Jessica 3000 Stories

Jessica 3000 Stories


Jessica 3000 Stories

Story: #25 - Introducing the Spartan Spitter

by KaosAngel

This site has graphic violence, sex, and death. Absolutely not for anyone under
the age of twenty one!

Story: #25
Copyright ©2005
Written: February 06 2005
A story By: KaosAngel
Proofed by: Piasa_Troll
Please send any comments about this story to ( )
Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughter’s disregarded your rules and ran out again, you wish there was some way to spit and process them without spending a fortune, flipping though TV channels at 2AM looking desperately for something interesting to watch and being bombarded by infomercials on every channel promising to sell you some revolutionary new knife, cooking machine or some dumb get rich quick starter packaged, you know they never work because you bought them all before.
While searching though the endless bombardment of infomercials you come across a new one with a man in a blue apron that says “Ronco” you think to yourself “Ok Ronco, what are you trying to sell me now?” and you sit back to watch.
The man in the blue apron identifies himself, “Hello everyone I’m Ron Popeil, have any of you ever had trouble with a nagging wife?” Ron asked, your attention drawn to the screen, you reply to the TV , “ YES !” while the whole audience also replied “ YES !” Ron continued “And do any of you have 1 or more unruly daughters that just won’t follow your rules and gets into trouble all the time?” Ron asked the audience with all of them nodding and saying “ YES !” at the same time you also say “ YES !” eye’s now glued to this wonderful man who just might have the answers to all your prayers, “Well I have here for you today a revolutionary new female processing machine that is sure to change the way you prepare and cook that special girl, that nagging wife, or those unruly daughters” Rod continued walking over to a large machine made of chrome that shined in the light.
“I call this new female processor the Spartan Spitter” he said while you and the audience looked on interested, “I promise you that the Spartan Spitter will one day replace the old Jessica 3000 machine in the female processing business, many of the meat processing plant’s are already switching to this fabulous new processor” he said as the audience clapped. “Now we will demonstrate the use for the Spartan Spitter in just a moment but first I would like to show you what you will receive with your machine” he added walking over to a large counter.
He picked up a large steel spit “This is the spit that will come with your Spartan Spitter, its a full 8 feet long and 3 inches thick, we make them thick for two reasons, thickness means strength this spit will not bend, buckle of break under any weight, the second reason is the thicker the spit the more pleasure it will give your meat-girl” Ron said as he held up the spit for all to see and placed it down on the counter “its also guaranteed to stay sharp for ever, you never have to sharpen this spit!!, we will replace it if it ever gets broken, dull or damaged even if its your fault” He added.
“What would you expect to pay for such a great machine as the Spartan Spitter?” he asked, “The Jessica 3000 is still selling for over $5000.00 dollars, but your not going to pay $5000.00 Dollars for the Spartan Spitter, your not even going to pay $4000.00, or $3000.00, what if I told you that you can take this lovely machine home for just 4 easy monthly payments of $500.00 dollars, now isn’t that amazing?” he said to the audience as he continued reached down under the counter.
“You will also get my famous cook book called, In the kitchen with Ron” he added as he picked up the 300 page book and placed it on the counter “But wait there’s more!” he said, “I know that when you get this machine home your going to want to use it right away but if you are not familiar with the female spitting process you will most likely ruin your meat-girl, I don’t want you to go home and try it on your wife, daughter, girlfriend or any special girl, until you know how to spit her properly, so if you call now and promise to help us advertise I will include in the package my easy to follow step by step female spitting instructional DVD or VHS Video and ill even send a practice meat-girl with every package sold during this special TV Offer” he said placing a DVD and VHS Video on the counter.
A woman walked onto the stage with a naked meat-girl with a leash and collar on her neck, hands bound tightly behind her back, “The meat-girl you will be provided with will come from our special state licensed meat-girl farm where we breed and raise meat-girls, your girl will be over the legal cooking age of 18, but will not be able to understand anything beyond knowledge of the machine and why she is their, they are only thought the basic operation’s of the Spartan Spitter and will be able to help you prepare the side dishes for any recipe in the cook book you will get with this package” he added as he moved over too the two girls standing before him.
“Ladies and gentlemen” Ron said as he stood just behind the two girls, “These are my lovely daughters, Anna” he said placing his right hand on the naked meat-girl, “And Joan” he added placing his left hand on the shoulder of the other girl, “Anna has agreed to demonstrate the female spitting process on the new Spartan Spitter for us today” he said as Anna tried to smile.
Going back to his counter, “You know I was just thinking to myself, Ron what is a meat-girl barbeque without the barbeque sauce, so for everyone who calls within the next 30 minutes I will include in this package, 10 gallon’s of Chef Trolloc’s Special barbeque sauce, supply is limited so don’t delay, call today” he said pulling out a 10 gallon barrel that said, “Chef Trolloc’s Special Sauce” and placed it on the counter.
Looking to the girl’s, “Well I guess its time for Anna to demonstrate for you all how to use this easy to use Spartan Spitter female spitting machine” he said as he nodded to Joan to help Anna mount the machine, Anna started to cry it was obvious she was not participating willingly Joan didn’t have to force Anna to mount the machine but everyone could see that Anna did not want to be spitted today.
Once Anna was strapped down to the Spartan Spitter in a kneeling positioned with her hands still tied tight behind her back, her breast swinging loose through the holes in the chest rest and her feet secured in there padded ankle locks Joan removed her leash and collar and then strapped her neck and chin to the chin rest, when she was done Joan slapped Anna’s ass hard causing Anna to cry out in pain.
Joan then went to get a spit, locking it into the back of the Spartan Spitter and placing the sharp tip into Anna’s pussy, “ OK dad she is ready to go” Joan called out to her father as he gave the signal to hit the kill switch, Joan hit the switch and sat down to watch the spit do its job along with their father Ron and the whole audience
The spit was moving fast through her cervix and into her uterus causing her to scream out in pain “ AAAAHHHHH !!!!!” moments later the spit was passing her heart and the audience could see a noticeable bulge in Anna’s throat as the spit came out of her mouth and stopped about 2 feet in front of her eye’s she was still alive.
“You will notice that like the spit’s used for the Jessica 3000, our spit’s also allows the meat to breath through hollow air chambers in the spit, Anna will stay alive throughout the entire roasting process” Ron said as the machine continued its work, a small retractable arm came out of the bottom of the machine and started to buzz seconds later Anna’s belly was cut open and her guts were falling down the gut slide to a waiting bucket. “The Spartan Spitter does everything for you; all you have to do is get your meat strapped in the Spartan does the rest, its even self cleaning!” Ron said as the machine now sewn up Anna’s belly while Joan inserted a hose into Anna’s anus, “With the hose in place the Spartan will now fill Anna’s belly with delicious chicken stuffing” Ron said as Anna’s belly started to bulge out making her appear 9 months pregnant.
“Its that simple” Ron said as he walked over and gave Anna a hard slap on the ass, “All you have to pay for this wonderful new machine is 4 east payments of only $500.00 dollars” Ron added as Joan pulled the anal hose out and inserted an anal spit smaller then the first, she shoved it hard up Anna’s anus causing her to scream around the spit inside her, tears rolling down her face for all to see.
“There’s more!” Ron said, “I know that most of you have big family barbeques and lots of people to feed so your all probably thinking, well Ron I need to spit 2 or 3 daughters for my big family barbeque, one spit isn’t enough for my family, well ill solve that right now, ill throw in 2 additional spit’s for that big family barbeque and the price is still only 4 Easy payments of $500.00 dollars” he said as he placed two more spit’s on the counter with the first one.
“I’m looking at the price and it still seems a bit high, so ill tell you what I’m going to do for everyone who call’s and orders my machine before the end of this program about 5 minutes from now, I’m going to take off one full payment now the price is only 3 easy monthly payments of only $500.00 dollars, where can you beat that price?” he said as a cock appeared on the screen and the audience all screamed “ NO WHERE !!”.
(Fade to credits), “The preceding program was a paid advertisement for the Spartan Spitter and was paid for by the people at Ronco”.
So your still sitting there watching huh?, are you going to call and order it?, ya I know you will that nagging wife and your unruly daughters wont like it but what do you care?, their all registered meat and above the legal cooking age of 18, you can process them anytime you want, so?, what’s stopping you?.
Welcome to rodo , an archive of erotic and violent stories that cater to a
wide range of interests including ponies, cannibalism, and snuff. There is
probably something that will offend you on this site, but many of these stories
disappeared off the Internet in the deluge of other content and the
thought they merit giving some attention.

This site has graphic violence, sex, and death. Absolutely not for anyone under
the age of twenty one!

The Machine
(Transforming girls into… )
Kristy and Alison were in the line already, and they had no idea what was going to happen. As they stood there watching, a girl walked to a machine, and within 30 seconds, she was being led out, collared and leashed. The girls in line had no idea what was happening, but there was a lot of guessing.
As the line moved forward rapidly, it soon came time for Kristy to enter a machine. As she stepped in, a gate closed behind her, and a metal probe encircled her head. The machine asked her some simple questions, then a buzzer sounded, and suddenly, Kristy found herself in a bikini, being led to the pool.
Alison was also in a machine, being questioned and scanned, but when the buzzer went off, she found herself being led to the field, with a bell around her neck.
Kristy stood at the edge of the pool, wondering what had happened, when she was pushed in from behind. As she hit the water, (it was water, she thought) she felt her body begin to change. Her legs seemed to fuse into one limb, and her feet transformed into a tail. Within moments, she was breathing underwater and swimming. Kristy was nervous, because she knew she had always been fascinated with mermaids, but never dreamed of actually becoming one.
Kristy and the other mermaids swam around, trying to get used to their new lives. They didn’t know it yet, but their transformation wasn’t going to allow them to last long when the mall opened for real.
As the 15 mermaids in the tank swam around, they waited, wondering what was going to happen. After the hour was up, there were 20 mermaids in the tank, and then they heard a sound like shouting, and suddenly, nets and hooks were entering the water. The mermaids swam madly in different directions, but already 5 were captured.
Kristy was on the bottom, with 2 other mermaids. They watched as the other mermaids were slowly but methodically captured. By 2:00 Pm, only Kristy and one other mermaid were in the tank. Kristy was really hungry now, not having anything to eat. Suddenly, she noticed a slice of pizza in the water, and swam out to eat it. As she closed her mouth around the slice, something tugged at her, and suddenly, a net was spinning up around her. She struggled with all her strength, but the net held fast and she found herself rising to the surface.
As she was landed on the side of the pool, she noticed the other mermaid girls hanging by their tails, with hooks coming out their fins. She screamed as a hook was passed into her tail. She was raised up and soon was hanging next to the other mermaids. As she watched, a man came down the line, feeling each mermaid’s crotch and breasts, causing the girl to squirm.
As the man passed, another came down the line. Kristy couldn’t see what happened, but each time he stopped, the girl he was with started to quiver and shake violently, then stop and remain still. The man continued down the line, till he was in front of Kristy. Kristy finally saw he was holding a knife in his hands, and she started to shake. The man placed the knife to her throat, and SWICH , the blade sliced her, spilling blood all on the deck of the pool.
Alison joined with some of the other cowgirls in the field, and waited and watched. As the line at the mall shrank, Alison watched as girls joined the other areas, but she did not see Kristy again.
As the last girl entered the cages at the end, the machines doing the sorting disappeared, and then Alison saw men coming into the mall, carrying many tools. Some went to the pool, and started fishing.
Other men approached the field where the cowgirls were, and Alison got nervous.
As she watched, the men and some women entered, and pulled out cords and began to tie lassos and loops, making what turned out to be preparations for capturing the cowgirls.
Alison watched as the men circled one cowgirl, and quickly tied her up, and left her wiggling on the ground, while they prepared to get another cowgirl.
Alison and the others started to panic and flee, but one by one, each of the cowgirls was captured and tied. Then the men and some of the older women did something the cowgirls couldn’t believe. They were going to brand the cowgirls.
Alison and the others were tied with their asses exposed; arms and legs tied together, and very soon, the men began applying the brands to the exposed cowgirl flesh.
Alison screamed as the brand was placed on her, but the magic in the field made her screams sound like the mooing of a cow.
As the men finished the brands, they carried the cowgirls into a barn, and strung them up by their ankles.
Alison and the other cowgirls didn’t last long once they were strung up. A man came around and slit their bellies open, removing their internal organs. Other men then came forward to help with the gutting and cleaning. As the men worked, the cowgirls moo’ed their final cries, and died.
Their meat was then cleaned out and taken to the local market, where the individual pieces were sold to waiting customers.
Oh, a transformation story, very nice. I like transformation, hell any type of magic-type of spell, when it comes to stories. It adds a wonderful flavor to the things.
Yeah, I’m really glad she posted this one. Sarah is a good writer.
Welcome to rodo , an archive of erotic and violent stories that cater to a
wide range of interests including ponies, cannibalism, and snuff. There is
probably something that will offend you on this site, but many of these stories
disappeared off the Internet in the deluge of other content and the
thought they merit giving some attention.

Perilous Resort..

“This room is the final stop on the Resort’s restaurant kitchen’s tour and for many of our honored guests the pinnacle of
the tour, this is the kitchen’s infamous live spit roasting area.”

Natalie felt herself trembling with a delightfully arousing sensation of pure unadulterated terror as she thought about
all the women who spent the final hours of their lives as nothing more than meat slowly rotating on the spit over the glowing coals of the fire.

“First envisioned in the artwork of the late twentieth century artist turned entrepreneur known today only as Dolcett, this
Jessica-3000-F is the only remaining J-3000 system known to exist. The F series was the last version of the J-3000 produced
and Dolcett’s final attempt to produce a reliable and fully automated spitting system before his death. Sadly, while the
J-3000-F did significantly improve the live spitting survival rate, even with the best technology of the era the J-3000-F never
achieved Dolcett’s dream of a completely reliable live spitting system. And while the J-3000-F series is considered the best of
the Jessica-3000 product line even with all its advances only 3 out of the 4 women who mounted the J-3000-F survived long enough
to actually roast alive.”

Turning to the Chef giving the tour Natalie asked, “How did the Resort come to possess the only remaining J-3000-F series system?”

“Excellent question Natalie, as it turns out this particular J-3000 has quite a colorful history. Dolcett only produced six of
these improved Jessica-3000 F series systems before his death, this particular J-3000 was acquired by a business consortium operating
an ‘exclusive adult entertainment’ complex near Budapest, a place best known today as the inspiration for all those early twenty-first
century ‘Hostel’ style horror movies. Sadly for the consortium the business environment gradually became more hostile to their kind
of ‘adult entertainment’ after Romania joined the European Union in 2007 and the consortium completely ceased operations by 2017. The
Resort purchased this Jessica-3000-F series from the consortium in early 2018.”

Staring at the J-3000 Natalie felt her heartbeat quicken as she asked, “Is the J-3000 still in use here in the Resort’s kitchens?”

“Sadly, I’m sorry to say it’s no longer in use, Natalie. While it was used here in the Resort’s kitchens for a number of years after we
first acquired it the Jessica-3000-F turned out to be a disappointment, so few women survived the spitting process that the J-3000 was
quickly retired in favor of a newer more reliable system developed by one of our subsidiaries, the Jessica-5000.”

“Introduced in 2024 the Jessica-5000 system has revolutionized the art of live spitting with a survival rate of over 90%, over the decades

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