FBI as symbols for child pornography and attraction to children, including a spiral triangle inside a triangle for boy-lover (Besta Pizza). Besta Pizza changed their logo shortly after this story broke. Besta Pizza is owned by Andrew Kline, a man who has also worked as an attorney in the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the DoJ. He was appointed to this position by Bill Clinton.
Then, another email was found that Mary and John Podesta were CC'd into, part of which read 'Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure'. Yet another email sent by Tony Podesta, in response to John Podesta asking Tony how his trip is going, reads 'Very good. I'm seated with the kids so little wired'.
Then, alleged links were found between Hillary Clinton and Laura Silsby, who was charged with child-trafficking following the Haiti earthquake. Laura Silsby was found transporting children to the Dominican Republic under the pretense of starting an orphanage there, however on further investigation it was discovered that she had not applied for any permits to do so, and that almost all of the children were not, in fact, orphans. She, along with around 10 other people, were charged with child trafficking. At the time that these charges were going through Hillary Clinton was constantly being forwarded emails updating her on the matter, and also sent emails contacting lawyers to defend them. Silsby ended up being defended by another convicted child-trafficker. Recently a woman named Monica Petersen, who was working for the Human Trafficking Center in Haiti, was found dead under suspicious circumstances. She was investigating Hillary Clinton's relation to the child-trafficking happening there.
Silsby later became involved with MyStateUSA and was announced CFO and corporate secretary in 2011. MyStateUSA has since changed it's name to AlertSense, and as of October 2015 Silsby is the VP of Marketing there. What AlertSense do is 'offer a highly intuitive mass notification solution that simplifies alert creation & help mobilize and manage the emergency response teams.', according to their website. They're the contrator that supplies early response cell-based equipment that a few dozen states use for their Amber Alert systems (a child abduction alert system).
You might also remember the disappearance of a girl called Madeline McCann. She disappeared in Portugal while on holiday with her family from the UK. Police sketches of the suspects bear and uncanny resemblance to the two Podesta brothers. UK Police reported knowing exactly who kidnapped her, but not being able to arrest them due to international laws.
When the story broke, many websites reporting on it were shut down. A website called livingresistance reported being shut down not via DDOS, not via DMCA infringement, but with a 'deep, site-wide take down'. Other websites covering the conspiracy also reported being taken down on the day they reported. Now, r/pizzagate has also been banned.
Basically, there is no hard, damning evidence that anything shady is going down, but there are a whole lot of little hints that point to something that is not above-board. Everyone is dismissing it as a crazy conspiracy, especially here on Reddit and especially since the sub got shut down, but anyone who has actually looked at the evidence seems to be on some level convinced.
Sorry if this all seems a bit disjointed. It is the nature of an ongoing story. It's still being researched and more and more ties are coming out every day, and once the sub started gaining traction there was an influx of posts which at first glace seemed on-topic, but on further inspection had no supporting evidence and were just absolutely crazy. It seemed to me like an operation to dilute the validity of this story with typical 'tin-foil hat' rhetoric.
The investigation has moved to if you want to look into it yourself.
EDIT - If you are going to downvote me, would you care to comment on why or even better, give a better answer to OP's question?
Yo, I looked over those instagram photos and you're dangerously insane. That is all.
It seems like a glaring omission to not go over the contents of the emails. From the little I've looked into it, that was the only thing that really made it seem like something fishy might be going on.
Obviously the conspiracy as a whole as laid out by Reddit's Finest looks (and probably is) ridiculous, but the attitude of "move along, nothing to see here" strikes me as odd too.
But I haven't looked into it that much so who knows lol
Independent, alternative, uncensored and uncontrolled media is not FAKE NEWS. THE CORPORATE OWNED, CONTROLLED & CENSORED MEDIA IS THE FAKE NEWS. WAKE UP PEOPLE.
The biggest debunker for me is why a Pizza Joint? Why would presidential candidates run their illegal smuggling ring, whatever it is, through a Pizz Joint? in DC? These people have houses ad timeshares all over the world! They could go spend a weekend at their resort in France, they're not gonna play like some lowly local mafia and run their shit through a Pizza Joint. Whatever they're doing, its tucked very very far away, and not run through a front like some gang, like some organized crime. No
That's the biggest debunker? That it's a pizza place? Really? Not the fact that there's not one shred of physical evidence, there's not one victim, not one lawsuit. That the basic idea of a massive democratic conspiracy to molest and murder countless children strain is plainly INSANE on so many levels its hard to quantify....NOPE The red flag is that it's head quartered in a pizza place. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST PEOPLE!!
is it true or is it not and who's the best when it comes to talking about this bc i watch many well known political youtubers including alex jones aka info wars
the Legitimacy of Pizzagate goes to doubt because there seems to be a lot of people interested in denying it, calling it "conspiracy theory" is not taking away its legitimacy, you can say a lot people assumed a lot of things from reading the podesta emails but the FBI confirmed already that code words like "cheese pizza" and "hotdogs" are known euphemism among the pedophile rings, then you go and see podesta emails saying things like "we had a pizza for over one hour" there is no way on earth you can say this guy is talking about food, with that aside its known the podestas have some taste for naked teenagers because you can see all the pictures and paintings all over his house with vague elements of child torture, child humiliation, those are things you can piece together without needing to be accused of being a conspirator, if its real or not is not for us to decide but the authorities, what irks me and annoys me the most is seeing people like thepatman with an already standar answer ready to deny something that is not even going through investigation, it annoys me to see reddit banning that subreddit and the all around manipulated media saying how much untrue and unreal it is, how do they know? did they investigate? for me people denying this is happening are as bad as people jumping to conclusions and saying the podestas are pedos and non of both should be believed but the sad part here is nobody, no authority as far as i know is investigating, there is Sketches made by Scotland yard that show perfectly the faces of the podestas in the kidnapping case of Madeleine Mccain but it all got shutdown in the same way the media and paid redditors, paid moderatos here do to bury things down, an investigation is bad ONLY if you are guilty of something and provided that kids MIGHT be getting kill, kids MIGHT be getting raped, kids MIGHT be getting tortured some authority should come and check and people should help for that to happen intead of labeling the ones who actually want to know the truth as "conspiracy theorists" and crazy people, those are persons actually concerned, in my case im not even american, what do i care about american politics? but i keep reading and piecing things together and right now is the point where the FBI should jump and do something, investigate and see whats going on, in america people is innocent until proven guilty but the problem that i see there is there is a lot of manipulation to keep autho
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